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Saving with Steve, August 9, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Ismat Mangla and then Erica Wasserman

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guest 1: Ismat Mangla, Magnify Money Working Adults

Guest 2: Erica Wasserman, Summer Financial Check up

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins-and-outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton they welcome to me baby with Steve show when we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun are you having a happier healthy relationship with money my name is Steve sexy I want to thank you for doing this today they appreciate you sharing with your friends and family and Associates our listeners keep expanding we have a wonderful<br>if you have Thomas would like to hear specific topic go to viewers at saving with Steve. You owe us or if you'd like to just check out the website and see almost all 90 episodes you can go to saving with Steve. USU guest-gift the holeshot and again I want to thank you for joining us last week you know he's a scientist nutritionist Healthcare to specialize in weight loss of confidence for professional women and busy Moms Maddie has a weekly podcast really cool you got to check it out and see how to not get sick and die prices fall with a deep dive into nutrition how to develop healthy habits that last if you like to hear more Seymour you can always go to saving with Steve. Us and look at episode 88 about expensive retirement planning estate you want to make sure you're there for that<br>start the pandemic brought many changes the job market in two years later we're still feeling the fixed the latest magnify money study finds that the proportion of working adults 65 and older is rising an older Americans are coming out of retirement this coming Friday wages inflation's labor shortages the whole shot and we're starting to see a changing of the economy right now I'd like to welcome it's not mangla she's were magnified money it was really interesting there was a study that came out from manage money just a few months ago about how older age of dolls are starting to go back to work we're going to talk about those reasons but will also in the last couple months we really senior economic World changed to the point where you used to be like 11.4 million jobs out there now we're seeing inflation rise people are spending less I mean we heard the co from for just the last week's they hate we have far too many employees other than the tech field are looking to<br>French and cut down their Workforce we seen many changes in the cryptocurrency world all sorts of things are going on so again Steve it's always fun to be here that article came out did you guys put out its talks about older age workers going back to work I mean talking to people over the age of 65 so what are the primary reasons why they were going back to work the US Census Bureau household pulse survey looked at what things were like in Spring of 2020 and then what they are like in Spring of 2022 and what we found was that a rising share of the adults were 65 and older are working compared with like two years ago about a couple percentage points.<br>generally when we think people are going to just relax retire so why are we seeing that number rise and I think we can look at some of what happened in the state of the world and economically there are several reasons why that there has been a lot of competition among businesses for workers you seen that we've seen a lot of toys for job Seekers over the last couple of years now is that changing now yeah we're going to start seeing that change for sure but the area that we were looking at definitely there was just a lot of opportunity we saw in April 2020 unemployment spikes to about almost 15% but by April 2020 to implement was back down to 3.6% so and employers have been fighting for the same time we just have gone up and that's a good thing but I would also argue that the real value of those wages it's not really what it<br>does it correspond to how much they've gone up leucine inflation just get out of control its hit a four-year High just yesterday we saw that said raise rates again to try to clean it and so it's it's really reach that level now but but even up until then like inflation was like slowly creeping up in people's money is just not going as far as it once did it right so those things like split pay higher inflation all those things may have further encourage folks to go back to work but let's also not forget about retirement savings if you're going to retire you want to have a nice nest egg and we certainly saw the market downturn in 2020 we saw a lot of recovery but then this year has had a lot of volatility so I can see why you know a higher rate of older adults probably just need to work a little bit more right and so I think all of those reasons are why folks May<br>returning to the workforce also anecdotally talk to a lot of folks who are just like I want to keep going like I want to keep stay active and eighty-five 90 95 years old but you know there's only so much you can play I guess they moved the required minimum distribution to 72 but it's basically was done because all the rage workers are working longer and you know it in the secure act to looks like they might be pushing it to 73 74 75 and again it's because people are working longer now you know what's on top of that and I can also see you wear when you say you know I like I loved it and see me I don't lie but if you take a look at it there's many people depending on how they were invested in the market in the last few months have lost 20 30 40 50 per cent if they were involved in crucial current<br>70% now if you're retired that's a game-changing life-changing amount of money to lose especially if you're planning to take a regular income so if you think about hey I lost 