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Saving with Steve, January 25, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Lisa Thompson and Elbridge Colby

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Lisa Thompson and Elbridge Colby

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br>hello welcome to the shaving with Steve show when we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun that really see you having a healthier happy relationship with money my name is Steve Sexton I want to thank you for joining us here at the Big E today we cure the United States have over 600,000 listeners are going really really well we just expanded over 50,000 more listeners in Europe and we're moving to other country so I want to thank you for being part is I want to thank our feelings AM FM 247 bvs radio UK Health Radia when others were thank you so very much we're definitely talking about money what is things I'm going to bring the lawn today it's something different that could affect our lives down money down the road for the first time since the Cold War American officials are warning that the United States could lose a great power War specifically to China China's rise.<br>it's dangerous for Russia terrorist ran North Korea persist United States can't rely on Military to what overwhelmed and opponents as we did in previous generations it's in the country must make choices the psych ward of focus and we're not you what to do what not to do failing to drop the right strategy could result in a crisis possibly a war especially because we have Elbridge Colby Elbridge was the deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy Force development between 2017-18 which which he led the development of 2018 National defense strategy book called the strategy defense in an age of great power comes like we have them on the show you're going to want to listen to him in the second half cuz it will be very eye-opening it'll be interesting to understand what's going on I'm going to be talking about how to cultivate a healthy relationship with money now first.<br>we're in the holiday season you're so to speak Jack in the hall spreading holiday cheer and all that comes with a pretty big price tag you don't want to despair because there's always a way to keep more money in your pocket and she or charges on that credit card with all of that part so we have Lisa Thompson she's a savings expert with she's going to help us get through it so Lisa welcome to the show I want to thank you for being here thank you so much for having me I love to talk about saving money so here's the interesting part 86 per cent of our listeners are female and there between ages of 55 and 75 and quite frankly they grow up in the area where it's all about saving money or little block and said hey we got somebody from she's attending expert<br>I'm always interested in how did you get into<br> savings and become involved with because there's got to be a good history behind that I was staying home with my husband was the breadwinner and that's hard you know we were trying to live on one salary in so coupons for me it was just a lifesaver. That time it was getting that Sunday insert in the newspaper City money for me at that point was a necessity so I really got into the whole world of coupons fast forward several years my kids are older I go back to work I'm a writer and I'm in the Bay Area here and I saw a job for pop up as I was job searching and I went<br> I can write about saving money and I can read about you buying so I've been with you guys. Come for about 10 years I have written a lot about ways to save money money saving tips things have changed since the 90s when I was clipping coupons a lot of the Sunday paper I think the world of couponing and saving money has actually gotten easier it's like The Best of Both Worlds I get a right which I love to do I have a lot of experience at learning how to save money with a big family a little bit older so you know what back in the 70s my mom was chopping a nickel every way she could she would go to the Wonder Bread store and buy one day old bread because it was 34% off coupon if we're going out to dinner my mom would buy my dad's suits at certain time she always knew when the stores had their clearance now so all this<br> did my dad were to work where you know expensive suits but 40 or 50% off and she actually was a seamstress so she knew how to do things and back my friends all thought I had real cool clothes cuz it back then it was like Hang Ten so I'm talking later and 12 years old will my mom actually bought the material made it so Don & Stone on the logo on the shirt so everything's we had to read she made those Carter a short sword I obviously you know because you probably did all that stuff is really good at shopping clearance sales and design say all my kids every summer clothes but they will next year you know you and my mom was also really good at garage sales or estate sales for people who had passed away she would look for the crystal there's a few times to receive a $5 Crystal that was worth like 20 grand was looking for stuff<br> my dude so let's start talking about what things people should do to lower their costs this holiday season. I think it's really really very important because you got all sensation Airy stock prices are up I don't know that there's as many Shoppers is there was last year people are buying as much as they did last year just because prices are so how do they go about making that dollar stretch is I'll be there were no parties no get-togethers last year that I remember for the holiday season so I'm noticing my grocery and wine budget last