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Saving with Steve, August 2, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Shannon Dentice and then Dr. Joan Rosenburg

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guest 1: Shannon Dentice, Master Health Coach

Guest 2: Dr. Joan Rosenburg

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br>hello welcome to the same thing with Steve shall we talk about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun are really see you having a happier or healthier relationship with money hey my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining you say we have a wonderful show I want to thank you for sharing with your friends and family checking us out on YouTube Google Play and all the streaming sites are actually on a hundred fifty of them which is really crazy with all the way from Australia with Tristan right he's the CEO and founder of evolved to grow now he's a business and helps business owners I have more time in Freedom with themselves as well find a way to grow their business was definitely the business Surfer we're glad he was part of our show this week we have something special its nutrition on a budget we have Shannon dentist it's more like healthy eating on a budget which is much more important than nutrition Shannon's am a certified health coach owner of Eeny Health coaching she also has been a school<br>psychologist for the last 17 years she's working office eggshell people become frequent sitting job stress off of Street in Temptations and helping people give energy to what they do in and outside the word for especially she's helped a lot of people lose 10 lb or more I have my wife I'm so happy to be here today we're really excited to be here today what a lot of people don't realize is 86% of our audiences female between the ages of 45 and 55 and we try and find the topics that fit and when I saw yours was like oh my God she's the girl could you kind of helped us you know a lot of people have issues with grocery shopping how to go about doing that the best way to buy things to sell on could you just walk us through some of the best tips of people can have for how do we grocery shop without buying all the crappy stuff<br>easier said than done right today if it's okay with you I'd like to walk you through how to plan before shopping what to look for when you're in the store and what to do when you get home so I think before we even get started with that is important when were thinking about healthy eating establishing our y or our purpose for healthy eating in the first place because if we don't know that it will be harder for us to think well I really need to you know incorporate this into my budget I really need to rework my budget for healthy eating so is it to gain more energy is it to be able to be a good role model for your kids to prevent disease whatever is it's really important to have it in the back of your mind so that and then you can make this an important part of your life but he'll be eating part some people say hey if I'm going to eat healthy it's going to be a lot more expensive and a lot of times that's just a myth<br>I actually had colon cancer like 15 16 years ago but I really healthy and comparative it's a lot of my friends I find out I'm actually spending maybe a little bit more and sometimes less than they actually do could you help people understand that there is actually a study conducted by Harvard School of Public Health back in 2013 and at that point they suggested that healthy diet fast on average a dollar fifty more per day compared to unhealthy diet and we look at today in 2013 that was almost ten years ago to correct and with inflation and everything if we brought it out to about $2 a day that would be about $60 per month and so it doesn't add up to be more you're right it's more expensive but we look at other things too we hope that by eating healthier we will prevent disease we need be to prevent things like diabetes where we don't have to pay for insulin and that kind of thing may be cut back<br>insurance cost with life insurance because we know that generally you're costing me more for life insurance if you have some health conditions picking what you want to spend your money on it and I want to be sensitive to people who are really going through financial struggles right now there's people that they really can't afford any more and do what you can't even if you can make one of your meals a little bit healthier that's going to help you in the long run it's a small steps that you can take and again just do what you can cuz I know there's a lot of people are really struggling financially right now healthy eating is significant but I've also found when when I had the colon cancer and all that stuff when I finish all my chemo treatment I kind of hate everything in the world and I went from like 192 like 230 lb inside of like three times and I said okay I got a little bit but in the last couple years I found that you know<br>people buy pre-packaged salads and four bucks each and they might buy 500 the week that's $20 and I found out that if I buy a 3-pack of romaine lettuce and the seeds and whatever else I want with the dressing it's actually less expensive than that and it's healthier I mean I don't know if you seen that or we live in a convenient Society where everything is all set up and wrapped up for you and that typically cost more and we pay a premium for that but are you seeing stuff like that<br>you have to make a comparison you can't just always assume that something is going to be more expensive I think a lot of times when you go to the grocery store they have those stickers that compare per ounce those are really important to look at because buying bigger doesn't always equate to cheaper and also when we look at pre-packaged things like you mentioned maybe you buy a package of vegetables that are already cut up if we look at that and we use that to prepare our meals and it's keeping us from eating out instead because of saving us a little bit of time and a little bit less hassle you're probably saving money in the long run anyway because you're not eating out you still eating at home so maybe you'll buy the vegetables that are chopped up but