30% I'm going to have to make up 43% to get even number one and number two if I'm taking out income it's going to be that much harder so we go back to you know people that were in 2008 many of them were you know hit just recently retired and you know what they say I have to go back to work or I have to downsize my house move somewhere else to smaller I have to cut back significantly so I can understand where people are 65 going hey this isn't working out the way I saw it in a lot of it comes down to a lot of people didn't they and they they they invested like they did their whole life means they took on wrist and they said hey I'm going to take as much as I can cuz I know I'll make it out cuz it's the long-term well you don't have a long-term when you're unemployed so to speak and retired and<br>look at that I said you know what one of the biggest mistakes people make and I just did this on I will be doing this today is taking on too much risk for retirement not looking at other way I was just going to say it underscores the importance of how you have to really be careful about planning your Investments and like checking in you know as you age because yeah you should be like in 80 90% stocks when you're you know close to retirement because you're just taking a very big gamble right and that is really devastating life-changing for one thing I did notice that in our in our in our findings was that I thought was really interesting which was that more than order of those folks who were 65 and older who were working or actually self-employed and that number is about triple the rate of what I like working Americans between the ages of 25 and 39<br>do that you know sometimes folks are supportive taking like maybe launching businesses or or going in a slightly different direction from where they might have been in their career right like or maybe they're doing more like contract type of the type of work and maybe that sort of helps kind of kind of lifestyle that they want as well with currently that work as consultants they actually tutor people in English math all sorts of stuff and that's their self-employed business I know one that actually helps kids take the SAT and ACT and they just love working with kids they hated their the other 40 years of work life so they wanted to do something by was fun and they're doing it because they want to have something to do number one cuz I can't find other things that they like doing and to the income has enhance their ability to retire in the fashion a lie<br>show a self-employed they can pick and choose when they take vacations or not working all the time and so yeah it's not surprising that most of the people are 25% are self-employed it's a great way to leverage like you said like the whole thing that can really help you are a business as far as so I think that's great and in your is so right that you're saying that on sometimes folks just learn new skills and pursue a different industry or something like that kind of thing really appeals to older adults you just want like a time schedule that you don't want something kind of like low-key but you do keep busy so I do see that there are a lot of opportunities to find your career as you reach that what about retirement age<br>sing cuz I I know somebody does that he's 7 years old and he goes the best part about it for me it's just to listen to the kids in the crazy stuff that they say it's just so funny he said more importantly it's like freshmen and sophomores in high school and he just says you know what the girls and boys who like each other he says it's so still either way they talk bad stuff so it makes life enjoyable MB money talking about older age and workers their stick with this we're going to be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br>don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so she ate it with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us as saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br>welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show host Steve Sexton hey welcome back to the ins-and-outs of money you know what I want to thank you all for joining this if you would like to check out other episodes you can always go to stainless steel. Us I'd like to say thank you to our Filly has that you can't help any obvs radio talk radio New York City AM FM 247 or wonderful Distributors and what they're all about helping us our listeners live a life of personal financial Freedom now if you'd like to go to San Dimas saving with Steve Sexton on Facebook you can get guest yes behind-the-scenes stuff it's wonderful and by the way every Thursday we have a savings start is it's in simple little topic on out of retirement and we've been talking about seniors going back to work why and so on until you do it<br>four-wheel I just want to add this in speaking with a lot of people before we did this are we were actually talking about this right now I have found that everybody has a different reason for going back to work but more importantly a different reason for choosing what they do I have a gentleman he's actually 76 years old he retired the first time in 1965 he's an engineer just loves to solve problems okay and he is a retired probably five or six times we call him to cereal retire and they seek what he does as he sends his wife on trips with her friends and he just likes to solve problems and he went he went there because he wanted to have the to keep his mind Strong by doing that I have others that work at food pantries they've actually for people who had had that abundance in life and what they like to do is they will sort through all the fruits and vegetables and food that comes in<br>the food pantry get all boxed up for people coming in and he likes to you don't hand out food or both his wife love to hand out food to people who are who are in need and for him and I'm not telling where he works