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Saving with Steve, March 16, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Sara Banto and Ande Frazier

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Sara Banto and Ande Frazier

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton
a little welcome to sing with Steve or we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun as it relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money my name is Steve sex and thanks for joining us today so think about this do you want to learn how to deal with those pesky hormones what about the hot flashes going away what about improving your testosterone so you can have more energy remember the old iron exercise what if it's really not working anymore oh yeah sorry forgot about this deal brain prognosis you know the joint pain and inflammation do you want to do away with it so you going to want to stick around we have Sarah Banta she's the host of accelerated help radio and TV she's going to join us and help us solve all our problems on top of that think about this think about back when you were a kid your parents talk about money or did the subject cause them to shut down what lessons did you learn from your parents you know what is you know what is it could it be something that has caused you to continue with your relay
kinship with money and it may be exact you positively or negatively it might be a good idea to re-evaluate that we have Auntie's Frasier she the best-selling author of the book financially free she's a behavioral Finance expert and she's here to talk about that bass about you helping us have a better healthier relationship with money so you going to want to stick with the first of all I'd like to introduce you to Sarah Banh so you can see it right here hello Sarah I see how are you today wonderfully well so let me to reintroduce you hear Sarah's the host of accelerated help keep your radio show she's a health code a natural supplement expert more importantly she's a mom of three teenagers on how to accelerate your body mind Spirit Revival natural innovative solutions to families for their health and nutritional needs now here's the interesting thing she was never planning to get in this
15 years ago there was some events that happened in her life that caused her to change the directory of what you wanted to do with that Sarah welcome again I'd love for you to share story Steve and I am I so appreciate you having me on no I did not expect myself to get into this business at all I had gone to Stanford study economics and psychology thought I was going to be in business stocks and bonds that pretty thing and you know my hat help just started failing and it really failed when I went through that third pregnancy and all the life was sucked out of me I love my children to death but that was the turning point for me, coronavirus my started you know I need to coffee after that third baby and I needed a little alcohol at night so there you go but what happened me is I just might might help hit rock bottom and the Western medicine really did not give me the answer so I
search answers for alternative medicine and alternative practitioners to help me find my Health Solutions and while I was on my journey my oldest at the time was 9 years old and he was not doing well he did not look well he was not feeling well is a bright student a good little athlete and he had no energy in school no energy in school and we got him scanned by my practitioner with a machine called the steel machine and that came up with leukemia and his body just was saying no and so if that was the point where I looked at him and I was in tears and he looks up at me and goes mom why are you crying you're going to fix me and I thought that was the moment when I said you know I am and I'm not going to stop at anything it didn't matter what my help was doing it was all about him so we started as a
supplement called The Accelerated silver that you now can find in his Flagship product essentially and cleaned up his diet as much as you can clean up a diet for a nine-year-old boy and he just started driving again and but I really didn't trust it until I got him reach tested a year later and what we did was put the cells is blood underneath a microscope and we saw his cell under there and then first time we saw the cancer cells everywhere and the second time not only were the cancer cells gone but he's blood was beautiful there were no foreign pathogens no viruses bacteria candida anything and you and I have those things in our blood everywhere and our immune system takes care of them they were nowhere to be found his blood was just beautiful he was energetic he was back into his Force you still do you know getting a straight A's like you gotten before
and at that point is when I said you know what I've got something here and I've got to share this this is this is my calling and I never looked to work outside of the home or do anything like that I was going to be a stay-at-home mom and my passion for health was so strong that I can't I can't imagine doing anything different he is now an 18 year old boy has not not only are the cancer cells gone he has not missed a day of school from the cold or flu or covid-19 year nearly not once and my two daughters same thing they went through Elementary School their friends getting sick left and right and this is before we were all in shut down they have not missed a day of school for being sick either and they have not had any antibiotics and we have been we've been helping my husband used to get to 2/3 a sinus infection
every year and he has not had one since we started on this regimen and then my business is just grown from there I you know the more I see the more I learn the more I realize I don't know and then we from eager to learn so I study study study I went back to school and went to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition where we study over 200 dietary plan and then also the Invincible Wellness system are essentially become your own doctor and you learn how to take back control of your health so that is my goal especially in times like this where it's hard to get to the doctor right now you know with covid-19 and so I really want and there's so much fear and so much stress that is being created and I want to give people control and the tools that they can use in their own house for their own families zura I think there's a point where there is really big people aren't
