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Saving with Steve, October 4, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Jacko Goh and Ivaylo Yovko, Cryptocurrency

Saving With Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Jacko Goh and Ivaylo Yovko, Cryptocurrency

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins-and-outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton they welcome to saving with Steve should we talk about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything the sun really see you having a happier or healthier relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us sharing with your friends and family and Associates we've expanded the show all across United<br>it's as well as overseas at our audience just keeps expanding last month with a month and you know what we had Tom Hamil he is the director of RV add Kuhn Auto he gave us some great information when it comes to everything about re how to create a venture Ventures with a family how it look cost less to travel in the RV and you could spend more time to play Leon plug and what do the ins-and-outs of leasing versus buying and much much more so if you want to go check out that episode go to shaving with Steve. Us and look for episode number 93 that's right we're up in 93 episodes this is our 94 hey I'm going to be talking with Jackie O and Ivan cock-up he's the CEO of reward buddy you know what they are have a cash back platform that and it makes it easier for people to learn invest in and spend cryptocurrency when users simply make<br>play purchases they have the opportunity to receive the reward and either cryptocurrency US dollars are going to be talking to us about all things crypto-currencies the last Almost with Coach to reduce values we saw that you reach a merger they going to be talking about it all right now I'm going to be bumping into will you run out of money in retirement it's a big question it can be worried about having up the income to support retirement lifestyle you know what these anxieties naturally increase during an economic downturn. PlayStation you know what retirees living on fixed income I feel their budget tightening and find an artichoke a regular bill you know what any of your concern about having your saving take steps to evaluate your Current financial situation reviewing your habits priorities and get some help to make sure you're on track you lied many people concerned about running out of money consider these factors<br>how much is asparagus expensive taste plays a role you know you might anticipate spending less and retirement then you did you're here working years and your lifestyle may play a role in that most people think they will spend about 50 to 20% last but in reality and I'm spending about the same room or take some time to look at what you're paying for each month they spent my include mortgage payment Branch Saloon utilities Bureau Insurance a holeshot make sure you know what you're spending I find a lot of people before they retire they have no clue what they're spending and that's because I got a couple paychecks and more money keeps going into the bank they keep cutting their grass but now you don't have that paycheck you have to create it with the Stables you have and sometimes you're not paying attention you just keep spending to the really important that you set up a a dashboard of sorts where your track and how much you're spending how much you receiving to make sure you're on track so you don't<br>go through position where you have to know what reduced down to one vehicle decide you know hey which one you got to sell you know I'd downsizing your house renting out rooms you don't want to be in this position so track what your spending you know what and how you withdraw from your retirement accounts really matter General sell Brandon is at you if your in your mid 60s<br> and you want to spend more than that 4% adjust for inflation annually you know what it would it would work really well but it's important to look at your tax allocation and what I mean by that is how much you take me out from your IRA has fully taxable I want you receiving from Social Security that has only 85% tax how much is coming from text free or tax-advantaged thing because if you're getting a $100,000 in income but only taking paying tax on $50 in a lot better situation taking out $100,000 over the income in paying tax on $100,000 that will make a big difference hey your social security benefit will continue if you're starting to receive Social Security payment the income goes to can you for the rest your life and you know what it's not even its inflation-adjusted up with purchasing power is going to keep coming within the market goes up or down if you haven't started collecting Social Security look up how much you can expect to get from various ages with your 62 Woolrich<br> Grainger 70 it's important that you look at that Social Security when the context of your retirement so you can maximize income but also your assets you know what work opportunities can make a big difference to me and vision retirement it is a chance to Stay Puft from work entirely however if you're concerned about running short on money you could continue working past retirement age in a graduated retire as much healthier physically mentally financially than a hard stop you know what my dad after the the Wall came down here retarded 56k hard Irish I mean it took him a year to figure out how to retire cuz he's going to end up fixing my sister's house to he ended up taking trips with a bunch of languages and he was going nuts figure out what to do a work yourself into retirement there's nothing wrong with you know working as a consultant for a portion of time or<br> you know BB gun shooter for English math or something like that whether you're working with people overseas or hear or doing anything but you know what that one of the biggest things here's and it provides you extra income that you know what you can spend now is supposed to drain ink from your retirement account in cash reserves may help you know what the reality is why it's going to be a full of them you could have health issues family members could have health issues or financial issues and you need to help out or want to help out to get ever damaged roofs you can have the market go down you know what if you have three six maybe even six to 12 months worth of expenses sitting in a savings account might not hurt a lot of interest but it's there for you in case you need it so think about this<br> Marcus just dropped 30% year we are your account went from a million dollars to 700,000 and you have to take out 5% or $50,000 a year so instead of taking out by person you're checking out eight or nine percent and that's going to drain your account