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Saving with Steve, July 26, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Evolve To Grow with Tristian Wright

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Evolve To Grow with Tristian Wright

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br>saving was Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun released to you having a happier or healthier relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I'm your host I want to thank you for joining us today I'm so grateful that you're sharing this with your friends and family our viewers and listeners are well over six hundred thousand a month and we're very excited for that last week we had Patricia educate our listeners I'm going to be nutritious on a budget we that wonderful feedback if you'd like to take a look at Patricia's episode you can always go to saving with Steve. You ask and check out episode 83 plus all the other episodes that been going on there now our gifts this week is Tristan Wright he comes with all the way from Australia is Tristan is the founder of the co-evolve to grow evolve grows a business consultant that helps on frontier's figure out how to have more time of freedom for themselves as well<br>can handle before we get into that we need to talk a little bit about those summer travel scam Komets got everybody down everybody's looking to break out the looking to go travel looking to do stuff, and travel scams are as follows free vacation you probably seen as online with a free vacation stuff and or you may be got e-mails calls or text messages is saying that you want a vacation even though you've never enter the contest was really interesting I've never been in a situation where I haven't entered or even if I end and I haven't even want okay if you respond to these offers do quickly learn that you have to pay some sort of fear text first so your vacation isn't free and could cost hundreds of dollars by the way I'll legitimate company won't ask you to pay for a free pie RoboCop vacation deals you might get robocalls are from your vacation deals are the discounted prices robocalls from companies try to sell you something<br>are you using illegal unless the company's got written permission if you have somebody's already breaking the law by trouble calling you without permission that's a good chance it's a scan international travel documents can to help you get some international travel visa passport and other documents these sites are just copy sites of the US Department of State website against that's a u.s. Department of State website you can go there and get all your documents the only difference with these fake websites is a charge a big premium International driving permit scan only the Department of State the automobile club which is AAA and the automobile touring Association or a a a t a r arthritis issue International driving permit nobody else can anybody else does it's a scam vacation home scams these days it's decent connect directly with carpenters and advertise their vacation home on my butt with scammers are doing<br>can get the rental booking for example the hijack the rental listing and advertise them as their own<br> when you show up for your vacation you find out other person are also booked for the same property you have no place to stay the lost her money other scammers don't bother with real estate actually make up fake listing and properties and all that stuff and trying to sell it to you okay there's a charter flights can you make it a flyer in the mail scene out of your someone on your community about an offer to travel on private plane to someplace you'd like to go the offer includes lodging sightseeing tours it's all a scam u.s. Department transportation<br> . special 30 division maintains a list of approved public charter flights do you want to go there to make sure it's an approved Charter Public flight it's a charter far away is not approved by the Department of Transportation before the packages though you're probably dealing with a just honest Charter operator signs of a scam free vacation since you have to pay for today you already know that one not getting specific details about a travel offer the offer says you'll feel as if in a five-star Resort are going to run electric cruise trip but if you are going to give you specific details like the address of the hotel the cruise companies walk away that's a scam to pay for vacation by wire transfer gift card or cryptocurrency this is how all's Gamers ask for what is the tax scam a romance scam or travel can cryptocurrency<br> the person to make a quick decision about a vacation package or rental if someone says you have to decide right away to buy the travel package that's what cameras do all the time so it's likely it's can premium vacation properties advertise cheap I saw this 15 days in Maui for two hundred bucks if you do a little extra research you can actually go and call the Maui hotel and find out if it's a real deal three ways to avoid travel scams don't sign or paint until you know the terms of the deal get a copy of the cancellation refund policy before you pick if you can't get those details walk away do your own research look up travel companies hotels rental agencies with the word scam review or complaint see what others say about them before you commit to anything this is Sammy my wife tons of money and frustration don't pay with wire transfer gift cards or cryptocurrency not going to work in most cases it's a scam<br> shop