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Saving with Steve, May 30, 2023

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Jenn Donahue, Women In Leadership, ep 125, and Kathy Forti, Stacks Library of Truth Book, ep 126

Saving With Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Jenn Donahue, Women In Leadership, ep 125, and Kathy Forti, Stacks Library of Truth Book, ep 126

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place Welcome To Die saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton a happy healthy relationship with money my name is Steve sex and welcome to the show I want to thank you all for listening viewing and I appreciate it all now I'd like to introduce you to Jen Donohoe Jen's at US Navy veteran engineer on Twitter<br> the mentor she said her whole life working career in a man's world obviously the military now she's encouraging women in leadership positions to take their own camouflage off here if they're the only woman in the room now I wanted to share this with everybody there was a study done by KPMG incidentally KPMG just hired my daughter's an intern in the accounting world and I'm so thankful because they focus on helping people or women in the management ranks and they did a study of people who were one or two levels low the c-suite and said you know how are you feeling one of the big things that we saw there is they were concerned about the feelings for being an imposter the only person in the room all by themselves you know what they felt more and more stressed as they accomplished more and they felt like they had to work harder just because of the only woman in the room Jen's a special Smith she's lived it and welcome to the show I think this is unbelievably important whether he's a man or woman doesn't matter<br> at the city cuz I think that like I told you before it doesn't matter your gender or race how old you are I think it all adds to the workplace and everybody should be valued and I think everybody realizes we value now before we get snow and I just want to throw this out way back when when our kids were little my wife when she was called Moss mothers of preschoolers and she was freaking out about something the kids were doing and my son would like the like the show and crayons so when she got there she started talking to others mom's and found it and everybody's eating crayons so it wasn't something weird so why don't want to tell everybody is it you're not in this alone you have people like Jen who can help you through it who's who's been there and to have that Fellowship of women or men or people in your own ethnicity to say hey I'm dealing with this to this is big Jen again thank you for being here I am really looking forward to this all our listeners they would love to hear your story tell us a little bit about yourself so I'm in Ocean engineer from Texas A&M whenever I was about to graduate I realize that I had all this<br> thanks I had to go on ahead to see the world I wasn't ready to just go down to Houston and start a job down there with oil and gas industry I had to get out and I had to see things I looked at the different uniform services and found that the Navy was really the best fit for me no going to the ocean engineering program I was one of only two women in the program so I was kind of getting used to being the old lady thing hell in the room is future like just me and Michelle that was it the entire time so there's not that many women in engineering and not that many women in engineering that also want to join the military and so I was part of the civil engineer Corps even to this day you were only about and dying to 10% women so I went to my very first command so is out in Guam and had just a fantastic time if anybody's ever has a chance to go to go on the shed but it started there again one of the only women in the room and he was the only other women usually that was there he knows my other friend and through the ranks is just continue that way now I've done to our packets on to Afghanistan done expeditionary construction for the rink<br> all over the world just got used to it in one of the only females in the room but the group story cuz a lot of people have lived that in their own corporate life I like the statement that was made and I think you made it says female entrepreneurs do you lean into the fact that you're a woman and I think you should shed some light on that because I think so many people are doing the fake it till you make it stopped and it doesn't really work I learned that early on cuz I was trying to be like the older guys because like that's not me doesn't work I felt so stupid doing that help us understand that and what women can do you really lean into that and in talking to several of my other very competent friends and I know through my own life I had to scrap for what I got you know I felt like I had to work harder at work longer than all of my other trailer park in order to get where I was and what I found is that I I put on this camouflage know doesn't really have anything to do with the military but I kind of realize that that's I think for a started is that I ain't felt like I needed to<br> and in it so I didn't want to stand out as a female they've usually got too much of the wrong type of attention and I just wanted to sort of blend in and do my job it's just try to do it harder than everybody else and so like I used to this is like you know I didn't want to stand out and so now as an entrepreneur 90 Mi company the question came up do I want to be a a w b e r us on her because I tried not to stand out and now I mean ass should I do this and I realize there's people out there that want to help us and we don't have to take it as hard as we have and so signing up to be a w b e r a w o s e woman-owned small business actually been really helpful in and it's something that I have realize it's like you know this is the right thing to do because people do want to help some of the disadvantaged folks that are out there and it was really hard to try to get to that point so maybe that's just me and my own stubborn pigheadedness but that was one of the realization that I finally came to is that why do have<br> start to take off my camouflage and just be who I would really like to be adults who often people think to go to the next level they have to be a certain way and really what got him there is there an authentic self it was really true telling you across the board for a lot of people who are in a 1 in the crowd they all kind of gone through this process and once they realized that they had been putting on their camouflage to blend then and they started to take off the camouflage