Saving with Steve, February 16, 2022
Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Guests, Glenn Henderson and Chris Klesh
Saving with Steve

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.
We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.
everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins-and-outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton welcome to the saving with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything on the central AC you having a healthier happy relationship with money my name is Steve sex in this is a Saving Grace TV show and I want to thank you for joining us I want to say Happy New Year I hope your dreams come true in 2022<br>spell this first month is very very very important I think it's important to understand when we're talking about money where we are with real estate finances are things today we've got some wonderful gas first of all you know what everybody's looking to make them travel plans for 2022 how can you go on your vacate dream vacation and do it for 90% off we have coached Chris here to teach you how to The Insider tips and tricks are going on the dream vacation without breaking your bank awesome we're going to be talking about you know what tax can still look out for kids were walking into taxis in here in the United States now out the important part about this next this first interview it's you know what 2021 was a crazy year for Real Estate I mean there's a tremendous amount of real estate sale prices went really really high well we have real estate expert Glenn Henry's do they give us the rundown on the real estate market for 2021 what's going on in 2022 and you can provide is 5<br>three components for selling your house for the most amount of money with that Glenn I want to welcome you to the show thanks for being here like Steve thanks for having me on has been helping people buy homes in real estate for decades here in San Diego you may have seen him and heard him on local and National TV and radio Glenn's been helping us understand what real estate markets going to look like you're getting 20 20 20 20 but the most important thing is Glenn's going to talk to you about if you are selling your house how do you sell it for the most amount of money with that Glenn 2021 because I know I never realtors that are just like you who sold two or three times more real estate than they did in the previous year and you know what every time we turn around we saw prices going to help us understand let's take some time to enfold us and help us understand what happened in 2021<br>send 21% gains Nationwide was the average depreciation a lot of markets were above that San Diego we are just about 17% on average is far as appreciation crazy double digit numbers and that was across the board in a lot of it was fueled by The Still The Limited inventory or number of homes that were on the market and then the record-low interest rates I'm heading into 2022 we're expecting to see another year of solid growth but not at the same numbers that we had for 2021 or 2020 interest rates for tracking numbers go up a little bit but we're still expecting another strong year ahead and we were talking about you know home delinquencies were at 6.9% which we haven't seen since 2010 at the peak of the you know that the housing bust<br>you know what where are those foreclosures now are they up or they you know just kind of subsided as people realize how I can sell my house for more and I can always walk away with money you know do you want do you know what's going on with that so the delinquencies are down because it didn't end result in foreclosure because prices escalated so much and their appreciation was so high that homes that were expected to be under water or be in a situation where they might be breaking even when we had the double-digit appreciation that put them into positions that they had a twin bed certain points throughout the year other is a percentage of those people that are still in delinquency there in some type of forbearance program but looking forward to it through 2022 we're still not expecting to see any big wave of foreclosures because of the double-digit appreciation that we saw and it just put everybody in the positions of having Equity or an expected<br>Equity last year OK Google remind me Cater that he was going to raise interest rates three times in 2020 to now when that occurs what happens to the buying market so when with the increases in the bed rate it will trickle down and it will affect mortgage rates The Mortgage Bankers Association and lot of other Economist or expecting never going to see rates getting up into the higher three so written on average that forecast is 3.7% on that we're going to see by the end of 2020 to an excellent rate so I mean when we were in 2010 at the bottom of the mortgage crisis we were still envelope or 4 cents at that time so we're still going to be at record-low rates but they are going to be up in that is going to have a lot of impact gun affordability especially in markets like San Diego where or Southern California is a whole other big metropolitan cities in areas where home prices are already so high<br>an increase in mortgage rates is part of what's going to slow down the rate of appreciation on that we've been seeing through these last couple years contacts for people in 2010 Range Rover in the low for the time that occurred prior to that was it actually in the 1960s so it's been like 60 years since we've had mortgage rates this loud oh that's incredibly crazy so it just means that they're still you know the ability for a lot of people do for things but when the rates are in the low-to-mid to a lot more people afford it and some of those things you got some of those people go away know what is the biggest thing that P I mean are we going to see people continue to look at purchasing rental properties in 2022 or is it they're going to hold back on that you know because there are people still looking forward to 2023 and say hey we might have a slow a significant Slowdown<br>what are the prices might go down in 2023 but not 2022 we're still expecting a lot of the sales this year are going to be in best investors in people that are picking up S home or vacation rental