Saving with Steve, January 24, 2023
Saving With Steve with Steve Sexton
Guest, Alejandra Rojas, happy and Wealthy finance professional and money coach
Saving with Steve

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.
We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.
everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins-and-outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton hello welcome to the same with Steve shall we talk about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything on the center lights are you having a half of your healthy relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us you know what our audience continues to grow here in the United States as well as overseas and we just appreciate you sharing it with your friends and family know<br> last episode we had Nicole Shaffer she runs a business called misology and it's all about educating women on cocktails and how to make them had a worm all that stuff so they feel more comfortable with it her business has gotten so big they've actually asked her to write the book Portland cocktails for the state of Portland which is very cool if you want to go check out that episode you can go to the same thing with Steve. Us website and look up episode 104 you're going to see Jess gives behind-the-scenes stuff the whole shots you want to check that out after we finish talking to her very luxurious gas finally talking to you at and the year money moves with that let's get to the important stuff here today we have a very special guest her name is Ali Hunter Rojas she's a finance professional coach money mindset expert she really helps people become a higher version in the South but I think our stories really really interesting and I just want to say this and I'm going to ask her to expand on in just a second before a reducer<br> after she'd hit rock bottom everybody goes to this money burnout it reactivated life-threatening sicknesses she knew she had to design a method to prevent that from happening again and ever since he's done that she had our clients and just Crush their goals and more importantly they've been able to travel she had a dream wedding which is pretty cool she has this wonderful podcast of boots it's called a happy healthy podcast it was a time when I introduce you all to Alexandra Rojas Alexandra welcome to the show topic here there's a big difference with this and people don't get it and it says there's a difference between being wise and emotionally regulated with money in the same as Humane as you can be emotionally regulate it without being smart with money you know a lot of people struggle to be smart with money and it's because they're out-of-bounds emotionally I really would like you to walk us through that because that's like the yin and yang ever<br> is that pushy at all. Just I see it all the time friends family we are go to events the whole shots oh shit some light on that for us generally people believe that for you to be good with money only you have to be good with a budget you have to save as much as possible and you know how to restrict yourself and put away like a ones like if you have a Bone Dance right now. Aside if it's my because tomorrow you may know how bad it and that's pretty much it that's pretty much what people knows about money at like what is it that you have to do with money right once you have it but that is a whole bunch of another world that is about the emotional word with money where we encounter Financial trauma when we come to the real reasons why you don't please don't stick to a badger did you avoid to see your bank statements you continuously going on stopping<br> I'm swapping your credit card left on by because you feel certain way you are bored or you're sad or you want to avoid to be at home so you just go out and saw your car there is old type of coping mechanisms and the problem is not that you have that behavior the problem is that you continue believing it's just a behavior or say and that's it and you ignored the emotional part of money so being wise with money smart with money like I can recall the smart with money doesn't mean that you are emotionally stable with money when you have this imbalance really you still can I mean people that knows exactly what they have to be doing with money so that they don't they don't struggle with it but I still they don't do it and that is the result of this emotionally balanced and relationship with money are really good at budgeting<br> casting p&l statements and all that stuff but when it comes to their personal stuff I have a friend I stopped by the house and he's got all the Amazon Amazon boxes just because he started making more money try to go and buy stuff and I keep wondering things to myself okay you keep talking about wanting to get the money to paint the house do this do that get a new car but I see all the stuff that you got here that you just bought that stuff that isn't going to amount to anything you're not going to get that car because you bought this stuff instead of writing my story and that's why how I stumble into away there's an emotional side of money like What's Happening Here I ended up in Burnaby kiss when you go through college you say I am going to figure it out like I do everything with your money out because you get the subjects and you know how to do that for corporations for a company's works perfectly because a company doesn't feel anything but when it comes<br> two personal finances your emotion is Big louder than that so why don't you I was doing at the finest professional I was like a spending everything I was trying to keep up with the you know the Social Circle I was increasing my credit all that it was like who is that person matching really that knowledge and that's the importance of knowing that being an in an emotional place in in a stable emotional place with money becomes crucial for you because even when logically you know the steps that you have to take your emotion which is in your limbic brain is greater its heavy it feels like I have to do it your logic brain is going to be like okay whatever like let's forget everything that we know about finances let's forget