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Saving with Steve, August 3, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Wayne Dunlap and Steve Severaid

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Wayne Dunlap and Steve Severaid

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton
what do I want to welcome you to the show my name is Steve sex in this is the standing with Steve show where were talking about the in and out the money this is all about making sure you have a healthy relationship with money I truly want to thank you for tuning in I appreciate letting your friends family and Associates know about her show all repays are available on staining with Steve. You asked if you enjoy the stories of helpful information inside on saving with Steve Langford you to subscribe to your YouTube channel to you never missed a show and check out a few of our Affiliates like you can't help radio CBS Radio 24/7 radio on talk radio New York City e360 TV in Las Vegas PD never all these networks are dedicated to empower you to stall problem uplift your spirits and live a life of Financial and personal freedom also you can follow us on Facebook and showing the saving with Steve sexton in Claire's club for more information you want to go to saving Missy. You asked to get replays exclusive as their store shows videos and Gasket business segments oh you're going to
baby talking with Wayne Dunlop about this covid how to prepare traveling within the covid environment if you remember we have a vaccine in your Garret we've got millions of people have already been vaccinated Millions more will we should be in a position for everybody wants a vaccine waxy habit which gives you the opportunity to start traveling now here's a cool thing if you have issues with wanting to go on that tour and 10 $12,000 it was the one of your dreams you can do it now for 40 50 60% off travel companies have a great refund policies and they are looking to get people booked in on these trips & tours even if they're not fall because they want to get people traveling and get their experiences this would be the right time Lanes office going to be talking with us about staycations these are pretty cool to Wayne welcome to the show me again good to see you as well glad you're healthy glad path healthy I love this idea of following a disaster and the reason why I love it is because I
utilized it can you tell us about the all the disaster strategy as you mentioned before or after we retired my wife and I travel the world for a year then it turned into 4 years and there was no way that we could afford travel the same way we are traveling on a two-week vacation so we had to come up with new ideas and as a former economics professor I just applied economics the travel most people get that we can buy the snowfall the disaster and it was written up in the Wall Street Journal was so that's that powerful and let me give an example of two crises around the world for sometime people are reluctant to travel there are perfect examples are triplets Highland the tsunami that wiped out the cat but half the travelers from North America and Europe cancel the trip to all the time so we started it be 500 miles away from Phuket and work our way North to Chang Mei and Shane Gray had a lovely chip know is in this of the thing and we got the trip for about half the cost and we went to BG after the
Enon Valley after their tissues juice a thing like obit crisis is offering amazing fall disaster deal and the travel industry may have been hit the hardest any industry in the world and these people feed their family they pay the boys going to do all the things that we do their business and Hospitality are hurting and so what you're doing and I was very very good field works out good because we're getting a little disappointed cuz we're Travellers and now we got some things to look forward to so you know about the Cuban crisis of all is that we never seen before they also are offering amazing refund policy at the book and what they do is up to a certain date you can refund get all your money back I need deposit to put down and that is for no reason you don't have to have a doctor's excuse it never break your legs you can just cancel this if you change your mind
you got two trips going on and we are getting a little worried where the Resurgence of the concerns about covid-19 we're looking at that cancellation date and we just going to cancel it so it gives us all this conference to put some chips in our Hopper so we can start looking forward to you know one thing I like those tell people when you get these are our trips that at and I want to take and there's no way we could afford very beautiful trips but they're very expensive if you get a half price deal on a luxurious trip you might want to consider taking a trip of a lifetime and so we booked a trip in November for my birthday on Oceania Cruises on the most luxurious and most expensive cruise lines in the world but we got a deal that I probably has less than half price and so now we're going to take an upscale luxury cruise boat out in November I understand that because basically if you have a socially distanced business it's Amazon okay they don't talk to each other people or
it's out but if you're in a business that requires social interaction like going out to restaurant retail travel concerts I mean you know you have a company Live Nation they live out concert but I am and then I'll have one since February bases the same things happening here with travel there's one Cruise Line attacks and giving people free travel to test out their coverage for caution and you're like wow I can get free travel for that how long do you save these Bargains will be out there before things start changing excellent questions do you think of this is very astute a lot of things is like what we call Sweet Spot when the concerns in the issues go down for kobetich you know there's going to be a huge pan of people traveling because now they don't have to just cut right so you want to get on board but you also want to have a time of a viable trip we booked this one in April we thought that was pretty shape so what I'm looking at right now is summertime 2021 to be the