for travel get recommendations from trusted sources talk to family friends and other trusted sources about good travel agency vacation rentals hotels in travel packages consider using a mobile app for Travelocity use comparison websites and application so you can make sure you're getting the best deal possible down for travel skins make sure you take care of yourself you don't want right here July 1st it said summer travel season donkey skin you want to stick with his weary right back with more shaving with Steve with some Tristan Wright more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tuna to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton show when we talked about the ins-and-outs of money I just want to spend a special thanks to UK help radio BBS Radio AM FM 247 and all our other Affiliates the really wonderful with streaming shows drive around the United States as well as the rest of the world if you'd like to see us you can go to Spotify and apple Play Google Play or 150 different channels and we really appreciate you sharing this with your friends and family now our guest today is Tristan right now he comes to us all the way from Australia and I'm out here in California he's at 8:00 in the morning and I'm at 4 so it's kind of a weird day for everybody I'm already been at it and he just tried to wake up so he's the CEO and founder evolve to grow a business Consulting for an entrepreneur<br> figure out how to have more time and freedom for themselves as well as find a way to grow their business now Tristan is also known as the business sure but still have to get in that a little bit later I always love in my viewers love to hear some of these backstory know your engineer so it's like how does an engineer get into business helping people get more out of life cuz you's a work until the things over design thank you very much for having me do work until things are either designed and I still have it but then today I studied was using mechanical engineering and Industrial does on so that means I've got less than rot renting fee I can think creatively and I can think I'm allergic to that so I think that was how that I've got the best of both worlds in that sense but I was never really a good engineer<br> what is an engineer that I I never felt challenged or Never Felt engaged in my early days as an engineer and when I was in my early twenties I remember Thomas at riding with a bunch of night so I do a lot of sports and I saw something running Triathlon basketball with you know him enough. It's a load my spare time. Spend time is involved with sports and my nights it's me we need some socks and clothing we want to wear the same uniform so maybe May said I'll try and find some new uniforms for everyone and I looked at all the supplies in Australia and I wasn't happy with in the other guy didn't have a customer service I didn't have called if you do that I didn't have to process sorry that didn't make the three main criteria so I decided I'm going to go straight to the manufacturers are very nice and do it myself<br> organize stick got the clothing over here really smoothly then everyone put the closing on and just want to say sorry so we're on the bike and it we could see everyone's bonds since that little bit was a failure but what I did learn in that process was there was an aide for this service is off I just needed to refine his and if I was able to refine this product paper would buy it this me working a nine-to-five day job and then you might do my spare time scouting out the business is all clean clothing business looking for my kitchen table in the evening and built that business up so quickly after about three hundred grand per hour before working title so that this is probably add another 24 or 25 that ends up getting futon on it and maybe I kind of the exact dates<br> 7-figure business and when your in your mid-twenties and you're running a 7-figure business you don't know he's not likely to have had many challenges you just I don't hadn't had me challenges I believe the blessed life into then and I and because of that I do talk to a guy and do tops American stinking I can do everything myself and that was good at the time but then once the challenge was throwing up and I had no idea how to deal with it and in the space of six months the Aussie dollar tank against the US dollar which meant about 30% and then it hits I went from making it an extremely profitable business to having a problem at all<br> Google the same time my wife came to me and said hey Tristan at marriage is over three major challenges in my life that I've never had two significant challenges like that previously and I had absolutely no idea how to do with either of them because I had that are you going out again so I can deal with all of this myself so I had to do a type of support network or or a goddess Network you're anything like that and quite quickly as in 200 g of that and I have no idea how to get out of it so you can imagine baking 200 kind take going through a divorce and not not knowing how to get out of it the man to health issues that come along with that so and then and<br> kitchen table that was me I'm smiling now because like it's just my back story is my story then obviously come out come out one day and realized the business is screwed I can go back to dye job and text me and just me or I can get out who myself get over my leg I get off of my arrogance and<br> you must have had to get guidance and get support and rebuild the business and rebuild