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Saving with Steve, August 23, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guest, Matty Lansdown

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guest, Matty Lansdown

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Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins-and-outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton you having a happier healthy relationship with money this is a special recording because we had a power outage and I had to go down the line to another office and use my Hotspot so hopefully we're going<br>a good time with me to get all the stuff they are hanging last week we talked to Sofia Mendel from value ping when she was discussing the best credit cards use if you're traveling with your traveling domestically worldwide all off to be talking about the retirement saving benchmarks to keep you on track but first we have many lands and he's a scientist nutritionist podcast shows help coat that specializes in weight loss of self confidence for professional women in busy Moms Maddie has a weekly podcast on how did not get sick and die that special provides his followers and clients with deep dive into nutrition and how develop healthy habits that last Maddie welcome to the show I appreciate your being here thanks I appreciate the invite I'm looking forward to whatever we talk about<br>do you know what with a lot of people don't realize and they may be do maybe they don't but they go on these past where they're just eating horribly and they're not really taking care of themselves didn't cause any health issues as a result health issues cost money and prolong health issues it's a shorter life and it's a lesson feeling like when we have an opportunity weather somebody's in Australia like you or somewhere else in the world are here in the states that can really provide some useful information that can impact the quality 75 and makes a difference our audience loves to hear him so first of all I'd like to just start unpacking why does the diet culture cause more problems than it actually cures that's a really good question and it's like I guess this whole podcast about Finance because diet culture is fundamentally a marketing strategy that results in the income of money to businesses in the short time and limited<br>Seltzer clients and it's that instant gratification every you help challenge a weight loss challenge seems to be getting shorter and shorter once upon a time it was everybody knew that it would take some time because it took some time to develop this buddy and the situation then I sort of came down in size of a 6 months 3 months 28 days to weeks getting smaller and smaller but the genetics of the body haven't changed in that time at all to adapt to that kind of behavior I know if you know some arguably some scam companies out there that sell detox teas which you don't have made millions and millions and millions of dollars which are essentially laxative Tay's that's not a good thing for the body and so do I call to essentially is the idea that you can get a massive return on very little investment and that you got anyone else basically you should have got all in for a short. Of time and then you feel deprived you feel restricted you haven't had the food you like you probably hungry and then you just come out<br>since the program's over or even during the programme like screw it I'll go back to pizza and Chocolate and Wine because I'm that made me happy. It's nice that I work and is working with the real cause of the problem of that health issues cuz I think. Culture doesn't address the real cause I need it is a lot of the things that happened in the hospital and I worked for seven years in a cancer research hospital as a scientist and it's often just Band-Aid in the problem so companies are selling weight-loss right everybody wants weight loss everyone wants to look good but nobody's been peels the onion and look at what is underneath the behavior that's driving that but like those decisions happening a lot and often it's got a lot to do with self-confidence emotionally eating sugar Addiction eating when you're stressed being in this world of abundant dopamine and what I mean by that Doug means a happy woman sex with perpetually go to access the social media sugar all these things that make us feel good in some way for a microsecond and we just keep chasing it down the rabbit hole where all do to me now.<br>to some degree and Facebook has a life in Silicon Valley has a giant floor of a psychological engine is that a working every day to make the apps more addictive to your diaper main Pathways exact same things happening happening in the sugar industry so you know it's not just all I need to know which nutrition to wait in my experience of Spokane at conferences all over the world Retreat wellness events I've never met a person that did not make vegetables was a good idea everybody knows what to eat the question is why don't I eat it I was listening what you said and my wife does this thing called a 21-day fix where she's supposed to work out so many times a day she reduces what she's eating and all that kind of stuff but quite frankly for 21 days she's miserable I mean her emotions are all over the place and twenty one day she loses some weight you know it's all great but about 3-4 weeks later it starts coming back on those habits are gone and she hates you know it's one of those things where she has<br>build yourself up so I can I got to do this for this I got to looking for that doesn't work or use the tool of willpower and you don't have to go far in your own life maybe this week the realize willpower didn't last very long but it's not designed to last very long it's not a function of the brain is designed to last a long. Of time and so when you getting your mind out The Misery by knowing the things aren't going to go well I mean you're going to feel good but you going to get this tiny little Advantage do make you feel good for about 5 minutes it's only son meaningless that you give it up straight away the prices hasn't gone day to not like we're going to peel the onion and it says about so just about Behavior change and have it it's about an identity ship and like you want to decide to be a different version of yourself from now on Daisy process that takes some work some deep work and looking into the reason that the current version of you flourishes then it's the