year and<br> everything is a little bit more expensive it feels like you know you walk down the aisle to the grocery store and it's like my coffee creamer is a little more this bread is a little more and it starts to add up the big is tempted I give people is if you are not in the habit of saving money of checking coupons of having coupon apps on your phone going to website and if you like to still print coupons doing that if you're not in the habit it's going to be hard for you to remember to save money a lot of saving money is just getting in the habit of it right it's remembering to do it everyday we check Facebook Instagram social media at the weather whatever but we don't always check<br> what offers are out there to help me save money I always say take 10 minutes of your social media time or whatever download the apps you need to help you save check out the website and get in the habit of using coupons at used to be that the coupons came back right when I was talking about what I did in the 90s they can still come to you but you have to make a little more effort and nowhere to go download the App Store it's free and you can just swipe through there is like a treasure Trove of cashback offers used Tappan oh there's my coffee creamer oh there's my my kids love this particular type of chocolate and we have a dollar off coupons for it so I tapped it today or am I going to get that for their stockings it's a dollar off all I do is topic I go to the store I buy it I send you the picture of my seat and my PayPal account is attached to the app I link it and cash back shows up in my PayPal account so that's one way to say with cashback offers this is very<br> say more trending and more popular now than kind of the old school way of couponing where we take a coupon to the store and save at the register people still do that and I don't knock that I think it's great if you like to have that coupon in hand and you take it to the store and you stayed at checkout we have those on our website at you can print out coupons but the app and getting used to using cashback offers is so whack and you just watch that cash back load up in your PayPal account and you can put that toward your groceries or whatever so what you're doing is you're going on selecting a coupon and it has a cash back offer so once you purchase it you submitted the receipt to and they send a dollar or $2 or $5 or whatever and your PayPal if it is not easy it's really just creating an account on the app we can also do it on the website I think that I was a very seamless experience but we have cashback offers and printable coupons on the website<br> count link your PayPal to activate the cash back after you tap it that's literally all you have to do there what we call store agnostic so that means you can go use these at any store that you want that will give you an itemized receipt for example I love Costco my kids are ground I live alone but I still shop at Costco<br> so I do with friends you know and I'm pretty mindful of b m we split things and we share things and things like that you know I used cash back offers on my purchases all the time you can use these wherever you shop as long as you get an itemized receipt on the power shop or so I have my list to go get it I'm out my wife doesn't do that give you three times but I would I spend if my wife shows up and she just how I need this I need that<br> Costco tell me what you need if you walk to the<br> you have is refused to pay full price if you can help it and this is what I mean by getting in that habit thinking about before I buy this pretty good purchase before I check out at the grocery aisle what resources do I have at my fingertips to keep me from having to pay full price on that really loves his coffee creamer did I check my app to see if I have a cash back offer in that another thing that I do is stare some things and I'm Really Brave and loyal to my laundry detergent my coffee creamer and things like that I sign up for their emails because you'll get promotions coupons offers money seeming opportunities when you sign up together MLS or follow them on social media that you might miss otherwise the other thing is online shopping I never checked out at that card until I have searched for a promo code I got to we have coupon codes and promo codes to for your online shopping I go there first if we don't have something I'll do a Google search<br> look at your credit cards a lot of credit cards have offers attached to them for them on my American Express I was check what offers do I have attached you just activate that offer a lot of credit back on your credit card bill I checked every resource before I have purchased and have all these offers and I got about that and I just remembered one of my God that could have saved me fifty bucks and I go to another credit card that I have but I look to see what cash back offers if you spend $50 to scroll through the offer so it really is just about thinking about how can I save so that's why I'm saying refused to pay full price before you've exhausted all the opportunities he<br> at your finger tips to save money I have a reduction process that people lived all their expenses and stuff like that in one of the ways we find the money to pay down the debt is looking at what you're spending it spending in part let you know when I know a lot of people who spent $300 a month going out to coffee places but if they were just to go to Costco if you 36 box and $5 for creamer so they can save 200 some-odd dollars I talked about this. But I never thought in my wildest dream that we should be looking at coupons because it could provide much more of an opportunity