because everybody knew that hate you know they are doing a really good job they can stand on their own they start to take off that camouflage now all of a sudden they're just skyrocketing they're just soring because now they can be themselves and that's really what I found through a lot of my counterparts and it don't use female's this actually some men that are in female-dominated in organizations that once they figured out how I can sort of being myself and they're doing fantastic now how does somebody become a leader and if you do that's still dominated by men and how do we go about building women later<br> for the next-generation I think it all has to start with that ground breaker when she get into a position<br> as a strong female leader you have to realize that now there's other females that are looking up to you it was one of those interesting realization that I went through and like all of these younger females are now looking up to me in basically they told me it's like we Now understand that we can achieve this cuz previously we'd only seen men in these positions I taught at UC Berkeley and I had women coming into my office all the time just so glad that there was a finally a female Professor that's what it takes you know you have to start that momentum you have to have a couple of ground breaker so that others are encouraged and motivated so that they can also go into those positions and it's also incumbent I think also on women leaders as well that we have to really look and we had to make a choice whatever we're looking at people who were going to hire and put in different positions and it really depends on that person that you're looking at I'm I'm not a firm believer and just grabbing a female because she's there look for the one who has the most fire and has the most drive you know maybe that's a person that looks like<br> you at that time and maybe you help them out in order to help their career as well as finding a good Mentor was it is wonderful that is so cute let's hold on a second cuz I want to talk to you about the essential things you should be looking for in the right Mentor if you're looking for that within the organization for that and I know you've been through that and I know you've done it if you want it so that's why I want to talk about it so we're going to stick with this or we'll be right back with more Jen more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hello welcome back I wanted to thank you for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends and family and Associates know about the show all the replays are available at 7 with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying stories of helpful information inside I'm sitting with Steve I encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel so you never missed a show and check out a few of our Affiliates it you can't help radio BBS radio talk radio New York City e360 TV at a Las Vegas TV networks all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit live a life of financial personal freedom also follow us on Facebook and join the saving with Steve sex and Facebook page and if you'd like to get replays guess guess you can always go to the saving with Steve. Us now we're back with Jen done here with lessons from leaderships but what we are talking about right now and I think it's unbelievably important is to find the right Mentor what is the<br> essential things at once to be looking forward to finding that right Mentor just to let you know and so I was a wild little thing I was going all over the place I was going to Take On The World by myself nobody could tell me what to do if hit man I just made so many mistakes along the way whenever I got a little bit older all of a sudden that had some some people coming up and saying hey will you Mentor me and I'm like I have no idea how to Mentor you because I was never had a man for myself so I started looking into it and trying to figure out how do I need the best Mentor that I could you know what I'm going to do something even crazier I'm going to go get a minute or you know I was like in my late 30s if I ate that was the right time so I started looking around me and I found a couple of different people one of the things I found in my research was that don't have one Mentor have a board of directors somebody who's good at different things maybe there's somebody who's technically very strong and they<br> really help you technically in your job maybe that's a great mentor to have maybe somebody is really good at business maybe somebody's going to finance maybe you have somebody who's really good at their family life that could be a good men don't think it's really important to look at these different aspects of your life and think where can I benefit the most at this time you don't have to get them all at once but maybe start to bring them bring on your board of directors slowly as you realize what you need to be better at so I have one this Technical and he's an absolutely fantastic and I just went up and I asked him and I said hey would you be my mentor and that's such a great honor you know to to be asked that and he had very few no strict stipulations and he was like okay you're going to have to work really hard and give you lots of homework you know but if you want to be my mentee this is what you have to do and that was fantastic on the on the business side I have a mentor as well you know very different personality but I would say try out a couple of<br> some people as mentors before you just log into one because it's really important you are sharing you know your life with them and your your fears and your weaknesses and you have to have that professional relationship in personal relationship with them as you go for my last bit of advice is don't get somebody immediately within your chain of command you might want to have your boss as your Mentor but I would probably recommend against that maybe find somebody else in the company and the reason why is that you know that they have some skin in the game as well so maybe if you want to change careers maybe they're not going to give you the best advice because you're the best person they have on the team so there's a conflict of interest there as well so that's my one recommendation is don't go for your immediate boss maybe look for somebody else within your sphere but somebody that you feel comfortable with doing that a lot of people don't think about when they have a mentor is Eva Mentor run vertical so to speak and I think it makes a lot of sense to have multiple mentors cuz I know I've had multiple mentors over the years in different areas<br> I was weekend and I said I