Full name:
Charles Green
First name:
Last name:
Orlando Florida USA
Radio Talk Show Host, Yoga, Extra-Terrestrial Contact, Author
Main website
I had my first experiences in higher spiritual consciousness in 1969 leading to the study of material as taught by Sri Ramana Marharshi. I learned the technique of meditation from the International Meditation Society, took two years of training from Self-Realization Fellowship as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda, became a devoted disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda and the Path of Integral Yoga. Co-currently I became a student of channeled extra-terrestrial material with its focus concerning Pleiadian teachings and those of Bashar (Essassani). Inner teachers include: Masters Kuthumi, El Morya, Dijwal Kuhl, Vywamus, Merlin, Archangels Michael/Michaela, Lord Jesus (Sananda) and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light. Over the last 37 years I have integrated the wisdom of yoga with new age extra-terrestrial contact and offer this information and its practical implications towards the goal of self-realization and the attainment of full consciousness, abundance and perfect health. I am the founder of -Healing the Known and Unknown-, with the purpose to share information leading to self-empowerment and optimizing the immune system.