you'll still cook the pulled chicken in your slow cooker or something like that since we're talking about stores and what to buy let's talk about some chips or planning<br>before you go to the store he has some things like when planning look for overlap and ingredients I never thought of that before my life<br> everyday right so I think the reason it's important to look for overlapping ingredients and five ingredients or less even if you can is because you're going to a possibly avoid some of those obscure ingredients that you might only need for one recipe and then the rest of it goes to waste right we've all seen recipes like that and also helps you to make sure that what you buy doesn't go to waste so you might only need part of a head of lettuce for one recipe but then you might be able to use the rest of it for a dinner recipe so then the half that you didn't use original the good way to plan for that is to look at websites like Taste of Home is a good example of one that has a database that you can type in ingredients that you're looking for or ingredients that you want to avoid so that's a good place to look and find recipes that have common ingredients there's a couple of apps that I've seen two I haven't personally use them<br> but there was one is like super cluck or tasty that I have read do about the same thing or the help you find certain ingredients<br> really you could use that too if you have leftovers in your refrigerator and I like well I have you no celery and I have some fish that I need to eat out or you know something like that you can type in different ideas to make sure you're using up what you already have as well we like to plan like three or four meals in advance so how do you go about planning when you're doing the shopping when you're looking at three or four meals at supposed to just try to pick out what you think you might need like a taste of home so you quinoa green pepper bacon chicken I don't know what to think or do for you so when you can say I you know maybe I want to make this that shares these five common ingredients and then maybe I want to make that as well and that will use up the rest of my Supply when I buy Windsor people be looking at<br> dads getting discounts all that kind of stuff before they do shopping days and that kind of thing it's good to use that to planning you could look at ingredients they say cherries are on sale this week or a roast beef on sale and plan your meals around that I think that's fine one thing to be cautious of is if you are just buying things on sale because they're on sale right and we're all guilty of that at some point right I used to do that with clothing just you know do I really need it no but it was a good deal so I bought it it's important to look at those things again keeping in mind we talked about earlier looking at the Oz so just because it's bigger and it's on sale doesn't necessarily mean it's cheaper go back and look at those labels for Oz and see what the actual cost for<br> so hey look we're going to have to take a break and everybody you want to stick with us we have more Shannon then she said she's going to talk to us about healthy living on a budget so sick with this one right back with more shaving with Steve more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us as saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show host Steve Sexton thank you for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends family and Associates know about the show they all the replay is Steve. You asked if you're joined the stories of helpful information and insight on saving received then I'll charge you to subscribe to your YouTube channel and check out that you can't help radio BBS radio talk radio in New York City 360tv Las Vegas TV networks all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to uplift your spirit live a life of financial personal freedom now if you want to check out the behind-the-scenes you can always go to saving with Steve Sexton get guest gifts the whole shots so we're back with Shannon didn't she shan't again thanks for being part of the show we've been talking about healthy eating on a budget now I'd really like to get into your in the store<br> I'm up our Shopper so I make my list I go get it I'm out my wife hates it because she thinks you should walk up and down the aisle and check out everything and that doesn't work for me cuz I don't have the patience but it does save me money cuz my wife go shopping is far more expensive so what I'd like to do the store but it's when you get home I want to talk about that but you're right I think shopping with intention is so important because it's when we stick to our list for less likely to walk through all the different Isles and think all that was interesting though that's on sale I think I'll try that you're shopping with intention and you're less likely to get distracted with other purchases so that's a good idea Steve thanks for bringing that up<br> another question that often comes up is whether or not to buy organic vs conventional grown produce and we know that organic produce can be really expensive to buy but if that's important to you to reduce pesticides in your diet would I usually recommend is there's a list that changes is updated every year it's called the Dirty 15 produce list that an organization called ewg puts out and what that does is it list the 15 produce items that have the most passes I residue on them so those are the ones that if you can to buy those Organics that's the best and actually listen to a podcast last week and they were talking about if you can stick your thumb nail into a piece of produce it's more susceptible to the pasta sides and more likely to ingest it so I thought that was a good rule of thumb note I'd intended there but the like harder things like mangoes or pineapple something like a really tough skin those are<br> more okay to buy conventionally obviously if you'd by conventional fruits and vegetables that's way better than not eating fruits and vegetables so I say go for it what's the tips for when you're looking at frozen vegetables frozen vegetables I would say if you are going to go between canned or Frozen Frozen is a good option to go you're still saving a lot