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What is Hope and Why Does it Matter?

Hope is one of those things that people don’t always understand well, though oddly enough, we all need it to live a happy, healthy life. After all, hope is what helps you see your situation and then shows you the way out.

What is hope?

According to the dictionary, hope is “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” Hope sees the potential in a situation. But it does more than that. Take a look at these synonyms taken from the same dictionary

If you have these, you are all set!


Don't know where to start? 


You aren’t alone - Everyone goes through challenging times, they just don’t tend to advertise it. You can rest assured that your friends and family understand your feelings and will be willing to help you in any way they can.


It’s okay to cut yourself some slack - There’s no doubt that you will need time to experience all of the feelings that come about with a major life change. Give yourself a break from all the unimportant or non-urgent things that tend to fill up life. Just take it easy and heal your heart.

No one escapes a major life change nor do they go through life without a life-altering event. It is painful to know that you’ve lost something you aren’t sure you can live without. Whether it’s a job, a relationship, a body part or something else entirely, there are things you can and should do after experiencing a major loss.

Once there was a woman who dreamed of becoming "the one."

She wanted to be a successful radio broadcaster... 

And it happened.

I was once in your shoes before I ventured into radio broadcasting,

Wanting to do something in my life, and becoming the voice that truly is me.

Now, as an established radio and TV broadcaster, this is the thing I always wanted.

I am Toni Lontis, your radio broadcaster, and this is my life!

Have you ever thought about radio broadcasting or starting a podcast? Tell me in the comments!


Among the many benefits of being optimistic are: