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Saving with Steve, July 19, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guest, Patricia Kolesa, Nutrition and Meal Preparations on a Budget

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guest, Patricia Kolesa, Nutrition and Meal Preparations on a Budget

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you a thousand of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with the money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton do you having a happier or healthier relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us today we've got one heck of a show but first I want to thank you for sharing with your friends or family or social<br>we have well over 600,000 Lester's not only here in the United States but abroad we're really excited as things keep expanding you know what the last week we have Helen boys are up to help us with a successful career change especially nowadays with 3% unemployment the the great resignation people have a bigger and better opportunity or find a new career and a new job in hell is going to help you get there and if you want to check out her or any other of other 82 episodes all you have to do is go to saving with Steve. Us that's sitting with Steve. Us and Helen's episode is episode 82 if you're looking for a cruising yes we owe I'm going to be talking about romance scams we're going to talk about all the stuff that people do to scare people out of the money how they're using crypto romance scams how they were behind it what can you can do to protect yourself and if it happens to you where you can go now<br>Today Show we've got a topic that cheese with that so many so many two lovely ladies just email in and say hey with inflation everything we're trying to figure out how we can be healthy on a budget and we have the perfect yes your dad April is Patricia Kelly says she's here she's a registered nurse dietitian she's based out of New Jersey she's got a Bachelor's degree in nutrition Diana and I are dietetics at restaurants University obviously got biology psychology so she can help me get in the psychology behind it but you know what she has worked with multiple entrepreneurs she has worked with most notably the United States rowing team weight loss surgery diabetes weight management cardiovascular disease renal disease and geriatrics down that means she knows a lot of stuff and she has a wonderful background to create the foundation of the information she's going to provide you too you're really want to sit and listen if you got a pen write this stuff down<br>going to make a big difference and with that I want to introduce you to Patricia Kalisa and thank you for joining other show Patricia anytime Steve thanks for having me yesterday about this and she's just like you know what how do you do it you know how do people keep in a budget stay nutritious and there's so many miss out there about you know what do GMOs we have to go organic all that kind of stuff and I know we're going to be talked about that all today but you know what I did was just really interesting there's a lot of little going to say marketing that goes out there that says you got to do this you got to do that in order to be nutritious and you know what the reality is that might not be the case or could be the case and that's why we have here to dispel all that stuff so what I'd like to do is you know what how should somebody go about compiling a list private grocery know what are the tips for doing that. And how does somebody do that in the store cuz you know what I mean I'm a guy but you know what it doesn't matter for your guy or girl<br>you know what I kind of have a list of my head but when I see something else that looks kind of, and that might not make the worst the best situation for being nutritious so how would you go about doing yeah absolutely so you know how to start off a list I would say it is about the planning and I know that's not really easy for people given the busy times right now but the best way to make a list where you goes grocery shopping is to think about okay how can I incorporate all the food groups number one so we have our produce we have are proteins in our grains so think about what are some of your favorite foods from those different food groups and what can be made for multiple meals so there might be different like different products that can be put in multiple recipes like let's say rice or plant-based protein so you can put them together and not be getting tired of the same meal and if you can go right down the food under each food group that you have before you go then you have<br>sort of like a picture of how to navigate through the grocery store without having impulse buys other foods and other thing is to ask yourself you don't here in the US we have a lot of coupons available and especially online now you can find so many different coupons and especially you know another way to save is both buying so what can you buy in bulk what can fit in the fridge so there's all these different ideas on different ways to save money but absolutely the first thing is to start by planning first so then again you have that picture before you go in and it doesn't result in impulse buying and buying things that are unnecessary leader okay so I got to ask this question cuz a lot of people know where they think they know but they don't know okay plant-based protein what are they help me with some examples<br>plant-based proteins are pretty much what can be grown so some of the popular ones here have been chickpeas and edamame black beans Pinto beans and tofu so they're all very cheap and can be bought in bulk so I could find a block of tofu for 199 it's just the difficulty of it is some people don't know how to prepare it but there's just so many different recipes online that make it better for us and on top of that and has just as much protein as your animal products and that you know a lot of people are trying to eat last animal products for many reasons for the environment and also because animal products are just getting more expensive so you are able to get enough protein in your diet