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Saving with Steve, February 1, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Magnus Carter and Albert Roux

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Magnus Carter and Albert Roux

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br>can we talk about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun or at least you having a healthier happier relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us today I just can't say enough how appreciative I am we have over 600,000 listeners here in the United States over 50,000 listeners overseas and we're continuing to grow so check this out as saving with Steve. You ask but today we have a wonderful show in the reality is were talking about money there's this wonderful new book by an author by the name of Magnus Carter and that book it's called money for you mutual fund investing in a budget for beginners we have a number of people that are listening to show that might be parents people in their 20s or 30s you if you're broke before payday tired of always having to look at Price tags we have magnets car here today he teaches and gives the tools to readers and taxes fiscal responsibility or fiscal responsibility to help them gain 5<br>Independence what we're looking for that after Magnus were to be talking about some of the things have been going on in the shopping the online shopping world was just a big increase in fraud now the last 12 months almost 47% of identity fraud was classified as a sophisticated fraud and that's a 57% increase from last year we're seeing verified accounts of people not going after somebody's biometric data put just falsified documents and creating identity theft well we have the vice president of fraud put on if I which is Albert bro you going to be with us he's going to go through it all show you how to protect yourself so we can protect everybody's money with that said I want to introduce you to Madness Carter Magnus welcome to the show thank you for having me that's right you're in the east coast of California<br>hey that's the way it goes no man I guess I really love people stories and all of our listeners do as well now my understanding is you started working at the age of 12 and you were a waiter working at a restaurant near City 21 years old and you got interviews to somebody who can open up the doors and give you the big aha moment could you tell us a little bit about that just like everybody else in New York City trying to make its way through trying to find a way to make the next payment to your house or why she's trying to get enough money to buy a meal because of how expensive it is but costly I was working at this Diner and a lot of people kept coming in with you know the suits the cars they had the jewelry on they have the family with them and a couple of the regulars that came in on her lunch break someone not answer to talk with them you know a little here little there you know hello how are you and conversation started sprouting from that the find out that they were making their money in investing they are still<br>working nine-to-five jobs and they were having their money make more money for them by just following stock market by investing and other companies startup companies that were actually happening at the time so I learned quite a bit little knowledge here and there but it was like way over my head there's so much you have to know on the back end before you actually take money out and some of the chances I took the day off so well but I did learn along the way of what to do and what not to do with investing I like the fact that you said some of the chancellor take didn't work out that well Kiss by Franklin when you're learning you make mistakes and just the way it is and you learn from them obviously I do you learn a lot faster by The Mistakes by constantly learning a book or anyting it's what it's supposed to be but once you go and actually make a mistake and figure out what happened then what made that mistake happen you learn for next time so I can't wait a second here this is sort of following this don't stay away from it<br>no I think that's wonderful because too many people they think they read a book and they think they know what they're doing and they actually don't know as a result there in a bit of trouble I think it's great cuz part of Mastery is just learning getting better and doing that I think that's wonderful so what prompted you to write the book go through that with us what I should write this book was a lot of people I've seen friends family older siblings and one throughout their life stages life cycles that we have not everybody learned about how to use money properly we were never taught the proper ways or the consequences of using money incorrectly or overspending or going in the dad opening credit cards being house broke by doing you know the mortgage in one night and then you get in over your head and you're trying to struggle to stay alive by working 2 3 4 jobs what I took in this book and took the knowledge that I've gained and try to help people like you were saying before from people out of high school<br>I am eight years old can spend everything there's a little bit something in there for everybody in there from budgeting to actually taking accountability for your money back starting today so let's talk about I'm 25 years old<br> I just got out of college I've got my first job and I'm grinding it out what's the first thing somebody should be doing to get prepared for their financial life cuz a lot of times I don't know if your college-educated but in fact I have two kids one is just graduated as an electrical engineer the only thing he knows about money is what he see from me and my wife the reality is if we passed when he got a lump of money he wouldn't know what the heck to do with it because he has no experience and that's the case with most people that said what would be a great first step a great first step is finding out how much you spending finding how much you are actually in bed for your college loans like your Sunset car payment credit card your subscription your cell phone do you got to take accountability for all the things that you already putting money out for and then you need to take accountability in what job you have and how much money you're actually making<br> of course you got to make that after taxes do you have to pay the government if they're not happy so you got to make sure you keep them happy so you can keep working and then you compare and contrast you find out what your income to debt ratio which means you know what you're comparing both which is greater if your debts higher than your income you got to find ways to starts you know shopping some things out so that you can live without some things you can actually go cheaper on you need to also square away some money for emergencies people don't time for emergencies as well like I said take the accountability aspect of it but the more honest you are with yourself with your spending the more you'll get out of it and the more you can actually start having a better life later on like even the next day<br> I love what you're saying there are you really talk about accountability I meet with some people there getting ready for retirement stuff like that and I said hey what he spending and they said I don't know and I've talked to people who do Patriots what they're spending because they've always had the money and they've always set aside stuff and then when they retire they don't realize that hate your unemployed now you got you got to make your money work for you and they're 5 years in retirement and they're realizing they didn't save enough money because they didn't really watch their spending and know what they are actually spending they just thought they were just spending this way cuz we've got enough and we should be able to take care of it and Fighters down the road there looking at okay so how do I adjust my lifestyle downwards so I could retire and that's not the way you want to do it I love the fact about accountability because a lot of people will just look at their expenses and say okay I'm spending that but the reality is if you take a look at it you talked about find ways to do things cheaper there's like a lot of cell phone<br> companies in a lot of them are on the same that works but they have different cost what does things I talk about is like a debt reduction is I mean we were able to save 80 bucks a month on for cell phones there was like Wow or you look at the cable bill hey we got a cable bill for streaming and internet and all that stuff and cut out the cable bill and just do the streaming cuz that's all you do and you save another hundred bucks a month or like you work in the restaurant industry I found out that I was working with somebody who worked at a grocery store and they explain to me hey Steve check this out and see this bag of salad it's four bucks that our family was using 10 of those pretty much every other week so that's $40 but we figured out that I can buy romaine lettuce feta cheese pecans and dressing and that's like 10 bucks quite frankly I could just save myself another $67 a month so there's ways that people can do it you just not want to continue down that road and she keeps been in the same month<br> exactly cuz you don't know if you're going to have the job tomorrow that's one of the main things and from seeing today and what we've been through the last year-and-a-half it's not always going to be there the things you want that day or that you're accustomed to might not be on the shelves or they were going to be raising prices so like you're saying is<br> do a little bit of work little bit of research on it and you know it can be just the same or even better than what you were buying that's wonderful to be right back with more maggots Carter more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money so if you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton will Welcome Back to the Future where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun to release the you having a healthier happy relationship with money hey by the way all the replays are available at dating with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside and saving with Steve join us at our YouTube channel Spotify Channel or Google Play Channel and check out a few of our Affiliates at UK Health radio BBS radio in talk radio New York City all these networks are dedicated to empower you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom you again if you want to join us you can check us out on Facebook is saving with Steve Sexton or go to saving with Steve. Us for replays now we're back with Magnus Carter. Magnus once you've created that emergency fund you got your butt<br> and you're starting to make a little bit of money how much did you start investing when you did and how did you look at investing how did people teach you how to invest and how did you go about doing that. That is a wonderful thing I do have to take accountability it's couple years ago compared to text Bhatt the information will still transfer over to today's market a lot of people that I've talked to Robbie years when I said to go on a stock market stocks are the way to go and you know you can always bet on companies that are constantly being used and developing new technologies and things that people use on a daily basis so that's what I basically invested it but that the stock market you're buying one stock at a time and then your fees on top of that accrue and then your brokerage accounts on top of that and then you're taxing and if that cup one company goes on you lose a lot of money so I started looking into mutual funds which are Abri 57 whatever the mutual<br> ask multiple companies that allow you to buy stock or invest into the multiple companies and I found that was a lot better because if one of the companies in the mutual fun wasn't doing well and to the more I'm still making money it's not as much money as if I would have put it all into one stock but I am still seeing an increment to the positive side into the black that's why I started with doing the Sox doing stocks options and then I transferred pretty much a lot of it into the mutual funds between a mutual fund because it has a lot of stocks in there and they could bounce it out you might not hit the homerun are you making forty or fifty percent but if you can average 6 or 7 or 8 or whatever the case maybe you're in a better spot exactly and with that has a better spot you have more options later on so you have more Equity into your mutual fund you can actually take that out invest in the other funds or a stocking itself and not<br> taking all of your money I put this into a gambling category it's like riding on horses do you want one horse whenever you want three of them to someone place and make money I would rather have the money that's consistent with the three horses than one that has a long shot the winning like 501 so that's that's my concept on it a lot of people might not see it that way but it is dependent on their situation I'm supposed to retire at 9 but I'm shooting for 62 okay what are the topics that you said your books is why millionaires don't play by the rules most people have been taught they don't how many millionaires have you seen get a mortgage or how many millionaires have you seen actually go out and get a car loan or actually going to do that at all<br> they're taught at a very young age how to be responsible with the money that they have and how to start making them money they have into more money so those rules in that education is already bestowed upon them by their parents that went through a door by family members or however they are paying that money or their wealth or from Generations past so the rules they're going by his Dairy have the knowledge so they understand the knowledge they understand the jargon behind it a lot of people that I've talked to is they don't invest in them is because they don't have the knowledge of what the terms mean and how to use that knowledge to the cipher<br> and apply it into real-world experience<br> okay we are about 5 minutes left I'd like to talk about how to plan a secure future for oneself and family so how do you go about doing that each person's specifications or needs are different than another person's to find out what they want their money to do if they want to for long-term they take less risk you spell less risky route of investing for later on if they want money in a shorter time they will go and diversify into media accounts and if they want it short term they would put it in a little bit higher risk and higher money to allow her best to return so they have to have their goal in mind when you're actually setting up what they want their money to do if they want to leave more for the grandchildren they will actually put more ain't you lower it lower risk but so what you're saying is supposed to a lot of people say hey if you got a longer. Of time or risk but what you're saying is if you're taking a longer.<br> longer trajectory meaning you're saving for your grandkids or your kids cuz that money's going to them when you walk out on life take a little less risk but just keep that engine that so to speak could cuz if it's getting a 6% hey you're leaving a big nest egg in 15 20 30 years now and if it's a shorter period of time you're saying hey have a medium rare So when we're looking at 10:12 years you know what you're looking at a medium risk. You're going to get a higher rate of return them that long term but you know what your time risen's little shorter so you can take on more risk and then those people who have a short. Of time you said hey if you're to take a picture. Time to reach your goal take on more risk that correct that is correct but also diversify while you're doing that don't put everything in here has put a little bit of middle and low-risk so in case that high-risk tanks or it goes belly-up or something happens to it you still have some on the bottom and that you can actually reinvest it so what you're saying is this balance all that out and<br> sure if you have something that is not correlated to Market so you know what that person really isn't losing any Medics the market goes down and you're not taking a big hit over the whole portfolio just over small portions exactly I know we're making this really simple for everybody but when you talk about diversification how do you look at the first vacation Magnus it depends on what the user wants favorites vacation days you would actually put companies that are been around for a long time that you know are going to go anywhere and then you can also invest in short-term companies that just popped up and see the last five years and nobody really knows what they're what their track records going to be from 10 years from now so they versification will entail a little bit of old and new world if you will hire a low risk also you can also stack of your friends you can have some funds that have seven companies in a you can also have ones that have three companies in it so that the diversification there will ultimately bounce more towards making the money instead of losing money<br> we have a lot of minutes ago I'm 58 years old but like when I was working for another company and not being on my own I knew people who basically didn't make a lot of money but they've shaved invested so much every single week I'm talking like $150 a week and basically $150 a week for a period of 30 years and have five or six percent interest rate is over $1000000 and for somebody for this couple they probably made Thirty or forty thousand dollars a year but they save that $150 a week and that's the amount that the always into their brokerage account of the IRA or whatever and when they retired then about 1.4 million dollars both their social security more than covered with they were actually earning during your life and then they had all that money sitting there and there were the simplest people and basically said all we did was just put it in there and forget about it put it in there and forget about it and I think that's the message that you<br> although you sound like you're a little more sophisticated when it comes to the shocks yes the book also talks about there's a worksheet that go with it it'll actually tell you how to make a budget find your net worth what you're actually worth Ray been in here so you can actually find out where you want to be anywhere you need to make changes but also there is an investment tracker so the person that's actually investing in it takes accountability of what their stocks are doing and when people want to see progress they want to see what's going on with