properties or just long term rental properties because then one of the concerns being inflation the real estate we know it's always going to continue in the long run to appreciate a lot of people are moving money into real estate as long-term play so I think a lot of sales are going to continue to be an investment type properties which is then you know affects the portion of the market that is home buyers because you know a certain amount of that is going to be soaked up by the weather it's small and her mom and pop you and either buying a rental property or we see the big hedge funds and institutional buyers are buying a lot of properties so I think that's going to continue in the sportscaster expected the best going to continue into 2022<br>wires the hedge funds are coming in and buying property used to turn them into rental properties is that having a adverse effect on prices in the market absolutely so one of the challenges with the housing right now is what's creating a lot of the shortage in housing has the number of homes that are now owned by whether it's the big institutional buyers hedge funds or people that are buying up properties for rentals or vacation rentals with such a large portion of those are being held now that aren't actually going into the market for end users are people that are buying it as a homeowner so tired while our population's growing in the number people that need housing is growing the number of available housing is shrinking even the homes are being built because it's being bought up by these different groups that are renting them so it's definitely having an impact because when you know if you know when you have less Supply it's going to drive prices up and I can see the the shiny object for the hedge funds cuz they look at it saying hey I can get<br>6% on an income and 5% appreciation even if the market goes up and down a little bit I'm in for the long term and they can show appreciation + 5% income to their shareholders they're going to be pretty happy and so you do for the for these headphones her people are buying the rental properties looking at is the long-term it's makes up these properties very enticing and that's where a lot of the other markets outside of San Diego in the big cities but don't wear prices were you no more affordable and I'm but a lot of people are moving to that's where a lot of these hedge funds antifa groups are buying up big a big bulk of these properties so in addition to the Exodus from areas like San Diego and other parts of the country that are moving to these more affordable places you have these headphones coming in most areas are those are some of the areas that start like the 30th<br>5% gains year-over-year in 2020 or 2021 one of my clients actually just sold three rental properties in North Carolina to a Institutional Investor and they actually pay 20% over Market just because they wanted the property and they told me cuz we don't really care cuz we're going to get the rents yeah yeah so we're going to stick with this would be right back cuz Glens going to go over his five components for selling your house for the most amount of money you don't want to miss this expecially if you're looking to sell your house cuz if I could make different it could be could be tens of thousands of dollars in difference if you're selling your house will stick with this will be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br>don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br>welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton the ins-and-outs of money we're having a wonderful conversation with Glenn Henderson on real estate now I'm saving with Steve been encouraged you described you are Google Play YouTube channel being nevernest mrs. show also check out a few that you can help radio BBS radio talk radio New York City e360 TV all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom also you can follow us on Facebook and said he was Steve sex or go to that same with Steve Sexton. Us to look at all the replays get gas gifts and more now again we have Glenn hendren he's back you know what if you're looking at purchasing<br>or I'm bored portly selling your property it's important to listen to this next segment Glenn's going to be talking about the five components to selling your house for the top down to Glenn the very first component is what's called a pre-inspection Capone is that right exactly happened on that front inspections basically the same inspection that the buyers are going to do once you get into escrow we like to do it up front so we can identify if there are any potential problems or issues with the home that way we can address them up front they don't cause any issues when there were in the transaction and not only by pin by dressing to my friend keeps us in control able to use our handyman contractors whatever is needed to keep the costs under control and we had one just a couple months ago house looked perfect it was up in Rancho Bernardo look pristine Will turns out the sprinklers have been spraying on the home on the<br>exterior Richard created a moisture is she on one of the living room spine to desk you could never see it but it turned up in the inspection so we were able to dress it get everything done correctly get a dried out where is Bigfoot that it happened when we are in escrow it would have either caused delays or potentially would have caused the fire to cancel if I didn't find that a friend of eliminating stresses and problems during the transaction to be see what you're saying is if you do a pre-inspection you can figure it out all the little problems up front so you're not negotiating your dollars out the back door after you you got it ask her exactly where you know in the market right now there's more buyers fine as is but buyers are also more likely to cancel if there's issues that come up so that's what we want to avoid staging I know this is unbelievably important incredibly important has basically getting the home ready and one thing where some sellers get confused or they say while my<br>I live in my home so we can stage it will stay Tina is getting the house ready so it could be decluttering rearranging Furniture to make a room filled larger bringing furniture out or moving