because everybody show up every once in a while he'll he'll see somebody that you know they'll come driving up in a car that barely working right and all that kind of stuff and you know he'll slip them $20 here they are to stay I know you need it so here you go that type of thing and he's you know if you asked him he knows where all the shelters are for women for homeless the holeshot he just loves helping people and then there's a lot of older balls that just love working with kids cuz like the show say they say the darndest thing another reason why they like working with kids is because they love to see people grow and develop so if they're working with somebody from 6 for 6 months and it's on some sort of subject they love to see him where they're having a tough time reading to the point where they can read fluently they can write the whole shot<br>especially if they happen to be teaching another language it's just really interesting for me so I just want to add that in there<br> your folks still like<br> like what you know what their live out their values in a different way right I mean I think that's a really cool thing like you still want to work but you don't necessarily have to work in that for her job like your friends you know I'm doing the food pantry stuff for solving problems as your friend is your friend available to help me solve some of my problem I could use someone like that in my life<br> she works for an aerospace Company ID just likes doing that stuff right now where people are door companies are looking at Halo we've got a wild let's not mince words here I believe we have a recession on his way in fact if you look the stock market the stock market in the lagging indicator so I would think we already there and with interest rates continue to rise there's less and less people are going to spend because they don't have the money and it's going to be much more expensive for them to borrow anything taking up more more than money so there's a lot going on there so you know what when you're looking at hey the world is changing and I'm an older adult looking for a position somewhere and maybe some do need to work it's just not enhancement what would you advise me to somebody in that situation<br> I would say the best thing to do there is related to learn the ins-and-outs of really how to navigate online way but a lot of employers operate now especially when it comes to key word recognition and things like that a lot of organization is right by limiting them to more recent job experience or removing graduation dates but that said I actually think there's also a way for older workers to position themselves than Market themselves as as many as you can help younger workers who don't have as much experience grow right because they have a wealth of knowledge and background and skills and and that is valuable is really just about how you feel and how you Market at the other thing I would say is that it doesn't matter how old you are it's always going to be great to learn some new skills or pursue some different Industries the kind of help you find<br> right so you might reach out your Social Circle and say hey like are there are certain industries that are hiring and and what are the Spurs skills needed there with the Advent of the internet like you do everything is at your fingertips at least when it comes to trying to brush up on certain skills and I would just encourage folks to be brave about that and and identify like what what are one or two things that I can throw a better a better fit in this job market specially as employers now or now we're seeing a nursing hiring freeze says now I'm starting to see layoffs right like earnings reports aren't what you know a lot of companies hope they're going to be so great resignation that we saw and then do you know it was a buyer's market really for job Seekers I personally think that that's you know that Titus is turning now and so I would I would<br> anyone not just older workers to shore up their finances and also also keep themselves in good shape for whatever lies ahead right that means like keep your resume up-to-date Network alive all of those things are really important you've got to prepare for that rainy day when it's not raining and some people might be sprinkling a little bit but we still have some time so you know kind of yourself up for success in any other thing that I would add is in this world if you're in older age worker that means you're likely a baby boomer and or a builder but most Builders are in their eighties right now but that baby boomer generation is now dealing with Millennials Gen X Gen Y the holeshot so it'd be one of those things where from a mindset standpoint you're going to have to focus on communicating with people of different generations and it isn't you know I mean quite frankly I'm a boomer but when I started it was like you know what you got a little yelling at you know when you didn't do<br> right and now it's got to be completely different cuz people don't respond to that fact you know what you get a harassment complaint<br> any kind of success really is just adapt ability right you gotta be able to adapt to whatever the current conditions are and sometimes as we get older we don't want you to change the way we do things but I think I don't think it's possible and I certainly know a lot of older folks who have been able to adopt and then that allows the experience and the wisdom that they have to sign right and that's really what we want we want to showcase the value-add that they bring because let's face it when you have that kind of experience you do have any and judgment which is not something that you can always you know just you're not necessarily going to get that in Janet gen Z or Millennial is right away cuz it's something that takes sometimes years to develop so I would just encourage folks who you know maybe frustrated with