to pay down debt and credit card payments which there's a lot of people are going to have a holiday hangover I know that when it comes to saving us proof with the stick with this will be right back<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve Sexton on a saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey welcome back to the stadium with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money I just wanted to take a moment and special shout-out to Affiliates of BBS radio UK help Radio AM FM 247 you know what we appreciate them sharing us check out their systems and shows there might be something else in there for you we're back here with Lisa Thompson she's got some bags of chips for the holiday here and she just saving expert with now we talked about this little bit pairing sales with the coupons it depends grocery or retail bet you can do it both ways because this is my wife going to Shores my lost my well I am a big online Shopper like I was talking about before and so I also am happy to sign up for the brands of the Retard if I left for their emails like I also mention<br> getting a sales notice hey this is on sale over here or this is on sale that can be paired often times with a coupon code that you can find for example on our website so if they're running a sale on a shirt I want and I have a coupon code for an extra 15% off or free shipping or whatever I can use that promo code when I check out there's always a box promo code some stores will even let you add a couple different promo codes to your purpose will let you add free shipping and then a percent off so I watch the sales and then simultaneously watching for those promo codes in the coupon codes for example sign up for emails from will send you out hate does a great sale at Home Depot is having her here to Great coupon code at Home Depot or Lowe's or whatever your store will send you notice of that so you don't have to go search for that some people can play<br> set up your inbox so that's not a big Avalanche hell it went up her motions going to a special folder and but it's worth it because you really can save money by being on a list like that and I get notice of sale all the time or following people on social media brands at you like I can see how that could be a big benefit I set up a completely separate email address for my promotions emails and that's where I know okay I'm going to go through those today and see what's on sale did they send me any promo codes that kind of thing at the grocery store circular is in the mail or I'm not a big lift make her to be really honest I don't look at circulars but I do like to kind of proves the aisles and see what's on sale at the same time I'm looking to see at the grocery store what's happening I have my app up<br> so I can cut a scrawled is it okay that I love that lotion that's on sale oh my gosh I have $0.50 off that topic boom if it's done it's sort of being mindful how can I prepare us for sale with a coupon how can I add a promo code to my shopping cart online it's a mindset right or if you can do the same thing every single day I have a food budget of $1,000 a month but if you've got it down to Five Hundred that significant and then go towards trips a car paying off that whatever is important to you but more importantly it's not showing up on that darn credit card for $10 a week is $10 a week over the course of a year that's your that's your food budget for a vacation right you know I really got into the<br> but I still love to save money and when I started developing this habit of going to Italy for year I was like I love this country but it is to feel like I can afford this and a lot of what I'm talking about is what I do I'm just constantly looking for how can I take money off that here and then have to have something for traveled I know of a couple Travel Experts and that's what they do they have the whole sequence down. Let's talk about those holiday parties one of the things that you can bring something I know a lot of women my age your first response when somebody says I got it because I feel like we need you know take care of everybody and splurge and I started realizing you know what when I go to somebody's house when I go to a party I hate to show up empty-handed I want them to tell me<br> two brain cuz if they don't tell me I'm going to bring something anyway so we started doing is coming up with this team I'm having to get together next week and the theme is taco bar so I'm going to provide the meat and I said everybody bring something that will go to the taco bar and I'll have the meat in the slow cooker or you know whatever on the grill and then you all pitch in her cooter a right not to have a charcuterie nights or chili cook-off it whatever if you haven't seen then you're prepared for what to tell somebody to bring and it's just much easier for everybody and it seems you so much money it really does work over all that money for a whole party and everybody else brings complimentary dishes and alcohol and all that stuff just doing the same thing it's just a lot of fun to space the real fun is all the people that are there<br> people like my wife likes to play mom and to make sure everything is covered that's why they say<br> food delivery services download the app if you don't have instacart that's a great app to get cashback offers work even on instacart so you can go on instacart order whatever from your favorite store that you're ordering and then use the cashback offers just said if we see Daniel get cash back but instacart itself also will send me offers Free Willy I got one yesterday say $50 off a $100 Beauty purchase just because they're trying