furniture out on a vacant home a hundred percent of the time we always stage the property because Studies have shown we've tested it a stage properties always can sell for more this also includes outside improving the curb appeal so if you have peeling paint may be taking care of that the feeling pain if the garden and front you know adding some type of colorful flowers or doing whatever that landscaping or does different items but basically we want to make the house look so from the moment people pull out there saying wow I love this house they walk in and rinse it walk through the home we want them remembering all the parts that they love about the things that they need to fix send in a market like we have right now buyers are willing to pay a premium for a home that they can move into and don't need to do anything and it doesn't mean that the house has to be up<br>braided it can be at home that is an upgraded but as long as it looks clean there's nothing needs to be fixed or repaired right away fires will pay a premium for that at your house so it doesn't look dirty or the paint doesn't look faded out solutely power wash and having the windows clean steam cleaning the carpet all of those little things I'm going a long ways and you make you do exponential Peter the return you get on your money for making those small Investments it's wonderful it's very big thing with pricing as you want to make sure that you're accurately pricing with for the market and it's tough right now in this market because homes every month or selling for more but one of the biggest mistakes people make is price in there too high and wind up for homes priced too high they're going to limit the number of people that come to see it though the city limit the number of people that come to see it and you risk the chance that home sitting on<br>market and then instead of negotiating the price up with pliers your price is coming down the buyers are than to get trying to negotiate your price down so as a seller you want to be in that position of control so we want to price it accurately Market aggressively get as many people into the home but we're in a situation where we're creating multiple offers and then able to negotiate the price up so for those people who say okay you don't want to say hey it's this much and I hopefully it hopefully you can get that price you're you're better off starting at a lower level so you have multiple people coming in and saying Hey I want the I want the I want this and then let the bidding war take care of what you need absolutely that's exactly it and especially to his home buying people's emotions get involved very quickly so once people's emotions get involved when you get that booty more and prices start getting negotiated up people come up a lot higher than they thought they would have originally on because the Motions start to get involved so that's how we roll<br>the price up as much as possible it's interesting I've actually seen that with clients right actually sat in my office here with them and they're trying to figure out how to do the house and where to get the money for the down payment and their middle in the negotiations and you know what I can remember them saying something like you know what I was only going to go to this price but you know we can swing $5,000 more and you know why she's spending the night when they find out they get the houses before you got to pay for it but that's just it is really really big even in this even the seller's market exactly so many at home or agents in a way it's very passive though put the sign in the front yard put it on the internet and wait and see what happens with it where that'll work and you know in this market especially it'll work in the home will gets old but in any Market the more people we can get into the house the more interest and more Buzz we can create and then which will result in more offers<br>that's how we're going to get a higher price for it so and that's where a lot of I met with a lot of people that are is thinking about selling or sold in the last year and they say what we don't need to do much because the market so hot didn't that's correct you don't have to if you don't want to get the highest price but if you want to get the highest price marketing is going to be crucial and we need to get as many eyes on the property and get as many people through the door as we can and that's what's going to ultimately get us is price I have some clients that I just bought a house in Tennessee and they had been to seven different home and I asked them where they know how did you find out about the home sit there while these homes are all on the different lifting sides that we've been checking out which is like seven or eight and they're also in a magazine are two magazines and that's where they went there but all of them they got outbid the only one they were able to get to is the one that would they were actually able to buy was the one that wasn't on all the sea<br>lights and it just happened to see if they were driving by so they got a great deal on one that somebody just I think I got the wrong agent cuz they just didn't know so it's a perfect example and we see it all the time when we go through and look at sold properties and I counted that one cell so low and then you looked and there's one horrible picture and no marking was done and everything else like okay it makes sense it was poorly represented it is funny cuz it's probably the first person that walked in there and says here I'll give you that I'll give you the asking price or whatever they were good to go so that's a lot of people negotiate money out the back door and they don't even realize it so there's two parts to this be the first is in our current market there's the initial negotiation similar to what you just mention with some sellers taken at first offer knowing this Market will we're doing this for marketing aggressively getting as many people through and we're keeping an open. Of usually anywhere<br>4 to 7 Days on our properties make sure we get the maximum exposure generate as many offers as possible and then we can create that bidding war negotiate the price up and then the second part is with a transaction was two parts of two points in negotiations