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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Judd Dunning January 19, 2022
Conservative writer, comedian, producer, and the host of Conservatively Unplugged with Judd Dunning

Judd is a Conservative writer, comedian, producer, and the host of the comedic late-night political news podcast/tv show/youtube channel “Conservatively Unplugged with Judd Dunning (with Canadian American co-host Adam Richmond!). Judd’s passionate self-effacing, politically incorrect right show reports far too unfiltered on “American Everyman News” with comedy and intelligent pro-Trump Conservative commentary weekly. Prior host of last year’s Politicon panel “Right-Wing Comedy in These Trumptastic Times” and star of TV Pilot “CU News! goes to Politicon”, Judd is soon to publish his new book with co-author and comedian Eric Golub titled “Thirteen Reasons Why…NOT to Be a Liberal” and he is also moderating a celebrity podcast/panel at Politicon 2018 by the same name this year Sunday at 11 am in K Street Lobby. Judd can be seen on stage and as a Conservative Political TV Correspondent and also remains in a long mid-life crisis yet absolutely stoked on America. #MAGA #walkaway #Trump

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Ron Hanks January 19, 2022
Colorado State Representative


Serving Our Country

  • Combat veteran - Ron served in the military throughout the world and across the United States.  He purchased land in Colorado in 2007 with the intent to retire and explore the Mountain West from the center of it all.  Out-of-control government forced him back into public service.

  • Ron retired from the U.S. Air Force at the end of 2017 after more than 32 years of active and reserve service, serving as an enlisted man and as a commissioned officer.  He worked as a linguist in Desert Storm and during multiple operations, including Northern Watch, Southern Watch, and Earnest Will.  During the Global War on Terror, Ron served as an intelligence officer, performing duties in Iraq, Kuwait, and United Arab Emirates.

  • Ron served in several other capacities during his career, to include as a treaty escort for foreign inspectors from Russia and other countries, as a counterdrug officer in Kazakhstan working to stop the flow of drugs out of Afghanistan that funded the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and as a badged, credentialed counterintelligence agent.

    When not deployed or in uniform, Ron worked in the oilfields of North Dakota, witnessing first-hand the benefits of American energy independence, the merits of hydraulic fracturing, and the spirit and know-how of blue-collar America.

Passion for Public Service

  • His passion for public service began in the mid-1970’s as he listened to Ronald Reagan articulate the differences between conservative and leftist policies.  Just like Reagan, Ron Hanks understands that at all levels, government is too big and spends too much, and that protecting personal liberty should be the main goal of any elected official.

  • Now a Colorado State Representative, Ron continues his life-long dedication to serving others, based on Reagan’s conservative principles, and motivated by the Democrat Party’s dangerous attempt to move our state and country towards the disastrous and failed models of socialism. Good people must stand up to stop the out-of-control liberalism that we are getting from Denver and Washington, D.C..

  • Recognized as one of our best conservative representatives in the Colorado House, Ron Hanks knows that he works for you. Your liberties must reign supreme - NOT the government’s powers.

Serving Our Community

  • Ron devoutly believes in our Bill of Rights and is an ardent, no-compromise defender of the 2nd Amendment.

  • Without The People’s full trust and confidence in the validity of our elections, all public policy decisions are irrelevant because they do not have ‘the consent of the governed.’  Secure, open, and fair elections must be the backbone of our elections if our country is to survive.

  • A strong social and fiscal conservative with a respectful live-and-let-live attitude toward others, Ron Hanks will keep fighting to protect Colorado taxpayers, grow our small businesses, and support and defend every law-abiding citizens’ God-given right to life, liberty, and property.

Dare To Dream Guest, SARAH BRESKMAN COSME January 20, 2022
Author, Hypnotist, QHHT Level 3 Practitioner, Speaker

Sarah Breskman Cosme is the best-selling author of A Hypnotist’s Journey to Atlantis and the author of A Hypnotist’s Journey to the Secrets of the Sphinx. Sarah is a Master Hypnotist, a Level 3 practitioner of Dolores Cannon’s QHHT, and a student of Dr. Brian Weiss. Now featured on Gaia TV, Sarah continues to speak about her work worldwide.