to promote hate we've also branched over into the Beauty World you know Sephora is on instacart. The thing about like the middle of this option but people are always also kind of in the mindset of how can I save money and there's always something<br> I knew Avenue delivery service you know we're still kind of in that mode of not going out to shop as much we're still learning how to do it on our so pay attention to what's new and download them and take advantage of the offer is that these apps are sending you know and it's going digital as opposed to relying on people you just look at the Sunday paper and see that what we talked about earlier way back in the day is like this thing funny so I totally get that this is my favorite thing about you know it's kind of think about especially with my friends you know who are they what do they love and how can I put together<br> like a compilation of gift baskets or something that really speaks to them you can buy a lot of great stuff to put in a gift basket at the grocery store at a drugstore and use our cashback offers to see if I know someone I suggest back offers on groceries in our app it's not just food you can find cashback offers on everything from diapers to shampoo YouTube Covergirl cashback offers both of you got a friend who's really into makeup and beauty and look at our app right now there's lotion there's Covergirl cash back offers you can use go buy a cute little makeup organizer fill it with their favorite things and you have a great gift put a bow on it you know she was taking money on it but it's not I got this for you I'll have is on<br> I'm knocking out my kids love gift cards you know I get it but I think it's between with friends and people that that you know it Splendid to think outside the gift box think outside that kind of typical idea and I just I love putting together a little gift baskets for people to put something together that really fits them and their personality so I think it's very very cool yeah it's nice to Lisa this is been wonderful I want to thank you for being on the show how can people connect with you connect with so could you just go through that before times up real easy go to that's our website you'll sign printable coupons cashback offers coupon codes promo codes free shipping codes all of that<br> right now with the holiday season and you definitely want to check that out and like I said I think the seamless way to save is using our cash back hours in our app to go to the app store for both IOS and Android download the app is completely free create an account and you'll be earning cash back today wonderful holiday and I'd love to see you back sometime in the next couple months<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey welcome back to the shaving with Steve show me just have Lisa Thompson saving expert for what a wonderful slew of chips that you can use to save money on the credit cards are in the holiday season so you don't have a hangover go to I think they're going to be too big benefits for you cuz Lisa told us how we can save a whole bunch of money by getting cash back right now I'm going to be talking about how to cultivate a healthy relationship with money quite frankly healthy relationships just don't happen we all know that not only for your relationship with people with money too so how do you build and maintain a healthy relationship with money well a good starting point is to build a good relationship with yourself and what I'm going to do with you ever go through about four or five different things that you can do to develop a good relationship with yourself but more importantly the money now spend some time evaluating how you feel about money this is really important what are your financial value<br> first three words that come to your mind when you think of the word money<br> consider why these words pop up often are Financial beliefs and behaviors are tied to our parents and caregivers felt about a manager money while we were growing up this is important to understand according to studies most people's financial habits or behavior their values are developed by the age of seven by what they see from their parents hope your folks are people who spend money all the time who purchased items to keep up with the next door neighbors had large debt does could be your values to recognize these connections to the first step developing a new Financial have it so once you recognize those write down the values that you want to hear for yourself do you want to save for retirement do you want to have nice things are you saving for a house what do you value about money next review your Current financial situation and spending habits write down all your income expenses Jazz and savings<br> just give me a very scary exercise unfortunately avoiding it won't make it go away and quite frankly in most cases make the situation worse I have met with a lot of people who have significant position to make a lot of money one of the big issues that I see is if they don't understand their expenses are debts in the budget then they have nice things but they have no real assets because I haven't seen anything the reality is that doesn't work well if you're trying to figure out how to retire now having a full view of your financial picture could help you see areas of improvement that way you can plan moving forward now the next step is focus on spending that helps you meet your goals<br> just been using what you learned about your personal finance lab take a look at your expenses are they left over old bad habits leave behind expenses that don't line up with your goals for example if you want to pay a debt hey you