same with money habits right it's the same with any habits<br>is a reason that what we do now is what we do by default and that's usually because at central nervous system and our Reptilian Brain that they just thought about brain that develops first it is always speaking security safety and certainty in the environment so that it can predict that we want to die today which sounds like an extreme example but evolutionary biology says the way always scanning our environment to make sure that is true I think we've lived a life where we unconsciously adopted these money believe so have it for a instead of food habits or my parents or at the people in their environment was never really considered them before we just want to look at Pilot and then we do realize that these things are in place they went mine to decide I inherited them but now that I'm aware of them it's really hard to change them because I've been safe and secure and certain of my living this way for my entire life I haven't died like 40 years I'm still here at the central nervous system is basically operates on the idea of the devil you know is better<br>then the devil you don't even if intellectually and academically you can make sense of why would be better and short looks when I say other people on Instagram broken legs amazing healthy lives it looks good but I'm safe over here will power to pretend to be someone else when actually we need to transform into somebody else that's so true one of the other questions that I wanted to bring up your weight loss is not about food it's about psychology so I'd like to unpack that but I want to say something here and I'm not trying to push myself I've been a workout guy on my life and I know that if I do things consistently on a daily basis he consistently on a daily basis and kind of have my little like a little rhythm registers like I do every single day I'll stay within the certain way I'll feel good my joints won't hurt my back won't hurt all that kind of good stuff and you know it quite frankly<br>I think it's not because I was just so robotic and I don't have a problem eat the things I understand that but when we start looking at understanding how weight loss is really not about the food it is about the psychology I need you to break that down so he people can understand why it is about the psychology and not always about what you eat<br> yeah totally well I think it comes back to just go to what we've been discussing already Witch is that it's like it's so easy to get pleasure people might not think that hitting a little piece of chocolate is like safety or security or all of those things but when was stressed out hormones cortisol and adrenaline go up would you tell Desmond a central nervous system that there's danger and so we naturally want to swing the other side of the Spectrum which is dopamine and serotonin which is happiness Pleasure-Way van oxytocin which is like human connection and safety and so the fastest way to do that is with man-made men heavily manipulated on sugars and carbohydrates because they feel pleasurable than math pleasure pleasure for any other part of the body do we have to figure out how we can access those drive to Main and safety security certainty mechanisms that not from food that's that's significant part of what I do in my program it's learning to identify in your environment all the way<br> to get those needs met and I'm not with food most simple tiny asleep changing the narrative that you have in your life about the struggle in the stress and the pain because yeah from both sides are going to address the problem but we also have to come up with a different Solution that's one case of bills and be back in a few seconds more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hey I really want to thank everyone for letting your friends and family know hey we have one more than 600,000 people listen to the show just in the United States and internationally it's over 60,000 if you want to check out some of the shading with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful insights I was saving and Steve I encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel Google play so you don't miss this show you can check us out a few of our fuel is that you can help radio CBS radio talk radio New York City as well as a method to 472 salt a pure spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom if you like the falls on Facebook you always go to saving with Steve Sexton for guest gifts replace the whole shot so we're back with Maddie Manson This is just<br> believable if you're looking at the dining side of being the psychology behind we're talking about all it's really important that you understand some of these things when you go into hiding and especially if you've been through that cycle of dining Ware hey you're doing good for a couple months and then you just go off the rails so you know what we had Manuel and you know what's wonderful he's got the wonderful podcast you really want to check it out because it can make a difference in your life and I just love the title does the weekly podcast and Maddie what is the podcast run what day is Wednesday here in Australia and she said Tuesday for the US okay perfect in the podcast named how to not get sick and die very simple very straightforward when it comes to talking about the ins-and-outs of money the healthier say the less money you spent the last of your money fall through the cracks to health care that you don't want to and you know what if you stay healthy you can<br> redirect those things of what's important to you like having wonderful experiences and so on being with family members and all that so let's keep talking to me out of here let's talk about low carb nutrition for weight loss and emotional eating that's a topic we got unpacked her waiting basically every single human at least in the western world where we're privileged access of food everywhere is an emotional Ada if you ate at your desk will still work in your in a Russian lady. If you ate with your phone in your hand whilst watching TV you're an emotional Ada if you ate while you're driving you're an emotional Ada somebody that emotionally 8 is to identify a my AC when I'm not totally one-hundred-percent present with what's happening in the current moment and often in all of us if I should wait distracted by something else and you might even be in a situation where you are sometimes you eat<br> even like you