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Project Review With Q, September 7, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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with Q

Project Review With Q

Part 61

Project Review With Q

Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

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BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

alright welcome welcome welcome thank you so much for joining me again lost you today is in there so fun thank you so much everyone for joining me within another great place time-space largay thank you for joining me for the homesteading side a Q and an the timelines
really it's really valuable for all of us to coordinating collaborate thank you baby has radio for the people. Space that we get with the spirit as well understanding of how calibration reconfiguration of spirit and our light in these type of physical bodies and never chub
never to limit our capabilities it's just amazing that I get to talk to you every day and all day and how I me presents works as we are all was referring to each other and understanding each other and individuality it's incredible
incredible a responsibility or incredible understanding to have individuality and now we get to play with that we get to play and play and play and however we want to do it and that's why great encouragement with trq
let's just constantly keep playing and this is our collaboration Center
and play with it as long as we like thank you so much for feeling my information if BBS is Inspire like us you could call 888-627-6008 and I can't wait to chat with you in such a bunch of bugs
great great observations today or I'm going to shows
and I realize that I can do a better job of ESP bas radio anytime you get some calls and please I'll take them thank you so much you're my way behind sorry I see them all thank you feel so honored that you would call me to do a Leti is a component of us and so I can do a better job of if life is
is all of us there's just one body of lights that is now experiencing individuality which I'm calling Duality because you're on a dualistic planet
the dark is not an identity it is of us because we Empower at least she'll it so that's why I'm a fool for you and omnipresent cuz I can actually go back and forth back and forth back and forth so just because I haven't ate I can observe on the presence doesn't exclude you from being able to do that either you're able to do it too so our net are natural Knowledge Center steals the knowledge coming through your heart center then you express yourself is all you have to concern yourself so I'm going to go ahead and
make a decision today to come on the Cherokee show because I want to fix the roads in my city
is inspiration that's that's normal and choir with all of you
the opportunities for light beings like yourself
is to remove darkness by not participating with it and give the dark opportunities so if we're all one omnipresence
then we really can reduce the presence of darkness is what I'm doing my best to explain so I'm sorry if I have not done a good job communicating.
Because this is truly that were using linguistically is designed to do that as well so the only way you'll find truth in my words as if you can actually feel the thank you so much just take some calls prq is going well if you are cute seeing as working their tails off to help you and one of the tools obviously you can see the homesteading
if I can get you free on this planet I'm going to do it I really feel that's fun for me I'm inspired I have the intention I'll do everyday all day I will do my best to your queue team will do their best to get you another Advance we're calling him in advances towards freedom in relationship to not letting anyone touch you on a place on this planet we work on it every day we love it we love it you deserve your own place on this planet that's that's what we do is get you guys really really free so that we can do collaboration centers Healing Centers in and all networking and the ability to share resources so if you have too much Lumber one day and another guy is chili eggs
you can just be and or if you want to use money there's that's that's not a negative either it's just the way we are intentions keep rolling fuel the energetics and synchronicity and the motivation with manifestation is very very obvious if we keep our attention pure Duality does not participate with us hope that made sense thank you so much thank you for the call or I'll start was called thank you so much and thank you for joining prq Kevin from Florida question about homesteading Kevin what do you have my my man
l o q how you doing
good glad to hear your voice again thank you so much nice to hear yours too beautiful beautiful day to you I'm part of Kerry's group and I have an update for you and a couple of questions if I may ask
so far we have team members ready to pull certified copies in 36 States and we're still working to get all 50 states covered and everyone's ready to go but we haven't received our training packets yet so we're wondering if you can give us any information on when we might expect to receive it and are you still planning on making phone calls to the 10 groups or testing a process
yeah so how do you know you're one of the 10
what do you mean what I mean. I mean I can't I can't just I can't just choreograph what I'm going to do if if if I have to give aliens are truly chasing me and killing me every month I can actually tell the truth like it's not no no I wish you wasn't that I wish it wasn't that bad but it's pretty much keeping you guys safe but