everything that we have to do and let's see this five that need so I will say most of the account is a martyr<br> the financial professionals that happened on the work that they have to do the we all have to do for our own personal goals it's going to end up in the same place out how somebody go about regulating that emotion and be really smart with money we're in that time of year at $850 expecting put 60% out of credit card or even open up a new credit card so they can go do that now that is a spiral to me there are three basic the steps one is awareness do you have to start being aware that is an emotion over writing your behavior because I mean you know what you have to do and if you are not doing it it is because of something else and you have to be aware and adult about saying okay I have to pay attention to this rice<br> what's the first step the second step is that we have to start healing that emotion and if this is my work is black what I do on a daily basis that I love to do because it's so it's so incredible how our brain understands one thing from the way that you grew up with money the way that you felt about Mom Dad caregiver whatever is in the shape that relationship with money on the early stages and creative that emotion negative emotion or that sense of loneliness whatever it is it just kept rubbing your brain and its continued to amplify over and over and over so we have to feel that emotion we have to see what happened and how your conscious mind has the storage that information with money so that we can say you know what is different situation right now we are doing different this this is how you can<br> understanding it now so let's start changing the past but that beautiful thing about this is that 95% of the things that would do with money we do it with our subconscious mind because his butt in its Behavior right so why don't you spend one hour or two hours Keeling on that second instead of healing the wound healing that relationship with money it's like you have for years and years of working Dawn and just one hour or two because now he's like okay I can see objectively what I have to do and I don't I don't feel any type of way with this so it's easier for me to adopt a new behavior and number three is to adopt a new Behavior. We are allowed you to get into the goal that you have without the you know the emotional side of it like being very objective saying okay I I need you you know poor decide or<br> a plant or do whatever like to stop by your stuff now you see it in a whole different perspective I can't wait to say but we have to take a break stick with is everybody going to be right back with more Alejandro Rojas more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hey welcome back to the same thing with Steve show all truly truly looking forward to having you here we appreciate you sharing this with your friends and families available at saving with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying the story that helpful information inside and saving with Steve and I encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel are Google Play Channel and check out a few were a few leads that you can't help radio BBS radio top rated New York City and FM 47 all these network is a dedicated to empower you to solve problems uplift your spirits and live a life of personal financial Freedom you can also go follow us on our Facebook page is saving with Steve Sexton check out the Insiders Club you can get replays gaskets and you know what right back we have Ali hondro Rojas I really loved the three things that need being aware healing in motion and adapt in your system<br> I like that under the healing the emotion obviously understanding where it's coming from and what's really interesting is I find with speaking with people about money is most of their ideas having didn't bring them when they were little kid and they're watching Mom and Dad and these are like I called but like a monkey brain because everybody reversed back to that monkey brain and its it trigger and they're like okay here we go to the nether they don't know why but they keep doing it and a lot of it has to do when they're a little kid they just watch mom and dad at the store this is why I lost to do what I do because it's just like watching like you sit down and watch how do you record yourself over and over and over again we are people of Cycles like if you really record yourself for an entire year you will see the most of the time they're doing all the same stuff always and it's no different with money so what happens is that because your brain is developing from 0 to 7<br> yes of conscious my walking and money is something that you learn unfortunately add Buy known speak any languages like it's not something that we actually speak it sucks it's something that we learn by seeing by feeling the capturing the energy that was around you as well with money so a lot of the word that I do is between a entrepreneur stats might my Niche and one of the most shocking stories that I've have is that this lady that I was working last I think two months ago we went back to the first memory that she had with money on her first memory was a run 8 years old she being sitting on the couch and them door like Eden after school. Ryan, cell phone because he didn't know how he was going to face that bills for next month's right she has not understanding what money was she had no understand it on what was happening<br> but that was the thing that came out to the store face so ever since she has been understanding that money hurts people the money makes dad cry the morning is something bad it's going to be like in rice so now imagine that behavior that you will you don't carry every single day when you are happy that emotion with a specific object you don't want that object in your life because it makes you cry mix it it's it's natural that when you deep down all this emotion when you heal them and when you close us a while I don't have to worry about that anymore that was back then now I have a different they all have a different experience and that translates into what they're doing now and sometimes that's okay and sometimes it's