switch off that is a time I think was increased visibility of vaccine that I'm starting up possibly this month and the by 6 months from now will be widely available also will be our standard New Seasons that this virus has become more feral and stronger self in summer time I think that's going to be a really good time so we can look for deals that we could book now for summer 2021 get the deal and still have a viable trip that you probably going to be able to take him so that's a good thing to talk about the way we flying deals oh yeah let's do that now we have resources because we travel writers we've been in the industry we have other resources but there's one that we've used a lot and it's very effective and it's called okay and as a travel writer I got to take a trip with two of the professional for Travelzoo and these are very dedicated professionals to their crap and they bet all the companies they recommend they go on
strips and they work with each other as they know they're decent companies are not going to go bankrupt what they do but every provider even without Tober they know there's certain times a year they can't sell the product or this crisis, and still they offer discounted availability to Discounters like Travelzoo intelligent has tremendous deal you don't have to take them just sign up and start looking at him they have international deals last year we went to Italy on a Travelzoo we've done domestic deals we went up top Mount Rushmore is the most things on this podcast is over just go in as many places out there okay so when should people be planning their travel to take advantage of these travel bargain do you think this is going to be viable all the way through 2022 would it make sense that people are looking for the opportunity travel how long do you feel it'll take for people to counter will have to get to a point where they're traveling like they were in 2019
it is a unique situation I mean I don't think the world has the experience anything like that and there's a lot of concern of beer going on because of color people don't want to get sick it's better it's hard to tell where booking deals in 2021 I haven't seen a lot I've seen a couple now in 2022 that seems pretty far out now if you can get a deal a really good deal if something summer of 2021 and beyond amazing 2022 why not it's it's Dennis refund policy and I think it's a great opportunity for travelers to put some things into their bucket list and look forward to present I was just thinking while you're talking to guys homeless like Cyber Monday like 40 50 60% off why wouldn't you I mean ever since I started I know people who have actually read them their wardrobe because they're only paying $0.30 on the dollar I have a friend of mine who buys Euro to $300 shirt then go Steve I've been paying 60 bucks for these things
I frankly depending on how far they go I would probably end up looking for the next year and a half or two if I could and you can save money on travel travel more or just save money or you can splurge and so that's what we're doing and I want to say before we start off of this whole idea of all disaster lot of people look at him so don't want you taking advantage of people for these poor people that do not getting paid as much as they used to and that's what I can say to that is that we've done a lot of fall disasters way we were able to afford around the will travel further for four years among that lot of other picture we have but when you get out there and one of these situations like we went to Bali after that bombing and if we went to CG after the true and we went to China after stars and I'll answer if I told you about people or so that's why I can see it they feed their family that's what the hotel room
side of this old t-shirt they bent over backwards for you so follow the disaster is so wonderful because it's a win-win situation as Travelers get a chance of get a benefit of great great travel bargain and people start getting some revenues that support the family. It's really good that's what we think that follows is a sir it's just one of the best travel ideas as people wait too long after a crisis opportunity want to follow the disaster like we're going to need to take a break stick with this we got more of Wayne done love
more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
did you know the average American has 97 points they could add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data scientist has scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points to your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approved huge discount and low interest rates and everything from buying or refinancing a home to leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise his credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster is so easy it takes about a minute to get started if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score go to score saving that score savings again that's score savings
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
hello welcome back to the shaving with Steve show I want to thank you for joining us a way you were talking about chip you provided about going to Source these high-end trips and cruises cuz you just talk about one that you booked that's going to be going off in September October November of next year it's a very expensive Cruise you almost getting it for 60% off so if you're looking to go on a special Cruise or to her I recommend you go to their Facebook page or the company's travel pay start looking around because there's algorithms there it'll keep sending you and keep sending you that discount just like we figured we're going to talk about with Wayne it's called staycation how you can go to a town close by not too far away and go and explore that have a great experiences through again welcome back to the show and thank you so much for joining us let's start talking about some staycation you know what happens in the last second we talked about booking some travel for the future and getting some things into your