fail and then there's after the buyers have done their home inspection and that's when they have an opportunity to submit the request for repairs if there's issues that are found so where we talked about the pre-inspection up front doing that and doing everything up front having reports having two slow dancers we provide that is part of our negotiation and that initial offer. So then it takes away an opportunity for buyers to come in at the middle of the transaction and ask for a price reduction or ask for a credit for repairs and is in this market right now we see that happening a lot because people are where we talk about emotions are over paying or going over their budget and they're in the transaction and like what did we do let's see if we can use<br>side of this item decided to get the price down a little bit but if we do everything correctly and we take away that second point of negotiations so that's where we always say there's two wheel everything we can to maximize the first one and then take away that opportunity for the second one it's wonderful of the illuminated Jackson before it even starts so looking to sell their house for the most amount of money the biggest thing is making sure that you have a very experienced agent its experience and listing selling properties and that they have a proven track record that they're able to demonstrate and showed you and that they have a system in place that they can walk you through how they're going to do it or what they're going to do to get you the most money like we walk through right now because there's such a big difference of the selling your home or selling your home for top dollar it's worth a year and you know what you're one of the top realtors in San Diego if somebody wants to get ahold of you<br>they want to move to San Diego or lose their house you know how did it go at how did it go about getting a hold of you can always reach me directly at 619-503-2220 set 619-503-2220 K and then our website is my Premier my Premier sure that everybody hate if you're looking to sell your house you want to get a hold of Glen even if you're looking to move out of California get ahold of glad he will help you you not even know a realtor in the area that you're moving to that he could hook you up with that can get you a great deal so glad I wanted I was just going to say that's a dimension that I have a great network of agents to do that we work together we Network we brainstorm every month Mastermind I have people all over the country so even if you're not in San Diego reach out and I can get you connected with an excellent agent and whatever part of the country you are all that's wonderful I know you don't love that hey Glen I want to thank you for joining us<br>stay healthy and look forward to seeing you next time. Thanks again alright see you soon hey everybody you want to stick with this really talk about more about the ins-and-outs of money here in the first part of the year on saving with Steve so stick with this will be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey you know what that was Glenn Henderson talking about the five components you need to do in order to sell your house for the most amount of money again this is the same thing with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money and I want to thank you for going join this year you know what the next second it's cheap where the first part of the year it's really very very important because this is when all the tax scams start kidding it's interesting the scams really haven't changed a lot in the last 3 or 4 years but you know what we're seeing is you know what it really involves criminals who are looking in a person hitting IRS other government government employees debt collectors onliner you know if you didn't mail an effort to trick you into sending them money for taxes penalties or fees yet don't actually out people lose millions of dollars a year did it the IRS scams don't be one of them here's a list of recent scam and chips to have a spot them and so on okay<br> the first one somebody gives you a call a weary calculator your tax refund and you need to fill out this form you know what and these are scam emails that the ways the IRS logo and uses subject lines such as tax refund payment or recalculation your tax refund payment and ask people to click link provide their social security number birthdate and driver's license number and other personal information or to submit a state form to allege allegedly claimed their refund let me be very clear the IRS they're not going to call you they're not going to email you they're not going to go look for you and tender or Facebook or anything like that or sending you a letter that's it and you're going to have to call them sometimes you might said you need to pay a fee to get get your stimulus check this is a growing scam related to government ongoing response to coronavirus the Federal Trade Commission towards many Americans will qualify for stimulus back but the government does not require anyone<br> play anything to receive a stimulus check next pay somebody says we're calling from the FDIC we need your bank information guess what the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation only ensures they have nothing to do with the public they will never ever call you so somebody does this all they're looking to do is steal your identity so keep aware of that hey that's what they were calling to tell you your daddy was stolen you need to buy some gift cards to fix it this is a trick criminals call victims as poses IRS agents are criminals claimed the victim's identity has been stolen and they use it to open up a fake bank account to call it and tell the taxpayer to buy a certain gift card later the creek is back in touch and ask for the guy gift card access numbers and takes the money this happens all the time but it's a lot of times to help his with people who don't quite understand what's going on or a little bit older because once they hear the IRS they get scared now I've got this one I have two person when they<br> we've canceled your social security number can they canceled their social security number if you received a threatening call to spend your social security number for unpaid tax bills