able to see the doctor just two weeks ago I actually called my own doctor to see if I can get a physical and I was told that he's not doing physicals right now and I have a brother who hit the last week was put on hospice and has stage 4 melanoma cancer for the last year-and-a-half or none last year but the last Almost year he's been trying to get set up for trials cuz all the other stuff wasn't working and he went down to Houston and all that stuff but they didn't have to pass you because of kobuk masic Ali they haven't been able to help him and obviously he's in a bad spot right now but the reality is three years ago when he was diagnosed if he was even further back than that if he had the ability to understand what was going on with his body and do something about it you might not be where he is today for a guy like me which most people don't know I went through colon cancer 15 years ago but what people don't realize is back then I was us 42 but I was the 7% body fat guy
and I worked out all the time my pulse was 36 so the first couple of doctors I went to they just thought it was in a regular appendicitis or they were completely wrong until I've got sent down to Scripps in San Diego to have an emergency surgery because the tumor clogged up the colon all that but there could have been signed or at least if it's like kind of aha moment you really got to make sure you get in and get tested or figure out how the way to get tested so when you talk about that I think that's vitally important to understand your own body and how to assess it it really is in the diagram you know all five of us in our house three kids one husband and me I always joke that God gave me all of these people in my house with very different health issues so that I made sure that I could master all of them and it's just amazing how the world works in the universe works because there'll be days when
one of my children has a kidney issue friend sent them in that week I've got two or three clients to come to me and say okay I've got a kidney infection what do I do about it and I truly believe that I'm being used in Orem you help others and give them that control waiting for this episode I'm in my mid-50s so I want to go exactly how I am but I'm in my mid-50s so it's my wife and she's been dealing with those pesky hormones cause hot flashes and like I was telling you before I used to be the guy in the t-shirt and shorts with the window open at 40° out I'm still the guy in t-shirts and shorts except for the long sleeve one and I have blankets on but Mom my wife is like shorts and a little tank top and note like it's when she used to free a flip
well it's great that you're asking a question my husband 51 I'm 45 and once I got over the hump of getting me out of the black hole of hitting rock bottom with my hell that was all about anti-aging and what we don't realize is all are hormones are connected and the number one hormone that is the game changer for the hormones in your body and your wife's body whether you're wanting to increase testosterone in human growth hormone for she's wanting to balance out her estrogen progesterone and testosterone is in school we have over the years and years and years of being blue Coast dependent dependent on carbs and sugar for that energy are glucose increases R R insulin is being released and a little more really keep her blood sugar and control and then Amore released and morally and then finally our body says I give up you know we don't go to the doctor and get our insulin
they test her blood sugar may need to be testing are insolent but the thing is if you are not on a low-carb ketogenic diet your insulin is fine there's no doubt because the other things that are that are affecting your insulin is the xenoestrogens in our diet the toxins in our are there heavy metals that were eating a heavy metals or breathing the radiation from this computer on right now and our smartphone to our left or right all of these things are disrupting our that's why our children are going through hormonal issues earlier or much later it's affecting our children to such an extent we can't even put a reminder around it so let's talk about it when you become more insulin sensitive meaning that your body doesn't need to release that amount of insulin you are going to be a reversing all of the H factors you are
going to increase your testosterone and you and your wife hot flashes are going to River she will start anti-aging not only that but you will have less arthritis inflammation in your body and this is how it works a ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet now a lot of people are talking about keto and they're thinking oh this is a really high fat diet yes it can be hiked that but it can also be just low carb higher protein everybody please stick with us movie Her height back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve sex and post of the saving with Steve show we're going to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tuna to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
welcome back thanks for Jonas I truly thank you for TuneIn I appreciate you letting your friends family and Associates know about the show all the replays are available add saving with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information and insight on saving with Steve then I encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channels that will never miss a show and check out a few of our Affiliates at UK help radio bbsradio talk radio New York City e360tv and Las Vegas TV network all these networks are dedicated to empower you to solve a problem uplift your spirit and live a life of financial personal feet also follow us on Facebook and saving was Steve Sexton you can also get information on the Insiders club and more with their I want to welcome Sarah Banta back there were talking about being hangry say yes though the insulin is causing a Cascade of hormones going in the wrong direction so what I teach