can go to find ways to reduce what you're spending on what you're acquiring so you can live your life look at things like TV cable subscriptions you can get a streaming and buy a few apps and save yourself over $100 a month you can look at your cell phone bill and find a different area that has pretty much the same network just as good of service but you're not hooked up for two years and you could save 25 or $30 a month you're looking at other subscription or restaurants and bars so you can spend more time to hang out the debt if the goal is to pay off the debt the goal here is to focus your spinning on the things are most important to you to take care of yourself there's no<br> nothing wrong with the Splurge wedding I have some clients that have that wonderful cup of coffee that they buy once or twice a month as a reward makes him feel good same thing with chocolate or something like that that's not bad from time to time but if that is an experience like you're going coffee out every single day twice a day and spending for $500 a month by the way to reduce or eliminate that spending awesome creative spending plant now that you know why behind your spending and I've narrowed down your Mister expensive the last step is developed a spending plan allows you to prioritize your spinning ahead of time they stop your long-term goals that you make sure you have the most important I discovered first this is gigantic I have many people that I mean in the thirties and forties that we help them find a way or create a plan to reduce eliminate that and then secondly start funny<br> the travel that they're looking to do firemen start funding a baby that down payment for a house those are the three major priorities besides the living expenses so they have money going to four different accounts living expensive putting down payment on a house travel as well as their other expenses retirement they won so what they're doing is a crate for different accounts but they're all Center towards their gold with leftover might not be a whole lot but enough to have that discretionary spending cuz we all know money is evident okay the key the practicing Financial self-care is an ongoing process make it a habit dedicate time throughout your week to work on it just like exercising the more you practice to eat your guests that said it's so very very important that you look at ways to increase your financial literacy<br> you do that you start getting involved with classes to understand how your taxes are calculated find ways to reduce or eliminate taxes if you have to talk to a financial adviser make sure you have an estate plan make sure you have a debt plan figure out a way to reduce or eliminate if you don't know how you can always go online and you can Google the snowball debt reduction method or you can begin taking Financial classes to figure out how Investments are done how money works now you don't have to go all in on this and you can spend 30 minutes a week reading you know what if you spent 30 minutes a week reading you can be in a position over 45 year. Where you can have a significant as you can imagine that enable you to make better more informed decisions that will impact the quality of your life this is me talking about how to create a healthy relationship with your money we just had least in tops and talk about she's a great tip<br> you want to stick with us we have Albert Colby he's going to be talking about relationship with China that could affect your money too so stick with us we're going to be right back<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey welcome to the shaving machine show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money now today we've talked with Lisa Thompson with you help people save a ton of money during Christmas or talked about how to cultivate a healthy relationship with money but now we're going to be talking about something that could affect your money not only now but more so in the future for the first time since the Cold War America's officially warning that the United States to lose a great car were specifically to China have you seen lately China's Rising dominate the headlines were still seeing the Russian dangerous especially with their looking at possibly invading another country right now we got cherusci got a ran yet North Korea the reality is United States can't rely on its military 200 me like they did decades pass and said the country must make some choices starting word of focus and we're not to<br> failing could mean crisis possibly war or even defeat in that war we have albertoli is the author the strategy of denial Americans offense in an age of great power conflict what you don't know about Eldridge he served as a deputy assistant secretary of defense for stretching Force development from 2017-18 in which during that time you led the development of the 2018 National defense strategy so very well. After you didn't think I'm just happy that he's here to explain this to us I think we all need to understand what's going on here to Albert welcome to the show<br> break break me out of these days we don't have to go change your background I know you're very well cuz then she'll do you know what you're talking about so help our listeners understand what's really happening here with China with Russia the whole terrorist thing if you could start with that that way we can create a foundation and people gain a better understanding what the US needs to do how we need to operate things like that sure the reality is that unlike say 25 years ago the United States is just not by far the most powerful country in the International System anymore China has really risen