trust that great care is taken right now right so let's not worry about it I'm just know that everything is going to happen
now can you tell me about your progress can you tell me my progress around 36 Days of pulling Homestead so you've you're gone to have your Land Management all sorts of Doc's that correct
well you know Carrie is kind of doing a lot of the workload for us at this point in time and so I know that she has pulled some certified copies especially in the area that she's that so and I really don't want to speak for Carrie cuz I really do not know but I do know we have not received the package yet and we're super excited and we were just kind of curious as to when we might expect that so that was that was one of our questions and I got to love
why because you want it you bet you bet we want it and then said I was going to show up I really want this baby
yes we do we will be very hot fun is that how fun is that so why was it so
it is it is going to show up it is going to I Love It
I'm sorry are you still planning on making phone calls to the 10 groups or testing the process though I mean I guess I want to know of
your fiance so look at the tool that we're using right now
we're using BBS radio do you know they've expanded their phone lines because of U of A
yeah so so we have a little look how this is growing very sure and steady nice trend-setting so how many people could I touch if I said on the phone all day
not very many as you are doing right now with the radio program that's sure I love so just watch what if you want Watch What Happens here so we we use the resources we have here and keep collaborate since the club racing Center what's working what's not working but just keep the dialogue going we want to get going I don't have enough information is what I'm hearing so far we want to do the steps that you're suggesting is what I'm hearing so far so now we just keep pulling on each other what do I want so I'll never ask anything of you
I'll just suggest things how we might go forward okay
yes okay you did mention the four step process we were wondering if those might be pulling the certified copies hosting the Public Notices taking possession and then defending succession and I have to take great care here as the guinea pigs are rolled in and you all are are one of them
is that we can be proactive at making sure we take we take great care of educating ourselves so that I don't have to be accountable or anybody else
or sending them to process so
what's your Sinker is they'll be they'll be an opportunity now to observe how there might be a counteraction I said might so that everybody knows how to get free
who's the guy that wants to stop us
catch my drift
yeah I do I do have truly
so this is just looks are on the side of patience and understanding what the first thing you can do that will guarantee you advancing is get your own Homestead where you reside if you rent possessed land want to go to another place my suggestion is make sure you take possession of a homestead that you cannot wait to live on if you're trying to survive on a place you don't really want to survive on
it's not going to be as successful as where you want actually live it's do you really want to live in Montana you pull a homestead there in the session of your energetix now we'll make it out there way more efficient then I'm going in foreclosure and I have to save the farm and I don't even like the farm isn't going to work anymore
okay that makes sense
is there a so absolutely it sure does just just just because I can't afford the mortgage doesn't help you in succession is what I'm doing my best to explain yes you'll get a package don't worry about it okay well we are all of us in this group is very excited to participate and collaborate with the prq game at just thank you thank you thank you so much for including our group as as guinea pigs we appreciate it thank you thank you so much
I know not a number me so thank you very much I love you and you have fun my love you Kevin thank you Kevin Kevin Kevin didn't have any jokes to tell to say okay we'll move on BBS thank you carry thank you carry as well you guys are a great tool and resource so as you can see we get to we get to learn about this group in there it could be perceived as on this urgency but it's it's it's really not there just thirsty for information about you guys doing unnecessary when you work with me and many cases the mail can be delay
if it's no fun lot of attention on myself in the group and we don't have a delineation of time so just because this show happens every week doesn't mean we're in the same time as you so we don't we don't understand time so if we're late for something we don't understand that whatsoever we have no capability of it so that I'll remind everybody let's go to Canada you so much for your help from Canada about Cloud shapes and targeted individuals Cloud shifts Lenora from Canada please explain the show again today thank you for the incredible work you're all doing including BBS in a q team and the delineation of the new programs that you've separated out it's just been a wonderful resource to help understand and consume all of this vast information
yeah I called you that I seen in in our neighborhood what you're very distinctive and I'm they follow along with Ron evertron have shown and they look exactly like what he said and they're very clearly that are not normal Cloud just curious are they would they be inhabited by physical beings and if so are they deaf Are they always malevolent or could they be benevolent at the time a great question thank you so much so most of most of the diversity youth waned is like a kaleidoscope it just keeps changing all the time so if the one the one opportunity have is to explore benevolent