you should just hang up that's exactly what the IRS says that's what that's what everybody says okay sometimes people receive calls it's in this is the beer action forces are putting a lien or levy on your asset there is no Bureau of taxes for Italy victims often received a letter from this fake existing claim they have a taxi or text lately and had better pay the tax bill to enforce it or else or if you don't call us back you'll be arrested that's a lie curls make you no caller ID phone calls look like it's coming from anywhere else including the IRS local police FBI all that kind of stuff but the IRS doesn't leave pre-recorded voice mails especially wants to claim to be urgent or threatening also<br> you know what the reality is the IRS can't revoke your driver's license business line is important be gracious to have they can only collected taxes and file Lanes if you don't file if you don't pay your tags okay somebody was really interesting cuz one of my elderly clients received this it says use a form w a d and give us personal data okay now this form is called the certificate of foreign status of beneficial owner for the United States tax withholding I would you get that if your u.s. citizen against their modifying this form to add in things like my mother's name social security number all sorts of things that they would need to steal your identity now there's other things that show up that look like they're coming from the IRS and they'll say click here to see some details about your tax refund again the IRS is never going to email you might even get a call from the tax advocacy service does we need some information guess what you have to call the IRS and ask for the<br> advocacy service and have to be referred but it can they still don't call you okay it's all done through paperwork click on this to see your tax transcript okay this is just cramps Prosser send an email with a house is clean and taxpayers tax transcript although the text answers are real thing with the IRS the IRS is not email and take this after I serve it this is just ran somewhere you might get an email says take this FBI survey FBI doesn't say no service like that you owe a federal student tax there's never no federal student tax now here's a biggie you're moving into taxis if somebody says you don't need to sign your tax return even though we prepared it anyone you pay to prepare your tax return must have a valid for a tax ID number and must sign your tax return elections to sign the return of the red flag that the person is a ghost repair you just want to charge you a fee and split town and that most of these goes to Paris<br> highest return possible and they're going to want you pay a percentage of that higher return that you got the previous year so you know what Bill doctor up your tax return to get a $4,000 refund to ask you for four hundred bucks up front or a thousand dollars upfront and you know what couple years down the line you're going to get that letter that says hey guess what we don't believe you and you're going to have to pay that much that money back so that means you're the person who's going to be holding the bag when they're lying to folks there's a large number scams that are occurring during tax season and take a hold of people because people are afraid of the IRS don't be afraid of the IRS if you get one of these calls or if you get one of these emails just remembered the IRS doesn't email and they don't call you you got a call then order sending you a letter that's the size of it now I want to thank you for being part of this listen to this share this with your friends Brothers with your loved one share this with your older relative<br> cuz you're they're usually the ones who get hit with this most of the people I know and have interactions with our using retired mid light 70s very trusting and then you know what they're still afraid of the Irish that's how they were okay so make sure you don't get caught up in one of those things one last thing that I actually happens during tax time is the fake Publishers Clearing House surveyed what happens it is a send you a check or a fake check along with a letter that says you were a won the Publishers Clearing House with a bunch of big big decals and you call this number the guy in the other line will transfer you to somebody else say hey look hey you want congratulations or receive your funds we're going to need $5,000 to visit to this we're going to need to get you a tax form and all that kind of stuff what they're going to ask you to do is either said a certified check or debit card to have to get that tax information for to have this allocated through their inner<br> are you certain this is all fake according to Publishers Clearing House because if you win the survey if you win the Publishers Clearing House they're showing up at your house with balloons and a van and they're going to surprise you okay you're not going to be sending you a notice like that they're going to show up cuz they want as much publication is possible to get everybody to buy magazine now that's sad and you're going to love this cuz you're going to hear from Chris class you could have talked about how to take tons of money on your travel to stick with this will be right back<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey welcome back to the shaving with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money I've been waiting all day for this it's travel season people love to travel how would you like to travel the world for pennies on the dollar we have coats Chris year to talk about the benefits of travel he's going to teach you The Insider tips tricks that will show you the maze you and get you going on vacations you so well deserve I just want to make sure everybody is listening you're going to hear some things here you got it maybe that's not true but you know what when I was having a conversation with Chris he said here go use this code go sign up for this I signed up for this credit card it gave me sixty thousand<br> American Airlines points would you guys don't realize that's enough to take me and my wife to Europe for free so I'm so and the cool thing about it he doesn't really make his money on coaching individual he makes it with corporate speaking