myself<br> I tried the lasa and within 18 months Library built the business pretty much paid off the debt gotten to a point that it was a salable he sold the business mandatory profit off of it so I grow cuz I said we've all been there and now I'm done working cuz I tried been there a couple times so it's okay as long as half but it's it's actually past sharing that story and not being embarrassed about it because if one person can learn from your journey that's a week<br> a big giant slide yeah I know I'm all about just sharing where I think that's wonderful. Let's talk about how people can level up their business our level up your leadership their ownership in their engagement and obviously get bigger results put simply business has to have a vision the business has to have a direction and the business on a nice to know where it is that that all the late is need to know where is the business is headed it's going to be a lot in the sand you need to know what that ultimate objective is<br> so many people like really where you're headed at the next level.<br> You need to be engaged in that direction and understand the benefits to the Credit Community of that Vision with that direction and the benefits to yourself once you understand the benefit to self and the benefits of others you're engaged and involved in it<br> so the next step the latest components is<br> getting your team engaged in that direction so I need to get to work to do graphic design X the numbers they need to be a 90 time to stand where the business is heading what is this that they're doing to help others or to help the business is the benefit to them what is the benefits them by following its vision and so I can truly understand the benefit to them and then I understand the impact they kind of have on others that's how you get someone enrolled in division of the direction of the business and Mike your job as late as much as he yes I know your job is to Layla is to enroll people in the direction that the business is taking obviously your productivity and increase and all that kind of stuff when you have everybody on the same page and moving forward<br> well I'm going to go to a break and then I want to talk to you about maintaining work-life balance is there so many people and I used to be one of them things I'll just your real quickly is I was that person who worked all those hours with really really hard and about well 15 16 years ago I had a bout of colon cancer and changed everything so like what I saw your people need to know about itself with that hang everybody stick with this will be back with more Tristan right riding on saving with Steve were going to pay some bills and be right back with your throat so sick with us we'll be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tuna to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun released to you having a happier or healthier relationship with money now I want to thank you again for joining this were back here with Tristan right we've been talking to the fair and see if he'll be bald Super Gro know we talked about leveling of leadership I just explained how I was in that case and work really really hard gave myself cancer and now I'm better for it but it's a really important thing I know I'm being funny cuz I've been through it it's my story but maintain the wharf like the balance is really touchy and allows people to have freedom less stress since you live a long life so you know Justin could you just talk to us a little bit about that how that looks of what people should be looking at<br> yet I believe so I've spent a lot of time building a framework for the Wyeth live in my concert and this isn't a picture of sister wife explained it is evolution private and one of the one of the the ounce of it is called a lawn meant we need to have a lot but it's on that puts us out of life and the business ought to be able to play with heading and what are they what I mean by that is we need to actually understand what we wants to change in business or in a professor lot of life and we need to focus on them equally if we could have like the old school Skyles you got your awesome on the other<br> but if we just want this business where we can two things are going to fall away on the personal side we're going to end up having a good night. Thanks. Working long hours getting a divorce<br> the destination is six feet under this so we've got to rewire and wants it to actually enjoy the journey of other than the destination I totally agree with that because it's really about the journey always have been in the inmates in you see people who only focus on the business accomplishments and they say you know what I want to get a million dollars in revenue and they get to the million dollars in Revenue what's next<br> and I have no place to go it's almost like they're cap until they find another place they can go but they need to be no focusing on the journey helps people get to where they want to go so I totally agree with that let's talk a little bit about blind spots in business I'd love for you to talk about that cuz you just don't see any try and see him or you think you see him but you don't tell you so if we think about business this we need to have the correct mindset we need to have a lawn and do some business with us we need to have a strategy we need to have bread we need to have styles we need to we need to have Stiles we need to have people skills how many Thai baht price of skills that's nine different areas do you need to run a