and thanks for being dissipation and finding some great bargains and Amber generous discounts
but next summer right but what about I mean we've been traveling for months and now I'm not traveling for 6 more months so those Travellers with itchy feet I'm going to offer a different idea people come to your town and your geographical area from all around the world it's been a lot of money to fly there and their truth and what we would suggest if maybe you can have a local trip local vacation and Beatrice in your own area and we just came back from what I really nice trip just like that where you go well as you know we live in San Diego in Southern California we have a wine country called Temecula that's right down the street it's about an hour and a half drive away and La maybe 2 or 3 hours and Temecula has developed and we found a really atmospheric little in and we had a private romantic dinner made in our room for I mean how safe is that I got a lot of points Bump app for that
Temecula as a lots of things going to have atmospheres wineries you can do wine tasting in is blue rise as gourmet restaurants you can sit outside over look at the vineyard and I bet everybody wherever you're from weather in Chicago New York or wherever you from there's a reason your geographical area you been thinking about you may be taking a day trip report about it but don't spend a two-day trip out there it is a lot different than you can a warrant be at risk than your own are I actually live in Temecula so I know what you're talking about that's right that's right I forgot the wineries and actually know about the in you're talking about is a wonderful place the nice thing about right now is you can get some really great deals if you're doing just that we had some friends of ours just go to Big Bear and went to the zoo they went hiking it was one of those things where they were able to get away from LA and they rented a pontoon boat just hang out on the lake for the day it was great and the nice thing about local travel you get a shower. And you can
travel experience of other people are paying thousands of dollars to come do it and you have minimal packing no plane ride and there's no security lines at airports excetera do for a fraction of the cost you can enjoy a travel truth experience right in your own area what other ideas can you offer local Travelers in a couple ideas on one thing is that it's very popular for people that do this is called stay vacation with my wife and I have done this a few times and what you do she's not necessary to travel outside your town or city whatever you find something cool with in Utah for sample in here in San Diego we have a little Eric called Little Italy and it's right next to the Embarcadero with seafood high in food and then slide next ride downtown bars and other things you can go down when a little hotel room for a couple nights explore the area and I'll tell you you'll find out a lot more things to do in Marvel things about your own town and have a lot of fun
can you see if you just went down there for a date if you just went down there for lunch or something like that so you can either stay at home with some people do but there's always a project comes out there's always a hotel room and think about the mass attacking concerning flying and all that other planet where their minimum packing no flights minimum cost and we're having a Unique Travel experience within a couple of hours so how do you research for places to stay on the internet and internet has of this so much information it's just adjust volume is it is wonderful to travel so here's what I did simply just want the Google or whatever your favorite search engine and type in day trip San Diego Trip Chicago New York whatever and just sit there and read and talk with you or whatever and just come up with some ideas and then go from there
I think it's really interesting that you're saying that because I was just talking to my folks who live up in the northern Orange County area and they like how you know what we were getting cabin fever here in our house and they took a drive just down to Newport Beach at the coast are you know what it's changed a lot we walked around checked out the boat it was a great little day hanging out I thing and they said you know it was great for cheering or Cabin Fever it is people ask me how do you find places where to stay on on a stay vacation on a local vacation trip or whatever and we need a couple resources very effectively what is called Airbnb Airbnb is Multiplied ask about it I get almost an ear a hundred percent people like it that people went out there is no room on the side or are they have a second house and have it read all about it but the funny thing about it is it's all pure so the higher purine the more bookings against so they go out of their way to have a little book that shows the local restaurant they like it shows the things to do they give you
phone number to have any question you don't get that from the second thing is like we like Travelzoo like we mentioned before and you can put in a local so we type in San Diego in Travelzoo and it also gives us Local Deals as well as domestic and international what are the things I wanted to ask you if you're going to look for travel air travel right now what airline are you looking at when's the best time to book air travel especially during this time very interesting question would like in a different airlines what happens is that all son will be looking at something about ready to book it and then what's in the past they can't stand things like that so so all the airlines are up and down and that's why I'm suggesting for a longer-term travel maybe next summer then then the airlines are having lots of availability now I just saw Southwest just came up with some men disbarred and my wife just showed up said he said we got to go I mean it's like $80 round trip to someplace and so it's going to be up and down