even if you're not buying something as expensive as let's say red meat or fish for example everything's gone up almost as bad as gasoline<br>would you go in that I know I'm kind of going off script a little bit bit but this is one of the questions our viewers at you know what they don't mind the whole foods and stuff like that but the taste isn't the really the case they were looking forward to put it mildly so where can I go to find wonderful recipes for tofu and other plant-based food that where you know it it might be a little doll or boring is a website that I think is working on increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables and plant-based foods which I want to say it's have a plant. Org and you can simply look up tofu recipes bean recipes online I think there's also a bean website as well you know you can really find anything these days I just I can send you the link after this if you'd like so you can give it to your new horses well would love it<br>difficult to put all the names together but I can definitely get that to you Steve and one of the places that people can go to for coupons is obviously they know how to link everybody if your cross that place in the mail with your shopping that's wonderful okay so let's go to bulk-buying bolt okay so when people look at buying bulk you know what I've seen it's just me and my wife now and our kids are out of college and all that kind of good stuff so we're really not buying all that much milk so blunt doesn't make sense and in some cases you know what we all buy rice and you know what'll be the big bag of rice that has been relatively inexpensive and that allows long time but when you're looking at things like potatoes and you know I'm not going to say organic but the produce you to actually buy the best way to do you have any recommendations for that<br>so I'm what I usually recommend especially for fresh produce like fruits and vegetables if you can wash and freeze them they can last for quite a long time I want to say it you know in some cases probably up to a couple months which is great and some people have been putting their fruits and vegetables in water in a container I've seen a lot of videos come up online and they work just as well to make the product last longer for example avocado with me know we open it is already rotten so for us to be able to say you don't cut it open save save it produced not only foodways but is also budget-friendly because we are getting the most out of what we're buying as well and we're not buying more than we need to down the road so what you're talking about is somebody actually putting the fruits or vegetables in water and storing it that way so that okay so what we're going to do<br>take a quick break and we'll be right back got to pay some bills with Mary ties and show hail everybody stick with us we were right back with more Patricia she's going to help us with nutrition on a budget and we'll be right back with some more skating with Steve so stick with us more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving one<br> Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything in this unreleased you having a happier healthy relationship with money now we're all about uplifting you from a spiritual Financial standpoint I'd like to think of a couple of are feeling at the UK help radio BBS radio and Amy fm247 as well as New York radio TV and again we have futuristic Lisa she's talking to us about nutrition on a budget now I can tell you're pretty knowledgeable and you're pretty passionate about this so what really kicked off your passion Sports Nutrition there Patricia you know I when I was in high school I was doing a lot of cooking classes and I knew that a part of me wanted to be in healthcare I didn't know exactly what yeah but I grew up with my parents and<br> we're looking at nutrition labels growing up and just food brought everybody together and from there I just wanted to sort of confine my passion for helping others as well as my love for food and that's how I decided to become a dietitian and get where I am today was wonderful the Miss okay there's so many people that I talk to that only do organic only fresh you know and they have I don't think any idea they just listening to people online talk about being Organic Kitchen in fresh food and the only thing that's the only thing they eat so I would love for you to just take a moment and trying to dispel some of the myths of the rumors just so people can realize how my God I didn't realize that so I love this part cuz it's like the aha moment fart<br> when is very individualized and do you know nutrition is very bright which of the lot of people don't like to hear because we want a straight answer especially today then nutritions going to look different for everybody so with regards to keeping Foods fresh and trying to be organic these can be really great if you're able to afford them but in some cases you know especially today we're trying to figure out how to save money so sometimes the organic foods aren't as necessary and the priority is really just to make sure that you're having balanced meals as often as possible and your meal planning in that your eating habits are sustainable for you because often times when we get into this Whirlwind of meal planning and trying to be nutritious we can get stressed out easily because like you said there is a lot of information online and there's a lot of different things that people are saying so my best advice I always say you don't try to talk<br> dietitian then they can create specific meal plans that work well for you they can give you simple advice and you know what the the thing I love about our field as we're always focusing on the person and yes we do talk a lot about food and we talked a lot about exercise that's understood but we do acknowledge your stress levels we acknowledge the environment that you're in are you close to a grocery store and you have food available to you so you know what that's how old is becoming very integrative and I think that's something that's really going to come out in the future as well you know outside of the the dieting and all these