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RADIO TONI, May 6, 2020

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with Toni Lontis and Natasha Morales and Peter Wallman

RADIO TONI with Toni Lontis and Natasha Morales and Peter Wallman, Passion Maps

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Guest, Peter Wallman

Guest Name
Peter Wallman
Pater Wallman
Guest Occupation
Director, author and investor of Passion Maps
Guest Biography

Peter Wallman is the author of best selling “The Wisdom of Passion” and inventor of Passion Mapping™ which enables individuals, pairs and groups to connect with their deepest essence and to generate clarity about what is most important and fulfilling for them. He is a world leader in techniques to discover, ignite and direct passion in people and organizations.

He has facilitated projects in many different Organizational Development situations including leadership development, team building, innovation, coaching and OD strategy. He has led Passion Mapping™ Retreats for one of the world’s leading consulting firms for senior executives of diverse geographical locations and cultural backgrounds. As principal facilitator of Passion Maps™, he personally trains and accredits practitioners. Peter also leads retreats designed to unleash the collective genius of leaders. 

Peter worked in multiple roles and industries before focusing on the power of passion for improving organizational performance. One of these roles was 10 years serving as CEO of an international investment bank. 


Radio Toni with Toni Lontis
Show Host
Toni Lontis

Radio Toni is hosted by Toni Lontis, author of Resilience – Memoir of a broken little girl discovering a women of strength and beauty. She is Australia’s rising talkback radio queen, who is not afraid to facilitate interviews across the more difficult conversations of our day, bringing her brand of social consciousness to the airwaves.

Radio Toni is a community of like-minded people who are dedicated to making their life journey inspirational, wanting to leave a legacy for others.

Toni is an inspirational woman who has dedicated her life’s work to helping women and the men who love them to find their passion, purpose and voice.

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