gigs and things like that so we're really thankful he's here Chris welcome to the show thanks Dave it's a pleasure to be here at listen to a lot of your episode since I got connected with you and I know you provide value to all you all your listeners your shows growing and that's what it's all about providing the value of money we're all struggling a lot of us are still struggling in this hard times yep that's true but if you can go on vacation for a lot less than what you thought people can go on more vacations now since my listeners haven't heard before you're an AT&T marketing executive and then you transition and now you're the number one travel Guru and Coach so tell us about that transition<br> 12 years old spending four weeks you know if my parents are in Europe my golfer I got to travel on business it's in my blood I live in Florida now but I've always been a part of New York and Broadway seeing is the next conductor that was part of my military service conducting military band so I just love the aspects of travel one of my mantras I say or the best things in life aren't the material things are not this hello this is that a $35 Costco watch it ain't no Rolex but the best things in life are your friend your health your family and those precious memories and experiences and we all know a lot of those precious memories and experience to revolve around travel where there be a wedding graduation family vacation a reunions excetera and especially now when we've been with this covid situation a lot of us have been stuck in our homes for 14 16 months<br> and now with the vaccinations we now can travel so becomes up more important to reunite to get these precious memories and experiences with our families and friends cuz we really do travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us but wasn't a problem like you said that's what your shows all about why do we have forwarded it's expensive so that's what I speak about on stage you don't have to be rich to leverage that's what I'm all about I love that and I also agree with you 100% on you walk out in a box and in many cases you can't take the watch and the belongings you really only reflect upon the memories that relationships that you have so I'm a cancer survivor so I totally agree with that so let's get into travel top three travel tips for families to say the maximum money on their travel basically the most expensive aspects or travel or airfares and accommodate<br> install hid on those two number one air fares now it's supply and demand or in the capitalistic system Fair fares are rising there but to take a family on a vacation whether you go to Hawaii to Caribbean Europe excetera it's expensive well with Coach Chris this is a truth I haven't paid for a flight in 14 years I fly for free and I'm not married to a flight attendant and here's the background every year line is associated with a bank has the wrong credit card and a lot of these Airlines have huge signup bonuses you get their credit card as you're in the financial business you know obviously you pay the credit card fraud the end of the month you know you don't pay interest on any credit card number one number two you do got to keep a decent credit score and your plight of credit cards but you know if you have a credit score 700<br> every airline has its associated credit card for instance Delta is with American Express they have about three credit card options where you spend $2,000 and 3 months I get $70,000 SkyMiles United has a credit card Southwest Airline is with Chase bank and they have a variety of credit cards we could actually spend their minimum amount over a. Of time and wind up with enough points now they told rapid reward points where you and a companion can fly for free even the cheaper Airlines low-cost Airline Spirit Frontier excetera so my advice to your audience and listeners that picked the airline where you want to fly to your destination and investigate what credit card options they promotions are available to get the signup bonuses I mentioned to you and Mark all the best one out there on fly frequently is American because I'm here in Florida<br> I have a place in Lake Tahoe when I go to jail I'm a ski bum you could actually fly free like I do an American for buying a pack of gum that approves you that get you a credit card one billing cycle like you said I showed you 60,000 Mi roll into your account that's the round trip ticket to Hawaii you leverage this with your family your wife or your grown children that Duchess multiplies and you're flying first class around the world and you take it one step further even if you have a business like I do you're an entrepreneur solo entrepreneur you get the business card okay you might have to spend $1,000 but he'll that's see how gas restaurant money for a month or two months and get another 60 or $70,000 so every Airline<br> is associated has a bank as a credit card so my advice again just to sum it up choose your destination what airlines fly there were you want a vacation where you travel to with your family or on business get their credit card start up these are promotional bonuses they change lot of these things are on resources that I show people on different blogs was a change I recently just re-upped on a another Delta card I got 70,000 miles that's the round trip just about anyplace for spending 2000 I put my homeowner's insurance on a credit card which is like 2500 that made the minimum and I fly for free so another words your audience myself yourself if you have a credit score 700 don't overdo it get a few of these Airline credit cards and then you wind up flying for free your family flies for free in a<br> I have a business to get the business version at the credit card for and you don't have to worry you basically said hey look you can get an individual and a business card you can get sixty or seventy thousand miles each but the important thing that you said there is you didn't you didn't have to go and buy travel or dinner out or whatever you could use that credit card for your everyday expenses and obviously just pay it off at the end of the month so you're not buying anything special you're just using it on your everyday expenses and you're gaining 120,000 miles it goes a long way so