everybody has their own favor Airlines right now it's hard to say which one is faster that's also give me what they will say one thing about the airlines to their they're claiming that their they've got enhanced filtration systems inside there, I guess the UV rays and stuff like that so the viruses are not going to be we circulated as much as that maybe our people may think the airline industry is claiming the air traffic is rather say this is very little evidence of people coming off of airplanes and this is what I hear and it's all good and bad and working out the Mystic about the good I'm looking forward to it he Wayne as always thank you so much for sharing these wonderful strategies for people how they can save money by just getting out and do it a staycation I think it's wonderful that people can save thousands of dollars of filling the travel dreams they have so I want to thank you for joining us today it's been a wonderful one thing is that we have a child walk out on hook now. Calm and what I want to do is that we make no money doing this is the retirement get back I
I did a couple computer startup so we're doing this as I get back to the world as we help people travel the world is called unhook IS250 places that we talked about with history of pictures taken travel virtual a right on a travel blog and the chips that we talked about today are augmented by a bunch more tips about how to save money and joy travel more so that's our box. Unhook now. And everything on there we get no endorsements we get no money to be don't see any of those things those trips to the same chips that we use to find Bargains and deals that you can you tell us a very very good website we sit and wait I want to thank you for joining us today if you would like to hear more from Wayne's unlocked you can always go get his book on Amazon it's a big-time Cellar again that plan your escape the guide to traveling the world for less than what it cost to stay at home or if you would like great travel information. If you want to go to his blog unhook that unhook again Wayne.
thank you for joining us we really appreciate being on the show with that stick with this we're going to be right back for some Steve separate and adjusters International for the green spank him all right see you soon
more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
hey welcome back to the show wasn't winged unlock wonderful right after my next segment were to be talking to Steve separate a Greenspan's adjusters International public adjuster to help people if they're dealing with wildfires disastrous the whole shop get the most out of their insurance coverage for kids at some point in their adult Rhys often
when adults first start out many parents have had to learn the harsh consequences of poor money management hey me and cluded it could have been when they know you fell behind on rent or you got to go ahead with credit card if you want your kids to Boise's pit balls then you need to start teaching financial literacy sooner than later reason why sooner is research suggests that many were financially have this are set by the age of seven good habits aren't from here early because harder and harder to point your kids in the right direction now you pair then how do parent Visa Valley $2 and other key lessons well I've come up with a few things that you can go or is it take you to take immediately to put the right in there and put them on the right path so first of all we want to make sure they are in their Lounge regardless of their age were the most important lessons you can is still in a child is the money is not a finite resource money is a finite resource is only so much of it when they
how to work for the money as you likely do they'll learn to use it more carefully lots of parents are they have is supplying their kids with weekly allowance which in itself can be a great but even better would be making them earn the money by doing chores drawing the mental connection between income and personal effort is something that will pay huge dividends when they grow up and obviously move out on their own
you don't need a bundle of cash in your while to come save them for all jobs and for the house you can make it a game by getting an app such as busy kid so let's just sign dollar amounts each tax which had sued allowance when they completed obviously you can encourage part-time gigs in all reality is high school to tie a busy time for adolescents with homework at you quickly activities for beating up a substantial portion of the week still if they can just spare a few hours to work at a coffee shop or a retailer they're probably better off for it for one thing they'll be less inclined to blow their cash and frivolous things when they have to put it in some serious work to get it you don't need to wait until they're all to form an employment for former employment you may find that your middle school early high school or an extra Box by mowing lawns or walk in the neighbors dog you can go to the website says next door and even the newsletters from homeowners association can be an outstanding way to connect with
local residents need a little bit of help at the point
at the start earning a paycheck you can also help them understand the value of saving and introduce him to the concept of the time value of money and you could do this through apps like Greenlight one of the way parents are doing this if they're saying hey look I'll match what you put in there so if they put in $10 your Mansion $10 on some people even sent him a Roth IRA as if you've been wonderful so they can see that I'm going to a compounding of money and what it could mean slim down the road have them contribute to purchases
nearly every parent knows it looks like they're going to start having it go I want this my my my mommy mommy mommy will it be a toy video game or some piece of clothing
and you shouldn't be surprised with this younger kids in particular do not yet understand that only so much money mom and dad only have so much money each month
