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It’s easy to get caught up in a negative spiral of self-doubt and anxiety. 


Here is the link to Ignition Circle: https://christinestow.lpages./ignition-circle-live-life-on-purpose

Ignition Circle With Christine Stow 

Its AU$495 Until Midnight Jan 26- just for your listeners.

Its 10 weeks to get your business off the ground. I have engaged a new Mentor and she says its waaaay too cheap at that so its going up to $695!

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Follow these 10 best practices for studio-quality sound for your live show and podcast:

We all know how it feels to be a little out of whack.  You know, that feeling that you aren’t quite yourself and that something, some dynamic, some interface with someone else (or yourself) just doesn’t seem to sit right.

Date or cut bait? Cut through the crazy on this week's episode of Crazy Sexy Midlife Love Radio on Wednesday, July 29 at 5pm pacific time. 888-627-6008 

What Really Matters To You?

What really matters to you? Is it your dreams of owning a Ferrari, or a Motoguzzi bike? Or perhaps finding the elusive soul mate or making your first million dollars? I guaranfreakingtee you that what mattered in your thirties won't matter a whip in your sixties. Why? Because material things don't bring us lasting happiness.

Help for Anxiety and Depression

How do you turn your romantic Wish List into a Love Spell? Find out on the next episode of Crazy Sexy Midlife Love this Wednesday, April 29 at 5pm pacific time.