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Undersea 'oceanscraper' planned - Chinese navy's next big thing - Who can deny a modern Prophet visions posted to the world nearly 3 years ago? If I was right then, maybe you should trust me with your and the world future. 

Memo 1/12015 - Plans for underwater 'oceanscraper' revealed (back 02/11/2013!)

Relationship expert and author of the best selling book "The Soulmate Secret" Arielle Ford, included a chapter in her new book "Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate" about how Det David met Dr Lana Love called Soulful Synchroncities.  David and Lana are honoured to have their names included in Arielle's book with other well-known public figures like Harville Hendrix, John Gray, Dr. Helen Fisher, Neale Donald Walsch, and Marianne Williamson.

This is a delicious recipe for an ancient Ayurveda medicinal wine. It has low to no alcohol content and is great for getting your digestive fires heated up so you can digest your foods better while assimilating the most from the nutrient content.  Great for all your holiday meals!

January 2, 2016 at 1PM is our next live show for Eve's Corner!!! Our guest speaker is Pastor Terrance Kent, and our topic is Reset, based on the book Reseet Your Life, by Bishop Joseph Warren Walker 3! You don't want to miss this show! Listen online, at, or dial in to 716.748.0150. We want t hear from you! Call in to chat at 888.627.6008. Many thanks to my faithful listeners! I truly thank God for your support and pray the blessings of the Lord over your life! Be sure to tell a friend about the show!

Are you paralyzed by fear that the terrorists will get you if you don't watch out? According to a new MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist poll, when asked what worries them most, 36 percent said they were most worried about scary terror, 31 percent said scary gun violence keeps them up at night, and 17 percent said they feared brutal police brutes. That's America as a whole. (I worry that wasps may be building a nest right outside my window, but that didn't show up on the poll.)

Just a quick reminder to be in gratitude in advance.  If you choose good health, be thankful in advance.  If you choose to move, be in thanks that you have the right and perfect home and be in gratitude in advance.

And I am in thankfs for you, for your unique self and just to have BBS Radio as where I air my radio show.

Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy this beautiful day of thankfulness!!!! Dr. Vikke

How to Deal with Holiday Stress- Getting Rid of the Musts in Your Life

Dealing with holiday stress is easy: just blow off most of your must do’s. I’m really not kidding! Let’s look at a list and see what we can do.

Sunday.....a day of rest, relaxing and walking in the mountains, at least that is my spiritual days plan.  It is my natural "church", being with God, nature and self.

It reminds me of my day where my family and I walked with the wolf from Colorado. Many would say how dangerous or scary, but for us it was a day of trust.  Knowing the folks we were working with knew the wolf, and trusting ourselves to relax and communicate with the wolf enough to know he knew we were not threatening him.