how to do is I ever stop Olympics called accelerated keto and it's different than any other keto supplement because it's in pill form but not only is it going to kick you into that fat burning Mode called ketosis but it is also has the ingredients nine additional cofactor ingredients that increase the fat burning increase the cellular energy increase ATP production so that you have that amazing mental Clarity it clears the brain fog gives you physical and mental energy to go do your work out without any food cuz you're you're snacking on your fat stores and then as an athlete with me is it you don't break down muscle in your body building its muscle and burning as bad at the same time when you're burning sugar and you go to work out your body burns the sugar and then starts breaking down the muscle tissue and that's not what we want specially as we get older you want to make sure
painting that muscle mass it will increase when you're in ketosis it increases yours your men's on testosterone human growth hormone and balances out the female hormones as well and the night sweats go away and the the roller coaster for months goes away and it's extremely anti-aging if you have joint pain that stuff starts to decrease as well and what I also like to tell people is new and mentioned brain fog iodine deficiency is the number one cause of brain fog and depression and something that we are all suffering right now during this this crazy time and so I really promote the importance of iodine and my accelera time is different than any other item because it's detoxes you from those heavy metal if he talks of your thyroid from toxins that have clogged your thyroid and slowed your metabolism over
years and years and years and people don't realize that when you don't have enough iodine in your body the cell start accepting other toxins in their place so people will say I used to be able to eat what I'm eating now and I felt fine and now I'm gaining weight I don't like I ain't isn't functioning as well because he's toxic to build those bells up and you are slowing down and you're not you don't have enough iodine in your body so the accelerator sticks out those toxins and filled it up so that list the brain fog and we do with the keto accelerated keto keep your energy up physically and mentally I intermittent fast which means that I squeeze my eating window within a shorter. Of time during the day a lot of times I don't need to eat until dinner time I eat one or two meals a day there's so many people to talk about fasting and they think it's like for a whole week or you know
that kind of stuff so help us understand exactly what intermittent fasting is because before talking to you I was like nah I'm not going too fast I can't go without eating for 3 or 4 days no no no no and I would never tell you to jump right into a 3 or 4 day pass personally I've never done I do intermittent fasting so that could mean just 12 hours that could mean just going to bed at 10 and not eating until 10 at the next day but what I like would I promote is trying to get people to at least and eating window just six hours that is really healthy because what happens is when you're not eating your body says okay I'm not working on digestion so I can go through the body and it's like Pac-Man I'm going to eat up all of the disease than cancer cells I'm going to reduce the information in this is called a chocolatey so when your body is not digesting it can go into that state of etapa G and anti-aging this also helps with the hormones
it helps with a whole Cascade is also helping with your insulin sensitivity and remember insulin affect all of your hormone so an intron is sensitive and reduced in the body then all of your hormones are going to be better regulated and that's their testosterone progesterone when I'm on my accelerated keto I feel like my stressors and my cortisol levels are completely come down there and control cortisol is your stress hormone cortisol the great thing you want to be able to run away from that tiger write our ancestors needed that cortisol short-term to run away from that tiger that's why I'm mom can lift up a truck if a child's underneath it real quick that adrenaline and cortisol those are your stress hormone but in our
current day living we're chronically stressed so what happens if cortisol is constantly blushing throughout her body and this depletes are adrenals bonus the queen then what happens is your adrenal energy we can get into a lot of detail here I'll try not to but what I want to talk about the most is cortisol will increase your blood sugar without eating anything so if Steve you're stressed out at work and you say chi Sarah all of the meeting is salads and chicken and I'm not eating anything bad but I'm gaining weight with what's going on will your cortisol is raising your insulin in your blood sugar and not storing fat you don't have to eat a morsel of food and no stress hormones are packing on the pounds so when you're an accelerated keto that is going to lower your stress hormones and increase your happy hormone which is been going to continue to balance out
are male hormones in your female hormones regardless of who you are. I'm kind of the guy that group is an athlete okay and even after Athletics were over with me in school and stuff like that I continue to work out I was known the person who ate a smile on meal at like at 5 then in like 10 and then it like two and then I had dinner so before meals a day now it's a little different obviously that practice hasn't changed since I was young so I'll be seeing you sometime ago but should I practice like that change in order to maintain reduce Wade Fatso on crazy is that when your body is in ketosis it will burn fat and gain muscle at the same time when you are not in ketosis your body could not gain muscle and lose fat at the same time it's very difficult it is 80% what you put in your