I need help here I love the fact that you talked about having ground rules on both sides a lot of people think that hey I should ask my boss to be a mentor well you know they should be a coach anyways they should be a leader they should help you get to where you want to go but having somebody different provides a different perspective and I think that's wonderful and when you're playing in the sandbox together if you could do multiple things you can do more in the sandbox which is really important exactly when we talked about surviving and thriving through a crisis do you have a process for this I know you're an engineer all Engineers have a process was wondering what there is is that I learned this really in the military so we're always ready for a crisis in the military are always practicing or crisis and I found whenever I was in Industry we really weren't practicing for crisis is very often and really starts with the planning and sitting down and coming up with all of the different problems that could go wrong and then thinking about what we call Immediate action drills like at this is wrong this is what we're<br> do and we're going to practice that and we're going to get the whole team together so we're going to practice if this happens this is what we're going to do so for instance if your on a project and something goes terribly wrong it what are your immediate actions instead of freaking out which I know some people have a tendency to do don't freak out because you have a little rule book there this is this is what we do I contact this person to contact that person and now you're crisis isn't as bad because you're clicking through it and you know what you need to do and you know what your team needs to do as well know if you're in the middle of a crisis and you just you never planned for it so when you're in that type of Crisis as the one thing you really need to do is make sure that your team is doing what they need to do and that they have the resources and the care that they need because they're going through a crisis in addition to everything else is going around them and we have to make sure that as leaders were taking care of them yes we need to have our eye on our long-term goals at the same time we have to make sure that we're taking care of our people maybe they needed a different computer maybe they<br> more time to get things done whatever that might be during that crisis make sure that you're taking care of your team will take care of you and you'll get through it and then the last piece of this whole thing is that you have to debrief at the end so many of us whenever we're out of the crisis we just want to look forward and just go and we don't want to think about it but there's so much that can be done with the debrief what did we do well which we improve upon what could make us more efficient maybe there is something that we found her in this crisis that if we did this for more efficient in the long run so just take some time to just debrief first before you start to go for it because then you're ready for the next Crisis this is all cyclical no I agree because I seen so many people freak out over stuff that they didn't need a freak out over part of this just had to do is being calm and understanding okay here's where you're at where do we have to go do what do we need to do and I like the fact that you say take care there's a b c expectations but it's a crisis and things are new you still need to set high expectations so people can rise to the cause think that's a great message that people<br> resonate in say okay I can do this that I remember the mayor of New York City during 9/11 to you one thing I learned is just be become as guy in the room and then do exactly what you just said everybody is going to be in a situation like for example of my daughter's going in to KPMG a lot of companies like that when you walk in the door with it being in Turin or new employee they're going to put you through the hell month or two or three they're going to have a large block the expectations they're going to push you and you're going to have to learn and you're going to develop and grow otherwise you're probably not going to be there whether it's men or women how do you deal with the pressures of high performance expectations. Whenever you go there hopefully you know that those are the expectations that you're going to have to live up to and then mentally prepare you might have to be working really long hours in order to meet those goals you know go in and study and study and study and study and work really really hard you know during that first start up. Because not only is that going to get you ahead of the curb because you are saying you are working<br> so hard that people will see that you were invested in and there's going to be a time when they start to sort of slacking off a little bit on that because they're testing you but you have to go in you know with that idea and it's just like going through Boot Camp or or any type of other training you know that that's what you're going into so again you know study as much as you can work as hard as you can and establish yourself as that go to person through winter things like I do want to chat about is when I was first working in the 80s yes people yelled and stuff like that and I quickly they got away from them and moved off and all that stuff so what would be the advice if your field that Tennessee to want to yell or scream or get upset at people<br> I didn't know what I was doing and I looked at the leaders above me just like you were talking about and they were yeller's and so I guess this is how you leave people and so I went in and I yelled at my people and it just felt horrible I mean it's one of those things where they was like 26 years ago and I still regret doing it because that really wasn't who I was and so my advice for folks if they feel like they have to be yeller's you know maybe that is their personality but don't think it just because you think that that's what you're supposed to do understand who you are as a leader and maybe your compassionate leader maybe you're a selfless leader you know maybe you are a yeller and if you are a yeller I would highly recommend that you know you don't yell at your people because that doesn't do good for anybody you know they're going to completely shut off I saw this happened just actually a couple weeks ago or somebody yelled at somebody else and you can just see it won't burn right up and nothing they were saying was getting through you know the person felt awful on the other side and so it wasn't effective whatsoever so I would definitely say don't<br> let your people and