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Whilst we used to have a “cable” TV subscription for hundreds of dollars per month, we can now access streaming,  on-demand video tv services such as Netflix a tenth of the cost. Many people are using mobile platforms and the latest research would suggest that this will only increase into the future.

We blame others or ourselves, depending on the situation but blaming does no good whatsoever. It’s a waste of energy and keeps us focused on the problem, not the solution. Notice when you feel you want to blame or self-judge and come back to how you can solve the problem instead.


Advantages of Streaming Media

Clear Sound and Picture

But when she opened her business, she had trouble getting any traction. She’d talk to potential clients but she couldn’t seem to get the sale. She wanted to appear on podcasts and work as a speaker to bring more exposure to her business but she kept getting turned down and she couldn’t figure out why.

But when she opened her business, she had trouble getting any traction. She’d talk to potential clients but she couldn’t seem to get the sale. She wanted to appear on podcasts and work as a speaker to bring more exposure to her business but she kept getting turned down and she couldn’t figure out why.

From Kevin Annett and his Family: The Light that Never Dies

People ask me how I am doing these days, as I face imminent arrest and imprisonment. My answer comes not only from my own heart but from the courage and example of many souls in whose great river I flow:

My Huguenot Protestant ancestors in 16th century France, evading the hired killers of the Medicis and the Vatican, meeting in small rooms or forest glens to worship Christ alone against the idolatry of Rome;

This definition should echo throughout the halls of justice in every state and territory across the US and around the world! It will set the record straight on consent in all crimes, place responsibility for sexual assault, rape, and sex trafficking on the shoulders of the offender, and prevent the victim-blaming concepts that have been ingrained in our sexual assault laws for centuries.

Why is this important to you even if you’re not a New Yorker?

And it happened.

I was once in your shoes before I ventured into radio broadcasting,

Wanting to do something in my life, and becoming the voice that truly is me.

Now, as an established radio and TV broadcaster, this is the thing I always wanted.

I am Toni Lontis, your radio broadcaster, and this is my life!

Have you ever thought about radio broadcasting or starting a podcast? Tell me in the comments!


#toniTV #radiotoni #midlifebroadcaster