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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Gina Anne Gardiner January 08, 2020
No1 International Bestselling Author Motivational Speaker

Gina Gardiner is a No1 International Bestselling Author, Motivational Speaker, Empowerment and Relationship Coach, and Transformational Leadership Trainer with well over 30 years of experience helping people experience happiness, success and fulfillment. She’s the founder of the Thrive Together Tribe membership and personal and spiritual development program and The Enlightened Leadership Program.

Gina has learned to walk twice as an adult. For over 20 years, she ran her award-winning school, for the most part from a wheelchair.  The gift of this experience was the development of a unique approach to life and the development of transformational leadership.  

Gina's journey has not been an easy one. She became the youngest Deputy Head Teacher (Deputy Principal) of the largest school in the district, at age twenty-nine in September 1982. She had a serious ski accident in February 1983 when she fell between 150 and 200 feet down a black run when the mogul she was sitting on gave way.  Gina then became the Head Teacher of the school 7 months later when the Head died suddenly in his sleep. Gina became the Head (Principal) and ran the school for twenty-one years --mostly from a wheelchair.

Necessity is the mother of invention. The greatest gift of her disability was the creation of a very different approach to helping people step into their genuine power.  This facilitated a unique and highly effective leadership program, based on mutual respect and people taking radical responsibility for their performance and shared responsibility for the success of the school.  

The strategies were successful, and the success was sustained was demonstrated as the school won several accolades including being on Her Majesties’ Inspectorate’s (HMI) ‘Best 100 Schools (In England,)’ list, twice during my leadership.

Work was great pain control, Gina became very good at switching her body off whilst she was working but it was taking its toll. Gina left Headship in 2004 because her health was deteriorating but, she was not ready to sit at home and be limited by her health.  

Gina reinvented her professional life and published her first two books (Manage Your Staff More Effectively and Kick Start Your Career) to give herself credibility in the business world and expanded her coaching skills. She became an NLP Master Practitioner and coach.


Over the years it has become very clear when working with individuals, couples, teams or whole organizations that the vast majority of challenges or issues fall into one of five categories: beliefs, particularly self-belief, love and relationships, achieving and sustaining success, managing change and transition and finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment.  


These are represented by the five secret pathways in her latest book, ‘Thriving Not Surviving – The Five Secret Pathways To Happiness, Success, and Fulfilment.’ In the book, Gina shares the principles and lots of practical strategies which have helped her and clients achieve greater happiness, success, and fulfilment.  These act as an SAT NAV to help people navigate the challenges of life.  


"I believe that disability is a metaphor for life. Limiting beliefs: I’m not worthy, not clever enough, too old, too poor, not beautiful enough, etc. keep people stuck.  I may have challenges with my mobility but I have the capacity to wheel away (usually at high speed) in my wheelchair.  I have learned that it is not the challenges that define us but what we do with them. Focussing on what I can do rather than what I can’t and challenging those beliefs which have the capacity to limit have made a tremendous difference to the quality of my life."

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Michael Telstarr Martel January 13, 2020
Supernatural Entertainment Paranormalist Remote Viewer

Supernatural Entertainment, Paranormalist, and Remote Viewer.

To Go Where No Mind Has Gone Before with Michael Telstarr! Michael Telstarr is a Master Remote Viewer, and holds 7 World Records in Escapology. Learn to Remote View and Become the Ultimate Psychic Detective! Find lost objects, locate treasure, and missing persons.

Master of Mentalism, Michael Telstarr is MAKING A SPECIAL APPEARANCE at the MEGA UFO CONFERENCE, FEBRUARY 15th -22nd at the Aquarius Resort in Laughlin Nevada. Join him as he amazes you with his entertaining demos to bend metal, levitate objects, and so much more!

Michael Telstarr is available for events and seminars on remote viewing, out of body adventures, and lucid dreaming. Connect with Michael Telstarr at 437-234-7713

Michael Telstarr is a Master Remote Viewer, Master of Mentalism, and holds 7 World Records in Escapology. He is the youngest person to perform "Houdini's Water Cell Torture Escape" at the age of seventeen. He strongly  believes in mind over matter, and the belief we are more than our physical selves. Michael was an escape artist under the name "Scott Free" in his early years performing. He has done upside-down straight-jacket escapes in public, sometimes hanging 90 feet in mid-air in public places such as the Exhibition in Toronto and over Lake Ontario! David Blaine and others has led him to perform some incredible feats.

Michael was an escape artist for 17 years, and has a unique background. Michael was mistreated badly by his father, so he learned to not only perform actual HOUDINI like escapes, but he was also having many obe's, and psychic experiences at fourteen.