don't feel like you have to yell at your people just because you think that's what leaders are supposed to do I want to thank you for being on the show today I know your public speaker I know your mentor and entrepreneur how can people connect with you to follow you to get help if they need help or just be part of the girls group I can also be found on LinkedIn at Jen Donahue and on Twitter at Jen Donahue and on Instagram and I am dead. Are you seeing a pattern so I'm here you'll find me thank you so much I love what you're doing you're spearheading what women have a place to go to know somebody's been through it I think that's wonderful. I've already sent your stuff to my daughter and thanks again for being with us today share your knowledge I wish you the most success and say happy stay healthy relationship with money<br> come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton back to saving with steam this is Steve Sexton that was Jim Donahoe she was talking about how women can perform in the workplace and she's helping us through it with all of our coaching and mentoring techniques wonderful I hope you pass this interview want to your daughters to the friends that you know there might be struggling or looking for help or just somebody that connect with and the workplace you know I think it was wonderful to know I'd like to just talk to you about the three main risk and retirement income when it comes to retirement there are three areas family need to think about to protect their assets with people living longer and an average of 65 for men 63 for females it's important to address these risks in your retirement legacy plan first of all it's the sequence of return one of the fundamental pieces of retirement planning<br> have a plan for income this is where use the three-legged stool a retirement income plan comes into play with Social Security pensions and personal savings there are also issues when you approach this few people have a pension and their questions about the solvency of Social Security that puts even more of a burden on personal savings and assets to fund your retirement we rely on personal savings if the market dips right as you're about to retire shortly thereafter the sequence of returns or the sequence of return risk could have a negative effect on your retirement because you'll not have the time to rebound if you're drawing off those assets this is why people came up with the rule of 100 may see what you do if your date your age subtract told you our savior 6535 leftover and that's how much you have introduced in the market and the other 65% and safer Investments now let's look at Market risk the second most people near retirement remember the downturn of 2002 and two<br> those root beers in the market if you work your whole life in the market crash it's a detrimental effect on your income you worked hard and now you're near retirement you probably don't want to see half your life savings wiped out by the downturn in the market this is where understanding the difference in fast-food tools and how they work and help you protect against Market risk and investment can only have two of the following three characteristics remember this folks and Bess can have growth safety and liquidity for example you had a bank you have checking savings and money market the money markets save your assets aren't going to go down to liquid you can pull the money out any time but there's no growth potential right now you probably get a money market or savings account appoint one quite frankly if you have one of those you're losing money safely do the purchasing power but if you need the money for next 36 months that's what you have that for now on the flip side you have money in the market has a potential for growth it's liquid hey really likes that but there's no guarantee of safety with people do much when investing in the market<br> conservative body regressive portfolios for those liquidity and growth potential money in the market you have to give up the guarantee of safety everyone with the conservice a portfolio there's still a chance you could lose money just ask any money was money in the markets and 2008 cuz their 401ks actually turned into it to on K in fact I was doing a presentation back in 2008 just after the crash to a number of lawyers and one says I hate you Financial people because I tell you I don't want to lose any money and I still lose money and then I have to explain to him the three worlds of investing in tools that offer the potential for growth with guarantees of safety did Garrett has his AC come with either bank or insurance companies to trade off there has to be a little bit of sacrifice in the liquidity side and these investment tools could be things like certificates of deposit it could be multi-year guaranteed annuity they could be fixed indexed annuities index universal life<br> often an individual gets older and closer to retirement they need more money to the safety from the grocery hence the rule of 100 so let's take about the about the third risk is the risk of longevity life expectancy in the US has roughly 79 years old giving that it's important to make sure your income retirement will last as long as you do which is the number one concern for retiree this is why developing an income plan also involves developing and investment plan to bring these two concepts together to fight against longevity and ultimately bankrupt in your personal savings in the past individuals could just rely on their social security and pension which is also guaranteed income for life however these days you were inferior people at pensions and Social Security by itself will not even cover most retirees monthly expenses this is we're having an income plane comes in the play in the income plants needs to take into account that people are living longer there to strategies to protect against longevity risk and ensure the income<br> last as long as you do first their oxygen additional income streams through fixed index annuities an index universal life insurance where the assets can be turned into income streams for like a second ways to realign drawing down assets Assets in a way to protect the sequence of return in other words you want a structure some assets and a growth bucket and in a safe spot and basically what you're doing here is your what's wrong your income from the growth bucket when the growth bucket is growing you have a safe bucket you're allowing to grow when the growth bucket stop screwing or goes negative because the market Retreats you take your income from the safety bucket and then allow your growth markets recover and then when it starts growing again you start