they only have so much money for discretionary things one way to get the point across is to make them contribute
twisties non-essential items it's not their birthday or Christmas tell him they have to pay half half the cost for a new toy Beasley clothing or some accessory your kids will be better off that have a better sense of what they do things actually cost what becomes important in them to also learn that they have to save their allowance make bigger purchase and they have to park prioritize just like you do and who said learning about Finance had to be boring even board games can help learn the importance of dressing you like you know Monopoly but there's wonderful laughs like you know Henry there's wonderful apps like Greenlight Kidz Biz all those to help your kids have more fun while you're paying attention to it now the second was brought to you by scoremaster did you know the average American is 97.6 and adds to their credit score but quite frankly have no idea how to get them
I found money you know it means fast loan approvals huge discounts low interest rates have everything from buying or refinancing a home at leasing a new car to applying for credit card how fast to scoremaster one member raise your credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster is so easy takes about a minute to get started and if you hurry you can try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free see how many plus points you can add your credit score so go to score savings at scoremaster that score saving they look stick with this we're going to be right back for some Steve Chevrolet and adjusters International for the Greenspan company
alright see you soon
more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
did you know the average American has 97 points they could add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data scientist has scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points to your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approved huge discount and low interest rates and everything from buying or refinancing a home to leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise his credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster is so easy it takes about a minute to get started if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score go to score saving that score savings again that's score savings
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
hello welcome back to the shaving with Steve show I want to thank you for joining us you know what we had a wonderful conversation with Wayne Dunlap talking about how you can travel the world for less than what it cost of living at home we talked about you know financial literacy for kids and you know what we're going to talk about something that's going to be going on here we're just hit Wildfire season wildfires on the west coast of the United States had become a common thing and you know what people have you know what disasters from tsunamis to Hurricane so they happen throughout the United States and there's fires that happened in Texas and so on now
really is many homeowners are at risk and you know what the reality is when it happens to them how they go about rebuilding their lives and you know what they worry about things like you know what will the insurance provide enough funds to take care of all the repairs that I am now we have Steve several here he's been a license senior professional public adjuster for more than 30 years you worked to advocate for individuals communities businesses have suffered major losses is workers earned him a reputation as a respected industry expert in handling a broad range of residential commercial property to say losses I mean no damage ranging from fires flood earthquake vandalism tsunamis and catastrophic event his team as a team that's including Structural Engineering expert inventory specialist forensic accountants insurance attorneys former insurance claims rep says to cure the most favorable outcome from every insurance
already claimed here's one of the big things he's representing victims of major losses throughout the United States and worldwide in places like Thailand the Caribbean Puerto Rico Florida Texas Alaska Hawaii you want Steve welcome to the show I'm glad you're here
thanks for having me Steve really appreciate it yeah you know what
I think people would like to start out with no besides knowing that you have a great dinner wonderful background and experience it's what is a public adjuster because you're a public adjuster for a grease gun company International Justice I got that right adjusters International and how can I help your people your homeowner save money if they have a claim yeah a lot of people have never heard of a public adjuster to represent the policyholder never the insurance company so just as you have an insurance company that brings out and adjuster either an employee of the insurance company or they hire what's called an independent adjuster to make him independent at all actually because they report the insurance company in and work for the insurance company love the opportunity to balance the scale with the insurance company all their experts by bringing their own necks for the public
duster who advocates for their interest exclusively in preparing presenting an ultimately negotiating the claim to get the best benefit from the insurance also they purchase okay so let's let's just talk about some of the pitfalls that people have nowadays especially when they're looking at it let's just go through the I'll tell you what I know somebody that we talked to earlier than we had talked about early in the week that have been with their carrier for 35 years to lo and behold find out for three reasons the claim that they have was just not covered and you know what she finds that hey I have this coverage is good there's no issues I just didn't think about it kept hanging so why should people who have had a policy for 20-30 years be concerned about the type of policy that they have an hour or more portly what's in there