it's not cuz it creates the emotional issues in the past and now adapting a pro<br> behaviors that is so important to stay consistent so how does somebody go about adapting this important Behavior as you I cannot give you a cookie cutter to strategy that work for somebody else and tell you it's going to work for you you have to really sit down and and see why are you where do you want to go I'd have from all the thousand of a strategist Financial strategies that you have you can based on your story based on your understanding of money at dubbed this tools to create new hobbies and this can be a simple example as maybe you'll be better off doing a budget every month rather than do it tracking your expenses every week it it it it all depends on you and your Arsenal goals and what you understand if you know what I mean<br> were those choose for themselves of this question it all comes back to warn us try when you if you're in the situation that you're saying well I'm not good with money I want you to stop by there and ask why are you saying that you're not good with money where are the actual facts in your mind that gets you to say that this self confrontation and this self-awareness will get you to the real truth of money that is not about money bills the coins the cars that you have or not have ordered them number in your bucket is about the narrative in your mind because numbers going to speak by themself they have your voice on your stories a y The Narrative that you have about those numbers and that's when you get to give the ones out you'll them I'm Free Ride the whole story do you have people like rewrite their own story and how do you do that all the time<br> like I said I managed to stream electric burner so they have their business is like okay they're pushing the business is pushing back to provide a different story but very right in his story is the most fun thing with money because once you hear that emotion you can see it just like a matching A Book Like This is where I'm coming from this is what I pass through with money now this is what this is a delta-t I want to adopt with money from now on and when you get that to that point that okay now that I know what identity I want how can I start out in small changes to my current reality so this can look like how can I start instead of the spending on I don't know two beers outside how can I use Stars Bend in one beer or just one day a month with a beer or how can I start putting aside for a trip that I want to do<br> for the wedding of my dress how can I make it happen that's how you write your story it's not about just saying oh well I have I come from a family that has limited resources so therefore I'm going to have limited resources is to acknowledge where you're coming from here and then be able to say I want to adopt a different identity with money that's wonderful I love that so okay so here's the question I know there's people all around the world that would like to get in touch with you and get your help so how did it go about doing yeah the best way is that you follow me on Instagram I spend way too much time there so for sure you're going to find me expert or you can send on that email help me at Alejandro so my website is Alejandro are that, and yeah you will find everything there is<br> DoneDeal free master classes free training so everything is going to be on the website in connecting with Alejandro especially this time of the year were you need some help with the finances and getting those things in order you want to go to Alejandra so wonderful place to go move got some really wonderful insights Alejandro shared with this today you know what this is the perfect time of year to shed a lot of people say it's New Year's resolutions but they don't last but you know what if you sent that intention now I need some help with this I want to get my life back together I want to be happy and want to be wealthy regardless of where you are right now it makes a lot of sense to just connect with Alejandra go to Allie Hunter are done, I'm going to thank you for being on the show today I love your inside their simpler easy to understand and with your help a lot of people can apply then switch is wonderful thank you so much<br> stay stay stay healthy I know you're traveling around so enjoy that and hopefully we'll see you next time thank you more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton wasn't Alejandra wonderful but again I want to thank you for joining us here on the shaving with Steve shovel we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun early so you have in a half of your healthy relationship can be talking about the things you want to do before the end of the year I know we got about six weeks before the end of the year but there's some money moved if you really want to make never one you want to max out your contributions to your 401k or IRA because every dollar put in there it's going to go tax-deferred which means you're not going to get tax this year and every time you put in there it's more money towards your retirement so you can get closer and closer to the p in a position where you have an option to work that you're going to need to get that done before December 31st next check your financial State of the Union okay this is the part where you want to have discussions with you and your spouse about your budget okay are you staying online<br> better too much too much going on the credit card how much are you saving where can you go about cutting costs like look at the things that you're doing the services that you're utilizing there's nothing wrong with continue to utilize them but see if you can find somebody to do it for less expensive we did this with our cell service or Internet service at the house or streaming service has received over $200 a month for some people that the car payment for some people that didn't meals out but we looked at many other different ways we can save some money next look at your dad you're better off learning interest then paying interest so think about that it makes a big difference big spending plans Meriwether large purchases are on the Heinz change their needs to prepare for that