withdrawing your asses from their by doing so you could put yourself in a position where 20 years down the line you can have $200,000 more three or four $500,000 more let me put that in real contact<br> if you started with the $700,000 and looked at the sequence of withdraws from a growth bucket and a safe bucket and took money out when the growth bucket was growing in the safe bucket when the girl's brother was growing you can end up with 25% more in 20 years as much as 40% more Assets in 20 years you've worked hard for what you have it's important to consider strategies to protect and preserve the nesting this is we're creating an incoming investment plan that can create protect against sequence of returns Market risks of longevity risk coming to play and there's one other thing that you probably want to look into that you want to protect against tax risk we all know based off her Administration that taxes are likely to move forward move up in the future so taxes can be detrimental to retirement plan so it's very important that you look at dealing with that tax risk can be very efficient when it comes to your tax planning you can experience by doing so you can explain it more<br> confidence and confident as you move into that dream retirements so please keep that in mind make sure you're having those discussions with your financial advisors because the reality is a more confident retiring is done through education and the more education you can get by understanding and gain Clarity on those that returned race at Market rates at longevity risk and how it affects you will make a difference in your life I want to thank you all for joining us today on saving with Steve we talked with Jen. Hope she was outstanding she's helping women in the workplace and just know there are other people out there whether male or female that can help you get through the things that you're thinking about so you don't feel like an imposter so you're not doing things that don't present you as the authentic you because doing that will give you more money making more successful than give you a ride or life now next week we have some really awesome stuff to talk to you about that with that I want to thank you all for joining us today my name is Steve Sexton and this is the same thing with Steve show will look for this evening next week please take be healthy by thank you for joining us for the<br> with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br> everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton hello welcome to the shaving with Steve show routes<br> announcer money pretty much everything under the sun really to you having a happier healthy relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I don't want to thank you for joining us today thank you for sharing with your friends and family our audience keeps growing here nasty as well as internationally and we're so grateful that you're sharing this with your friends and family as well as your Associates you can always check us out on YouTube Facebook is saving Steve Sexton we've got something a little different for you today what would you do if you discovered in Hinton interdimensional portal within the library Congress and that a massive database of all the notes and records of all people is controlled by a secret society that uses that information to manipulate Humanity oh wow this is a fast pace very well-written book by author Cathy 14 real interesting she's a former clinical psychologist journalist she had a mysterious issue with<br> how old and is created this very creative capacity for her and it just translate in this book and it's wonderful. Talk about a number of different things are but before we do that I need to start talking with you about the next economic storm to come and what to do that one of the big things about this and we've been talking for a little bit about economic storms and not fear-mongering here but I think it's important that each everybody understand what's coming down and what's happening<br> so they can steal themselves against these possible storms previously we spoke about things like the supply chains issues with Cove in the global conflict with Russia and Ukraine inflation the impact of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates on the economy is unemployment lower corporate earnings the banking issues and just a couple weeks ago we had OPEC and Russia cutting oil production now we're going to see the increase in inflation when it comes to anything related to oil in our economy and I want you to keep your eye on the commercial real estate market<br> the New York Post put out this article says anything is doable why the clock is ticking on this to Auntie 20 trillion-dollar dead-ball we know the pandemic change the landscape for commercial real estate with work changing habits with people working at home people do not want to return to the office valuation and prices in the commercial Market has been badly distorted by the fed both the indirectly be the mass of credit bubble created between 2022 and directly by the FED offering to buy commercial mortgage-backed Securities this is literally created a perfect storm for the commercial real estate sector and let's not forget how much of an ass as class is financed by a trillion dollars in debt and the dead is coming to<br> the New York Post notes at one point five trillion dollars worth of commercial real estate comes to by the end of 2025 to years from now they'll keep in mind wherever he's gone since the dead is was issued gun way up but last but not least who is the biggest lender to these commercial real estate developers its Regional Banks I keep talking about the financial storms brewing and each one becomes more and more powerful this isn't fear-mongering Janet Yellen actually testified in front of this it's in the New York Post The Wall Street Journal I'm just sharing some facts with you to help you our clients to Shield themselves against these possible storm you really want to take a look at this and say hey I got to watch myself here I got to be cautious because sooner or later this pressure on the storm is going to get to a point where it pushes the market down further and further and we could see possible more store<br> in the financial markets Market still overvalued according to view of a Wall Street Journal Morgan Stanley chase the whole shots you really got to pay attention what's going on here for you with Kashi would like to do is take a quick break we're going to be right back in a few moments before stating his d<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hello welcome back to the same thing when we talked about the