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The People Speak, January 27, 2015

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Larry Payne On Yoga Therapy

LARRY PAYNE - Yoga Instructor, Therapist, Author of Yoga RX and Yoga For Dummies, speaks about Yoga for the healing, the middle aged, and how his courses are tailored to specific needs and groups, making Yoga easy and accessible to all.

Headlined Show, The People Speak February 3, 2015

Kevin Barrett
Broadcast Date

DR. KEVIN BARRETT - who has taught and authored books on the current use of fear of Islam to generate wars on terror now speaks out about the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks and killings, connecting them to government efforts to further use a fear of Islam to continue a 'Clash of Civilizations' between Muslims and the West.

Guest, Larry Payne

Guest Name
Larry Payne
Larry Payne
Guest Occupation
Yoga Teacher
Guest Biography

Larry Payne, Ph.D. is an internationally respected yoga teacher and back specialist. The L.A. Times named Larry "One of America's most respected Yoga teachers". He co-authored Yoga Therapy Rx, Yoga for Dummies and The Business of Teaching Yoga.  Larry is founding president of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, founder of the Corporate Yoga program at the J. Paul Getty Museum, the first Yoga teacher to offer Yoga classes at the World Economic Forum, co-founder of the yoga curriculum at UCLA’s School of Medicine, and the founding director of the new Yoga therapy certification program at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

In 1979 he was an advertising executive, plagued with chronic back pain and stress. His quest for relief led him to study Yoga and health in eleven countries and inspired his career change upon certification in India.  In 1980, Larry founded the Samata Yoga Center in Los Angeles and later earned a Master’s degree and a Doctorate in fitness education with an emphasis in Hatha Yoga from Pacific Western University. His background is in Psychology and he has also completed graduate work in Physical Therapy at Cal-State University at Long Beach. He was the U.S. representative to the first World Congress of Yoga in Montevideo, Uruguay, and has received Outstanding Achievement Awards for Yoga in Europe and the United States, and the Golden Lotus Award from South America. In 2000, he was a panelist and yoga instructor at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In addition, he is the founder of the Healthy Back Program at the world-famous Rancho La Puerta Fitness Spa.

Larry has been a frequent guest on national television and syndicated radio programs. His work has been featured in numerous national and international magazines, as well as in The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times. Most recently he is featured in six new DVDs as part of the Yoga Therapy Rx series. Larry resides in Los Angeles, California and has a thriving practice in Marina del Rey and Malibu. In addition to speaking engagements and workshops, he leads Yoga and health seminars worldwide.

Lecture, Workshop, Instruction Conference and business executive planners are finding Larry’s presentation to be a unique and welcome addition for a wide variety of formats. Whether he lectures on health, how to control stress, keeping our backs and minds healthy or giving simple Yoga instructions for busy people, Larry educates and informs by using methods from his international education and hands-on experience. Many of his seminars are participatory workshops. Larry’s range of instruction enables him to tailor-make relevant contributions to seminars and business meetings.  Larry specializes in preventing back injuries and stress reduction through Yoga, and his audio/video products have been recommended by more than 300 doctors.

The People Speak

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Show Host
The People Speak host

The People Speak has evolved over the years with many great guests who have been interviewed by some very fine hosts.

We are a 55 minute show airing every other Sunday between 5-6pm Pacific/8-9pm Eastern. The show features a guest interview from any number of realms of interest (entertainment, science, philosophy, healing, spirituality, activism, politics, literature, etc.).

The guests share their stories, lives, strategies, books, philosophy, films, music, or whatever it is they use as a vehicle for making a difference for the better.

The radio show name, The People Speak, is based on the idea of allowing our audience - the People - a chance to interact with the guests during the hour, and we take phone or text questions from them during the interview.

Past guests include such notables as Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the late Howard Zinn, Nobel Laureates Mairead Maguire, Shirin Ebadi, Kathryn Najimy, Oliver Stone, Jesse Ventura, Richard Belzer, Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan, Scott Horton, Joan Jett, Willie Nelson, George Galloway, Roseanne Barr, Ed Asner, Chevy Chase, as well as various reps from Amnesty International, UN World Food Programme, and many others.

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