policy yeah it's a it's a good question Steve you know the there certain events I think we talked about that situation was a little bit unique and the damage but one of the problems people have they buy their insurance policy 20 or 30 years ago and they don't do regular check-ups insurance policy has it and I demand it that raises the limit just a little bit each year but that doesn't keep up with inflation especially in today's market with all the inflated costs of construction materials in the lack of labor but even before that happens these policies that people have for 10 15 20 30 years often times aren't representative of luxury building cost would be should ever have a fire supper some kind of tragic loss and so it's it's really important that you do out the more current evaluation don't just rely on the fact that you had this policy all this time cuz you might not be covered nearly as well as you think you are so let let me let me make this real simple for four people who are listening so let's say you have a house that's 30
years old you're going to Wildfire in the house burns down and it needs to be replaced okay they have to replace that house using the current building codes as opposed to using a two-by-four they have to use a four-by-four is opposed to using 6-gauge wire day after use 8-gauge wire they can no longer do they can't use galvanized pipe ASD use copper pipe now when we're talking about Lumber would have lumpers with three hundred times more expensive than it was last year under percent higher yeah so when you when you look at that you say hate you know what it's going to cost $200,000 but if they're framing that house it might cost $100,000 just for the lumber for that house meeting if you only have $200,000 of coverage you might have to write a check for an extra couple hundred thousand dollars to make sure your house gets built correct on a couple of things there Steve first of all is making sure that you have the proper amount of insurance board
will cost you right and those rebook costing as escalated and there's often a provision in the policy to get some extended coverage beyond the policy limit but it's only a certain percentage so you can't really rely on that as your as your buffer your cushion the other thing you brought up with changing the building materials because of the latest building ordinance or law and that's really a separate part of the policy the standard policy doesn't give you any coverage for that so often times they'll be some coverage but sometimes it's limited to 10% of the policy or some of those invitations so if you're in an older home especially and you in awhile by razon you really want to look and see what that could look like for you and you might want to increase your covered make sure you have enough coverage for those changes in the building because otherwise you could be on the hook for those differences in between what you had and what their no source to build with
you know what you've dealt with earthquakes and you know what the state of California has the California earthquake Association and even you know what a lot of people will purchase at policy thinking that they have it completely covered and you know what is that necessarily true
Noel it's gotten better though Steve I'll tell you right after the LA earthquake in Northridge earthquake earthquake coverage became almost impossible to get they came up with this California earthquake Authority the coverages were really bad the deductibles were really high. Market has loosened because we haven't had a major earthquake event so it is more affordable and averages are getting better but those covers is certainly are not as complete and and don't cover you nearly as well as your typical fire policy covers you so you got to realize when you're buying earthquake insurance that you're still you're still going to have some skin in the game or something bad happened to your property so it's just he's just one of those things where the earthquake coverage doesn't cover everything you think it's in the reason why I'm saying that is your what
people should understand what's in the policy okay from a technical level but more like what exactly does it cover like for example your pipe burst or not going to fix the pipe they're going to fix the things around the pipe so I couldn't use their Steve has that the pipe is the cheapest thing to fix that they got tear apart your whole house to get the pipe that you just won't pay for that one piece of pipe but you are correct they don't pay for the pipe they pay for all the damages caused them and the Damage you caused to get to the pipe to fix what I need to do is I need to take a quick little break I would like to thank for sponsoring the segment in our show I did you know the average American is 97.6 and add to their credit score but no idea how to get them to data scientist scoremaster of crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money it means some fast loan approval huge discounts low interest rates at everything from buying or refinancing a home to leasing a new car or just applying for
how fast is square Master One member racer credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple of weeks scoremaster so easy just to get started if you hurry you can try scoremaster for free that's right by scoremaster for free see how many points you can add to your credit score to go to score savings that score savings again score Saving right back with more from Steve sevareid public adjuster here with Greenspan company adjusters International
more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
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welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