ins-and-outs of money but today we're not really talking about the ins-and-outs of money as I told you before we had this wonderful author Kathy Forte she got this wonderful book called Stacks the library truth I just want to introduce your first Kathy I'm so excited so I'm sorry everybody this is Kathy she's actually a former clinical psychologist so she's a journalist she got the creative bug after suffering a near-death experience I'd like to just start with that and then we can start rolling into the book and go freaking questions from there<br> well thanks Steve I have to say I didn't plan on riding Syfy it's like my life has been a Sci-Fi novel I could have probably just been happy with that the back in 2003 I was a clinical psychologist practicing for about 30 years or so and and in Los Angeles and I was coming home from work and I had this strange feeling come over me the next minute when I got home I was propelled into this tunnel now my heart has stopped but I didn't know that and first thing I saw was my self propelled into this tunnel fee for traveling at a high rate of speed and I can see light at the end of the tunnel and immediately I thought I was just the tunnel everybody's been talking about and if so what had I wasn't sick and you know your next thought well as if I'm dead or there's not much I can do about it now let's go see what it's all about and all these thoughts are going through your head fast but they stopped me before I could go into the light I actually tried to will myself to go into that left it was just in the house<br> holding space and I remember thinking well this is boring and the next minute all of this energy poured into me Spud me back around sent me back to the tunnel same way horizontal feed first and I was back in my physical body my whole left side was paralyzed and I couldn't move but I was voice has in my head and I'm not a good thing to hear when your psychologist and these voices were saying relax Kathy everything will be okay just breathe easy and I could feel go over these voices were back until clicking in my body as they were reconnecting my physical body to my soul body whatever you want to call it that after a little bit I had movement again back in my body you know I just listened to what they said cuz there was no one else there with me I did have a cup of tea that it spilled all over me during the process I felt this heavy pressure in my chest and I thought I'm going to have to go see a cardiologist Lee said don't worry about it everything will be fine and but within 24 hours after coming back from this experience<br> you know what this is all about you know but they did tell me they were trying to get me to bring back life in my physical body and I was suddenly obsessed with quantum physics after that I was understanding things on the computer I had an understanding before I was getting all this information coming through I'll end up inventing some software based on mathematical algorithms because before this I was a math dummy but all this came through and it's a kind of a long story but people want to read it they can read it about my book fractals of God of psychologists near death experience in Journeys into the mystical what it did to get to your point was it tripped kind of a psychic very strong intuitive Lincoln me besides inventing this software which is all over the world as a holistic stop are called trinfinity8 vincentian 11 I started to have incredible dreams and one of the dreams like I'd have to say I had a dream you know and the dream was I woke up in the middle of the night and I had the whole plot<br> two stacks library of Truth in my head and I could not go back to sleep until I started writing it I thought all this would make a great movie and of course I lived in LA and a new script writers and so a friend of mine what's up a pilot riding I started this class with the idea and mine and it was right around the time of the writers strike back then but it won best original screenplay combinations for slamdance and then I just kind of put it aside and that one covid happened I thought that UCLA Professor told me you know this should be made into a book and I'm thinking I don't really know if I can do it justice but I sat down and I started writing and the rabbit hole just kept getting deeper and deeper and it turned into a Trilogy series two just a quick elevator speech on what the plot is it's about a new library who discovers an interdimensional portal in Library of Congress that leads to a library of Truth where all the facts are kept on everyone and everyone since the<br> beginning of time and of course you know there's always going to be a conflict there's going to be some bad guys who are trying to manipulate it for the world for power agreed and so forth like that so I had fun with this book I thought it was only going to be one book and like I said it turned into three books cuz the characters just kept evolving it was fun ride but I started reading it it starts out where head library library Congress hang himself at his desk you paint the picture of the chief detective walking in from your writing because he either motion on his face I was walking in I was looking at things I always got that pissed off snarl and ways going to come and everything then you introduce the main character Zach he's a savant raised by the nanny's because the congressman and now he's in the middle of this and it just goes one thing to the next it's almost like a cool action movie that just keeps going and there was telling us before we even started as like I don't know about any<br> listening but in my family called book mode where are you really get into the book that you really get into the book you can have it done in a day and if it's during the week if you got to work it's usually 2 or 3 days and this is one of those books I know there's a second one and I'll probably be the first one to go if it's anything like that first one I'm going for the second one and now you spell there's a third so<br> one woman Works me because I canceled a dinner party cuz I have to finish the book wow but you know I've always been told it's really strong character-driven and because I was a psychologist I was in a privy to a lot of unusual Psychopathology and I wanted my characters be realistic have foil balls and had things that they have to overcome they weren't perfect another would they will evolve and develop over this the main character as you know already alluded to is acquired Savant syndrome uses because he had a baseball injury at the age of seven and his brain got we wired a different way and it caused him to also have synesthesia so he