Michael has done over 1500 lectures and seminars on Out of Body Adventures, Secrets of Remote Viewing, and Lucid Dreaming. In addition, interviewed over 20,000 people during his tenure with the Psychic Show, CIRCUIT.IN. Not to mention...hundreds of newspaper clippings, and interviews from various magazines. Michael has over four decades of experience as a psychic entertainer and reader.

Michael continues to dazzle people in his private shows and public appearances as a Master of Mentalism. See him bend spoons and keys, guess your underwear color, or see his ability to light up light bulbs at will or levitate objects and move objects. He refers to himself as being a humorist mentalist, not a mental humorist.

Know the Name Know the Answers Guest, Mitchell Scott Lewis December 19, 2019
professional astrologer

Mitchell Scott Lewis has been a professional astrologer in New York City for more than three decades, specializing in financial astrology and medical chart interpretation as well as relationships, elective astrology & life direction. Throughout the 90’s he worked on the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange and became well-known as an astrological trader and market analyst. Since 2011 Mitchell has been a regular guest on Coast to Coast where he discusses the economy, politics and the future of our society.

Mitchell works with natal charts, transits, solar arc direction, secondary progressions and composite charts.As a result, his international astrology clientele include leading financiers, as well as health professionals, renowned entertainment industry figures, and people from all walks of life. He’s been quoted in Barron’s, the New York Daily News, and many other publications.

In "Living By Starlight," his ongoing monthly newsletter, as well as in lectures and numerous appearances on national television and radio, he has accurately predicted a number of world events, including the rise of oil prices, the collapse of the housing market, and the ‘08 stock market crash, which he precisely foretold within days of its occurrence more than a year in advance. He also correctly predicted the last four presidential elections.

He is the author of the Starlight Detective Agency mystery series, which highlights protagonist astrologer/detective David Lowell and features New York City as a backdrop. The books have developed a cult following among savvy mystery buffs, and the third novel in the series, Evil in the 1st House,was recently published.

The Kathy Lee Parker Show Guest, Caden Banker Morgan December 18, 2019

Caden Banker Morgan is a 14-year-old inspirational singer, songwriter, and actor.  Caden started singing at age 3 with the release of a Christmas CD “Caden Comes to Town.”  Caden couldn’t read yet so he had to memorize all the words to the songs!

Caden’s first original music video “Healing Helps (anti-bullying pop anthem)” filmed with a cast of 30 classmates and friends was released in Feb 2019 and has eclipsed 56,000 views on YouTube. 

For the Thanksgiving holiday this year Caden released his first Christian song — the Classic hymn “Did You Think to Pray?” Which has over 25,000 views on YouTube.

Caden enjoys live singing performances having sung the National Anthem in front of 19,000 at the L. A. Clippers game, as well at his high high school promotion in front of 5,000 people.

Caden was in the Musical “Oliver” and sang “Stand By Me” at the S.A.C.K. “Kindness” Conference in front of 4,000 kids and adults in two separate performances.

This holiday season Caden performed as part of a Christian ministry in front of 160 inmates at the Norco Men’s Correctional Facility.  He sang two solos and got a standing ovation from the inmates.  It was the first time a minor was allowed into the prison for any type of performance.

On January 1st 2020 Caden is releasing a fun pop song with a creative music video “Dancing On the Clouds.”

The Sports Doctor Guest, Joe Staub December 18, 2019
Former Strength Coach & Director of Business at Strive Wearable Technologies for Athletes

Joe Staub began his journey like most in the sports business, he was a former athlete but wasn't going to advance to become a professional, so he moved into coaching. Staub competed in the decathlon as a multieventer in Track and Field at the University of Connecticut while also completing his undergrad and first Master's degree with some of the top kinesiology professors in the world. Staub found himself falling into strength and conditioning right away, he'd always had a passion for training and enjoyed understanding how to improve. Staub worked his way up from intern to GA, to eventually getting his first full-time job at the University of Kansas, eventually leaving Kansas to become the Director of Strength & Conditioning at Hofstra University a small D1 school in Long island. While at Hofstra, he taught as an Adjunct in the Sport Science program, finished his MBA and received additional certifications in human resources, strategic planning, and management.

Eventually Staub stepped out of coaching and moved into working with nutrition products and now into the Sport / athlete monitoring division of athletics. It was a perfect move for him that allowed him to use his network while being customer facing in addition to helping internal operations.

Staub joined Strive after meeting with the co-founders at a conference in 2018 and was immediately blown away. Every school Staub had worked at they created a paradigm integrating the academic research side and the sport performance side in athletics, so being very familiar with all the different technologies in addition to having used every major technology in the Athletics world right now, when he saw the combination of things that Strive was doing he was impressed and decided to join the team.

Today Staub serves as the main contact for teams and athletic programs currently working with Strive as well as prospective clients. He is hands on with clients, onsite for demos, installation as well as any testing or management that needs to be done.

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