and 20% exercise so you will you will see bigger gains in the gym I'm doing the same thing when your body is in ketosis what helps you stay into that fat burning mode is the intermittent fasting because when your body when you go to sleep and you're not eating for those you know 8 hours and then you wake up and you have your coffee which increases ketosis you have already entered a small portion of ketosis when you eat that first meal and say it's a bowl of cereal ketosis goes out the window your blood sugar goes up your insulin goes up and your body starts burning its own muscle for fuel or the carbs that you just eaten it will not touch your fat but what we'll do is we'll tell you I am starving Steve you better feed me in a couple hours okay
to just continue to do what you've done before I was even hurt myself more than I've been helping myself if I'm doing that when somebody sits down with you and you do an evaluation how does that take place all the I've actually moved away from a little bit of that that I usually listen to and people can send me emails with their specific issues about what they're made of. And with crazy is that for 99% of the people out there the same solution will help all their issues because what manifest itself as a gut issue and me might manifest itself as a hormonal issue in you but it all is caused by the same problem and that's the difference between the way Western medicine works and what I do is that you were going after the actual problem after symptoms sure we're coming to the end but I would like you to just to let everybody know how they can get a hold of you yesterday and I'm also on my show is on YouTube Facebook I can Stitcher Pandora e360 every outlet and you can find it accelerated radio and TV and if you have any questions for me just email me directly through the website I'm happy to help you find a protocol that's right for you sir thank you so much I know you're going to get a call from at least one person you a happy healthy life and hopefully we can hang out again soon happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything associated with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
hello and welcome back to the show this is Steve Sexton with shaving with Steve again we're going to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun temp help you have a healthier happier relationship with my I want to introduce yet Auntie Fraser Auntie welcome to the show thanks for having me save my pleasure to be here thank you so much for being here for her books financially free 11 conversations to have with yourself about life money and worth and talk about how your upbringing could influence how we handle money as an adult in the changing financial habits may require a deeper look about how those habits perform this is very very interesting because I've done a number of interviews with people in the area of leadership and every time I talk to about the relationship with their parents and what habits they see it's so funny that like my dad used to like we had five kids so my dad used to eat and for some reason
now that I have kids are all he sell drugs just to get them so you can see those things and there's habits that we have taken from our folks and that's because they're the leaders in the family and it's kind of like that mimicking that monkey see monkey do stuff and how it's really really very interesting I just wanted to start by asking you what kind of questions should people be asking themselves when exploring how their parents approached money Manor back and think about what were some of the phrases that occur in growing up as a child I know I was raised in the South so I heard things like money doesn't grow on trees or money is the root of all evil argue no one in the hand is worth two in the bush something around that nature is it going back and thinking about this raises a good place to start with in Killeen a little bit deeper is really important and thinking about how your parents
perhaps they didn't talk about it at all I know that in my case you know in the South you weren't really supposed to talk about money was considered to be somewhat rude about it inside of the walls of your family and if so what were some of those discussions and then thinking about you know where was your first personal memory with money when did you first realize that money meant something more than just a medium of exchange a really good great questions to kind of start exploring it for yourself and Advanced Tax planning and finance I tend to like to ask people about what was their first experience when did you realize money than grow on trees and you know Mom and Dad are a bank anymore and those type of things bring me some wonderful Revelation one of the statements that you made in one of your bios was when you had that discussion with your folks did you have a discussion or was it just shut down night and interest in my family you know I want to
five my dad was a senior manager for a company and all that stuff and when it came time to talk about we got the allowance and stuff like that and we got our own jobs and had to work her own but when it came time to go hey look I want to go to college and I said you know what I make too much money we have too many kids so I'm not going to be able to afford it and you're probably not going to get a loan so you can have to figure it out didn't like that response then actually turned out to be a real good one because I figured out how to pay for college and then I figured out how to get a company to pay for college because of what I was able to do for him that was wonderful for me because it may be do things but I also look at other outside influences well and you can probably talk to this where marketing is about buying something now it's about having with your neighbor has we're having the coolest thing special in the 80s are the early 80s when I was in high school where you know everybody's going to the mall or having a certain clothes in that was important and having certain hairstyles and they said hair that went up this high back then they call it Mall hair but
