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Uncommon Sense - Children and School, October 13, 2019

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Uncommon Sense - Children and School
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Schools are struggling to help children, teachers & faculty require good listening skills, a book to build relationships

Uncommon Sense - Children and School with David Willson

Schools are struggling to help children, teachers and faculty require good listening skills, a book to build relationships between parents and schools

Uncommon Sense - Children and School

Uncommon Sense - Children and School with David Willson
Show Host
David Willson

Uncommon Sense - Children and School with David Willson

This show will provide the following:

  • The opportunity for all school and family members to ask questions
  • The opportunity to better understand your own role and the roles of others
  • The opportunity to learn about the importance of all school staff roles, including teacher aides, kitchen staff, maintenance staff, bus drivers, secretarial staff, and administrative staff – everyone!
  • The opportunity to question changes not well-understood
  • The opportunity to discuss matters such as school shootings, suicide, bullying, cell phones, classroom management, separated/divorced parents, grading, etc.
  • The opportunity to discuss the needs of grieving children, parents, friends, and school staff
  • The opportunity to explore the gift each child brings to the table regardless of regular or special needs.
  • The opportunity to discuss all things school-related
  • The opportunity to to truly look at career exploration and post high school planning for all regardless of regular or special need challenges.

The goal is not just for Mr. Willson and the caller to pick apart and understand many issues better, but to also have all the listeners pleased with learning something new, or maybe just said in a way that is better understood. Every call has that potential.

Do you want to see a decrease in the probability of school shootings, teen suicide, bullying, classroom behavioral problems and an increase in a safer school environment, happier students, grades increasing, better home-school relations, teacher/staff satisfaction, and the success of ALL students?

*The show will not be used to hurt others. Egos must be left at the door in our schools, classrooms, and homes and for this show, off-phone. We can describe situations without naming people, schools, and the communities to which we are from. That being said, frustration can still be vented appropriately.

This is a show full of all kinds of opportunities --- Tune in!

Let's fight the good fight and maximize the potential of all students!

KEYWORDS: understanding and stopping school shootings, understanding and addressing school bullying, teen suicide prevention, classroom behavior management, home and school conflicts, parent-teacher associations, grading our students, special needs children and success, maximize all, student potential, schools and grieving student losses, divorced parents and school needs, preventing school staff burnout

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