of money order fresh and often times the frozen vegetables and fruits are harvested pretty quickly and then Frozen so you're still maintaining nutrients that vegetables and canned goods don't often house<br> so I think that's a good you know if you're looking to save some money again I'm checking the prices and the Oz but often times especially with fruits and vegetables out of season is fast to buy Frozen a lot I'm still save money but if they're in season you can sometimes find some really good deals on Fresh Produce to vote in the last couple years we've seen this significant increase in meat prices so what's the options are one thing that I like to do as there's a lot of recipes that I like that have ground sirloin or ground beef in them but I try to limit my red meat intake as well do something I do that cost as well as that is using half ground turkey and half ground beef so what you can do is if you're not going to use it all at once just cook the pound of ground beef with a pound of ground turkey and then just cut it in half and you can always put half of it in the freezer to use later for spaghetti sauce or whatever you want to use it for later but I really don't taste a difference when you have<br> ground beef mixed in with the ground turkey you really can't tell the difference so far so good so what should we do when there's a sale we should be cautious of sales what was the big thing that we should know I really need to use or am I buying it just because it's a stale impulse but then also looking at the expiration date pretty much everything in the grocery store has an expiration date on it sometimes it's really faint print it and you have to look very closely but you should be able to find an expiration date on it and ask yourself realistically am I going to be able to work my way through this product before it expires but I think those are really important things to look at especially when grocery stores are trying to move their products or something close to an expiration date it would make sense that they put it on sale right so just something to be aware of the store<br> what about the tips for when you bring everything home one thing to be thoughtful of and I don't think a lot of people think about this if you have what they a bag of apples that you bought a day or two ago and they start going bad right away you know the day or two after you bought it it's okay to save your receipts and bring those back because they like apples should not be going bad that quickly unless you have them in your car or something like that but just be mindful of that like if something is just spoiling way faster than what it said it's okay to bring that back to the grocery store and most stores will honor that and give you a replacement or your money back I actually I was at a friend's house and had just bought a salad and that the lettuce was brown and stuff like that and I don't think they even realized it and all I did was just throw it away when I got forget it cuz I kind of know I can return that now when it comes to a juice drinker<br> healthy on a budget for your kids too because there's a lot of kids at lava juice and they drink a lot of it start adding some water to it you can add just a little bit of a time until you do that more of a taste where you're at you doing maybe half and half water and half juice and you won't really notice it is also good to cut down on the sugar too because juice a lot of people think of it as a healthy drink but it really doesn't have the fiber in it it's got natural sugar in it but it can bump up your glucose in your blood sugar level so adding some water can help with that and also say is your cost on buying juice as well what are the tips for the freezer the freezer I have one of those chest freezers where things go and they just disappear in there and then you find them a year later<br> going 5 no make sure that you have some kind of a system deep freezers are great or even the freezer on your refrigerator but keeping a list somewhere whether it's on your phone or old-fashioned taped to the front of your freezer or whatever it is so you can keep track of what you have because otherwise you're going to waste a lot of money but I think I'll just freeze us and use us later when your columns you forgot about it and you have to throw it away<br> now what am I to do is focus a little bit about your coaching any health coaching tell us a little bit about that I know you're a master certified health coach or psychologist you got a lot of Education behind you so tell me how you go about helping people well I like to compare my health coaching as driving with a GPS instead of The Swinging it and not really having a Direction so sure anyone can look up how to eat healthy how to get more movement in the other day how to combat stress online anyone can read books about that but I actually save you time and money in the long run because I have proven strategies to help you get there I can help you see detours that you might not know are coming because I'm experienced in this area I can help you take a look back at things that maybe go well in the past and try to figure out how you can learn from that and move forward in a better Direction so it's really it's not just telling people what to do it's looking at<br> Exeter maybe holding you back you overcome obstacles that you have in your mind like I'm not good enough I'm never going to succeed I would say for any one that's contemplating like I don't know if coaching the right thing for me I do offer free consultation so we can talk and I can get you started with a couple tips right off the bat and then if it makes sense to work with me we can go from there that's wonderful so how can people get ahold of shanon well I am on several social media platforms the big one I'm on Instagram and that's just my first and last name switch together so Shannon Dunn t s h a n n o n d e n t i c e that's on Instagram I do have a private Facebook group especially for women I know you said a lot of here audience members are women and it's called workplace women losing weight and stress to increase energy and so I do offer a lot of kid<br> send support for people on there as well otherwise if you Google any health