could you talk about how those things could affect somebody spots and patterns when it comes to credit savings look like that that's partly as a matter of fact when I was doing this exploration for myself and I thought back to when was my first personal experience of many there were several different in mind and one of them was when we had moved to a new location that they were judging me in terms of whether or not always worthy to be their friend based on the clothes that I wore are the shoes that I had a little book bag that I had and I just thought that was rather odd that they would judge my ability to be their friend based on the material things that I had or whether or not my family had money and you know growing up
there with you you know my parents when I was growing up my dad was a minister Southern Baptist Minister he entered the financial business right when I went to college so who we were growing up money was not something that we had a lot of access to I can remember and yet I always thought it was interesting how people would value your ability to be friends with them the way they would invite you to parties or just how we attach the other attributes to whether or not we receive somebody to have welts or not and that really stuck in my mind and so as I got older and was pursuing a career in finance that was something that came up I wanted to explore that a little bit more about how is it that we place these attributes are these characteristics around money and how do we evaluate somebody's self-worth our worthiness to us whether or not they have money and so that's kind of what sparked my interest in behavioral Finance from the very beginning so what happens for when we have these incidences as children as we grow up and we eat
prove or disprove them as adults so if we were not able to buy things when we were younger and we were told no all the time and we didn't see that we had those resources available to us then when we get older we start to earn money for ourselves sometimes people overspend to compensate for what they didn't have as children on the other hand sometimes people will be very frugal when they grow up and so it's interesting to see the decisions that we make as a result of whatever happened to us as children and how other people treated us and how we want to make up for that as adults and sometimes that can be a good thing and another case is it can get us into dad and result in making poor decisions as adults of these things are really ingrained habits cuz people been doing them for decades and how do we overcome those things how do you learn to overcome those things you know this is going to sound rather simple I guess it's become aware that it's really happening
baby small decisions like whether or not to get the pumpkin spice latte or drink your coffee yet but we do make these decisions every day all day long and yet the subconscious mind is influencing what we do and how we do that and so a lot of times just becoming aware that you're making a decision and that you're basing it on something that happened maybe 15-20 years ago in your childhood and so it's about recognizing what's going on and then asking yourself is this a service to me now and where I'm at in my life where I wanted to go or is it time to readjust and headed away from those old pattern in those habits that are service how to save money and we donate our time at a farm that grows vegetables for a food pantry in there was a military family there and the reason why they were there during the summer is because they didn't
that money go anywhere else and and they found out that what I did and I started talking to him about all their bill and I realized that his spouse she went to Starbucks she got the coffee the pastry in the morning she got a coffee in the afternoon so she didn't realize that that was actually like 15 bucks a day * 20 days so we're looking at $300 a week or $1,200 a month for convenience and he on the other hand had a cool truck he was in the military but it goes away she on the other hand drive the Prius and they were trying to find how we can save money to do stuff put away for things go on a family vacation and we just started looking at you Noah what if you got a Keurig when the Costco lots of things 36 box 420 the he's got yourself some creamer for $5 and then go to the local bakery and buy your pastries if you want to have everyday but bring your stuff from now on now by Judy
the Keurig stuff and all the pastries and everything in the cost about 60 bucks for the whole month so it was almost like a $1,100 a month saving it on his side the three tanks of gas a week because of the dryer that had to go to the base and back went to a Prius was turned into once every two weeks which was another $300 a month and then I said hey looks let's get an emergency savings and let's start looking at ways turn them into a book called play near escape from a guy named William Dunlop but it showed him how to find vacation places inexpensively so they actually started doing it and they wasn't want to hear again an email this is what we've done so far this is how much do you say they're all excited about it but is that really about how they sometimes people just need help or somebody like yourself to have them guide them through how to go about doing it so they can have the skills to do it then have them stick with it is that pretty much weight is or whenever I sit down with my clients I'm not going to tell them to not have
spiders in their life tension and being intentional in many cases and that doesn't mean that people are intentional all the time but it's about everyday kind of making it real quick. Hey stick with this we're going to be right back with more Andy Fraser this is wonderful more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve sex and post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money bills Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal read if you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that saving was Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hello welcome back this is a saving with Steve show us I said before this is all about the ins-and-outs of money this show is about making sure we have a healthier happy relationship with money and that's why we have on each razor here she's been talking about changing the intention we have towards money so we have a healthier life with it so Andy welcome back to the show I love for you to continue on the point that you had just previously said about intentionality around money and what I find is that a lot of people are conscious pavers and unconscious Fender and I think we need to cut a flip that around where we become more conscious spend and then we set up unconscious saying so that it happens automatically because spending is where we can get in trouble either wealth is created in between the cast of