different things okay so here's an interesting thing when we were out with a bunch of friends over the weekend I told him who they guessed The Who Who Are You interviewing this week and you know what it was interesting the topic came up of the different diets that they've been on like there's this one we're one of them gets into the 20<br> they fixed and they only eat certain things while they're working out for the 21 days and yeah they lose some weight but then it's back on again and you know the husbands are going oh my gosh she's like super BMO just because she's not eating and sleeping and then when she's done with it I know that my wife goes with diet hyper-saline ever been a diet person I've always just work out and try to eat right but I know a lot of people are on these diets and they go for certain. Of time and it lasts but there's not you know if the weight loss doesn't last or the physical effects don't last because they're not sticking with it you know how can somebody move into something that would create a balanced diet nutrition easy to do the fitness side of things as opposed to going to these crashdiet we're paying for these crash diets and<br> not really getting the result because it's gone in a couple weeks or a month or two after they finished<br> dietitians is makes me start with small changes you know first you start off with kind of looking at you and saying all right like I said what what foods are accessible to you what foods do you like first of all cuz you know a lot of people that go on these diets for example will let's give keto an example cuz I know that's a very much popular diet going on right now they're the products are keto version and they might be stuff so people don't like things that don't taste as good to them for example so we want to be able to incorporate foods that you enjoy number one number two again it's hard getting all those different food groups and most people don't like they might say I don't like your gerbils but we can find a fruit and vegetable or and or vegetable that we can put in your diet that hits. It's just a lot of critical thinking Steve you and always I like I like I keep bringing up nutrition is very individual and you know one thing that works for one person might not work<br> the other so again that's where the dieting comes back and why people might find themselves not sticking to these diets that claim to have success one of the things that we've also seen or I'm going to say this I've seen it in some of the friends that we know that go on diets and stuff like that where there they start the diet and maybe a workout prep plan as well and they're just wiped out and you know what and if they don't really get past that wiped out stage until the diet actually over is there anything people can do to hate they're going to do a combined a workout with a diet to make sure they're not at that because that prevents him from moving for it cuz it's so hard or is it that makes sense so a big thing about diets is they tend to restrict a lot of different food groups so what happens is when we're restricting different food groups then we lose some of that energy so for example<br> again bringing it back to the low carbohydrate example cuz that's a big deal carbohydrates are the main energy source in the brain for us so if you're going to completely cut out carbohydrates that can result in a lot of a lot of exhaustion and fatigue and you don't have the energy from there to perform those workouts that you're looking for cuz actually carbohydrates are helpful with working out as well do it again and all comes together and my advice is that if you do your doctor or a dietitian recommends that you do try to be aware of a certain food group that you try to monitor it little by little cuz you know we do understand there are some people out there who might be eating a lot of carbs or might be having too much fat in their diet we got that but trying not to completely shot it out right off the bat it's going to take maybe the talking a little bit and adding another food group so something like protein we might want to emphasize a little bit more protein in the diet<br> is carbohydrates again just trying to balance out those meals throughout the day and not leaving a lot of time in between to eat less than you normally do is trying to manage what what we can do that makes give you the best energy and also working towards those goals and I just wanted to talk to you about the services that you offer people is it okay if our listeners or viewers get in contact with you and how would they do that could you help us with those things absolutely no website yeah I've been a dietitian for almost 2 years now so I'm My ultimate goal is to be present on these podcast and really do a lot of guests speaking so you can find me on social media I have a Instagram and a tick tock goes under the dietitian dish with a t email me I definitely opening up<br> Fox I love to answer questions that I really love to help other people as often as I can my email is dietitian Hollow by a. And then Trish t r i c h at it's wonderful Patricia I I just want to say I know you didn't say it but I want to say because one of the things that I did is I looked into your background and all that stuff and I thought this was a really cool mission statement and it says here your mission is to help women like yourself become more Curious excited about food and find exercises that they enjoy they enjoy so they can achieve overall health without it without any stress or weight loss and dieting so I want to I think that's wonderful and could you help me help help us with that email into more time with a dietitian. Trish at perfect your day was wonderful to have you and appreciate you taking the time to eliminate the mess the misinformation and also get some resources where people can go to so thanks again I wish you well with your endeavors<br> and you know what maybe we'll have you back here in a few months and see how things are going to call Lisa she is a dietitian she loves to help people out with nutrition on a budget help the whole shot if you can want to get in contact with either go to