business<br> typically as a business Ina we get into business with the skill set of two or three of us we're really we're we're really good at delivering a product or a service and then we might be good at that site sales and marketing but that's two areas the seven out of the areas of the business and we do not have a stealing the Wizards teaching a soap die in the areas son because we don't have no choice we don't have education in those areas when they actually got to have blond spots so they kind to make mistakes in those areas without even realizing mistakes<br> this is where did you go outside whether it's a board or friends or a or a network whatever it is this is why we need to not do. That's very big especially when you have people who I can do it all myself that says it's something else how can you help people focus<br> on what they do best and I love this and how can you focus on what you do best and I would say how can you focus on your superpower that's my big thing so how do you help people do that<br> so you got yourself and you got your area saying yes to this area that your way cast and often that the area where the areas that we spend on the most of that time we should be value in that time at a minimum of $300 and this area is Rich a lot of things about for that $300 per hour Finance so when we spend the night on Friday<br> it's costing us $300 per hour but the effectiveness of that $300 per our best guys as the time you spend in marketing<br> sorry in real life you actually going<br> employ Atlas a bookkeeper to do to your Finance the area of Genius is his finances are they going to cost you $50 an hour they going to get on it it's gone in one hour they got to get that what it would take you<br> the site for house<br> so it's going to cost you $50 for them or it's going to cost you $1,200 for yourself to do the same work because you tried to self out at $300 so I can look at it from a financial perspective you actually just saved yourself $1,150 by letting go<br> of what is not in your area of Genius<br> current every hour<br> you know what I have a client of mine who realize that a $4,000 a month assistant saving $300,000 a year just because he wasn't doing stop it wasn't his thing she managed his counter for me he told her exactly what he wanted done and and how he wanted his calendar and he wanted to talk to you soon as she got him to the point where he wasn't talking to people he was supposed to nobody talked to him unless they were involved with his vital priorities and she managed to make sure he was able to beat all the meetings that made sense and not the ones that wouldn't have any value for him and as a result of everything was just groom groom group because he did that and then he realized now I really need to find somebody who's a good CFO cuz I'm not perfect at that I'm pretty good at it and now it he just like hey I'm finding this thing out and I'm making more money my company's growing in Leaps and Bounds and I think that's a great analogy that you have there and people don't quite realize and<br> if you're in a small business it could be a big business by having the right people who can do the things that you're not so good at directly rather than yourself is a jack-of-all-trades oh yeah we got a few minutes left I'd like to talk about your business what you do for people and how people can get ahold of you<br> yeah Coop so at the end of the day<br> my ultimate objective<br> is to tell you that you can have the filaments as a business I know we can get you time for a tumor results today Robin pasta whites for them in the future so that's what I do what I want to show you that you can get time fading results now live your life now rather than do it out to us are the 12 months straight he is kind of thing and the why I do that is through my business coaching program starts in education mentorship program where you working now so you can learn from them for damage faster pace for somebody that might have been grinding it out for 10 or 12 years and then if I say it's fine I'm becoming involved in here and they start meeting people they said here's here's how I do it and the next thing I got all my gosh that will save me this this in this why do I need this person let's replace that my structure should be<br> better if I do this and this and this and that kind of that Mastermind for everybody and I realize that I need to make this change we've got the education that and the support of God instead so Tristan how can people get ahold of you simplify is Google we trust and evolved to grow and you'll see me on see my website to my LinkedIn Facebook boys jump on the website about the or send me an email to send it evolve to I don't know if you're going over there I hope you have a wonderful day I want to thank you for joining us and sharing this information again if you want to talk to Tristan go to Tristan Wright evolved to grow get in touch with him will help you grow your business livelihood and make sure you have more time in a good work-life balance Chris and thanks again for joining us today right here on saving with Steve stay safe stay healthy we will have him back again thank you very much<br> bye-bye everybody that wraps it up for this came with Steve episode will look forward to seeing you next time stay safe stay healthy right here on saving with Steve bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. You join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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