we're not paying attention to the cash going out and save money and great wealth Consciousness vendors and unconscious pavers this is unbelievably important and I believe that there's way too little education or actual guidance when it comes to kids and how would a parent start having this conversation with their children and to help them become money Savvy before they start going out on their own and I can tell you that both of them responded relationship many times do have very different decisions that they make about their own personal relationship
many times we think about teaching children how to say when they're early on maybe even as young as kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd grade we had a piggy bank we teach you how to save a little bit of more important is teaching them around being comfortable around money and making sure that they see us actress possibly around money because children really pick up on that so spotting good discussions about money taking them with you when you do some of the shopping and let them be part of the process whether it's interesting things in on the calculator cutting keep on looking to see what the cost of something is versus something else let them be involved in the decision-making and then teaching them about discipline about how they can stay in and then buy something that they want so that they create the art of the waiting and then they also will value whatever it is it's our purchasing a little bit more knowing that they'd had to wait some time before they've been able to get it done in our family and seniors in college right now but when they were little
my wife would have to go to the toy store to get somebody else to give for one of the parties and all that stuff but she always tell him hey you can play but we're not going to buy tonight and then they leave and then you know my kids saw me every time I was looking to buy a car I'd probably spend six months and I always got the best deal and now I have a son who study electrical engineering and he hems and Haws about stuff whether he's going to use it with he's not going to use it while that's a penny saved a ton of money on the other hand I have a daughter who you know beautiful and all that stuff and spends a little bit more I think some of it has to do with you. She needs makeup my son doesn't obviously and stuff like that and she likes clothes a lot more than he does he's comfortable t-shirts and shorts and she wants to look nice and stuff like that but are those the type of things that parents should be looking at to help educate them on the best way to make good decisions or Mustang we get a ride or anything but
our children and they've given their children everything and when they get their first job they can't buy the car that Mom and Dad bought him and my mom and dad were able to do my daughter is a sophomore in college when she went to college I said I'm going to give you a certain amount of money this is the money you got to spend on Grand and college was taking care of him taking care of business like extra she had to figure out how to make it work and says she created a budget and I think it's good to be able to get along with you so that they're not just the receding but they're part of that process on figuring out how to learn and so I've been talking with her about money and my son about money since they were very little bit
it's not about money yourself one of the most valuable lessons that I think you can teach them met with phds that are super super super smart but you teach him something in the financier area and they're still not very smart in that area and that's just because they don't buy it so you know when it comes to a parent for example we did something similar with our daughter you said ok as a freshman we want you to be fully involved with college we don't want you to work or anything like that so you know when obviously room and board all that taken care of but the incidentals we're going to have couple hundred bucks a month to okay and then now as a junior she had to go get her own job and my son on the other hand he went and got paid interns as a sophomore to Junior so he doesn't have to get a job cuz he figured he wasn't going to be able to have time to do anything else besides study so they figured out their own way to
do these things but you know it's like hey this is what it is so to get Lovett type thing I don't know if that's the right approach or wrong approach but I'm just curious when I get my daughter she wants to buy something and she doesn't have the budget for it she's going to either have to plan ahead or she's going to have to think about getting a job when she comes home for the summer comes home for break start lady there's opportunities I think as they get a little older I get a little bit more in a little bit in the field that there is a great idea they can having done be thinking through what that process is for them and what works for them then you can kind of do about it together so I can that sounds like a great plan you done with your children and people who grow up with parents who have big credit card debt and they might file for bankruptcy how can they think about you know hey I saw this happen with my folks what do I need to be thinking about so I can avoid
future how do I need to look at this if I'm living in that world war that's what happened with my folks in your parents struggle financially what burden has that perhaps placed on you and how is that impacting your ability to handle your day today in the stress and the caregiving that you might have to engage in that other parent do an older individual that you may be caring for and I think recognizing that and then making a decision I don't want to pass this on to my children you know when your caregiving and you're taking care of somebody else especially if you know physically mentally financially it can weigh upon your ability to take care of your family and do all the right things and so when you get present how that's making you feel in the stress at that into your life you could then they decide to make a different decision with regards to how you want to leave your children and not wanting to leave them in that same situation it's about becoming aware and then choosing PowerPlay to change the dining
what's the patterns that have long been ingrained in your family so that you can then create new patterns that are healthy and happy and good ones to pass along to your children what are the biggest mistakes most parents are making when they're teaching your kids about money I seen parents that I've walked up to their kids and I'm a cancer survivor so I met with people who have cancer and I've been at houses in talking to families and stuff and I remember when Mom walking up to their fourteen-year-old kid and got well how you feel it's okay to cry and I can see the kid gone you know I I I I I see those to me that's kind of best way she knows how to deal with it but there's mistakes that are being made and sometimes those mistakes if they are made could create major problems not only financially but relationship-wise and what are those biggest mistakes that parents need to think about before they start communicating with these things are creating the the the role model action
do realize there's like a pendulum in so you can be too far to the right or to the left and so some parents are kind of throw their kids out there and say if you want it you can have to earn it yourself and pay for yourself and so they're working their way through school they're not able to maybe spend as much time on their studies are going to enjoy those High School psychologists are having to work on Monday I want to thank you for joining us today I would like you to tell everybody where they can go get your book now they can get in contact with you so I know there's a lot of parents lot of people who would love help with this cuz it's one of those things that started coming in on our our viewer and listener line so please please share it like well you can find me a Tandy Frazier. Com That's A & D E F r a z i r. Comm major book seller on Amazon Barnes & Noble Apple box
scratch on my side and follow me on Facebook or Instagram Twitter and all the major social media has their this is something that I talk about with my clients all the time and setting their kids up for financial success is something that I believe strongly and and so I'm even thinking about new ways to be able to offer that my clients and so would love to hear from here and set her out there to have some special it's wonderful because one of the goals for saving with Steve is to set up an environment to where parents can learn how to have that communication trait that education for their kids because the more financially stable people we have there's less homeless there's a last disease there's you know because there's so many things that go away when people are not financially solvent so thank you this is a wonderful topic I appreciate you and again I wished healthy and happy life for you
a peer relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve sex and post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money Hills financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back this is Steve Sexton with the shaving with Steve show again we're talking about the ins-and-outs of money I truly thank you for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends family and Associates know about the show all the replays are available in dating with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside on saving with Steve I encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel never misses show check out a few of our Affiliates at UK help radio DBS Radio talk radio New York City e360tv Las Vegas TV networks and all those networks are dedicated to him are you to solve problems on lift your spirit live a life of personal and Financial Freedom also you can follow us on Facebook at saving with Steve Sexton and get connected with her inside
club band at shaving with Steve. Us you can get all the replays there you can get guest gifts the holeshot next I'd like to talk to you a little bit about the old watery this is really interesting because lotteries this week was a gramos 940 million on one of the lottery 800 million dollars on the other lottery were looking at billions of dollars for some people who actually end up getting a lucky enough to win but the reality is people win lotteries all the time and it doesn't have to be called the lottery and here's some facts weather most professional athletes Builder careers going to go on forever and most of them within a seven-year period or bankrupt I also find out that and I seen this personally where we see clients whose kids have inherited their entire Ira might be a million dollars or brokerage account and you know what they go oh my god I've got a lot of money never going to run out
they go off and spend it in fact I had one case where I didn't know the sun I met the son later but father passed away suddenly and the Sun by let him know hey look this is an IRA if you cash it all in the system that you're going to pay in taxes take it out of her five years if you inherited this is what happens the census okay no problem I got it thank you goodbye and basically I was no longer the adviser about 3 years later I come to find out that this person bought a nice car by the way it was read it was a sports car got a beautiful boat very fast boat by the house number of parties lots of friends the whole shot and then three years later you got a letter from the IRS you would happen if you took his father's million-dollar individual retirement account which has never been taxed and started withdrawing money out of it because he didn't take the time to understand what was the impact of doing all that he never paid any taxes on it and typically in form with the IRS about
