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Guest Name
Mitchell Scott Lewis
Mitchell Scott Lewis
Guest Occupation
professional astrologer
Guest Biography

Mitchell Scott Lewis has been a professional astrologer in New York City for more than three decades, specializing in financial astrology and medical chart interpretation as well as relationships, elective astrology & life direction. Throughout the 90’s he worked on the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange and became well-known as an astrological trader and market analyst. Since 2011 Mitchell has been a regular guest on Coast to Coast where he discusses the economy, politics and the future of our society.

Mitchell works with natal charts, transits, solar arc direction, secondary progressions and composite charts.As a result, his international astrology clientele include leading financiers, as well as health professionals, renowned entertainment industry figures, and people from all walks of life. He’s been quoted in Barron’s, the New York Daily News, and many other publications.

In "Living By Starlight," his ongoing monthly newsletter, as well as in lectures and numerous appearances on national television and radio, he has accurately predicted a number of world events, including the rise of oil prices, the collapse of the housing market, and the ‘08 stock market crash, which he precisely foretold within days of its occurrence more than a year in advance. He also correctly predicted the last four presidential elections.

He is the author of the Starlight Detective Agency mystery series, which highlights protagonist astrologer/detective David Lowell and features New York City as a backdrop. The books have developed a cult following among savvy mystery buffs, and the third novel in the series, Evil in the 1st House,was recently published.