benevolence does not participate in your dimension reality if it's been never went it would be in your dimension rally does that make sense
I'm not can you repeat that it doesn't then I would be in your halogens benevolent beings would be there I'm going to go be Jim Jones from Georgia are their vessels are their vessels sighting
really bad guys in the in the are absolutely there is and there are presume to be benevolent now I argue that
if you're going to keep fighting these dark beings who have their own agenda and by the way then you're no better than that would be one way to look at it
most of the negative ships that you're seeing are utilizing the energetic from your planet to stay in this Dimension so I will give you that so if I have a river mouth if I have a mountain if I live or to see most of the portals that there utilizing to get in here are all shut down so they can't get out of here so their base with survival for them in the only way for them to survive is to go to the light to be like you so you need to quit screwing around with our Consciousness already because they can't actually but their their opposing us because there won't go to the light
to sustain life they're using the planetary energetic like like a river mouth coming into the ocean they really like those and that's what keeps their vessels field. That's the most common one and then the good guys were claiming are good US military no push him out to sea and they'll usually have to go to the other dimensions because they can't resonate with the ocean cuz it's too high frequency with the can with the rivers say it's a constant study any other questions question of Duty yep it's more related to energetic cording or dark magic or even targeted individuals if especially those that may be holding more light if they are experiencing a kind of chaotic or havoc in their lives whether it's legally or financially that's kind of Beyond Reason
and it could be related 300 energetic cording with one or more individuals or dark magic being practiced or even that they've been targeted by the system with some selves you know through identification of the energy field or their DNA is there anything that that those people can do other than doing commands to
to invoke the light the energy that would rectify the situation they're living in and and take control and eliminate the ability for these dark being / energy to continue to have power in their lives
can you already know the answer and I think I was thinking commands stop thank you stop information if we would stop thinking the Heart Center will displace the receiving of so much of her so he can't stop thinking that's your clue that you're being abducted because I can abduct you at 1% of thought or 100% so when I slap your face and I call you names let's call that an emotional psychic attack all the same time but what if you're just sitting on your couch and you can't stop thinking in perfect peace and harmony
is there any In-N-Outs in so if we can stop thinking
and then make decisions from the car core or core knowledge it all goes away
beautiful Epic Center in and I think what you just answered is that is why dragging someone through a financial catastrophe legal court system is so effective because it's so difficult for these people are that may not realize they're thinking so much to stop thinking when they're dealing with documents does that is that possible that's why it's so effective at abduction we could do this all day could we now reality that be you how would I get into your dimensional reality if I can't stay what if what if
we understood mention reality and the negative individuals were coming in with lower dimensional shift trying to stay with us getting us to believe that they're actually there and get into your mind because they want to deduct the soul spirit
what is that what is what's going on
they can't they can't stay with us unless we make them that's how powerful we are they want to stay with you there trying to keep up with house where were fast food were super powerful so I I need another court case to stay with you don't I
yeah and I guess to to to put someone in a state where they're in fear with legal system / Financial woes which we know are two of the great tools and work hand-in-hand actually the banks and and a lot legal system would be a great way to keep them out of Peace energy and down in the in in the weeds and in the end the month where they like to play and where they like to keep the people there for the soul isn't able to to store the spirit isn't able to soar and they are much more comfortable does that make them I getting that right
do a dualistic planets like this
designed and engineered if there is such a statement to get you to react to the Past
nothing more nothing less okay thank you thank you much love it really explains it much love and deepest gratitude to you and the entire team thank you so much talk to you or love to you about Stanley questions to be a service job today please call in Syracuse for thank you truly from Turkey what time is it in Turkey right now questions about healing self to leave from Turkey now do you feel like a turkey when you say you're from Turkey
no I was wondering if I don't know you're beautiful
three are we there
do you hear me yes please
yes I've been having migraines for absolutely years and getting worse and I didn't come on all day long for months and I really don't know why am I doing wrong or what is going on and it's getting everywhere now and I can't do I have so many projects that I want to do but I can't even think about them because I'm getting eaten all the time so what you tell me what is really going on today