if you're doing it on Corridor and it's hard with multiple Airlines I mean 350,000 Mi just to find wow you could fly a lot of places for nothing which is 1 or that's what I've been doing eyes Burns to give you another idea like I fixed this lineup I had the<br> for covid is goal was to take his son to his many baseball parks in the summer wanted to travel and he loved baseball I tell her to plan for him we could get you credit card spend a minimum would be always Insurance on there is car insurance is homeowner's insurance any large expenses as utilities except he wound up with enough credits or miles to fly him and his son the five or six destinations for free with Southwest and also with these credit cards another Advantage for instance they mentioned the American Airlines you don't pay for baggage check-in that's it. The credit card you also get free baggage checking so a family afford what's a 30 bucks times $420 each way and in addition you get priority boarding up the first class boards they allow the credit card holders with that Airline it's like Wile t242 not fighting for that overhead compartments space when all the planes are Bill that's another Advantage these promote<br> strange you have to stay on top of it but you can like I do and I showed you how you can fly for free Chris I don't want to go anywhere we're going to take a quick break and we're going to be right back everybody with more coach Chris<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve a text coach Chris he's given us a wonderful travel tips already that if you just follow that one you could be fine for free pretty much wherever you want to go just like he does it's just not too good to be true which is awesome that was one day travel tips next one is on a combination cuz that's the other big expense so what tips do you have four combinations yeah that's why I travel vacation before covid-19 weeks a year and I'm not a Motel 6 guy I like first class you know 4-star 5-star Resorts and here's the biggest when you going on that typical family vacation I'm not talkin about a two-day trip her so I try to show you how to stay in hotels for free the way I do but the big Tempe or the typical 57<br> family vacation reunions forget the word Hotel strike it from your vocabulary forget the hotel for your site why because Mary got Hilton Hyatt Weston Disney Starwood Wyndham even the Ritz-Carlton they all have timeshares or Vacation Club type products and you could get on the internet here's a resource for your listeners redweek calm and rent a timeshare from an owner why not stay in a one bedroom 2 bedroom 3 bedroom unit at a luxury resort get a full kitchen flat screen TV 3 flat screen TV's washer dryer for Resort amenities and here's an example<br> I set it up for my friends I do it for myself I'm a ski bum I've been doing it for 20 or 30 years plus use fails example everybody for the hotel room from the Marriott in Vail ski season 750 and I okay and by the way another $50 to park your car<br> half mile down the road you go on the internet and you could rent or one or two bedroom unit Marriott same beds Marriott standards sleeps 4683 flat screen TVs a wood burning fireplace the woods for free underground parking is sleeps for six or eight full kitchen washer and dryer and you're going to pay half that price for that night that you do from the hotel and you're going to get a Clubhouse full Resort amenities in like I do and bail indoor-outdoor pool sauna steam room free Transportation you don't have to own these timeshares you could rent them from an owner that's not using them and the best resource for that is and he's timeshares will hotels now because it a bad aspect people think so high sales pressure and X years they changing the vacation plus and here's<br> the other thing safety we're all concerned about safety now and covid some people don't want to go out and being proud and dinner you have a family excetera by having the full kitchen and all the amenities you don't have to go out to restaurants and other savings you could cook their they all have balconies resort activities I spend I spend literally months needs timeshares I live in Florida and my son comes down where in the oceanfront on the beach overlooking the ocean with full Resort amenities for for less than Motel 6 prices so for that family vacation now go to any destination they all have whether it's the why the Caribbean your Disney World with your golfer Hilton Head even though Ryan and Palm Beach area Florida ski resorts think about some of the hotels rent somebody's timeshare Vacation Club you're going to get Triple to space<br> strip all the amenities for one-third the price of a hotel room in most families your listeners you know you want to take the kids their grandkids are all there you got three TVs my go to the bell I feel like I'm Donald Trump I got a wood burning fireplace I bring the damn luggage cart down to the garage and I loaded up with firewood hell for long enough that the grocery store cost $5 I probably burn $100 worth of firewood at night there it's all luxury and you don't pay tax on this Resort fee you live in pure luxury it's the only way to go for travel when you're looking at families this alternative and the hotel chains there's a lot of time she was out there I said I would recommend staying with the major Hotel change the Marriott's the Hilton's the highest you know the Westin in this way you're going to get that Perfection sanitization that that cleanliness<br> standard that you expect you talk about to go find that now what other block or travel sites to get the current best deals for travel it's like a drug Ivory 50 of them a day they're all out there one is if you want to learn how to fly for free with your family travel down. Calm as a program she's the expert on Southwest that she shows you how to take your family really anywhere in the world travel gal. Calm there's miles to John a jet has a travel blog that's very useful there's another one called 10 x travel<br> dot-com 10x you could Google it so I think it's 10xtravel that has all these travel deals travel pulse p u l s c is another blog there's about 20 of and I make it simple for those families that are traveling the plan on a lot of vacation another one if