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Gratitude! It seems to be a major part to help cure what aleâs yaâ¦.in terms of helping you feel happier that is. Itâs well documented that giving gratitude raises your happiness level, brings you out of the mental dumps and can even be utilized to help you get what you want out of life, and much more.

What’s All The Fuss About Gratitude?

Gratitude! It seems to be a major part to help cure what ale’s ya….in terms of helping you feel happier that is. It’s well documented that giving gratitude raises your happiness level, brings you out of the mental dumps and can even be utilized to help you get what you want out of life, and much more.

According to Forbes Magazine, 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Gratitude That Will Motivate You To Give Thanks Year-Round, Gratitude helps you win and keep friends, improves mental and physical health, help you sleep better, lowers anger and increases your mental strength. This should be enough to keep you giving thanks through each and every day. But do we?

The Greater Good reported from the National Survey on Gratitude that Americans are very grateful but do not express that gratitude as much as they should. That’s why many Americans actually think it’s declining. We think and feel it but we don’t say it.

Now we have to wonder why we don’t say it. Are we too busy with our lives, not paying attention or just oblivious to all of it? Whatever the reason, the question must be posed; should I show how grateful I really am and put it out for everyone to see? It seems so easy to me, but will we do it? Is it time to thank more people who deserve it? Should we add just 2 more minutes to our day to take life a bit slower so we can stop and appreciate something or someone? Can we smile and nod at those we pass by or take a minute to notice beauty right in front of us?

These are not my questions to answer, they are yours. I don’t know about you but it seems a no-brainer to me. Who doesn’t want to obtain or enhance mental and physical health benefits or just feel happier with their lives?