further and further in fact if you take a look at the sequence of return related to a consistent with raw do you know what if you have a million dollars and taking out 50 it might only last about 20 years and if you live 30 years that creates a problem for you do you really want to take a look at it making sure you have those cash reserves for one of two reasons one you can dip into this cash reserves for 6 9 10 months before he have to pull it out of your retirement accounts which allows him to recover<br> recover better than hit taking a big loss and keep drying down on that lost while you're waiting for her to recover secondly if you have the cash reverse if you have an emergency I need that liquidity it's there for you<br> especially if you're couple years away from retiring you know what we had one client you got laid off at 11 months before he was going to retire 11 months before he was getting the next level on his pension all those things change and you know what because of his emergency fund to utilize that for the next 11 months before he started taking things to his account to get instantly build with the assets in there and then you know what you also want to take it the reducing the risk you have within your account the last thing you want to do is put your income at risk because your whole account values it ripped I know they say it's going to come back the question is when and what and seek with your money being these are things you want to stick with the think about if you think you're going to be running out of money and retire here want to thank you for joining us here on saving with Steve where we give you my Best Buy to help you retire smarter so stick with us we're going to be right back more expert advice for having a<br> happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything in the Centre relates to you having a happy healthy relationship with money I want to take some of our affiliate did UK Health radio BBS Radio AM FM 247 appreciate you sharing this with your friends and family and Associates and now we've got the big talk we're going to be talking with Jackie go and IV reward money we're going to be talking about all things crypto-currencies seeing what's going on in the industry here in the last year 3 to 6 months we're here to talk about those things what reward money does so I'm going to welcome both you guys here thank you so much for being here thinking while having us<br> very welcome you're welcome everybody here is looking forward to it so let's start by you know what why don't I just say this Jackie's the CEO I've been to CEO of reward money there are Cash Back Rewards platform is making it easy for people to earn and fast and spending Crystal currency basically if your user you simply use everyday purchases that have opportunities to receive your reward in the current u.s. dollars is a great platform but obviously a lot of cryptocurrency so you guys have a good background in that I know Jackie you have a big gaming background Ivy you have a big vintech background so you know it works is there a great combination together so let's just start chatting about the current state of cryptocurrency obviously we seen some prices values goes down but I'd like to get your feedback on that has been a crazy ride it's so the prices go up and down everywhere<br> LOL and yes Tim Benson Des Moines regulations coming in this most engines and things Morris growing in a positive way in that sense that we lost a small adoption going right now got the job as a meal. I'm going on in the coming months and years cryptocurrency and looking to regulate way shape or form because of Whitaker we go back 100 years in the financial markets you see how financial markets get built up and you see values go really really high and then something occurs and then spring start compressing and then you start seeing some of the bad players get taken out of the market either by their bad management or because of<br> engine games that they were playing and I'd love for you to comment on that when you're seeing billionaires get pulled into some of these things obviously somebody's looking for money there but I'd love to get your feedback. Just be people behaved<br> particularly just because his cryptocurrency everywhere that's what we try to do to make you know the word Tabitha place but<br> in cryptocurrency Dare wyk Awards more bad guys just just because it's you I mean it's a double sided coin Nation just because people don't want you to be regulated but that means I would have brought people can actually get away with you know which didn't money or to invest so I most like 50-50 on that just because<br> if crypto gas regulations it's basically like how do I do the decentralization is basically like the core and if it does though I would have you no scams. Guys who would have like viruses and fish in canals and everything like that smoothie I was bored so yeah like I said that it allows<br> David Leggio is going through and everything else is on the tornado cash thing<br> that is such a way to stop by track and insurance on who is the black guy that plays and we saw the big one that has among industry<br> and by the way I hope you everybody knows we have IDs that he's coming in from Bulgaria and we have Jackie and her for the Singapore so we're like being over this is wonderful so if you're out if you're part of that country hate you know why they're in your country<br> when we start looking at the recent merger okay what did I do you know through that how was it good how is it bad for the merger looks kind of impact at<br> yeah I was the most important in buying the Block in history and it's happening in the middle of this month so I was in this will be a very exciting one for everyone to see because this is actually will help to make it even more reliable and usable so insect the network to use Smart country in the whole world know why do we see right now is basically right now and there's too much more things to come in February. Possibly say is that is due at the one I ordered the wine that you brought the whole Space so I would say we would really hope to see more Investments and more masseduction.