sees the world in numbers he would see you and me and numbers even see a slice of pizza and he would see you know it's it's a blessing and a curse and it really does help him to release this information in the library of Truth and get it out there in the world without getting caught<br> without getting killed and of course he developed a deep throat television reporter you know I'm starting to see things in the plot that have already started to come true after I wrote this book so people are saying are you sure this is a good non-fiction fiction book and maybe they should have a new category for books because people are saying you know that character kind of reminds me of this person and I have a disclaimer of front you know any coincidence is a resemblance to living or dead people at I'm not saying this is for your entertainment purposes only one of the big questions is your book a warning about big technology company that acquired Trove of data on everything and everyone because there's a new series called rabbit hole with Kiefer Sutherland and I started reading this I like oh my God<br> it's got this Amscot this they've already figured out if you're going to buy when you're going to buy her going to buy they might even know bet your spouse better than you do that's where that question comes from it is a big warning and the problem is the more that truth comes out the more fear about that truth being revealed and the more people will try to censor that so it creates a whole nother dilemma about freedom of speech and everything else but yes too much information in the hands of the wrong people is a perfect place for for bribery to get them to do what what you want and I mean you know I think we live in a world where we're starting to see some of the conspiracy theorist I turning into profits and we're running out of conspiracy theory his stick with us we got more Kathy for he will be right back.<br> More expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton what should we talk about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the Sun relates you having a happy healthy relationship with money I want to truly thank you for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends and family and Associates know about the show all the replays are available at saving with Steve. You left if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information or Insight or just want to learn more about Kathy I heard you described her YouTube channel the Google Play please check us out on our Affiliates that you can help radio BBS radio 24/7 talk radio talk radio in New York City all these network is a dedicated to empower you to solve all problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal financial freedom and yes you can always go see the behind-the-scenes guest gifts at saving the Steve section Facebook so we're back when you can<br> one of the big things when we start talking about the conspiracy theories is how the news media and libraries play a vital role in the truce that we here I call this personally the age of discernment so if you're just getting your news from One Source or one-sided Source you're not getting a full picture before I became is like how much is 7 / CBS news in New York that was a whole different journalistic day we always had to include both sides of the story in anything we wrote not really seeing that today we really need to get our stuff from different sources and that's when I encourage people to do because everything sometimes it's planted so you have to sift the weed from the chair what resonates with you and then sometimes you have to go outside your comfort zone and explore another way of looking at it you know and you might find a different truth there that's not open to at the time<br> we can't say that twenty years ago I'm still going to the same beliefs as I did when I was 18 years old of course not we evolved and we change the more information we have and then we analyze it and find out that you know back then I used to watch full clips of things and now we see a little tiny clip of something but if they played maybe 30 seconds more you would find out that they said something totally different to sound bites are very interesting I've actually worked and lived all over the world and it's very interesting this plant that you see from different parts of world example right after the Rodney King riots<br> I was actually working to helping businesses in England and they were actually thought we had a civil war that was their slap and they thought America was falling apart starting in California very very interesting you been working in the south in Florida and places like that one of the people work for me was a former school teacher and he's actually from California and where in Florida is going to know ya even the history books down here have a different slant about what happened during the Civil War era hidden or whatever yeah and you know what we see that happened little by little every single day in for the ride so it's just very very interesting people should know about that now<br> what are the things that everybody has is the challenges every whistleblower must confront<br> so shed some light on that because we've heard about these whistleblower throughout times but I you know what I think is really really tough for somebody to do a special on a national stage can you have to be willing to take the slings and arrows that are going to be thrown at you many many who have have been have been ruined financially have been room reputationally and and you know have been targets for for you know people out there who are unstable and may want to get rid of them so I think a lot of people think twice make sense why do I really want to ruin my life by you know by by revealing the truth and you know right now in the news there is that I guess the intelligence agencies in the Pentagon are wondering who's leaking all this information out there and I'm thinking always like as a character he said whoever it is he's getting that information out and I can't find out who it is and<br> driving them crazy because they're they're finding out what these leaders are really saying behind the scenes that we are not privy to we only get one side of the picture so yeah whistleblowers it takes it takes a courageous person to do that so you can do it in my books fictional books you know some people said all I read your books and I feel like I feel like I can accomplish Justice in the world that I don't feel like there's Justice right now you know okay so we're going to play what if real quick here<br> what would happen if this type of library was in place<br> I had a