no I got to figure out another way to communicate if if you can try to adopt a little bit as much as just asking someone who's younger do you like walk me through a couple of things right<br> call the difference in the world is really is all about making sure that you succeed and giving yourself you know that the biggest light up possible I guess it was wonderful thank you so much for special we have a wonderful guest like you so just go take a look at the article system really good information and then the studies that they do you know what it's just something special so thank you so much for being with us today I wish you a tea health and success and hopefully we'll see you again money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is posted with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve Sexton on a saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show Steve Sexton welcome back to the money that was from magnifymoney to part of the valuepenguin groups and we're just lucky to have her here this shed some light unpack the idea that many older workers beginning to work now and the things that they do have a look at that going about it and you know what you doing bag of money, and got some great articles now today you don't want to talk a little bit about expensive retirement planning mistakes retirement planning is definitely no walk in the park is complicated no surprise that many of us make mistakes that can turn into a last-minute Panic as Retirement there's there's a ton of things to think about like when to take Social Security, to take out your 401K creating a spending plan you can stick to and invest for retirement<br> I'm like the butterfly effect the decisions now can lead to huge life-altering consequences down the road the reality is the biggest retirement States and how to avoid them so let's talk about the first one failing to plan is planning to fail a happy stress-free how do you eliminate stress simple by having a plan when you want to go somewhere ate you don't do this by jumping your car driving all around trying to figure out where it is and eventually arrive what you do if you hit your way. 4:30 your Google Maps and you put in the address and your followers simple as that a financial plan is plotting the different shortest path to reach reach terminal decide what you're going to do or where you going to do it how much it's going to cost and where the money will come from all parts of your plan but if your plan changes as you're approaching retirement that's okay it's your plan you're welcome to change it now does it make in the plan<br> well it isn't it isn't the best way to set up a plan is to find yourself and qualified financial planner who can help get you in trouble for not getting out but out of trouble and help you create a plan that allows you to retire the way you want second thing putting off tomorrow but you should have started yesterday according to recent studies B Bank Rick the biggest Financial greatest not saving enough for retirement and why don't Americans save enough because it's putting it off till tomorrow till I have the money I'll start when I get closer to retirement will be in other words starting small sooner is better than starting large later to think about this if you started but the age of 25 just putting away $500 a month for 40 years 5% return to get to have a little over $700,000 you had an average of 10% return of 2.7 million so he had to look at retirement as a long-term accumulation of it you just<br> relating accumulating acid okay now I'm obviously there's no no guarantees here but you know what you really really want to make sure you talk with a retirement advisor so you can understand how much you need to say now next thing is retiring to sue not soon enough if you think your battery your car are you trying to and you may dream of quitting your job and there's a reason you may want to think things over first you may live longer than expected you may run into unforeseen health issues were facing tough financial times at force you to cut back that's not to say you should retire early but that's your plan and run Barry Sanders to make sure your things are going to cover your expenses during retirement you know maybe I'm thinking about trading a lifetime income with inflation steps up staying with not return soon enough if you're unsure you're saving it as a result perhaps you work longer than you have to I met many people who thought they needed a certain number to retire safely and after<br> setting up a retirement plan with them they come to find that they were could have retired a few years early because they're already had to ask hey there's no need to work longer and him all that stress all does destroying your life so sit down with the supervisor determine the awful time to retire you know what the next thing is taking too much risk or not enough this is a funny thing they two months and you can lose your savings you can purchase a Rafflesia the money retirements is money that you can't replace that's why we leave a low-res low-return investment as we age but as inflation Rose at the Valley of the last hour of your money it seems that that next day eggs drops in value in terms of what you can buy sometimes if you take on too much risk is not good and sometimes you take on too little and creates its own problems you know when you're retired obvious you don't want to put your retirement income at rescue in thirty or forty percent drop in the market is game-changing and you might have to change your lifestyle or so, so you know what if you can find<br> weigh to require Shake guaranteed income sidwell's exposed to the stock market and other inflation-protected message Grace spot next to develop solutions to ask you what those real concerns on do you really want to fix them how is it a concern okay I understand mathematically that you're going to be