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I almost typed 2016. And I left out "anchoring into". For the last couple months, I've been planning a trip to Europe.


I almost typed 2016.  And I left out "anchoring into".


For the last couple months, I've been planning a trip to Europe.  I told my mother, years ago, that I'd take her ashes to every place she'd lived.  As a Geographer, the idea struck her fancy.


It's been a multilayered project.  My husband and I are going to the countries we lived in, and also visiting my son who lives in Spain.  Thank God for Google Chrome automatically translating web pages!


I've had to find all the addresses of our old houses, figure out how to use public transport to get to them, and find accommodations that will fit my 6'6" spouse. Not too many places in Europe have king sized beds.


This process started intellectually, but at some point shifted.

View of Denmark from the International Space Station


As Consciousness, we go to wherever we think about.  You may notice how hard it is to pack to go on vacation, because as Consciousness, you are already there!


It's been disorienting working on this trip, because I'll be in Madrid, Berlin, London and Sweden all in one afternoon.  And later on, cooking dinner, I'll notice aspects of myself in other places.


I'm curious to see whether I'm previewing the trip, if I'll experience deja vus from this time now.  My sleep patterns been disrupted more than usual, because part of me is 9 hours ahead.


I tracking my son, who's anticipating our arrival, and I'll also tune into AirBnB owners responding to my inquiries.  Those things are happening now, in real time.


But I'll also get glimpses, feeling whifts, of other things not in this present moment.  I'm sensing the flygbusse trip from Skavsta to Stockholm.  I'm feeling bright daylight outside of Hammersmith tube stop.  I see my son crossing the street in Zehlendorf.


Both my parents waft through my space.  I only have my mothers ashes, but my father lived for travel, and is actively overseeing this journey as well.


And, very unlike me, I've shared with my siblings what I'm doing.  It's sparked their memories of growing up in places before I was born (or places after I left home), and also triggered their grief at our parents' passing.


Throughout this process, the veils of time and space have become thinner and thinner.  I've started to sense myself at different ages in the future.


I think what's happening to me isn't unique.  I think we're all experiencing heightened sensitivity.  We've collectively moved to a new level of evolution.


How is it showing up in your storyline?  What is different about your experience in life?  What do you notice as you go about your day?


I didn't title this post "Anchoring Into Time And Space" because if I did ground with my old technique, I would lose this multidimensional feeling.  I would be like going back to black and white from color, or dialup from wifi.


The body needs to be grounded, and as Consciousness I can anchor into my body, but something new is needed.  Or maybe my techniques just need an upgrade.


Notice if you need to try something different.  Maybe you need to change your form of meditation or exercise.  Maybe you need to make up your own way of doing things?


We've evolved to a greater level of awareness, which translates to a greater responsibility for being in form.  That may look like taking more ownership of, or authority over, your life.  Or it may be having more permission to be creative, think outside the box, do things differently.


Acknowledge what you're noticing, and validate yourself.  You've come a long way.  These are exciting times, with great possibilities.  What door are you going to step through today?