so you're not taking on new debt what I mean by that if you're looking to buy that thousand-dollar TV $80 a month for a year to have $1,000 instead of turning on it on a credit card at the end of the year and getting Note 3<br> were the free interest and the next thing you know you're in a position where I haven't paid anything yet now you're getting interest on top of that it 50 or 16% so save yourself safe what you'll get there either the flexible spending accounts you're going to want to utilize that before the end of the year so if you can get your butt into that flexible spending account which is non-taxable to you on your tax return if you don't want to go get the glasses the colonoscopy easy you know that the all the different exam to go along that use that money up because it goes away so maximize that and adjust your voice to a saving account spending accordingly because if you're not spending it why I put it in there next modify your tax withholding you want to check out your paycheck why because if you're putting too much into taxes you're going to have to fill out the school uniform<br> wait three or four months for the IRS to send you your money that you paid them in advance that you earned it no interest on the look at it like this adjust your tax withholdings so that you may only receive $100 or $100 or a couple hundred dollars but it's better than getting a $4,000 check in April that you've overpaid the whole year and heard nothing from it make the most of it because that $4,000 could pay off a credit card or car in eliminate 10-12 15% interest on that. Look at that mixing put your foot down when it comes to Dad's list all those dead list all those interest rates the minimum payments the balance it focus on getting them first the small balance first or the large bill it's your call just get it going and take that Avalanche could you can wipe out those death no time at all if you focus on them and again I always say that it's better<br> interest in paying interest you're going to have Healthcare Roma coming up here we're right in this season so you really want to check out the options the plants to make sure you get the most out of your help with whether it's Medicare or Medicaid whether it's your health plan at the office I just did this with my son and I showed him he look if you take on a little higher deductible you're going to save $300 a year the worst case scenario is is if you have a lot of help if you still spend that $300 extra so big deal if you don't have health issues your saving extra $300 a month that's $3,000 a year and if you do and you have lots of health issues guess what you're you're going to be right right back to where you were last year but you still haven't recovered so think about that how can you reduce or eliminate cost makes your Healthcare budget in top lights and make sure your policies going to cover what you need to do pictures of your doctor your prescription to take so you're not spending too much money on your attire<br> how much do you have are you in line for retirement so if you're right there at the window retirement do you have 10 times with your hand salary saved will it provide the income are you reducing the risk in your portfolios expensive your 5:55 you're 56 years away from retirement or out of retirement to make sure you're online so you don't get hit with this meal it's been crazy in the market lately he hasn't it tell me you lost 25 or 30% and you could lose another 25 or 30% that can be devastating in the life-changing for many many people so make sure you're taking on the right risk you know what if you're focusing on that accumulation accumulation phase and you're about to be in retirement you should be making that judgement to the distribution face and that protection face so you can make sure you have the assets you need. Remember you don't spend this big old lump sum you spend income so you need to focus your retirement income that's where the mindset needs to change next<br> maximize your deductions Yuki deductions that you may want to take for the year the last stretch time is to Max it out so if you have a brokerage account and you have stocks that have lost money you know what if you sell them right now you could take the loss and write off on your taxes there's other things free paying your tuition that you can write off increasing your business expenses that you can write on different end of your income so if you get a bonus pushed into January don't get it on this year if you got medical expenses Pam up getting done that way you can write them off and you can pay lower taxes so folks these are the things you want to look at towards the end of the year they can make a difference in your money now but the amount of money paid out until Sam how much money saved for retirement and how much of a quality retirement have you got to remember saving for retirement is a long-term accumulation event it when she get close to being in retirement it becomes our protection and income distribution event because if you're accumulating you got a million.<br> and you just lost three hundred thousand cuz the market went down and oh by the way if you're taking that 4% out that $40,000 a year besides taking out that $4,000 a year you still have to do that right cuz you got to pay your bills but now you're taking six and seven percent out instead of four on top of that you lost 30% so you're going to have to get 43% back just to break even and then you're going to have to get a 9% for each year that you went to break even which means you're going to have to get out of 70 to 73% return within three years you think it's going to happen if it's not you need to start looking and moving over to a distribution strategy that protection with income so you going to be in a position where you can have the income you need for the rest of your life when you retire I want to thank you all for being with us today here on saving with me when wonderful gas Alejandro Rojas is a wonderful guests next week they say stay healthy and have a wonderful day bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show<br> how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>