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How to Deal with Holiday Stress- Getting Rid of the Musts in Your Life
Dealing with holiday stress is easy: just blow off most of your must doâs. Iâm really not kidding! Letâs look at a list and see what we can do.

How to Deal with Holiday Stress- Getting Rid of the Musts in Your Life

Dealing with holiday stress is easy: just blow off most of your must do’s. I’m really not kidding! Let’s look at a list and see what we can do.

  1. Cookie baking- but Lori, I can’t, people are expecting my home- made cookies every year. Well, make less and buy some or do a cookie exchange. No big deal…keep everyone thinner.
  2. Presents- oh this is a big one- I got some help from US News and World Report- 7 Tips for Coping with Holiday Financial Stress If you don’t have the funds, make the gifts or go to craft shows. Go in with other people to purchase gifts and split the costs. Go on-line to shop for best deals or only go during sales. Shop when crowds are down and parking is available. Get gift cards- they’re easy. If you can’t afford to buy gifts, provide a service to them. More on this later.
  3. Parties- if you don’t have the funds, suggests everyone goes out or brings something including their own drinks. Don’t put yourself in debt over this. Or don’t have the party. Everyone will be fine.
  4. Decorations- if you can splurge, hire a cleaning person to actually clean your space. Pay a few bucks to kids to help with decorations, or just take them for a treat.

The holiday itself brings lots of merriment and fun…for some people. Here is a little advice from Forbes Magazine: Six Ways to Reduce Your Holiday Stress- Breath; let go of having to do things a certain way; start a new tradition if it’s more fun or makes lives easier; don’t overspend- people love services trades for babysitting, cleaning, transporting kids around; show your gratitude to others and for goodness sake, be silly and have fun…that’s what it’s all about!

I know these might seem tough to do but you can always reduce things like time, amount spent and cooking. You can reduce anything you need to during this time. It’s your life and others can help out!

If this is a hard time of year for you for any reason, do something during this season that you love such as talk with your favorite people, cuddle with your animal, watch good movies, read or do whatever makes you feel your best. If you feel you must attend some events, put a time limit on them and just move on when you need to go.  Show gratitude and be thankful to others as this will help raise your happiness level. Hang out with those you enjoy and stay away from those you don’t.

Tis the season as we discuss much more on this topic on my Dec. 2nd show at 5pm-P, 6pm-M. 7pm-C, 8pm-E.