coaching your find my website and all my contact information is on there as well for joining us today and again if you'd like to get a hold of Shannon you can go to any health coaching on the web and again everybody this is Shannon Dan Shannon thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and information with us I know it'll make the day of a lot of people who have been looking forward to this episode and you know what maybe we'll have you back in the future so want to thank you for joining us and you have a wonderful day hey folks this is a money order be right back in just a few moments got to pay some bills more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be cost me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show host Steve Sexton ins and outs of money I want to spend a special thanks to our affiliate the UK Health radio CBS Radio AM FM 247 and all the others that share the same thing with Steve show throughout the United States and the rest of the world the next segment is talking about the three biggest retirement first longevity<br> inflation and Market risk I'm going over the risks and give you some things you need to consider implementing make sure you review any changes with a financial professional this is key because when people get two free retirement retirement they're actually investing for a new stage of life because when you're 20 30 + 40 it's really about accumulation when you get a couple years before you retire it's about preservation a distribution of your assets for the last as long as you do so it's about setting up your own defined benefit plan to make sure you have the income there so you don't have to worry about that and then obviously have other best let's talk about the longevity it's really the risk of outliving your money Economist and they talk about longevity all the time you need to pay living expenses for all those years of living with annual expense increased for medical long-term care a healthy 65 year old man has a 22-year life<br> Legacy meaning is a 50% probability of living to the age of 87 for healthy females a 65 or older they have an expectancy to live two to four years with a married couple 65 or older has a 75% probability that one spouse will live to the age of 88 50 Cent's profitability in 93 and a 25% probability at 1 spousal live to the age of 98 next is inflation he was relatively low and for the PlayStation prior to a few years ago<br> purchasing power dollar declines over time so think about that statement 1972 West a $0.21 today it's 52 if you had $100,000 in a CD or a 1% last year you can buy $100,000 worth of stuff because of its 7% inflation<br> you're so your ear your hundred thousand dollars could only purchase 94 that's purchasing power<br> the expenses that increase over time are typically medical the Consumer Price Index typically average is a 3% increase over time medical averages of 5% over time the cost of those goods and service you purchase will rise every time you need to increase your income as well as to maintain your retirement lifestyle and you know the third one is market decline big wrists most retirees will become a major happening in the first couple years when they retire or when they're both retired are Troublesome why you look at 2008 you look at 1999 2000 with a hurricane in the housing bubble<br> new at 38% drop in the market really takes a dip into somebody's retirement in fact many people had the joy of a 38% drop the reality is they would prefer not to say we have to look at ways of how to deal with it what can you do first of all make sure you Max my social security for percent of Americans optimize your social security must be tens of thousands of dollars on the table by the way<br> also reducing their lifestyle benefits according to CNBC they did a study with an economist at a Boston University indicated 34 trillion dollars went out the door is so security just took their benefits at the wrong type and fact the study also showed that the he got the operations manual for Social Security and in case they can't give you advice and if they slipped up and did that advice has resulted benefits that were lower 50% of the time so you want to make sure you maximize your benefits in the context of your retirement do not take too much from your Investments make sure you're with the wrong reason able to withdraw even with Market volatility for the rest of your life consider annuity income spittle just with inflation as long as you let me know I'm going to spend a second on that subject here's the biggie think about it like this<br> if you can guarantee rank of inflation-adjusted like a defined benefit plan and then have a whole bunch of money sitting in the market spell grow and the market goes down like it has that you don't have to worry about your income you just wait for it to recover others consider having a Chewbacca strategy like a 60/40 wrist for State bucket withdrawing from the wrist bucket when the market is performing and when the Marcus declining withdraw from the state bucket allows the wrist bucket to recover hey that's a wonderful strategy again before you look at different strategy make sure you sit down with your financial advisor to make sure that stretch is best for you unexpected medical long-term care costs to Center supplementing your coverage for Medigap or Medicare Advantage plans budget for long-term care costs even if you don't need home health care consider planning for some type of assisted living as well protected as long-term care expenses by either attending a long-term care coverage launch a life insurance policy that covers long-term care or the nudie does long-term care benefit and last but not least<br> get a trust make sure you have your wishes and ride and get a will or trust and Healthcare now folks I want to thank you all for doing this here on saving with Steve we want to give you a best advice for help you save money to improve your lifestyle and live life and financial and personal freedom with that I want to thank you for joining us right here on saving with Steve will look forward to seeing you next time right here how wonderful we stay safe stay healthy bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br> everyone has their own unique views and need when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place today saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton hello welcome to the saving with Steve show where we talked about everything under the sun that releasing you having a happier healthy relationship with money my name is Steve. I want to thank you for joining us I appreciate you sharing this with your friend your family for your Associates we've expanded throughout the United States were in<br> Nationals were very very happy with that last week we had shared identity educate us on how to eat healthy on a budget we had a large number of people provide a wonderful thing back on it episode if you miss Jenna dentist on how do you spell pee on a budget just go to skating with Steve. Us and look for episode 85 you can see all other 85 episodes are there for you background information to holeshot and how did she even happy retirement so let's go to Joan Rosenberg she's got this wonderful book called 90 seconds till the life you love how to master difficult feelings to cultivate the last in confidence resilience authenticity I can't wait for her to be in the show but let's go ahead and move forward to how to cheat a happy retirement, as someone who specializes in helping people find used to prepare for retirement with my clients in the past<br> free your retirement years old beat-up if you taken the steps to prepare yourself financially for retirement this mean you saved enough money during the working here to be comfortable in your golden years he hears to start saving as early as possible they need to have your board is fully paid off before retirement if you're able to diversify your sources retirement and even better this could be from your Investments right on with him part-time work Social Security more when it comes to investing think of your golden years is the time to invest for income not growth which can be risky for your finances retirement we've seen that a little late last least important directly check in on your finances and retirement to ensure everything is on track that means sit down with a financial professional you are already one next to your health problems old age will hinder your ability enjoy your retirement so caring for your body through proper nutrition Fitness good sleeping record is even more important during this time focused on as much as<br> get a preventive care is much easier prevent the illness then treat it as party retirement financial plan you should budget of money for wellness ask your doctor visit Justin create create a daily routine and stick to it it can be difficult to transition from working a nine-to-five the majority of your life is suddenly have a lot of free time creating a daily routine helps you to ground you and retirement prevent feelings of helplessness boredom or unproductivity remember you now have the privilege to create an identity and schedule outside of the benefit of you and your interest take advantage of it whatever it's making more time for friendship hobby your deal of personal Wellness make room in your routine for things at energize you and bring you Joy Family Friends concert all those things you wanted to do this is that time now that's sad don't be afraid to try new things just as important as his damage your routine and try new things<br> Herman as we get older is easy to lose initiative and feel too comfortable in your comfort zone which can lead to lethargy feelings or depression anxiety where this learning a new skill traveling somewhere new or meeting new people try new things to help keep your mind and Spirits sharpen old age I have couples that what they do is they go look on Groupon or some other activity website and look for something new and they try one thing new every single month they've been to cooking classes day trip travel things new hobbies new skills to develop swimming the whole story but it's Captain active and healthy for most of my life in oh by the way those people are 95 years old and still kicking so could use her Halo with Steve it's a short segment each and every week I'm going to bring you something where I'm going to give you my best advice to help you retire smart with that<br> talking to her about a Rosenberg reset and you're going to want to stick around for that because of some wonderful tools that you can take a hard and then going to talk about how you can connect with dr. Rosenberg as well as a painter book so stick with us we're going to check with Mercedes Mesquite more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us as saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back to the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything on this early so you having a happier healthy relationship with money I want to encourage you to connect with our Affiliates UK Health radio BBS Radio AM FM 247 talk radio New York City as well as AM FM 360 TV which is our new connection with us they're all dedicated to helping you live a life of financial personal freedom if you'd like to see more episodes you go to save this Eve. You was or if you want to just follow us on Facebook go to saving with Steve Sexton and we'll look forward to seeing you there now for our guests today I want you to think about this how would you like a roadmap for understanding how to spot understand your emotions identify overcome the distractions really sure anxiety resolve faulty thinking and negative<br> I'll talk Speak Your Truth move through grief up level year confidence and resilience all these can be a possible and you consciously ride through your emotional wave and gaining confidence that you can handle whatever comes your way our guest dr. Joel Rosenberg cutting head psychologist public speakers Bensi on CNN American Morning Show and many other TV and radio appearances she is a professor at my alma mater Pepperdine University and has written a groundbreaking International best-selling book 90 seconds to life you love how to master difficult feelings to cultivate lasting confidence resilience inauthenticity dr. Rosenberg welcome to the show thank you so much for having me the tree seed watching and listening right now and they'll listen to X by the way my wife did steal your book for me so I actually<br> reduce my air so now you have 40 years as a psychologist and I'm just curious what got you into psychology what that mean is psychology probably a natural drift that was that was probably it was a natural kind of leaning into for me I the truth is I actually wanted to be an Outward Bound instructor and if you're familiar with Outward Bound Outward Bound is that an outdoor experience a program that uses nature as a medium for personal growth so even in my teens I was interested in personal growth and and so instead of that never really occurred for me and some of that but I didn't ever go that to do that full-time so the way I like to look at it instead of going Outward Bound bound but the fear the trend for me was always toward a very strong interest in personal growth<br> do you know what Irish sounds like you've had that passion since you were young so that's wonderful the book is great I mean I'm saying it right up in my wife's been filed in it so it's got to be great cuz she doesn't read stuff to continue to read it when the things I want to do just really quick as there's hundreds of reviews on your book on Amazon one of them it just says the book helps you number one realize when you're running away from your true emotions Fisher difficult emotions are riding the wave and choose to live a life full of being an intention and I was one of the things that really got me is this happens to me sometimes the person says I never would have bought the book with the title someone didn't recommend it to me I'm so glad I bought it I dealt with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember reading this issues in my inability to deal with unpleasant emotions with something I never can see I've been practicing her reset for the past month in my life is changed and the last one says those simple truth are the most profound when you are an unpleasant emotions that can feel overwhelming<br> recognize that the only lasts 90 seconds mixed into a manageable this book's make me more Brave more empathetic by reframing in so many of us try to avoid and then just those references were big because people are getting a lot out of this in many people are dealing with anxiety depression all sorts of emotions they just don't know how to deal with a lot of it just comes from people not speaking their truth and I'd like you to talk about the signs that people should come to realize when they're not speaking the truth could you start there yeah absolutely and I want you to understand the difficulty speaking up is not a speaking problem difficulty speaking up is a difficulty with unpleasant feeling problem it really is against entered in the unpleasant feelings that I talked about name a variety of different kinds of things and never list of that in the book so some of them include things like you're concerned that people are going to laugh at you so you don't speak up or you hold your opinion back you have things kind of swirling in the<br> but you don't say anything you might have the experience of feeling trapped and really what I like to think of in terms of this idea of feeling trapped it's not that you're trapped in a situation is that more often than not your words are trapped in you and so that that's part of a sign that you're not speaking up you don't ask for help or that when you start to speak up you get into this kind of friend of mine calls kind of that's why they experience this conversation that your heart races your breathing is more shallow you got it start to get anxious what people describe as anxious and panicked so that's happening when you try to speak up or you don't share things that are important to you you don't share those with others so there's a whole wide array of things that we do to not speak up yesterday like five or six different things right there and turn signals to me that someone is having difficulty saying what they wanted to say regardless of whether you're like in high school your whole life I just recognized times where I did those things<br> totally human stuff to do when my wife was young with the two kids there when she's at her mom's group and the funny thing about it is one of the kids mom was talking about you why your kid was freaked out the other kids with somewhere with her kid because she was eating crayons and the other moms going to do that to absolutely so what I want people to understand and the reason I'm able to describe it is because so many people do it right or somebody might give you a compliment and you go out know they want to tell you what it's kind of cool or need person that you are and you don't know know know know and have the thought in your head if you really knew me you never say that that's another example that you were not speaking up your not being authentic and and letting people know who you really are like I said I think there's Seventeen or eighteen different things that I've list off that people can identify to your point they can identify themselves as having this kind of a challenge<br> I just thought of that one too<br> that happens a lot of people we all know but ever since I was little I had that issue when people giving<br> no, I'm off duty in that way we know what are the things that you talked about in your book new strategies for moving through Beyond grief particularly disguise grief but what I found as I did the work of Psychotherapy with client that more often than not if they were staying with me long-term I began to understand that Psychotherapy was a grieving process<br> and if there were a lot of things that could have went unnoticed so the way to understand this guy is grief it's the grief if you will about the gap between what we dreamed of what we wanted what we desired what we needed<br> and what we really got so in that is disguised agree but a couple different things too kind of parse out here I think of grief generally speaking as comprised of at least four feelings<br> and the for feelings are sadness helplessness anger and disappointment<br> so if someone is experiencing any one of those individually or some combination collectively<br> again we don't answer I think of sadness is grieving or disappointment is I'm grieving or anger as I'm grieving but that's the way I think of it that's some measure of that is great or we can call Latrice and the disguise grief for me is known into I would take two kind of two major ways one is what I call through grease signal words<br> so at what every signal Works their words like bitterness holding grudges desire for Revenge jealousy Envy pessimism cynicism<br> sarcasm sometimes is long-standing hurts I mean it's a long list and so that underneath those words think of jealousy is this guy is great because underneath that is some probably some sadness helplessness anger disappointment<br> are the same with bitterness and resentment<br> underneath is one of those for one or more of those for feelings so it's almost like an N I'm just paraphrasing tell me if I get this wrong but I work with somebody who lost their husband early and I was safer 67 years of me knowing her I think she was still upset at him for passing away the fact that she didn't used to handle the business he handled all in all got dumped on her as well and because she had to jump right into dealing with all that I don't think she ever got the deal with his passing absolutely love Lots grease there and then that could happen if you had a situation where you got taken advantage of whether be financially or somewhere else or even when you're little maybe you got passed over for that promotion or somebody submarines you at the office and you still got to work there but you got to deal with all that<br> so that's one way of knowing so that those degree signal words is one way of knowing to the two what you're starting to describe there is I also use five other categories to help someone understand the skies breathe for me it's the categories of grieving over what you got and didn't deserve<br> so that might be the bad stuff that might be growing up in a chaotic or an abusive home or neglectful home it's grieving over what you deserved and didn't get so that might be missing the nurturance the ongoing praise the compliments that appear mindedness all that kind of stuff support and nobody showing up for your meats or your competitions or is grieving over what never was meaning kind of the past and circumstances of your early life and in this case probably missed opportunities<br> is grieving over what is not now<br> that same thing back some circumstances of your current life and then the last one is grieving over what may never be<br> so that the the person who lost her husband early probably had many layers of brief<br> we're going to have to take a quick break here got to pay some bills we have you right back with dr. Rosenberg we're going to talk to her about a Rosenberg reset you're going to want to stick around for that because of the wonderful tools that you can take your heart and then we'll talk about how you can connect with dr. Rosenberg as well as a painter book to stick with this repair right back with more Steven receive more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show me to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be cost me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is posted with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us as saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton they welcome back to the shaving with Steve sure when we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything on this early so you having a happier or healthier relationship with money I want to encourage you to connect with our Affiliates UK Health radio BBS Radio AM FM 247 talk radio New York City as well as I am FM 360 TV which is our new connection with us they're all dedicated to helping you live a life of financial personal freedom if you'd like to go to see more episodes you can go to saving this deep. You was for you if you want to just follow us on Facebook go to saving with Steve texting and we'll look forward to seeing you there now we have more with dr. Joel Rosenberg we've been talking about 90 seconds to a life you love how to mask your difficult feelings to call pay the last in confidence resilience in off<br> anticipate now dr. Rosenberg has a process she's used call the Rosenberg reset okay it's been trademark it's wonderful you know what dr. Rosenberg could you tell us a little bit about it and then going to the five key steps for unleashing your confidence to unpleasant or difficult feelings<br> and the reset involves kind of a thing of it is a Formula One Choice 8 feelings 90 seconds and A1 Choice has to do with being aware of as opposed to avoiding your experience or avoiding appealing and most people handle Pleasant feelings well is the unpleasant ones that they don't so my focus is predominantly on the unpleasant feeling the key here is that a and want somebody to be as aware of her in touch with as much of their moments moments parents as possible as opposed to distracting like through social media food sex porn shopping having feelings about having feelings anxiety heart self-criticism the list that I think I've 35 different ways that we distract when people don't deal with these feelings and obviously they avoid them for a long time these do end up creating health issues and other manifestations that cry<br> absolutely true I watch people get back ache stomach aches different kinds of pains they develop addictive problems like substance use or shopping or gambling or you name it they can go on and on and so yes and so that it creates a number of other psychological problems they increased anxiety and then they also might come up with bodily complaints as opposed to dealing with the emotion that's it it's really good to know you're there so many people in a leading into the feeling choosing into awareness as opposed to avoid and I want you to be aware and in touch with what's going on the 2nd and is the eight feelings feelings I talked about all the time or sadness shame helplessness anger vulnerability embarrassment disappointment and frustration and the most common question I get is like why these eight<br> and for me it's because these eight feelings represent the kind of most common everyday spontaneous reactions to things not turning out the way we want or the way we believe they need to turn out so it's it is unpleasant or undesired emotional outcome so it we don't want and that's what we would also identified as being hurt by somebody hurt me and I'm left feeling sad or disappointed or whatever it is so it's a really late every day Miss at least feelings is why I chose them and then the last part is the 90 s Pizza play the method if you will for leaning up and what that involves has been understanding that one or one interconnected whole our brain is always beating information to our body our bodies always beating information to a brain so we need to keep in mind that those aren't desperate things or connected the second is to understand that most of us<br> come to know what we feel emotionally through bodily sensation<br> so think about for instance feeling embarrassed and you have heat that heat sensation in your face somebody might see red and flushed but you are feeling heat heat is the bodily sensation<br> and what what I end up we can identify their for lots of other feelings too so it may be sadness feels like a heaviness in the chest but you have to stop and think about kind of how what and where you might experience feelings for yourself with those bodily Sensations are that help you know what you're feeling but the key that this all turned on a few things is realizing that it wasn't that we didn't want to feel the whole range of what we felt what I realized is that we didn't want to feel the bodily Sensation that helped us know what we were feeling emotionally so that when people started to ignore unpleasant feeling her to shut down on them or distracting them what they were trying to distract from was the bodily Sensation that help them know the feeling the last part of it than the 90 s part is to understand that in order to lean into unpleasant feelings or Pleasant ones for that matter to<br> it means you're going to be riding short-lived bodily sensation wax so a dr. Jill bolte Taylor talked about that when the feeling gets triggered that there's this Russia by Al chemicals into the body into the bloodstream that actually activate the bodily Sensations we've been talking about and those same biochemicals flush out of the bloodstream in roughly an upper limit of 90 seconds so any given bodily sensation way or any given feeling emotional feeling that is going to last too roughly an upper limit of 90 seconds and most people go out well I can handle that s great now you can lean into your feelings my my a system is kind of the think about the Art Van of the Rosenberg reset it's that if you can ride<br> one or more and I'll exercise the more one or more short-lived bodily sensation waves<br> of one or more of a unpleasant feelings you can go pursue anything you want I think one of the big keys there is just to understand it only lasts for a short. Of time that's it and for those people are going to hey when am I going to get over this and they just keep it up in their head and now there's a process where hey this is going to happen I understand is going to happen but I understand something to last this long I can deal with that right how do the whole thing around link what people describe his lingering feelings to I would have lasted for decades will actually the feelings haven't lasted for decades you were thinking or remembering certain experiences that it keep on activating that say Lou is what is part of what's driving the triggers that they have identified at this point but I talked about 3 in the book but I think I would die<br> at least five ways where we have the experience of lingering feelings<br> well we got about an inch and a half of overtime left your book is currently on Amazon I know it's an international best-selling book it's on Kindle it's hardback people can go there and get it if somebody would like to reach out to you how do they go about doing it was the best thing is probably to go to my website dr. Joel there's a contact sheet there so that they can reach out to me via that or if they want to follow me on Instagram and direct message me on Instagram most of what and on on my social media platforms it's pretty much dr. Joel Rosenberg you can find that on Instagram or Twitter or any of those kinds of places and especially Instagram would probably get to me so somebody who's dealing with emotions like this you know almost as a daily routine or Rhythm like in the morning do some sort of a 90-second reset or just do that when the emotion comes upon them<br> notice the reaction it doesn't have to be done separately just do it when you know it's a reaction and the key here would be to breathe into it so you're noticing you're reacting to something happen you got disappointed you noticed you disappointed normally back away instead notice a disappointment breathe into it so you'll actually laugh yourself to experience the feeling just slow deep breathing up fast breathing and then see if you can notice what the feeling is and what is attached to and then if you have a little bit more time you can actually go g is there any pattern to this one of my reaction to what triggered me and how do I want to make use of what I'm feeling a butt do when it happens you don't have to necessarily practice it ahead of time dr. Rosenberg thank you for joining us today and for everybody listening you want to go out to Amazon the book 90 seconds till the life you love how to master your difficult feelings to cultivate lasting confidence resilience and authenticity you definitely want to get the book it'll make a difference in your life. Rosenberg thank you for joining us today<br> thank you for sharing your wisdom and your 40 years worth of experience and I wish you safety healthiness and prosperity thanks for joining us today it's an honor again I would encourage you to reach out go to Amazon go to where we can take a look at her book 90 seconds till I feel of how to match of the difficult feelings to cultivating last in confidence resilience and authenticity next week we have Nicole shaver she's a mixologist she's going to talk to us about how I want to look forward to seeing you next week right here on saving with Steve they say stay healthy bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about<br> everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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