and it's an economy that's as large as our own and strength at in the military power and at the same time you know the Russians are still pretty powerful not nearly as powerful as a Chinese the pretty powerful and significant and there is ongoing threats from transnational terrorism North Korea Aron I can go on Venezuela Cube Etc so you like a business we have more potential challenges than we have resources to deal with them so what we focus on where do we invest where do we make sure that we're covered down<br> or family budget whatever analogy want to use and we're out of practice cuz in the past we were able to kind of you and we were like multi-millionaires but you just throw money at problems and not not worry too much about even if we didn't succeed in Iraq or Afghanistan stay out of the day it wasn't that critical for it wasn't an existentialist shoe that's no longer true because we do face another super power for the first time in a long time my book is basically an attempt to build a framework for how we think about how do we develop our military had a weak posture and how do we plan potential use it with the idea of tutoring War not provoking but in that context with resources that are as The Economist would say they're scarce we have a lot more resources anybody else but we don't have such a superabundance that we can just smother all of our problems and so that's kind of that's kind of the basic logic in my argument is that China is by far the most important thing in the world do we have to do it cuz it's so much more powerful wealth is what you know in the modern world translates into military power and the leverage and so forth and then we can see that now.<br> pretty clear so we got to take care of that problem first and have a defective deterrent and strategy there and we're going to have to economize in other parts of the world when we take a look at it so we can see some of that will sign and I might be wrong in this so please correct me where during this pandemic we saw the supply chain issues with electronics that are being manufactured in China where China is it is they were going to save these for ourselves as well as send them out all over the world so that affects everybody process inflation other economies till 1 so how would a country like the United States start dealing with that right well I think that the underlying point that the pain that Mike has shown us is how dangerous it is to be exposed to Chinese koreshan Friday to Too Much leverage I mean that PBE Pharmaceuticals Etc that we've had a taste of how the Chinese would behave if they have that kind of Leverage and the future that I'm worried about<br> is one in which China dominates Asia which is going to be more than 50% of global GDP is the world's largest market and then is going to such a commanding view of economic position that it can impose itself on us we won't be able to diversify supply chain because we'll have to buy Chinese good or will have to be part of China supply chain now we still have an opportunity to create a much more autonomous situation along with other countries like Japan the Europeans india-australia set Aurora to avoid that but that's the ultimate goal of what we want a wood we don't want to be in a situation where frankly the social media companies are all Chinese are you want has displaced the dollar is the reserve currency which is I think inevitable of China is sense of the kind of position I'm talking about that's actually what the stakes are that we should be worried about I know that there was a while ago with cryptocurrency in that started saying hey no more mining cryptocurrency here and they're focused on creating their own is that something that they would be looking<br> I really need to get a handle on your in the United States and how that would operate throughout the world in order to help us control some of the things that's happening here with China<br> I don't know too much about the crypto-currency issue person has been to some discussion about it I would think that China's desire I imagine comes from their obsession with control you know it's revealing all countries probably want to have a good sense of the currency but that they want to be able to track everybody's transactions and understand exactly what they're doing and be able to get their hands on this necessary and cryptocurrencies probably a threat that's okay I don't know specifically too much on the cryptocurrency issue that I can share with your viewers but I think these are all going to be seen in this overall geopolitical context from now on book you talk about having a military strategy to focus on denying China's abilities to subordinate Taiwan and Asia in order for them not to dominate the region<br> yeah I mean that's the goal because I think even though the stakes are economic the steaks are about how we live our lives and kind of where economic power is concentrated the method that I think Sean is going to look to is going to be attracted to China is military so the prize is economic power doesn't mean you can only use economic power to get there so instead I would try to fill it seems to want the dominant position is very valuable it's great I mean if they could be a reserve currency if their universities could be the best in the world are tech companies to be the best in the world that could be the center of industrial supply chains and that's why I can't write a big big game for them so I think they're going to be prepared to consider using military force to achieve that goal because they're going to need to try to find a way to split apart this Coalition that's developing to try to stop them from