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Blogs and Blurbs

default_imageBlog Entry, Janet Barrett February 4, 2015 What a great week it was. In group we explored…
default_imageBlog Entry, Janet Barrett January 27, 2015 Hello All,   We have been exploring identity in group. How current…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb January 23, 2015Power Games ©2015 Joan Newcomb I've been playing with energy with a renewed…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb January 23, 2015Involution and Evolution (c)2015 Joan M Newcomb What direction are you headed?…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb January 23, 2015Holding Conflicting Viewpoints ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb Recently I read an account…
default_imageBlog Entry, Janet Barrett January 22, 2015 Hello All, As our inner terrains shift about, it is sometimes hard and…
default_imageBlog Entry, Janet Barrett January 13, 2015 Hello All,   In this new year so far the theme in the body is the…
default_imageBlog Entry, Janet Barrett January 7, 2015 Happy New Year! Happy 2015!   I unexpectedly found myself sitting in…
default_imageBlog Entry, Janet Barrett December 30, 2014Hello All,   It has been another year. Wow. It was different from the year…
default_imageBlog Entry, Joan Newcomb December 30, 2014 Today I facilitated The Transformation Game™  as a workshop…