get some chocolate or something that you really want to enjoy and you ate it and you don't even remember hating it because you weren't present and you like oh my God at the package empty already I need another one and so the cats with the leading is it we use things that end is the same command even though men might feel weird about some of these words we use it for Comfort will use it for nutshell will use it to soothe all of these uncomfortable emotions that we may be aware or not aware that I'm coming up which is stress discomfort anger frustration you know it might be a fight with your partner and you might find that there's a loop that every time you get to eat come together to solve the problem or to get over it you order pizza like we using food to solve emotional problems that a lot of this that happens because one of the main situation that I mentioned before is like making us feel like we're back in control away understanding what's going on and then the food is they start making the spikes is allowing us to feel that the stress is going down way back in the driver's seat of Barron life<br> how am I obviously putting that food into a body is tearing a body down its bidding we were going to get brain fog we going to be gained weight and I'll be out of focus that performance is going to be limited you can connect that to not making great money decisions and the other thing two is that the world is becoming sorry washing dishes that there is no pain response in the brain when you part ways with your money that's what they discovered with the credit card when I suppose discovered that if you delay the pain of giving up the finance that you could get so much more money out of paper whilst they would just stuck in the first decision of making the purchase so we go the same situation with the food we make it's like you and not connected to your phone to the actual expenditure of the money emotionally you're not connected to it leaving your bank account you press a couple buttons inside of and it's getting to the point where basically Uber or maybe even Amazon Prime the next step is that that will eventually fade you like I literally put the food in your mouth that is no connection to what is this food doing to me or<br> what is the money expenditure on this stuff doing to my bank account you know and so we've got to reconnect all of those. Which one's really natural cuz we hand over the physical cash and be like Oh I'm giving away something it's like right now I'm making a trade is this a worthwhile trade and it's the same thing we have to think about was food because if we eating a high sugar high refines carbohydrate diets anything in a bag box or a can that's man made it's highly likely that it's manipulated in an unfavorable way for your biology then when making that same decision without thinking about the consequences because obviously we don't have a face and we gained 10 lb in one sitting it's the same thing we ate all his food and the consequences come later but we don't we don't really connected to them and so we we need to understand I guess that's moving to Neon nutrition an approximate nutrition plan that resembles how humans survive the first five hundred thousand years is where we need to head because<br> even though it's always amazing technology in all these different foods that exist in 2020 to now genetics have not changed in thousands and thousands of years which is why we have no matter how good medicine is becoming an had break calorie count as accounting we've got a world that is overweight sick and dying at younger ages than ever before and that's because we've got a food industry and well and also like a social industry that doesn't support health and why would I want to cuz healthy people don't buy drugs healthy people on a Dixon today finds you know there's a lot of economic incentive in these companies to keep you on well and to keep you focused and not performing very well but my phone and go to the bank and get some productivity out of you for that company that's why we have to move to it a dietary template generally speaking that resembles yet house humans have survived the thousands of thousands of years and in most parts of the world that's going to be low carbohydrate now it's really important especially for women to know that that's not no<br> is a very big difference when I speak it back no Cobb it's refined sugars and carbohydrates you can have all the vegetables you like even though it might be able to 99%, hydrated vegetables are very very important particular the woman's menstrual cycles in that type of thing the other thing is in this world is that low carb nutrition template is it they shouldn't be a list of foods that you can't have because that psychology of not being allowed to have something is why. Stiles you get to the end and finally get the chocolate I finally get the one I finally get the pizza back as soon as we have this narrative between I really really want it don't do it really really want it done to it like everybody knows who wins right<br> what is the takeaway how we do it it's the conversation between the inner child and being a parent and it's like a tennis match in the inner child wins every time which is why you got to go. Called to exist<br> got a gun I mean I used to like red Licorice and my wife would buy a big wheels big container from like a Costco or warehouse store and I can eat that thing for the weekend just by walking between the couch and the pants and it was really easy and if I did you can't buy anymore cuz I don't need it anymore because Tyler has like that are connected to the childhood stuff the many people or some kind of pain or difficult situation that happened in their life and when we unpacked that to find what is the cause of this type of an uncomfortable truth which is next total sense while we go toward sugar because it's us it fills the gap of soothing us every time I was an overactive kid that I had like rattling back in the day and I stop taking Ritalin when I stop eating sugar<br> and then all the sudden got really really good and I got really smart all the time but that's the reality of it has been wonderful I want to thank you for being here today but I would like to take a few minutes and have you talked about your podcast how people can get ahold of you whether it be through the internet by phone I know you're an Australia but I think people all over the world need your help thank