RADIO TONI Every Day Business with Christine Stow

Supporting Women to be empowered to make a contribution while working around their responsibilities… to realize their true value. Life is all about choices. You choose how you live each day. I chose to wake up and live the best life I can. I can wake up grumpy every day at what life has thrown at me with Imyjens disabilities or I can wake up and embrace each day. It does not make a difference to Imyjen if I am sad or happy - so I might as well be the best I can be.
My mission is to Light up the Pathway to Ignite the Passion of 1000 women in the next 5 years! To see women find their gifts and use them to realize a profit so they can live the life of their dreams, so they can afford those little extra luxuries, take the kids on a holiday, help them buy that house or buy that nice dress you wished you could always afford.
Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting
Radio Toni Every Day Business with Christine Stow , January 24, 2021 | What are some of the steps to igniting your passion |
Radio Toni Every Day Business with Christine Stow , January 17, 2021 | Lessons you learnt whilst in your council position. What were some of the key learnings |
Radio Toni Every Day Business with Christine Stow , January 10, 2021 | Grants Made Easy, how it started, what it started as and what led to the program that is Empowering Women |
Radio Toni Every Day Business with Christine Stow , December 6, 2020 | Christine Stow, Grants Made Easy |
Christine Stow: Speaker, Author, Community Consultant: When Christine found out something was wrong with her daughter at three months of age, she had to reinvent herself. Since then, she has been Elected to Council, written her story, completed an MBA, established support Programs and a Special School. From Lab Tech, to sales, to Carer to Councilor – she now speaks to Women to find their passion, uncover their purpose and turn it into business gold. Supporting Women to be empowered to make a contribution while working around their responsibilities… to realize their true value.