you use the timeshare that I think it's excellent is Tug timeshare usage tuj. Org de lis timeshares for rent for sale and if you get into the timeshare routine and you know the ins and outs and you get into the system you could buy at I'm here now for a dollar just pay the maintenance then you part of the exchange program they run all sorts of they call him get away specials where you could stay in Las Vegas for a week a week now in a one-bedroom unit with a kitchen for $300 it's a game you have to know the inside secrets and other words it's possible out there<br> really the travel in this luxurious surroundings these are all Luxury Resorts now for pennies on Eliza I'm a golfer to I live in the golf resort I shoved some of my clients that I've done it myself Hilton Head everybody knows Hilton Head they play if your golf or the week after the Masters they played a Harbortown classic at Hilton seipai you can stay at a Marriott again timeshare vacation club resort sleeps 8 okay take all your buddies golf in your family's golfing the gulf is free the cards are free you get $2,000 worth of golf expenses for free by just stay in there and you don't have to own just rent from an owner that's well that's that's that's another tip you could basically do whatever you want in the luxury by utilizing<br> timeshares or vacation clubs in New verbage now is vacation plus so they're the key here is to just look for the deals find the best places but stick to the ones you know and don't go off in The Crazy Ones cuz you know exactly what you're going to get yeah there's a lot of time she was out there but I I believe in luxury I stick to the major the westons the Marriott you know by Marriott has like I think 40 locations excetera and you know the standard another word of warning lot of people are in the Airbnb now but with this covid pandemic a lot of times you don't know what you're going to get somebody's home you're not going to get full Resort amenities why you staying at these Resorts you're going to get the whole plethora of Resort amenities you're going to get the TV's the washer and dryers the Privacy you're going to get a workout room Etc Transportation it it's going to work out for you<br> to the next 12 months and the other part is how do you plan for your dream vacation I want to let you know we have about two minutes to go before work for we're closing out the show but I'd like it if you can fit that in there yeah I'm traveling again you have to plan it Advanced you got to execute three aspects of travel planned this damned trip you know when your children's vacations are got a plan in advance to save money to get that accommodation if you want to go Christmastime excetra that's number one and now obviously you get the adventure in the experiences and with all these gadgets now we share our experiences build a legacy plan is far in advance that you want to go to a destination pick it out travel is were calling it Revenge travel out of the pandemics. And people are back so you going to be the more people that have been cooped up now traveling so it's going to be more expensive you got a plan ahead to get the best deal cuz Chris how do people get ahold of you how do you work with<br> people I know you're just there to help so how does that work yeah I normally like I said I'm a professional speaker so if any of your listeners have corporate events Association events where they think this topic will be of relevance by all means give me a call my email lifetime Leisure. Nap but I'm offering your listeners are free consultation with Coach Chris cuz everybody's travel needs and dreams are different so they go I set up a separate URL coach Chris book a 15-minute call with me I'll be glad to answer any of your questions guide you in the right way give you to restore so I repeat coach Chris speaks. Org answer a few questions about your where you want to travel how many in your travel party booked a call I'll give you a call back and we'll both take it from there to see anyways I'll I can help you because you know that's what we're here to do my mission<br> we're here my company lifetime Leisure experiences we look forward to service in your dreams and bringing your family together so they're memories last forever and a lot of that is through travel and Leisure Chris I want to thank you for being part of her show today in fact like to have you come back very He travel season just so we can get people excited about it and show them how to save some money so hopefully you'll be able to do that if you're not skiing or golfing or going somewhere else and enjoying yourself again I want to thank you for being part of the show I wish you health and safety safe travel and we look forward to seeing you next time I'd love to come back like I said I could speak ours on this again the benefits to travel for your health<br> your Wellness<br> that taking that vacation you're better at your job reduce stress except for its all there better relationships how important travel and Leisure is but it has to be a portable you don't want to break the bank so you have to know the deal so that's why you have me weak coach the deal thanks goes Chris have a good day we'll see you bye bye all right thank you you know what coach Chris wonderful you listen to this again and again cuz he gave wonderful chips I want to truly thank you all for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends and family members and Associates know about the show all the replays are available at saving with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information and insights on saving with Steve I encourage you to subscribe to Spotify and our Google channels so you never missed a show and check out a few of her a few left that you can't help radio VVS radio talk radio New York City<br> networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve from uplift your spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom also you can follow us at Facebook and join the saving with Steve Sexton insiders Club all those episodes are they are saving with Steve. Us you get gas just a whole shots look forward to seeing you next week we're going to have a wonderful show be safety healthy thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>