it how many stocks they have how long has it been since they've checked your last stocks they want to see if they can actually make more money with it or if there's something new out that they can actually take some money out and invested in something new so it's a little bit more sophisticated but it's broken down in the book by chapters on the wrist the fees the taxes the process actually from start to finish on investing and how to actually have an exit plan at the end of it for your specification<br> that's wonderful Magnus I want to thank you for joining us today and yeah I'm basically it just means everybody can be in a position where they can retire statistics show today that there is about 45% of people out there they're going to be working for the rest of your life until the day they died in the reality is you can have a regular nine-to-five job and put yourself in a position to where you can actually tire and one of the ways to do it is that she go out and get it back this is booked the books called money for you mutual fund investing on a budget for beginners you can get it at Amazon by the way it's rated four and a half Stars which is outstanding so Magnus I want to thank you for joining us is there any other places that people can get your book as well if you do a search for making more money for you and will magnets Carter it will show up wherever you can buy books it's also on audio forum for people on the go from<br> people get listen to their car while they're driving along in and learn how to do things so magnets I want to thank you for joining us stay safe and healthy and look forward to seeing it possibly next time okay thank you for having me on the show Welcome everybody that was Magnus Carter you want to stick with this I'm going to be going through the 2022 Financial resolution and then we have Albert Road vice-president Friday video with that stick with this pose where your right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back to the Shaving wished you show my name is Steve sex and I really want to thank you for joining us you know what we are all about the ins-and-outs of money we're going to be talking about 2022 Financial resolutions in just a second I would like to send a shout out to our Affiliates at UK Health radio BBS radio talk radio New York City e360 TV all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirits and help you live a life of personal and Financial Freedom so if you like to follow us on Facebook is saving with Steve Sexton and saving was Steve Sexton the inside and private sitting with Steve. You was get all your replays exclusive access to our videos just gives and more now let's talk about those 2022 Financial resolution many of us are beginning of this think about what we want<br> published next year and in the long term for some is committing to a healthier diet getting more exercise to spending more time with family going and More Adventurous or saving for Adventures or saving for the future what I'm going to do is just impart some simple strategies to think about for planning for your financial resolution first of all a more for retirement or are you saving for retirement figure out a way to increase that amount you put away each and every year if you hit the maximum on your 401k contributions are your IRA find another place to put some money and if your company has a 401k and especially if they match you one of matches the least whatever they meant cuz otherwise you're throwing away money and if you set it up to where it's coming from your checking account to your IRA or Roth IRA or your payroll to your 401k Thomas like a force savings<br> and you're putting a structure around your retirement plan you can set it and forget it it's in a Roth IRA is a great way for those who don't have a 401k or want to add on current savings message using after-tax dollars which allows you to put yourself in a position when you withdraw the money<br> so it's Rod tax-free providing you do it after 59 and a half now if you haven't started put as much as you can away per pay. And keep increasing that on an annualized basis if you get a bonus or whatever the case is next to have credit card debt payoff credit card each month just because it has the highest interest rate of Consumer Debt remember to always pay more than the minimum required don't take out more dad while you're still paying off your credit card if you owe on more than one credit card pay out the one with the highest interest rate first and put your money towards the card with the next highest was just wait until you have it paid off it's called the snowball method now some people don't like the one with the highest lb cuz it's too big to small amounts the key is creating momentum here to pay it off cuz you got to remember it's better to earn in interest in paying interest next 40% of American doesn't have a number<br> keep honor can't handle an emergency and have $400<br> if you don't have an emergency fund make a 2022 gold the start of building one you should aim to have around six months worth of expenses and savings account to get you through some rainy days there the economy is a lot more precarious and use a right now so building toward this goal can give you peace of mind if the unexpected ham is also if you have an emergency fund and you're looking for another position or looking to start a business in your part of that resignation culture that's fine but their emergency money will help you get their next review your insurance insurance is a large but this is our expense that are alive you have homeowners insurance auto insurance health insurance life insurance disability insurance now is the time to make sure you're not over insured or underinsured you can say Bible in your home and auto insurance with one carrier is your health insurance the right plan for you based on your age and her current health status do you have enough life insurance for your spouse in tragedy strikes<br> so think about this I had a brother that passed away in March he was only in his early fifties but the reality is you had a life insurance policy for his family so his family his wife and his two kids were high school are still able to move forward because of that life insurance policy you need