dietitian. Tricia at so you want again that dietitian. Tricia at with this word r e right back we're going to be talking about him dating scams what's going on what do you do how can you protect yourself and if something happens you where you can do so stick with this right back with more shaving with Steve more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money was Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun release that you having a happier or healthier relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us want to think our feelings that you can help a t o b b s Radio AM FM 247 are syndicator talking about scams Pacific romance cancer and I just want to talk to you about what I read on the FBI's internet crime complaint center and you know what a woman on the video or name is Darlene Kelson sister rate of how she was scammed here's how it works I gave him my phone number because he seems to authentic that's what you said well within three weeks or so he's expressing that he was falling in love with me the man she called with Giovanni told her she was an architect and a contractor who travel to Turkey for jobs and<br> somewhere down the line ask for a loan of $30,000 then he needed more money and we're going through this forever and we're going to get married he told her they're leaving and if she's a flag ignoring ignore then she said in the end she gave him $530,000 her entire retirement fund which is why nearly the age of 74 she still working she said and you know what she asked these questions how could I follow for this but the reality is it happens to so many people from all walks of life you know what the reality is you don't want it happening to you what's really interesting is the FBI received more than 25,000 romance fraud complaint in 2021 alone at the end of the manipulated family relationship apart at one of these scamps and take his devastated okay let's talk about you-know-what in fact these scams people between the ages of 45 and 55 are the typical corporate k<br> call Brett Bazaar the typical victim they have a little money but a little lonely the going online and it's it's one of those things that you really really want to watch out for now he's in the military these things are happening Court of the CID the computer crimes investigation using awesome and soldiers themselves to be on the guard for what's called a sextortion scam and me scams criminals and games and online sexual activity with an unsuspecting service member and then demand money or favors in exchange for not publicizing potential embarrassing images are information for information and they cautioned the soldiers never send money to someone claiming to be a soldier Okay that's a variant of the most common scheme involves criminals often other countries most Melanie from West Africa countries pretending to be US soldiers serving in combat zones or other<br> locations oversee these crooks are often document have Boston from the documents improve their financial need when victims asked to wire the money so it's really really important to understand what's going on okay now the FBI outline the anatomy of a cryptocurrency investment scheme this is the way it works the scammer initially initiates contact in typical maybe a dating app again dating app or other social media sites like Twitter Facebook Messenger whatever thus winds are gains the confidence and Trust of the victim by nechama sling an online relationship and then claims to have knowledge of cryptocurrency investing trading opportunities that will result in substantial profit they talk about how great they are with investing K and then with they'll do until suggest you buy cryptocurrency send it to an online wallet when the victim thinks<br> investment website but in fact it's the scammers website K the con-artists website for an investment opportunity after the victim has invested in initial amount on the platform and sees and a large profit which means they allowed to take out a little bit of money there's little profit there the scammer allows the victim to its raw a small amount of money this is the way they can trust with you ask for success with Robin krumins trucks division to the victim to invest a large amount of money and I need to act fast when the victim is ready to withdraw funds again this camera that's a reason as to why they cannot happen to Victor's informed that additional taxes or fees needs to be paid or the minimum account balance has not been yet to allow withdraw the claim and the claimant Isis the victim to ride more fun sometimes a service customer service group gets involved which is also part of this can this is hey you got to go and do this<br> not able to withdraw any money in this camera of most often stopped communicating with victims after they cease to send additional funds now and I want to be very clear about this I work with people and the financial consulting business and I know of three people right now that I've been affected by these romance scams in one was just like this the only difference is is she took the money out of my IRA and she told me it was this guy in New York and he was going to invest in this she's going to double our money inside of six to nine months it was too good to be true the whole shock do you know what she lost the money member I told you the FBI's receive 25,000 complaints in 2021 it's probably twice that much because people are such an embarrassment than they got hit with that now what do you think this really interesting on these dating sites when the picture looks too good to be true looks like a model what you might want to do is go search for that picture I bet you're going to find a real person to do with that I want to thank you for all the<br> I'll see you next week same time same channel right here on saving whiskey we're going to give you our best advice one to help you tires smarter and we're going to go through the ins-and-outs of money so we can benefit you to look forward to seeing you next week right here on saving with Steve stay safe stay healthy bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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