doing and that's what we got to be able to defend against we have to be able to deny his ability to quickly our allies within that Coalition under China's thumb and break that Coalition apart<br> no that's great we're going to take a break real quick here please stick with us we have Albert call me this is a very interesting conversation it does affect your finances in the future so stick with this we're going to be right back<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve sex and post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> blue welcome back to the same thing with Steve show where continue on with a Kobe this is a very interesting conversation we're learning time about what's going on with try the United States how to protect our country more importantly how to protect them with a our lifestyle you're conning me you're spending one of things in your book he talked about increasing our Focus against China in Asia we must do molest militarily everywhere else including Europe the Middle East to get things right so help us understand how that makes sense like for example the move out of Afghanistan would that be considered a smart move even though they think Charles will take over in a matter of months so to speak yeah I mean I think it's a matter of prioritization I mean if you have limited resources and you know you have to figure out what's most important to deal with and then I think you have denying China that dominant position is Asia is the top priority because this is the most important economy by far and you know you're up his kind of s for us or the Russian is much smaller<br> the Russians are all so much weaker than the Chinese today was less of a threat there they are a threat but it's more modest that's not to say that there is a risk in doing Less in Europe in the Middle East and Afghanistan when I was supportive of the withdrawal I think it was handled very badly but there is a possibility of terrorist attacks coming and we're going to have to deal with that have to deal with the terrorist problem in a much more cost-effective way than we have in the past where we just were resources at it without too much of a sense of up the cost but that's just the reality in which we find ourselves in the Middle East or Europe and it's like we can't afford compared to what there's often a premise in these arguments that we can just continue doing what we're doing and that's false because the challenge in the primary theater is so great so that's the basic logic tickets to look at what our primary I mean you could think of it as like it's surance if you live in Florida<br> you may want to buy a lot more for water damage or flood insurance then you would see live in Kansas or something like that right you're going to look at your situation if your allocating among different Insurance portfolios there's always risk but you got to look at what's most consequential for you what's most likely etcetera and I think that's where we are and we're just the last couple of decades or even after worry we just buy Ever insurance and no problem and ways of dealing with terrorists what would be some of those cost efficient ways that the government can utilize to deal with tarek Ali gotten pretty good at this level last 20 years I mean I think it's become quite clear that large-scale American Military intervention is long lines of a rockruff can stand don't help and in fact they might actually make things worse so it's a combination of things from our end it's you know where intelligence Community are Customs and Border Patrol in our diplomats police trying to kind of assemble information<br> and then working with other countries right thing as must you do countries have an interest in hindering or stopping terrorists attacks it was sharing information getting the right laws on the books getting information exchanged but it's not about 100,000 guys in the ground hoping it in the mountains of Afghanistan and so continuing that and then having the military really focus on the most kind of lethal end of that operation with but then working with partner countries I mean friend since areas like a rock or the United Arab Emirates or Jordan where they're in a local forces that are willing to carry a lot of the weight working with them both boring than giving them information to make them more effective kind of like advising them helping them out that's sort of the model that I think and then you know if you think of our drones in our aircraft my run you know using military equipment that correctly keyed don't use a B-2 bomber to attack a terrorist it doesn't have you can't even shoot at the bomber use a drone that's not very expensive you know where are Crow<br> more inexpensive not to eat up the life of the system and waste the pilots time and energy and that again is it a shift because for a long time these operations were the most important thing the military was doing so they got whatever they wanted and now they got to be more on a tighter budget if you will if the US doesn't handle this well<br> China becomes the new center for the force for currency what is the net effect to whatever day American or european on a financial level what does that mean for cost of goods sewing a great question is actually something I'm thinking about for my Nextbook honestly is to delve more into that I think the consequences would be very significant because I think that both for our prosperity and for our freedoms because we're accustomed to infect the whole world is accustomed to the United States being the Central Market in the world right I mean where the destination for saving the world's top companies are in the