client once and she also had a near-death experience and she came back and she said I went to this place where you could read up a you could fine you can read up on everything and she said it was very truthful to and that and that's my kind of like a library issues and that's stuck in my head now if you go back through some of the ancient texts they talk about something called the akashic records and you know that there's some place that all information is stored you know what dimension is in if it's there I don't know but perhaps somebody in holographic form like in my books in my library to do everything is shown in holographic form you could step into if you can't you can't interfere with it but you can step into it and see what's really going on and you know I'm kind of like to think maybe there really is a place like that but what do we know this third dimension here we know so little<br> about feeling like stand and you know why we're all here and so forth like that so we can't really just miss everything out right as being all that's sci-fi while I say this I think it's more fun talking about it and thinking it something possibly could be there for quite frankly if I really knew about that<br> I be really freaked out<br> quite frankly for your buck it is just a cool wild ride and that's as far as it wants to go for like a movie and that's kind of I'm very visual so I wanted it to be fast action pace and his character development and don't knows it's not it's not like a James michener's books where you got 10 pages describing Hawaii I'll just say this you guys I think and reading as far as I've gotten and we like to watch the little series that arrived in five or six seven series long and episodes are so on longer 10 episodes or whatever and see if you would make a wonderful series like that where somebody go from one to the next and it would be really really fun just to visit because it would be one of those things<br> I know my daughter would just not stop at any of the any of the listeners our viewers are Hollywood producers or come talk to me I know it's going to be produced I just don't know by who yes okay well you know what I'm the wrong guy to do that cuz you know what I got told too many years ago that I had to face for radio so what the heck just kidding in my apologies everybody got some sinus issues do the pollen and out here in California<br> let's see tell you what one of the things I did notice is that you've done a lot of traveling and got to see things people happened and it relates to experience I had went twice and I are we only about a minute half left but when I was in England when the people I work for his name is just science and he's one of those people had a lot of money and he like to get their private concierge the same people that went to around the dignitaries and stuff like that so we went to King Henry the 8th Palace Hampton Court Palace and he took his behind and like nobody really gets to see which was very very very cool how they can walk down in this is supposed to all over the Dark Castle in this is that castle that has mazes and I thought it was very very cool so when you're talking about your experience in Egypt at the Great Pyramids and you know where the water tunnels are and stuff like that can you tell us a little bit about that<br> well I had an experience in the king's chamber with three other people they are and I I got out of my body and I went down into the depths of the Great Pyramid which surprised me and I saw water tunnels down there and I actually went even deeper and I saw what looked like a city and so my egyptologist like the leading group there to Egypt for a number of years and I talked to him and I said I don't I don't know how you're going to do it but I do need to talk with the head of the Giza Plateau with Antiquities I need to get down there and let em they kept saying no they kept coming back but he was persistent and he said okay this is the price to do it may tell me the price and I thought I would have paid double so I did that was like 4 a.m. in the morning you no walking over the Giza plateau in the dark and opening opening the store this iron door and it went down 150 ft there was three<br> and second level was lots of niches of sarcophagus has that are empty only two were still there and the third one was the water was still laughing around the the rings of the the ladder but there was a sarcophagus buried under the water and had writing on it and the keys apply said if anyone ever opened this and they said no and and I'm thinking I do this is interesting so you know I just kind of went inside and ask my to divide insisted well it's it's actually hermetically sealed it's actually somewhat of a portal and why I wove that into my stacks library to book as well I took water samples while I was down there have them analyzed it showed that it was salty water now<br> the Nile River is about 5 Mi away now cuz of the other and that's that is the fresh water not salty water track down where the source of the salt was coming from and I was asked to talk you know about my findings at the pyramid conferences and things like that but I found that there's water tunnels under most of all the major pyramids in the world I've had Helicon Chichen Itza the Bosnian pyramids so and there's something there that you're not talking us about I I think that it may have been you know it's just water there's usually usually hydroelectric energy and so I think that they built on this and there was probably a lot of stuff we don't know about the Egyptians Egyptian sale and goes back for thousand years but they wink at that because after they found Gobekli Tepe they found that that goes back ten thousand more years so we know most of that history of human history has been lost<br> Kathy has been wonderful I want to thank you for being part of our show today this is a great change-of-pace for us and I know where our listeners going to love it do me a favor to share everybody where they can go get your book and<br> where are you can get it on Amazon in ebook or Prince and it's available on Audible there to Barnes & Noble also has it you can also go to the stacks website for more information and on on my Adventures as well and you know I blogged about Egypt for a number of years and just like I said my my life bleeds like a Sci-Fi novel<br> Kathy thank you so much for being here and you know what maybe we'll have you back in the future talk about the next book them to stay here on saving with Steve stay safe stay healthy will see you next week bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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