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Blogs and Blurbs

default_imageBlog Entry, DrVikke August 21, 2015So many of us constantly have positive affirmations pasted on our refrigerator…
default_imageBlog Entry, DrVikke August 13, 2015There are many laws that we operate under or by.  The laws of nature or…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb August 8, 2015Have you ever felt like you didn't belong, or were just "faking it until you…
default_imageBlog Entry, DrVikke July 30, 2015We have three parts of us....subconcious, super concious and our conscious.…
A Sense of Conscience Blog Entry, Mike Kim July 29, 2015The People Speak has been going on for several years now, and I think its…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb July 25, 2015Nobody's Ascending Anywhere ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb One of my readers asked me…
default_imageBlog Entry, DrVikke July 25, 2015Genevieve Vierling has been a practicing professional astrologer for 40 years.…
Janet and Beyond Blog Entry, Janet Barrett July 22, 2015 Hello All,   I just spent a week in Southern California …
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb July 21, 2015God Has No Personality ©2015 Joan M Newcomb   I try to talk about…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb July 11, 2015Why Fire Your Spirit Guides?!? ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb   Much has been…