<br> what is it with running off what type of<br> smart contracts so help me understand what a smart contract is<br> yeah so smart contract allows you to know in the right way of a particular contract so beastly when you do get it raining or anything there's no mystery I just doing diary with key to control yourself everything is out and doing things to you going to Armani Exchange to do with anyone any automatically being done for you with the pricing with the exchange rate DVD quality is also up for some of our guests would understand what a smart contract is so more listeners what I'd like to do is just take a little break and then let's talk about the know how you guys see cryptocurrency in a few hours and all that stuff moving forward and then also tackle like to talk a little bit more about our rewards money okay so everybody stick with this would be right back with more Jackie Ivy here on shaving<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun released to you having a happy healthy relationship with money no one of things I just wanted to point out I want to thank our fuel is a BBS radio UK help write Fame FM 247 and all the systems and streaming channels like Google play Spotify that are sharing shaving with Steve with the world I appreciate you sharing with your friends and family if you want to check out some of the episodes were up to ninety four episodes right now you can always go to saving with Steve. You was and take a look at all of the time the scene style guest gifts and more so with that thank you so much we're back here with Jackie and I that rewards money so I keep telling you I have and it should be IV<br> I'll get it don't worry about it about<br> you know what there's been<br> get the news there's pain and talking about stuff they don't even know what they're talking about some say hey cryptocurrencies going to go away some cryptocurrencies here to stay this is just a healthy thing that's occurring but just you know and start talking about the you know what Eurovision is in the future of cryptocurrency and a cheese the metaverse you know the electronic part that I think your people are selling and so on so you could be 4 ft and say that it is what you do stuff like not have more benefits in a company a pilot project do in fact we having a big brands are you going to nacs now so we have a new swear by Tiffany & Co<br> songs and release our special edition of energy which day so 250 worth of the address for 50,000 okay I know how many cryptocurrencies do we currently have is coming out in fact probably that would be more than ten thousand times created their own cryptocurrency I mean I don't know if the US this is and it's on the way I don't think so but if credit China has a cryptocurrency they obviously have a lot of backing behind it and stuff like that and I just curious how that would<br> check the Marketplace Boise towards just just because China has being trying to you know banquet to currency in your country for why I mean every single we are here trying to put some new regulations that example and a chance. Trying to actually use that but but it's like another quotes you know digital currency but she has to make the what's more popular just because the word distorted and nowadays everyone when when it's a digital currency everyone everyone thinks about cryptocurrency and they don't even know what the difference<br> because all the cryptocurrencies are digital currencies but not all digital currencies are cryptocurrency going back to actually how I know you started it a while ago but the current state of of cryptocurrency I said this is why the the best state of it just because you're always be Believers and sand Gators going to see each other every every everything that people don't understand you don't get into it or day even try to talk to Katie dad and discuss it without actually knowing what to what he does but the Believers.<br> no. Awards as a as an amount but but you're very strong Believers and actually pushed cryptocurrencies that script going to see a dog sound like every single we are more and more just like an old days when it was just you know fake news like 20 or 30 years ago and now where we are so I say it's just a matter of time and eat it's just depends on this piece of the adoption of the country's you're saying is<br> well anything new goes through dungeon locations and its blow times and it's high times but it right now you know it's getting to the point where more more governments are getting involved and it's you know what's just happened is a healthy thing for it even though some people had a lot of pain with the loss of value but it's something that will move forward so what you're really saying is if somebody hangs in there I mean anybody had Bitcoin at $60,000 an hour it's less than 20 and you know what hey it'll probably keep coming back as long as you you're in it for the long haul is that pretty much the size of it or yeah absolutely I want you to give like a bit of an advice to people who invest in cryptocurrency but if you don't understand what you can and can't do what what you can become even in the future don't invest in it<br> don't invest in stuff that you don't talk about just because it's it's kind of a funeral if you don't know what you're investigating and just just because<br> a water when pecan was like $6,000 when the market was was pulling green and everything was boring up there or I would have projects that first before work trying to adjust your money or trying to scam people so it was like more dangerous and second of all<br> different projects that are trying to just go with the ideas were actually going out with his money for example and as soon as as soon as the market crashed your wife okay with you we are just giving up on this project so I see the preview of this day just because people that really want to to make a difference. Do you want to to build a project and believing it will do it a little bit so I see you're in Bulgaria Jackie your idea what you guys are Worlds Apart so how did you guys get connected Lassie ice cream<br> eBay do I sell so that's how we get started because it was born no new people even make money or invest in it how we I just thought I'd get started with me was funny as well so we W and payment so we have news on crypto rewards through online shopping travel at Orange and activity eBay when I do receive money back on your eBay purchases where can kill people<br> where can people go connect with reward money you start getting cash back the whole shot<br> yes so we can just go through all we was look at other thousand brands that we work with so we do have black with a square have problems that we have every way to get you connected with us I know so we can have breast for being on the show today we very much appreciate you unpacking the cryptocurrency world talking to you about the merger the future of cryptocurrency as well as hate I wish you the world of success with reward money they can stay healthy and I've Jakob with reward money talk about the crypto-currency market you know what next week we are going to be talking to U-Haul 11th and it's going to be a wonderful<br> conversation you're going to want to be there so look look forward to seeing you next week stay safe stay healthy if I buy thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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