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Radio Toni Every Day Business with Christine Stow, January 24, 2021

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Radio Toni Every Day Business with Christine Stow
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What are some of the steps to igniting your passion

Radio Toni Every Day Business with Christine Stow with Toni Lontis

I started business in 2016 when I started coaching. I wanted to get into work. I have a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Business Administration. I have been National Sales Manager with a lot of responsibility, but I could not find a job because of my caring responsibilities. Too qualified for a routine job but not available enough for my old job. I knew that I had skills & abilities just not the traditional 9 - 5 time that employers expect. I wanted to use my skills and help others so I did a coaching course. It was not until I wrote Grants Made Easy that I realised that women had passion & purpose but were not quite finding a way to Ignite that Passion to Bring their passion to life. So Ignite Your Passion was born

Ignite your passion.

The definition of Passion is – its an adjective. having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling; fervid: a passionate advocate of socialism. intense or vehement, as emotions or feelings: passionate grief

arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation).

  1. What does ignite your passion mean to you Christine?

  2. How did this idea come to you? From all your discussion with women and talking about what motivated them

  3. Where does passion come from? – subject matter (music, a cause etc) sense of mission, solving a problem, people are a source of passion, linked to purpose,

  4. What are some of the advantages of knowing your purpose? It’s a practical application of your passion and values, helps you realise inspirational and meaningful goals, inspires you, provides motivation, gives you a way forward, helps you filter what to say yes to and what to say no to. Unleashes your potential in a meaningful way.

  5. What are some of the steps to igniting your passion? – live the feeling of being worthy of happiness and deserving of success, answer the passion question( what would you do if you thought you couldn’t fail), visualise your achievements before you have them (vision board), don’t listen to what other people say, they don’t have your passion, its unique to you, keep an eye on the prise and don’t lose sight of what you want to achieve, hang around with successful people and cute negativity from your life, focus on your strengths and your transferable skills, clarity of purpose, purpose fuels passion.

  1. Who do you work with?

  2. How do you help? – clarity, make a plan, let go of fear

  3. Now lets talk about the 10 week group course you have coming up?

  4. Where do people find out about the group?

  5. WHO’s it for

  6. What will you be coaching them on?

  7. The course and where to find you and the links to the course?

Radio Toni Every Day Business with Christine Stow

Radio Toni Every Day Business with Christine Stow
Show Host
Christine Stow

Supporting Women to be empowered to make a contribution while working around their responsibilities… to realize their true value. Life is all about choices. You choose how you live each day. I chose to wake up and live the best life I can. I can wake up grumpy every day at what life has thrown at me with Imyjens disabilities or I can wake up and embrace each day. It does not make a difference to Imyjen if I am sad or happy - so I might as well be the best I can be.

My mission is to Light up the Pathway to Ignite the Passion of 1000 women in the next 5 years! To see women find their gifts and use them to realize a profit so they can live the life of their dreams, so they can afford those little extra luxuries, take the kids on a holiday, help them buy that house or buy that nice dress you wished you could always afford.

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