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I was doing some reading about new trends, and found that 'Health Coaches' are the new rage. Kind of like 'Life Coaches' used to be the rage. And it was said in one article that on only 8 hours a week of work about half the coaches are averaging about $50,000 a year. I find that absolutely amazing. Whenever I attend a workshop, by the time it is over, most of the people are most interested in my opinions on a variety of subjects. Usually much of my information is totally new to the presenter.
As Einstein once said, "You can't solve a problem on the level in which it was created." The future structures of economics, education and gevernment that will arise in the New Age will require new ways of thinking and the creation of New Paradigms of thought. As Alex Collier, Andromedan contactee noted, the idea of freedom was not evidenced in Earth history prior to the American Colonies. The concept prior to this was a Reptilian structure fostered by the British Crown.
This article will touch upon the meaning of Guilt and how it connects with powerlessness, religion, belief, victim hood, your health and your spiritual journey. The belief and feeling that you are unconditionally loved is at the core of the spiritual journey and Bashar, Essassani, has said that without it, techniques will not be nearly so effective. And like any other topic in the world, this subject can not be inclusive without mentioning a connection to Beliefs.
Ironically, this headline appeared in the 70's in the Winnipeg Free Press and a full page article accompanied it. I wrote the article. The effect of meditation has been proven over and over again over the last 40 years; but because enough of us don't 'GET IT', it has not been implemented. It is actually scientifically called the Maharishi Effect. There is a direct relationship between the number of people who meditate and the crime rate. So, clearly, if you want a more peaceful world, then meditate daily.
Some extra-terrestrials have stated that after ascension, some of us would travel to other places in the universe as professors of 'What not to do'; as we are the experts. Bashar, Essassani channeled by Darryl Anka, has said affectionately that we are sometimes referred to as 'Masters of Denial'. In my opinion there are at least three lessons that we need to learn as humanity. First, that there is only one race on this planet, the human one. We have enough issues with regressive Extra-terrestrials to have discrimination among ourselves. Second, that because of this, war is not an option.
Of course we are all aware about bringing up the topic of religion or politics as taboo in conversations at social gatherings and I never brought up religion on my ET Yoga BBS radio show; as I didn't want to turn the show into heated religious debate. Even though my intent is not to totally invalidate the bible or some of the concepts in organized religion, I want to share why in my belief system it is more productive to my spiritual growth to avoid any organized religion.
I want to begin this article by making a connection between Beliefs and Magic.Magic is the ability to conjure something into form and Beliefs do the same, mass Beliefs create mass conjurings. Beliefs are essentially agreements about reality and both personal and collective Beliefs form the structure and the parameters of your life experience in any area. The Pleidians have said, "Understanding the power of Beliefs and the power of the mind, both individually and en mass is the most pressing and crucial issue for humankind to grasp.
I was inspired to write about the Pyramids; because it seems required. Some of the best information comes from the Arcturians; as channeled by Sal Rachele. "As many channeled writings will confirm. Thoth was the engineer behind the Great Pyramid. ( According to some sources Thoth is a specific historical man who went through Ascension 52,000 years ago.
So you have figured out that in some previous lifetime you spent some time in an off Earth experience; which technically makes you an extra-terrestrial! Of course in some future time we all will be the extra-terrestrials for some Earth like planet. However, for the moment 'ET Needs More Input'. If you are an avid reader of this blog, you have already acquired quite a bit of information. It is meant to be a kernel along the way to the real jewels of information at the web site.
As we approach the period Dec. 21st 2012 and March of 2013, those who are on top of the issue of Ascension will need to know there have been amazing studies in Russia concerning health conditions. There is a weakening of the Earth's electromagnetic system as we approach the zero point. The major influences will be an exaggeration of health issues and many will "check out" with immune system, nervous system problems and cancer.