able to retire debriding you do a D&C which what I'm saying is if you have somebody understand your truth create a mathematically correct solution that enable you to assets you or the income you need to live the life that you want that's the time of Vice you want because you're not really looking for somebody's going to sell your products and things like that you want somebody who's going to find out what your issues are creative solution is mathematics and then find the product at its Absolution help again I want to thank you all for joining us try saving with Steve I want to think a few of my Affiliates UK Health radio B vyas radio talk radio in New York City AMF M24<br> all these networkers are all these networks are dedicated to a power YouTube problems a lift your spirit live a life of Financial and personal freedom he can get and you can also follow us on Facebook stay safe stay healthy will look forward to seeing you next week bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br> everyone has their own unique views and need when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place today saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins-and-outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton really see you having a happier healthy relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us I want to thank her hundreds of thousands of listeners that are out there a listening today across the United States and<br> listeners that are listening through four out the world is just wonderful that we had one such a wonderful audience You know what last week we started talking about how their ped damick brought changes to the job market and that the effects of how older aged people are going back to work especially over 65 and you know what and you know how that could be do with inflation loss of wages are lots of assets to the market all sorts of things but we had this month I'm Angela from magnifymoney to shed light on that if you want to see that episode you can always go to standing with Steve. You asked just look for episode 89 and those you don't know what they'll say magnifymoney is Beck manglish to be right there and you know what you could check out all the other episodes I'm very thankful today is our 90s episode we have a great guest you know what have you ever wondered how did she even Financial Wellness in the workplace<br> your daily life hey don't worry we have Financial therapist Certified Financial therapist are 15 people that designation in the world Eric and by their education and financing can I mix with her passion for helping out is to empower individual couples companies to reshape the way they think about money we got a great show for your day I'll be talking at the end of you know practical applications you could use to budget you know budgeting tips for inflation so with that if you ever wondered how did you Financial Wellness in the workplace or in your daily life expecially with all that's going on right now he don't worry we have your financial therapist Erica Wasserman she is one of the fifteen people the world to hold a Certified Financial therapist designation Erica combines search education Finance economics with her passion for helping others to empower individual couples companies to reshape the way they think about money Erica welcome to the show<br> have a great conversation with you do you know what all of our our listeners are a very very excited to have you here and the reason being is all that's going around right now in the world from a war to inflation to a down Market how deep a little worried whether they're working somewhere in or they're retired as you know it's just I can feel the anxiety up you a marvelous story and I just love for you to share with her or with her listeners before we get started I start you know sitting with all the lovely questions trying to give you that quiz look what me was like hitting the lottery when I discovered it I have a finance degree from the University of Florida and wet work in Corporate America and IBM for for a decade then when<br> entrepreneurs like to really tell people and when I learned<br> oh my God this is for me because I like talking about money it's something that I'm good at it something I'm confident in and now all of a sudden I can help others creative space place to talk about money and not just the dollars-and-cents but the actual senses you know when I smell of the memories you know where do you value your money and are you spending it in those places what happened to working for you it's not just a coaching role in the emotions that go with it and the mindset shift that you might want to meet to improve your wellness and your financial well triggers because everybody has those little triggers about money and certain things happen they decide to go shopping the call therapy but you know what I got to do understand working with you<br> money that everybody has certain ideas and some of those ideas and the way they've been dealing with him for decades at Mom and Dad and pour it on them might not working when they were when they decide to retire even now getting prepare for retirement so is made up of your your background how did your parents do they did your dad handle the finances to your parents yell about money then talk about money right so that helps she your financial DNA where you are today these are some of the mindset has experienced so if you're investing in something and it goes really well guess what you want to message Matt industry again<br> that's your money beliefs and we tend to get stuck there because we're not working on it or in growing and when you don't work in grow on it sometimes it doesn't work out the best for you you know what Financial Wellness also fits in with personal Wellness personal happiness because of the finances there's just less stress and so on and so forth so that kind of leaves