three years later guess what the IRS simulator and says you owe us $580,000 in since you haven't paid for the last three years were going to say she was 6% penalty and interest on all the stuff you haven't paid on so that $560,000 with actually about $610,000 now he didn't have a lot of money left so is the only choice was to sell the nice car the bow the house and give the proceeds to the IRS now think about that you just wiped out a million dollars worth of dad's stuff having a bunch of fun and party's over 3 year. In the reality is whether you win the lottery from an inheritance from a high-paying job from the lottery it's important to be a good Steward of your money how do we be a good Steward of money if we won a lottery jet a financial demon play I do a tremendous amount of Advanced Tax planning for people who are selling highly appreciated assets I have introduced a dachshund stuff that's not like what I'm saying that what you really want to do is you
find a good attorney tax attorney to help you protect those assets to the reality and religious Society there are people who are going to realize they got a bunch of money and if I can be a new since they might stay with me to go away or if he's done something really stupid what you see actors and actresses you all the time and then gets sued you're going to need your assets protected so nobody can't go after your asset that's number one number two you're going to need a good tax person not somebody that just recorded you know most CPAs are outstanding people but they're just doing at a cougar and they do a wonderful job of that you want somebody who understands advanced task planning how in conjunction with that attorney will work together to protect your assets reduce your taxes the whole shot and then the last thing you need is a good financial advisor somebody understands how to make sure you can be efficient with your income distribution the reduction of taxes Millwork candidly
with the two other people so you can have a well-rounded out team that way when you're looking to make a financial decision from somebody whom how I say comes to you and wants to sell how they're going to move ice over to Africa and keep it iced down so they can cool the temperature down or some crazy idea like that you can have three people in your corner to determine whether or not it would be in your best interest to move forward with that we were sitting with a client who was looking to sell out some property and it was a very highly appreciated assets he also had a large number of other assets complaining about the issues that he was going on with the taxes and one of the things that we did this we said Hey what if we give him three options not just the one about reducing the taxes on the sale of this asset and what we did if we made a recommendation that he changed the structure of all of Interest investment so inside of the strut
the Investments did not any any income that was generated didn't have to pay taxes on the only income he paid taxes on where the money that were he and his family utilized bounce winter cherries and stuff like that he was able to control his ass it reduce the taxes and when he actually sold that apps that you actually didn't pay taxes on the sale of an asset because of the way the structure not for everybody but all I'm saying is if you're in a position where you're going to win the lottery get a large amount of money sell off a big business sell off a highly appreciated asset whether to be a brain from a farm or watch your highly appreciated art or gold or whatever that's going to have large capital gains impact you want to talk to somebody who's experienced and can work with a change in one protect your assets reduce the taxes on it and invested in the fashion that you want or at least provide that if I so it's having a team there that makes
that work I hope that gives everybody some insight about the lottery you want to understand the taxes make sure you check yourself legally from lawsuits and make sure you have a good financial advisor in fact I would pick a team and then bring all three of them together to work together might cost you a little bunny but it'll probably be the best money you've ever spent I want again thing Sarah Banta the host of accelerated hell radio accelerated help TV to talk about your health medicine how you can deal with those pesky hormone how you can deal with that brain fog and all those type of things I've talked to people that will have one of the results with her you might want to start talking to somebody like that if you're experiencing those issues also Annie Frazier we cannot do enough to educate our children and demonstrate to them being good stewards of our money how to properly go about shavings how to properly
creating wealth and Jen if you want to get more information from Andy Fraser go to Auntie Frazier. Com a n d e f r a z i e r. Com Andy Fraser financially free that's a wonderful book you can get it at Amazon and many other booksellers I want to thank you all for joining us today I truly thank you for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends and family Associates know about the show all the replays are available at dating with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information and insight on saving with Steve and I encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel so you never misses show check out a few of our affiliate that UK help radio CBS radio talk radio New York City e360tv Las Vegas TV network all these networks are dedicated to empowering you solve problems uplift your spirit little life of financial personal freedom again you can always check us out and follow us
on Facebook and standing with Steve Saxon I hope you have a great week stay healthy stay safe and that's all here from saving with Steve and I thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the save with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton

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