you I appreciate that send my website is just Matthew Lansdowne. Come so damn i t t y l a n s t o w n. Come so you can check out a bunch of things there I've got a Facebook group so which is designed for women and busy mother's so come and hang out there with a small send over the links Dave and the podcast how to not get sick and die so it says described as a One-Stop shop the health and wellness phenomenal guests and I do a lot of Salah episodes myself so come and hang out I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to show<br> 85% of our listeners are female between ages 45 and 65 when I said Sharon about what you do and all the result or response is oh yeah so I think you might have a few people coming to take a look at your house and take a look at your website to see how you can help himself again I want to thank you so much for joining us and shedding the light on the things that we all struggle with that there is an actual answer which is very very cool and with that I just wish you stay safe stay healthy and would love to have you back sometime soon fantastic thanks so much and same to you I appreciate your time and energy and this connection and yeah hopefully people get something out of it great I have your relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton really want to thank you for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friend Sam and Associates know about the show all the replays are available at saving with Steve. You asked if you're joined the stories helpful information and insight and shaving with Steve than encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel or Google Play channel so you can never missed a show and check out a few more fuel it to UK Health radio DBS Radio talk radio New York City e360 TV networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom you can also follow us on Facebook join the same with Steve Sexton insiders Club get all the guests replay to some gifts and still on we just finished with Maddie Lanz.<br> time to talk a little more than halfway through the year it's a great time to start looking at your retirement saving been smart to make sure you're on track how do you know if you're in fact a retirement what are the benchmarks as as you stay for every time it's beneficial know how much this whether you're on the right track from everyone's situation is different course but there are some useful retirement Bismarck they can give you some sense of how you're doing to reach your goals after compare numbers to the Benchmark you can then work on making any of the three Jasmine's and then check your progress on a regular basis to set your retirement savings Benchmark you need to consider to fax how much you've already saved for retirement at your current and then compare your savings against your current gross income to begin setting savings goals based off your income so what is a good retirement savings many financial institutions expert<br> you guys are able to answer this question now for example when it comes to Fidelity's has created the following set of benchmarks on ages for people that are 50 or 60 so if you're looking at 50 years old you should have six times your annual salary it what does that mean if your 50 and you make $30,000 a year you should have about $180,000 saved okay if your 55 it's 7 * 68 * 67 it's 10 times your annual salary another Bismarck concept ancient Place nearly 80% of your current annual income in retirement once you retire of course the biggun Nobles how long you live and how long should your savings last gay now here's an example using the 85% rule on life expectancy say you were born in 1970 are now if you want do you want a retard 67 to retire<br> 2037 let's assume your annual income is $40,000 if you expect to retire in 20 years<br> after retirement you'll need 32000 x 20 or $640,000 in retirement savings then you want to look at the 4% rule for another while he's been smart to help you determine how much your retirement saving you can afford to which one each year in your retirement the 4% rule they indicate it suggest you withdraw 4% of your retirement balance now there's a mini mini Financial experts are actually saying hey instead of a 4% really need to take a 3% rule the reality is you need to have something comp water distribution standpoint you need to look at your average race return where you're looking at okay when determine how much you need to stay at also help consider you know these three things being Malik experts is a shaving least 15% of your pre-tax income annually if you can<br> count factor in your other source of retirement of such as Social Security benefits employee pensions & Investments retirement accounts rental count any part-time employment asset mix the higher the percentage of retirement Savings in stocks historically speaking the higher portfolio have a rate of return but you also have to take a look at reducing that race as you get closer to retirement is the last thing you need is what happened to recently received a 25% drop in your retirement assets was important to pay attention after a me for these benchmarks you just tell me you're not on track don't lose help focus on what you can do to help you get back up to speed that might mean revving up your annual savings opening or funny retirement account investing really are using a health savings account to see if retired for medical cock hard a good financial advisor can be useful to the professional can show you ways to keep on track work with you to keep<br> on track and so on so it's really important to look at the spend back to find out where you're at and keep pushing towards your goal cuz retirement is a long-term accumulation of in the keys accumulate as much as you possibly can you know what I want to thank you all for joining us today on saving with Steve we talked about the ins-and-outs of money today we had Manuel and said he was talking about the proper way to diet and how to get past those triggers that keep it going back and not being able to lose weight or you lose the weight gain it back cuz people all the time you want to go to his web start you something special with that I wish you all well stay stay stay healthy will look forward to seeing you next week right here on saving with Steve bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve.<br> us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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