into my very first question you know what how can people cheat achieved of financial Wellness in their daily lives is weed to find it slightly different cuz we each have a unique relationship so what does bring you happiness where you spending your money and sometimes I have my client take their credit card and to highlighters a pink for happy in a blue for not so happy and highlight your credit card<br> you where you're spending your money and if you start seeing an area that you don't feel good about maybe reduce that and start spending the things I do make you feel good and and your financial Wellness Ravenna where the habit of motion with everything that you're buying you no money to transfer of energy and some people say will I just want to pay my mortgage because that's a horrible but it's something I think about what makes you happy and what does Greg that's great now I'm going to flip the script there because I know you also talk of companies but when we take a look at employees in a one of the facts that came out 73% of them financially stressed employees we can Slater leaving for another job at church cares more about financial well-being so could you contact that statement I took it from your website and I thought it was very in<br> especially with the great resignation that we've been saying absolutely<br> are strapped right when you look at your Wellness wheel of what type of support you providing you think about Health Nutrition exercise 401k plan a you know all of these kind of things but not your relationship with money was happening is if you're stressed about finances you're getting calls from credit card companies the phone rings while you're at work you're distracted your your your wife's at home and you're arguing over who spent the last $10 in the bank account or you want to retire and you don't think you could do it there's so much stress to your employees around money for not giving them the tools on how to deal with it until Financial Wellness is being really looked at as a next step in Wellness for companies provide for their employees to start having a safe place to talk about it and also to give them tools how do you bring that home sometimes I even invite your partner parent<br> a child into the conversation so that we can do finances alone and then it gives the employee has a paycheck to walk out the door but the tools to go with it through when I said your financials believe if your background at home is not to talk about money how are you supposed to learn how to communicate and build new tools if you don't have a safe place to do with it that's true also it's wonderful to have your spouse on the same page moving forward because then you're working as a team and the decision to become much easier and there's less anxiety for one person thinking there now they got to do it right. And also we have different beliefs that it's interesting when I get a couple in a room because it goes into I don't like when you spend on going out to eat and I actually have this with a woman to be level exactly been a financial services firm in her husband and daughter would go out to eat once a week when they were younger it was less money and then as I got older it was bottle of wine<br> desert they were really enjoying it and they would fight over that span<br> after works out that I did that she came back to me and said thank you because I didn't understand that was their emotional time that was their memory building that's how they wanted to spend money because that's the way they communicate it for her it was a waste of $100 because she didn't enjoy a fancy bottle of wine so they were able to communicate so you have two people in the room together talking to one another about what's the importance of it is a very different conversation than the finger pointing that is going on a lot for people who are listening to understand that to spend more time opening and that communication with their spouse or whoever their partner is to make sure they're on the same page or at least understand where each other are coming from so they can continue to work together because I see too many people going in different directions on their finances than a lot of money just falls through the cracks and you get a lot of pressure<br> people the same time sending people to parents who are dependent on children children up to why people are expecting things of you is really important because you're both coming side table with different beliefs so you're sitting with Steve more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show host Steve Sexton hey welcome back to the same thing with Steve shall we talk about the ins-and-outs of money a few minutes at AM FM 247b vs Radeon UK House Radio their goal goal is to help you live a life of Financial and spiritual Freedom now if you'd like to check this out you can always go to the same thing with Steve. You asked for guest gifts background behind the scenes information the holeshot and if you have an idea or just thought you'd like to see on the show this way we've actually ended up with Senators congressmen and people who do travel all over the world which has been fun for everybody to watch always go to view or is it saving with Steve. You ice again that viewers at saving Steve. Yes now we're back here with Erica Wasserman the Certified Financial therapist and she's giving us some great therapy we are looking for some more<br> free therapy and you know what she's also got them five Financial Wellness quick wins for summer and we're looking to talk about that we're looking to talk about you know what he was talking about money her car you want to stick around for that so here we are Eric you're welcome back to the show I know it's the second second but I always say welcome back I don't know why it says my thing<br> I know I like to get into I know we talked about financial Wellness for a