to look at having a life insurance policy if you have a family or you should be looking at replacing 10 years worth of income little do is it only able to have spouse to reduce their work if they're taken care of kids and it will complete your retirement plan if you're not able to complete it yourself so really think about that when it comes to the insurance next evaluate your income and finances in addition to saving more and spending less try to use your income is also beneficial searching for a higher-paying job seeking employment of better benefits reducing or eliminating commuting cost moving to near with lower cost-of-living I'll be substantial<br> positive impact on your finances look to generate alternative income streams that just freelance work side hustles passive income through rental or dividend paying stocks to create Financial flexibility one of the biggies is improve your credit score check your credit report for errors pay bills on time keep your credit utilization<br> under 30% credit utilization the amount of debt outstanding on your revolving credit sources like credit cards home equity line as a percentage of your available credit also open a credit card if you don't have one but use it wisely by sticking to this plan your credit score should improve over time last most important improve your Fitness level physical help and lead to financial help money and the economy or one of the biggest sources of stress at almost every income level making small but it's effective changes to eating better be at home is healthier and cheaper increase exercise focus on what is important in lead to feeling better and making smarter financial decisions over the long-term the key here folks is consistently by sticking with the seven simple strategies you should be able to achieve financial success overtime can't wait to the next segment is where<br> Albert row of honest I do and he is the vice-president of fraud cuz you know what there's been a big strike in fraud and that's spike is increased by almost 60% over the last year we all want to protect yourself look figure out what's going on stick with this would be right back with Albert row more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show we're going to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton they will come back to the show talk about the ins-and-outs of money I also want to thank you all for joining us as you know we have over 600 thousand listeners here and United States another 50,000 listeners overseas available I'm sitting with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories that helpful information insights on saving the Steve then I encourage you to check us out on Spotify Google play YouTube so you never miss the show also check out a few Berbiglia It's a UK help radio DBS Radio Talk Radio in New York City e360 TV all these networks are dedicated to empower you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal financial Freedom you can also follow us on Facebook and saving the Steve Sexton or go to the shaving with Steve. You asked for more replays of shows<br> our next guest is very very interesting things I just want to put out there right now and he's seen this in the news I've actually done new stories for many other stations on this there's a gigantic morning on online fraud this holiday season and over the last 12 months 47% of identity fraud was classified as was called a sophisticated fraud which is almost a 60% increase from last year and what I thought was interesting in this report is that many of these fraudsters are bypassing was called Biometrics and they're just faking documents and they're giving off those two criminals selling them in all that stuff your back 90% of ID fraud also involves counterfeit the documents that were created from scratch as opposed to just adopting an existing ID we have Albert Road he's the vice president of public fraud that I'm feet oh he's here to help us understand what's going on and what time<br> and what we can do about Albert has a very involved history of working and investigating and fraud things like that Albert one of the first questions I love to ask everybody is how did you get in this business that's a great question so I might I'm watching income detection so 10 years at Microsoft working in the bean your search engine options and then four more years at the building of publication company right now for a quick expansion valve<br> and it's kind of a long story of Lucy Apso mix 13 frog because I'd be a system that Microsoft introduced in the box and the pick from but essentially the story I'm not putting out there in my LinkedIn I want to hear myself in my early days. That's why I grew up in friends but you can hear from axon and then you don't get weary sell them on the black market so I need that almost professional level 5 years<br> he was just trying to make money but I can you figure out where I was watching the news. Is that right<br> essentially what I was going to say this were really glad you went from the Dark Side to the light side<br> the landscape of talking about almost 30 years ago now and I'm very very sorry so I can do it real simple for our listeners what are actually doing on a retail online shopping level and<br> how do they go about doing it cuz I think everybody like to understand that cuz a long time ago I work for the automobile club and we had a gentleman named Herman who is the former FBI person who dealt with fraud and all that kind of stuff he's the head of our corporate security and he was explaining to me one day how money laundering Works in which somebody would come in and purchase bunch of Travelers checks and then destroy them and then ask The Replacements and I do well how is that money laundering goes well you're honest you don't think that way and then he would explain to me how it works and I went oh my gosh I never knew that and then he explained to me a few other things how people use calling cards that used to have with numbers to certain types of calls and transfer money and all sorts of stuff and I'm like hiding in my eyeballs just went like this well my gosh I can't believe people think that way cuz that's just because you don't think that way help people understand what's going on