United States generally speaking the world's top universities are in the United States and their enormous spillover benefits for Americans I mean like the fact of the dollar as a reserve currency as I understand it is significant for our wealthy we are right and the fact that people want to come here and do Innovative work at our universities and research Labs that has still off benefits<br> Bryce all I think was trying to actually wants us to be that country and if that were the case we would be essentially I think what China would become the center not only of currency but like a regulation all of the world's best companies would be there and essentially American companies would be put lower-level parts of the supply chain is a bit simplistic but I think we kind of working for China tributaries more of a political side but basically like Facebook and Twitter and Google would go down and we be using Chinese companies or Chinese subsidiary that robbery in the United States that would be accountable to China they would be shaping Global economics close to their benefit industrialization would just be a start we would probably turn into a different kind of economy I think a less wealthy one because the Chinese would want to be occupied as commanding Heights of that account because it's pretty great country has a real<br> yeah we are by far the world's largest wealthiest country and then that's I think what the Chinese want to take from us and then if they were in that position of economic dominance then they could basically you have a lot of Leverage over our freedom what we say on social media and Facebook or whatever or the Facebook successor would be you know subject and they've got big data and analytics to figure out what we are saying we are doing when we get me major distance to themselves I don't know why they wouldn't do it. Could you get a bank loan mortgage could you get a job at a company do you want you could you go to that University I think these things would start to become part of our lives and it would make them a lot worse in other words you're saying we need to stage and I'll make this real simple could financially be their colony here and like take our land and I do mean I think it's more like kind of a subordinate dependent Market<br> one of the things that's important is that a lot of<br> formal Economist emphasized that there are no winners and losers in the economy and I just don't think that's right the Chinese think I mean they've been acting as if there are winners and losers and they're going to take from the current winners and try to supplant us and Frankie the Japanese were doing that before before they ran into a wall but she has a much bigger economy and I think they want to basically has the British so it's not impossible but hopefully it won't become the cycle the next few years I hope not too I don't think it's consistent with what we expect as Americans cuz I think we take for granted some level of growth and prosperity and economically security it's kind of part of our national life and if so would be really traumatic for sending this it would I want to thank you for joining us today this is unbelievably interesting for me I know it is for a lot of our our our listeners because people just don't realize what's happening because it happens a little bit at a time and then next thing you know like oh my gosh<br> somebody else is controlling us tonight to see that's happening here that's greatest pleasure to be with you and I think that's the right way to put it in the sense that really traumatic things can happen without Americans really appreciating not significant well when people don't realize is there I called The Compound Effect every single time the next thing you know you see somebody who's the movie star but you thought to happen overnight but the Rally's that they they toiled for 25 years same things happening with China we haven't been paying attention we are but we're not and the next thing you know they're there that's what we find on Amazon or any in a book sellers or the Yale University press and if people want to see what I'm working on otherwise my website is the marathon so Marathon like the race and I can see a lot more when I'm up to there. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season thanks you for being us stay safe stay healthy will see you bye bye<br> that was Elbridge Colby the author the strategy denial what an interesting conversation I think it's a wake-up call for a lot of people you should understand what's going on here cuz it will affect your dollars and cents hey if you like the falls on Facebook you can join the stadium with C sex and insiders club or go to saving with Steve. You as did all replace Goose boxes to our after show videos guest yes and check your knife to the next level by the way you don't want to miss the show I understand that you want to go to Spotify Google play or YouTube I want to shout out to our affiliate that you can help radio BBS radio talk radio in New York City and more Almanac records are dedicated to empower you to solve problems of lift your spirit live a life of personal financial Freedom hey I want to thank everybody for being on the show today at Edwards call me the author of the strategies denial definitely want to read that book I want to think Lisa Thompson saving next refer to definitely going to need that this time of year do with that you all have<br> wonderful day will look forward to seeing you next week that's the Steve Jackson sign out for the stadium with Steve show<br> thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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