daily life or in the workforce how to work hand-in-hand with your spouse you're right now we've got inflation we've got in a lot of people losing money in the market you know what this would be a good time to utilize some of those quick Financial tips that could get somebody hate oh my God I wasn't doing that I need to start doing that there's five things we can do I'd love for you to share this with us let me know if you want to go on vacation that's great you know you want to paint your house that's great you know you want to go out for dinner to celebrate Eid celebration dinner or birthday dinner great plan with a purpose though understand that there's going to be a dollar amount put it aside look for a vacation deal but have a purpose have a savings goal whatever you need to do and in fact I don't even call a budgeting<br> because you want to say yesterday so when you have a purpose and a plan you got there so that's the first one is build a plan<br> when is everybody join vacation right it's summer time to look over your taxes you put together a piece of mine solder checklist for people God forbid something happens to you you call the cable company all those things that you've been putting off put it all in one day rate I actually do an agenda for my clients of what the financial Wellness to look like and and it's a great way to spend a PTO day I want something right is when you're checking out at Target the grocery store you have that Mantra of I'm in control of my finances this is a yeah, yeah you're real firming that you're heading in the right direction.<br> come up with something that's empowering about you being in control of your finances the fourth one is a fun one get creative so you know you can go old school and cut out my magazines and glued on paper or you could do I text you do Pinterest board make your screensaver what you want your life to look like what your financial goals you know some of my clients is a nice watch some of it today and clothes for their kids or picture says a thousand words of building that Financial vision board in around having barbecue pit conversations right with family members<br> there might be a little bit harder conversation which is why I created the let's talk about finances baby conversation cards because they gave a fuck it like if you don't know how it it would impact the relationship if so what's the worst purchase you've ever made up the dialogue talking about money should be something that we can do casually and often with people that we feel comfortable with this one about that could you talk a little bit more about let's talk about finances baby is a 50 jack cars that could be taken anywhere if it's in your suitcase what's in your purse and or just sitting on the kitchen table and it's easy to pick up one or two cars and pick the conversation<br> Christian vs I've ever made but it it's really funny cuz it was really interesting as I was having a conversation earlier with a different group of people and they're like a networking group and we talked about kids eating crayons and the announcer comes from you know all the moms getting together and all that stuff in my mom cuz you know you're freaked out cuz I think your son's going to be doing going to be a crazy kid let me find out everybody else in the group their kids are eating crayons so for me when somebody talks about with the worst purchase it sounds like a fellowship meeting I'm okay I'm not as dumb as that which is the same thing so far that I thought was a real cool car because it was a car and then take the time to check out everything and then it became a money pit so it's something that I thought I was going to get a great deal because I thought this star system great negotiator<br> learn from it and now you can laugh from right on the side of the road<br> what's the best way to you know what how that conversation with your parents cuz many people you know their parents are in the Builder generation or the or the beginning Baby Boomers which means serve soda baby boomer and Builder and there used to be an environment where they never talk about money Family you know what I mean I've had this where parents who told the kids where the key to the safety deposit box was putting in town with the banquet with him so when they pass away the kids are like where do I go and it wasn't until the a couple you know they file probate and all that stuff until like 3 months later when the the safety deposit box bill came in from the bank if they found out where it was and they have wasted a whole bunch of money and I mean that sell secret of mom and dad work so we still have those issues how do you go about starting that conversation easing into it with no family and loved ones<br> we have two options here right one is I'm allergic to every drawer you have and spend hours of my time finding things you probably don't want me to find right to find this information or we put together a but a binder and I call it a piece of Mind checklist and I actually give my clients a check left and it has everything on there from like who's your attorney to the mortgage if you have a rental property I don't have one right next to me you don't put all of those things where your vestments are who's your account and you don't necessarily need only tell you the dollar amount but tell you where the bank is in the account number and have it all on one sheet of paper or a little binder is the first step to say listen to something happens to me look for the black binder in the safe and he was a safe code but that's important<br> money and everybody else has money to go to that charity because you might not aligned with the same charity you might not understand why they're donating their and that that opens the door to say who what else are your wishes to greet you know but if you don't understand the why behind it and that's going to be the important