hey welcome back to the show again in that first few segments we had a wonderful time with Wayne Dunlop now we're talkin with Steve sevareid public a jackster with Greenspan adjusters International hey before we jump back in I want to truly thank you for tuning in and letting your friends are family and Associates know about the show all the replays are available at ww.w saving with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside of saving with Steve and encourage you to describe jar Spotify or apple channel so you never missed a show check out a few of our affiliate that UK help radio CBS radio talk radio in New York City e360 TV Las Vegas TV network all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of Financial and personal freedom also you can follow us on Facebook at the saving with Steve Saxon Insider Club to get replays gas kiss behind the scenes the whole shot now we're back here talking with Steve Severn now we're talkin about wildflowers
what should people be doing now
to get prepared for me looking at their policy to get prepared if they're you know what they're dealing with a wildfire or even a business owner that could get hit by an asteroid disaster vandalism a tsunami or whatever the case may be the first thing I tell you is you don't want to wait until after an event to get your policy or ask her agent for a copy or policy it looks through it because you can't change anything about when it's what's done is done and what you have to work with his what you bought before the disaster struck so really important to get that off have a conversation with your agent or broker and talk about what today is values are the second thing I would encourage everybody to do is go through your homework for your business and take a video tape open up the drawers in the kitchen do a quick video go in the closet just do a quick video of everything and then make sure
you steer that video to the cloud don't keep it in your house because if it burns down you will lose the evidence of that but that's really valuable when you need to recreate if your home Burns to the ground and there's nothing but a she's left and your nail stuck to recreate everything that was in your home down to pencils and paper clips and how many shoes you had and socks and all that stuff it's a really huge job is part of what we do at Greenspan we have inventory specialist out for are that but I can tell you it makes our job a whole lot easier if somebody's got good documentation and that can be a simple video to get 5 by 10 minutes to your home and it's such a good foundation for developing an insurance claim should that ever happened to I used to work for the automobile club as an executive I talk to many people when there is a fire and you know what it's really hard for an insurance company to replace a couch they never seen
phobia that nice leather couch if you spend ten or twenty thousand dollars on it's really hard for an insurance company to replace that but if you have a video of it makes all the difference in the world so I ain't heard that in Beckley done that all insurance companies are not created equal there is new company come to the market their technology companies you know what should cost be a primary driver of who get your insurance who you place your insurance with is a funny thing a lot of people buy insurance for their home because they have to because they have a lender and the lender requires and death insurance and they look at it more it's just something that they have to buy the other choice they want to get the cheapest product they can make the lender happy that's really not the right way to do it I can tell you that anybody was actually had a loss doesn't buy insurance based on that. Because they've actually used it but it is the practice recognize how important it is so there's some new online tech companies coming into the market for the night
play Junior grade analysis their scent selling your product that doesn't have nearly as much inside the policy and as a as a consumer don't really know gun policy from another but I can tell you that more comprehensive policies with higher sub-limits and bigger coverages and and cover you for more types of loss really important valuable cuz you don't know what might happen to so to buy something online without really knowing or something box stores are now getting in the insurance business and selling insurance it's all about the price and that's that's really not the right way to be protected for a little bit more money you can get a lot better coverage in a lot more comprehensive coverage and and a little safer little safer bet so when we when we talked about coverage help me out with an example of that
well we talked about building ordinance or law coverage a little while ago Steve and that's an optional coverage that some policies don't have any coverage for an if you're in an older home that could be really important some policies don't have an expanded replacement cost to mention that earlier so you buy a policy for $500,000 on your house often times you'll be able to get what's called extended replacement cost which will give you some percentage above that number should have cost more that might be 25% of might be 50% of Mike the hundred percent and so that can be a big difference in coverage if you're looking at one product that has 0% above the policy limit another product that doubles your policy limit that could be hugely impactful especially or coming into labor crisis and a material prices and that's this if it's really important understand especially with the value of homes have they increased since all this buying frenzy and you know what it it makes a lot of sense to really evaluate with whoever your agent is to make sure you know exactly what you have
is it what you don't know that actually hurts you especially when it comes to insurance now
when you have somebody in the Wildfire area what's the best way to prepare their home if they're dealing with the Wildfire area you know what can you help us with that
