Supporting Women to be empowered to make a contribution while working around their responsibilities… to realize their true value. Life is all about choices. You choose how you live each day. I chose to wake up and live the best life I can. I can wake up grumpy every day at what life has thrown at me with Imyjens disabilities or I can wake up and embrace each day. It does not make a difference to Imyjen if I am sad or happy - so I might as well be the best I can be.
My mission is to Light up the Pathway to Ignite the Passion of 1000 women in the next 5 years! To see women find their gifts and use them to realize a profit so they can live the life of their dreams, so they can afford those little extra luxuries, take the kids on a holiday, help them buy that house or buy that nice dress you wished you could always afford.