Sarah earned her bachelors in Psychology at Northeastern University in Boston MA. After graduation she worked as a counselor in a half way house for the mentally ill. "I saw first hand how the conventional treatment for the mentally ill with medication and talk therapy was not always effective, and I wished that there was something more that I could offer my clients." As a result Sarah pursed Hypnotherapy, a therapy which uses the subconscious mind to change limiting beliefs and unwanted behavior.

Sarah became a Master Hypnotist in 2009 after which she trained with Dr. Brian Weiss to be a certified Past life Regressionist. From there Sarah went on to train with Dolores Cannon’s daughter, Julia Cannon, learning her specialized method called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. After many years of dedication and receiving the coveted level 3 practitioner status, Sarah now assists in teaching with Dolores Cannon’s daughter Julia all over the world. She has assisted in Egypt, Mt. Shasta, Peru, as well as Miami. Sarah has been practicing hypnosis and the "healing arts" for over 12 years.

"I have always been passionate about helping others develop tools that allow them to overcome their difficulties. We are all connected, and by helping one person, we help all people."

Responder Resilience Guest, 911 Emergency Dispatcher Craig Tinneny and 31 year veteran Senior Operator Catharine DVileskis January 19, 2022
911 Emergency Dispatcher and Senior Operator, Experts in Dispatcher Mental Health and Peer Support

Craig Tinneny was an Army infantry veteran and is a 12 year 911 Emergency Dispatcher in the Philadelphia metro area. Craig was featured along with other first responder stories, in an Interview about dispatcher stress/burnout from OC87 as part of the Beneath The Vest Series. He is a leader in his department with peer support and mental health for call takers and dispatcher.

Catharine D'Vileskis  is a 31 year veteran Senior Operator at the Watertown, CT police department, where she dispatches police and fire. Catharine also dispatches Part time at Naugatuck, CT PD, and has worked at numerous other PDs in the area over the last 30 years. She is trainer and an advocate for mental health and peer support. She is an active Volunteer with Donate Life CT and New England Donor Services, raising awareness about Organ and Tissue Donation.

Shadow Politics Guest, Tom Davis January 16, 2022
Attorney and former Congressman

Tom Davis is a Washington, D.C., attorney who focuses his practice on handling a variety of congressional and regulatory affairs, including congressional investigations, land use and legislative strategy.

Mr. Davis served 14 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing the 11th Congressional District of Virginia. He served as chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform from 2003 to 2007, where he led a number of high-profile investigations. In addition, Mr. Davis was elected chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee and served in that role from 1999 to 2002. When he joined Congress, Mr. Davis was the first freshman representative in 50 years to hold a subcommittee chairmanship, taking the gavel of the Subcommittee on the District of Columbia.

While in Congress, Mr. Davis was a chief author of more than 100 pieces of legislation that became law, including the Services Acquisition Reform Act (SARA), Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), D.C. "Control Board" Act, District of Columbia College Access Program, D.C. Revitalization Act, Federal Acquisition Reform Act (FARA), National Capital Transportation Amendments Act (Washington Metro Authorization), Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and the Y2K Act (tort reform). He also presided over 150 hearings and investigations culminating in reports which included Hurricane Katrina, steroid use in professional baseball and contracting in Iraq.

Mr. Davis also served as a supervisor on the Fairfax County (Va.) Board of Supervisors from 1980 to 1994, and as the board chairman from 1991 to 1994.

Prior to joining Holland & Knight, Mr. Davis was managing director of the Government Relations Office at Deloitte, where he advised the consulting side of the firm and its clients in its efforts to develop business with governmental clients. Mr. Davis also served 14 years as general counsel for a publicly held professional services firm in McLean, Va., a publicly held professional services firm, up until his election to Congress.

Mr. Davis has served as a director on the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) where, as vice chairman, he oversaw the construction on Phase I of Metrorail to Dulles Airport and helped procure the funding agreement for Phase II.  He currently serves as Rector (chairman of the Board of Visitors) at George Mason University, where he is also a distinguished professor of Public Policy at the Schar School of Policy and Government.

Mr. Davis also has authored numerous thought pieces in The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and The Hill on the workings of Congress and other governmental issues. He also has appeared as a commentator on various television news and entertainment programs, including "Meet the Press," "Fox News Sunday Show" (power player of the week), MSNBC, CNN and the "Bill Maher Show."

In addition, Mr. Davis is a frequent speaker to trade associations, academia and corporations on the workings of Congress and the political environment, and he has traveled to various countries to speak to heads of state about the workings of democracy.

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