well obviously aside from insurance things like I like video taping and making sure you have your policy documents and recover properly aside from that lot of people recommend you do a lot of heart in it so that means clearing brush out from your home so that you get rid of any trees overhanging your your roof that could catch fire on them at sure your home on fire just be thinking about the hazards that are surrounding a property and how the bite by not tending to that dried grass out there the brush out there could actually put you in a worse position should some event come through the area yeah it is it seems like it would make a lot of sense to have oily brush 50 or 60 yards away from the house as opposed to having a lantern light set on fire in front of the next to your house I see okay so you know what could you do
some to look around your property and pay attention to if you've never had a wildfire you wouldn't even think twice about it in fact you probably don't even pay attention to a lot of things but if it hits you it's just you right in the face and it hurts and you don't want it to hurt so what do things you if somebody's involved and a
residential disaster meaning like they're they're involved with a wildfire in their house gets burned down or partially burnt okay what is the list of some of the things that they should be doing right when that occurs
well obviously taken care of your family and priority and having a place to hang a place to sleep is a priority so the number one thing is is find a place rack in the don't find a place to quickly because some people were run out no rent an apartment on the rent the house right away and then in a month or two months to get claustrophobic and they're real life they ran out and do something quickly take a little bit of time it's a motel rooms figure out where you want to be this is a long process when you're a victim of wildfire it's not over and 60 days it takes months and months and sometimes years to recover so recognized that when you are out of your home find a comfortable place to stay but make it temporary while you get your head on straight and figure out what to do no defy your insurance company the claim keep all of your receipts for everything you're spending money on even though it's a cup of coffee at McDonald's in the morning all these things are important when documenting a claim later it's hard to find a receipt
it doesn't exist 6 months from now so and then on the receipts make sure you write little notes to yourself so if there's a nondescript receipt you can figure out 5 months from now when you're going to receive what was that what did I buy I don't even know what it was and document every conversation you have with your insurance company and I would decide whether you want to take the extra help and attention but your claim at the top of the stack and make sure you get the best response you know what Steve I want to thank you for sharing this information with us today and I want to add this you know what I used to work for an insurance company property Casualty Company and I remember that they really didn't like in a Public Adjusters and the reason being is because they paid out a lot more money so it was one of those things where you were far more comprehensive cuz I also know when your captive working for a company you have certain guidelines that you have to follow
and you have a certain expenses that you can you know certain limits and all that kind of stuff when you have somebody really understands what's going on and can detail things obviously you're going above that limit so you know what I think it makes a lot of sense for somebody to take the time to find a public adjuster a good one that can help them get more for their claim so they can get their house built back up or their business and so on
I totally agree with you stay now I want to tell everybody this you know what Steve sevareid in Greenspan company International gestures have you know what Ben graces with some additional information so if you go to the resource page and WWE saving with Steve. Us you can get a sample of residential inventory list this detail in categories I'll price exhibit the images you need to pair for personal property claim if you're in that situation you're better off doing this in advance you know what there's a business owners guide a residential recovery checklist even if you weren't able to write down everything that Steve's dad Wildfire factors to consider frequently asked questions on when it comes to stuff during a major loss why your business needs to prepare for disaster plan now you're like some great information you didn't want to go to the website Steve if somebody needs to get ahold of you or Greenspan to get a public adjuster
how do they go about doing that are easy to find online website is Greenspan a you can also reach her office at 1 800-248-3888 and where are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week we respond to disasters it's part of our business so it doesn't matter whether it's a Sunday at 8 if you're Alan burns down or you need help we know the exact things that need to happen to take place red as a fire trucks are leaving and we're always available Steve thanks for joining us this is Steve sevareid the Greaseman company adjusters International say I appreciate it Hoss would like to have you back again especially if we are going to what disasters happened there's hurricanes floods earthquakes the whole shots I would like to you know possibly have your back when those things that curve. Then figured the disaster guy but I think there's some insight for people who dealing that with that or not dealing with it and would like to know that would be timely so I think again thank you
I'm stay safe and healthy and enjoy that boat ride the side this weekend thank you Steve pleasure having you I look forward to being back on the show as well sounds good we'll see if I buy two separate with the Greenspan company with Rachel to have them here and you know what we had a great show with Wayne Dunlap
financial literacy for kids and how to deal with an insurance claim I'm a public adjuster see Chevrolet I hope you have a wonderful week look forward to seeing you there
thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. You that saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton

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