conversation you have it you know what we're coming to the end of her time we have about 30 seconds left in there was a lot of people looking forward to seeing you on the show today and I was wondering if you could share if you're okay with sharing how people can get in contact with you whether there be a business that needs help couples individuals that needs your help<br> stop over to my website is your financial therapist calm and I'm on Facebook Instagram LinkedIn all under your financial therapist as well thank you so much for coming to show me being on the show today appreciate it very very much stay safe stay healthy and then went I think we might want to have you back again so take it easy thank you thank you what this word to be right back with more skating with Steve more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve Sexton on a saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton we talked about the ins-and-outs of money you know what you can always go to Google Play U2 all our shows the rate they're so check it out by the way if you'd like to hear its segment or specific topic being discussed go to viewers at saving with Steve. Us's biewer that saving with Steve. You asked or do you just want to go check the. USL I'd like to talk about something that is occurring now sometimes it's your plan to do that sometimes it's not it's how to retire during recession okay if you're planning on retiring during the financial downturn it can be worrisome you know to give up your job this is especially true for those with portfolios that have dropped in value you may face<br> what's your funds available and obviously I'm certain you had four others you know what you might get stuck not working because you got laid off or your activities has to be reduced to that health condition and retirement might be the build the best route for looking at your financing and setting up a plan can help you get through a bear Market in creating sustainable lifestyle you might even find ways to increase your income by making just a few adjustments first of all you want to look at your you know what your financial projections can you can use technology to keep on tracking apps plans well put together retirement package for free you just spins or 40 different questions and you're good to go so like I said their software out there you can tell much how much your ass needs to provide you a desired income they can Factor things like inflation Social Security it's in your best interest to let you know if it's in your best interest to work an extra year to or wait for the economy to get better you want to know<br> important information some of these retirement planning tools are free and can help you consider a different scenario snacks evaluate your dishes big if you've been saving for retirement for various investment accounts and someone look at how your funds are allocated most retirees are no longer in the wealth accumulation phase of their life and have the distribution face the world preservation phase other portfolio needs to respect that from to minimize risk because right now you just saw people lose 30% think about that you have a million dollars I'm taking out $50,000 a year 5% I just lost 30% in my what's wrong with from 5% to almost 9% of the market doesn't averaged 9% and never going to break you in fact you're going to have to reduce your license so it's important to understand you're not contributing to the account anymore and you need ways to you don't distribute those money to preserve your<br> okay can always talk to a financial advisor about ways to get through the upcoming year and what to expect from your message consider work options individuals who are healthy enough to continue working for another year to every year you can work will help you build up more retirement savings potential increase your Social Security card to their 401ks right now it's twenty thousand five hundred if you're over the age of 50 it's another $6,500 I understand your health expenses are still be helped really the cost for during retirement Medicare costs or significantly expenses or significant expenses for many to always go up and retirement don't want to think through how much you will spend in healthcare before signing up for Medicare that means get the right plan their many options in fact just choose from considering what's past is best for you both in the type of coverage and expected, so I understand your<br> how to park it next review Social Security if you worked for at least forty corners or Paden for 10 years cuz you're self-employed you're eligible for retirement benefits if you worked and you had a pension we really paying the pension and social security you have to work for at least 10 years to be eligible for the windfall television if you're married you're eligible for spousal benefits if your divorce you're you're you're eligible for divorce benefits if you're widowed you're eligible for widowers benefit some is earliest age of 60 now you can start taking social security at 62 on a regular basis 66 or 67 year your income introduced and for every year pass it Forward terminate your income will go up by 8% or 10% and how your cell security fits in your retirement income so you can maximize income number one and number two you can find ways to maximize your ass at so you know what I want to thank you<br> saving with Steve we talked about the ins-and-outs of money with Eric Wasserman Certified Financial therapist you can go to your financial you can help you your your face you and your spouse or your your company great way to go with that I want to thank you all for joining us stay stay stay healthy we'll see you next time bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a sponsor visit saving with Steve. US Vets saving with. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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