and a let's go from there<br> now so see great question so what's the first in the purpose of flies are supposed to wait for them to extract money from from<br> bank account is pretty straightforward what do you need to use your bank account information we create a limited would present that information online and create buy to provide the bank account<br> entry to countries like maybe your Russia or Ukraine easily so so that's the reason accounts on Amazon or Walmart and then you can buy so now you can buy something you created<br> but you might do now to reset the password you have to present proof of identification so now you must be some labels are biometrics and I own this phone number and they will fight you bypass a phone number and then we're going to be right back okay for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton and welcome back to the saving with seizure we talked about the least amount of money we're talking to a buru he's a vice president of public fraud and on Friday do and he's just dropping some Pearls of Wisdom here to understand what's going on I'm actually kind of shocked that what people do and how it actually works but the most of us are Bolivia's to those things up because we're honest people we don't think that way so let's continue on what are other ways that people go about doing that<br> so I mean he's not on the watch from the bank or from the e-commerce company from the results company so every time I bought you knows the password to find a way to reset the password required to provide proof of what we called the guy back go back<br> the system now for the nurse's station and is it true<br> and then you print on your own your car in front of your camera focus on safety online music and doing what we saw during, so and so and then<br> your face sometimes what we see unfortunately in that use my asked was are you in the basement has a 14 year old kids like I did at your house.<br> take a selfie and actually well in terms of coordination between document fraud and biometric and buffalo be best to protect businesses and MMA<br> take over bank account now where are those your your company's doing a lot of things to protect everybody out there so what can our listeners do how can they can help protect their information their data and all that in like I just have this one question mine or standing on the dark web if they can get somebody's identification and all that when they're really young it's worth a lot of money because they can you know if they're if you got a two-year-old they've got 16 17 18 years before anybody seen going to find out is that correct or what they called<br> social media campaigns and social media presence to protect yourself essentially my recommendation is number one in Mexico from all your bank account so somebody will not give me from a different location than where you are<br> sometimes you need to know so I need you to really think about before you any type of information you and your first name or last name who is that people talk when they call me first because I'm fishing formation for me<br> just be very careful they want something more information contact to your bank on Walden generally everybody looking for a deal because everything's gone up sometimes at all my gosh I can get this $1,200 item for 700 bucks or whatever it is they that deal gets the better of people and the reality is it just giving up their money and possibly they're dead<br> I think you for saying that and you were talking about your tongue it's actually about to step authentification so if somebody comes in and does a transaction there's always some sort of code that you're going to have to put in or they login in that that type of thing cuz that'll protect you as well<br> cracked so you can whenever you can make sure that you and Ebola first two step verification so I mean your face or your voice if somebody's not taking over your type of attacks of the u.s. walking with Century what they do they would call your department phone number to a new phone I would like to collect information about a lot of the time is just social engineering in Europe from there<br> I do say I'm from the bank XYZ music station called yoga foam never do because there is a out where I'm at in the San Diego area there's a CEO here that obviously very very busy person and then somebody said they represent himself as the IRS and they just said hey looking<br> but we just need to validate your last two numbers of your your your account so we can send out this or refund and then I think she know she's she's losing $12,000 out of the bank account and then you know what the reality is is dead I've I've heard about this from really smart people people that one gentleman was actually in the FBI and he deals with fraud and his wife is it happened to his wife you just did was just I was so busy I got caught up in so it's just one of those things were people really need to think about what they're doing with something like that calls<br> Annapolis<br> absolutely I'm in life is going on you should remember for dinner what we see and talk to me prior to 2009 Apple did you not hold a long<br> several layers from your bank transaction in Seattle Washington to Oso understand when you open an account<br> Albert I want to thank you so much for being with us today this is been just wonderful big time I opening for everybody's listening hey if there is a company out there that somebody's listening and said hey we could use their help how do people get a hold of you again this is Albert row he's the vice president of public fraud for onfi do how do they get ahold of you Albert they can email me a roux r o u x a ton to do. Calm calm and then the vice president of public fraud over on Fido he's giving some Pearls of Wisdom you really want to think about those things and be conscious that every day if you diligence hope your money your information doesn't<br> taken by a fraudster we also talked about making money special for beginners I talked about 2022 Financial resolutions I want to thank you all for joining us today will look forward to seeing you this time next week have a great one. Bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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