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From Kevin Annett and his Family: The Light that Never Dies

From Kevin Annett and his Family: The Light that Never Dies

People ask me how I am doing these days, as I face imminent arrest and imprisonment. My answer comes not only from my own heart but from the courage and example of many souls in whose great river I flow:

My Huguenot Protestant ancestors in 16th century France, evading the hired killers of the Medicis and the Vatican, meeting in small rooms or forest glens to worship Christ alone against the idolatry of Rome;

Their descendent Peter Annett of London, free thinker and public critic of religion and the British crown in the mid 18th century, bravely posting his Free Enquirer broadsheets by night as the Bishop’s thugs hunted him through the streets of Shoreditch, finally caught and imprisoned at age 70 yet unbroken in his defiance to the end;

My great-great-great-great grandfather Captain Robert Annett of the Welsh Fusiliers, who stubbornly commanded a beleaguered British infantry square against the annihilating wave of Napoleon’s heavy cavalry at Waterloo as his men fell on all sides;

His son, my great-great-great grandfather Philip Annett, the Ontario farmer who with a handful of other patriots joined the rising of 1837 and like me fought for a free Republic against the criminal conspiracy called the Crown, and paid up personally;

My grandfather Ross Annett, who as a boy soldier survived three years of slaughter on the Somme and Vimy Ridge and although wounded twice refused a military pension because he knew more badly wounded veterans needed it more than he;

His son, my uncle Sub-Lieutenant Robert Annett who I never knew, who died giving his life jacket to a drowning shipmate after their destroyer HMCS Athabaskan was torpedoed in the English Channel on April 29, 1944;

My own father William Annett, struggling with illness at age 92 to stand with me and raise a din of protest against the assaults leveled at me by treasonous Canadian politicians and their foreign puppet masters.

Surrounded by such an army of warriors and free spirits, awash in this family tradition that strengthens and sustains me during these terrible times, how can I fear what is to come? All those whose genes I carry are with me at this moment more fully than anyone around me because all that they were and fought for is culminating now in this battle in which I contend. And in the sudden palpable presence of my ancestors, I have discovered that they have never left me. I am the embodiment of their own undaunted freedom and courage, incarnated again to stand as one soul against the most monstrous global tyranny ever known. 

And in this ultimate battle for the liberty of our people, I know that I will not fail that soul.

Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice

April 11, 2021