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Blogs and Blurbs

default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green June 24, 2010All disease comes from dysfunctional emotions (from Pleiadian teachings) and…
default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green June 21, 2010So many people think "If there are extra-terrestrials why don't they just land…
default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green June 19, 2010Let's start with the basics or the foundation of good health. This information…
default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green June 18, 2010What is the topic? The topic is Monatomic elements. What are monatomic elements…
default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green June 16, 2010If you need some physical proof about the power of belief, how about what is…
default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green June 14, 2010In this message I want to share with you a concept that if you want the real…
default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green June 8, 2010First I would like to pass on a theory of creation from the extra-terrestrial,…
default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green June 2, 2010Hello and Hari Om! A special thanks to all those who have taken the time to…
default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green June 1, 2010The title of this post comes originally from Bashar. If you don't know about…
default_imageBlog Entry, Charles Green May 30, 2010The entire universe was created with unconditional love. This unconditional…