yes please
alright where in Turkey are you if you can help me out a little bit
I am in Bodrum area in Egyptian
so let's let me get closer to you do you mind doing this on the air
you know okay so let's make sure we're settled all right
yeah okay hang on a second okay repeat after me
hey man my spirit
I command my splits
to remove anything in me
to remove anything in me now
that's not a ton ton pick me or tan 60 me now
I command my spirits to remove anything in me
to remove everything in me is not me now that is not me now till after me 5
5 or
for free
Guam now
all right we got to do it just breathe now just breathe just breathe just breathe just breathe please don't talk
that's not important how I can see it just keep breathing but I get off the phone now because the electronics are are really big trouble for you so the dirty power that we we see in your area is going to have a bye so you're going to you're just like a magnet to the carrier waves of radio is got to get it out and Country Town & Country I get off the radio right now I love you I love you I love you
do you feel better thank you thank you I love you thank you
call Brian thank you
charge that we charge for each other
do it for everybody that was a good one from update photo from Idaho back on the scene from Idaho line for I believe
hello my beloved friend how are you today my love to you what's going on in Idaho it's my own private Idaho or somebody thought that they should tell everybody that important Idaho what the place to be at the little smoky but you know that's another time line actually has been or he asked the questions I volunteered also to ask but I had another one in my back pocket and it's regarding the 2020 and I absolutely love it and you told us that it works because it's from our planet and here's my question
yesterday I make fire cider with a friend and my daughter and it was using organic produce herbs that I grow myself I make a lot of herbal tinctures and Herbal Remedies bombs and styled what's the difference
or is there any between using something like Nana's, which is from our planet and saves that I know a lot of the people that listen to you and are on your team make create and use daily is there any difference
so most of thank you very much but so most planets that you it is a very lit so much longer story that I'm going to give it time for today forgive me but you'll be able to pull the old Iran knowledge after we discuss it
the way of genetics work and or epigenetics work the way you align with Planet you can assume that you're just exchanging the participation with the planet drink water all day you eat food all day of the environment was your mess with or not doesn't really have
it really isn't that big a deal because of how powerful the light is through you so adapting to your biosphere is all you're really doing their only reason I've adapted excuse me
said Nana Selma's the only thing out all over and Doris is because now you get it you get to really get to see if your intentions are pure and the exchange of
minerals in water through you and or your planet minerals and Waters those are all energetic so you are all yours
so Nano sell my the reason I endorse it is so that you could prove that something's happening I'm never going to endorse that something outside yourself sure you more than you all go and record a thousand times and everyone will change my words that look good with it you're the most powerful thing on this planet so can you make a batch so when we we make our own side orders as well or whenever I took or make up in our lovemaking sauces when you look at maybe the Jewish Community other trainees that said this is kosher sure they gave it named stuff but that is part of the intentional exchange when you give energetics to side of your making the other night or otherwise you're going to get that because you forgot my water so water and has memory you for at least a thousand
will the people who make someone we don't know if it will sustain itself we don't know if those people will always be good
but they're doing their best and so you're going to get the The Exchange that's why we need a grocery story you might find a pickle jar that says kosher and it's really positive and then you find another pickle jar that says it's it's kosher and its negative back that is where you're going you're not you're not human your Living spirit through the expression of does that make sense
makes total sense so intention when we are making our
whatever from her from with love in our hearts are intention as a lot to do with it
you're God you're able to make flowers grow you're able to change the dexterity of the room you're in It's The Neverending Story at all sources around you
everything is very powerful right now out how do we utilize it is all I'm that's why I'm doing this just how do we utilize it now let's put its work with our true intentions when you say yes I love that thank you so much kill somebody else come on thank you thank you thank you with all the love in my heart and a mermaid sits Below in the mermaid says hello and love you very much thank you thank you thank you it's a great privilege and an honor Syracuse starting to turn out to be pretty good show Sushi colors people got the message we got Australia
Australia with us we got we got Love Lucy so I got to keep BBS bouncing can we did both Aundrea from PA got to be Pennsylvania questions about where do andreea andreea from PA
Aloha your Canucks fan or penguin fan
well it's wonderful to be with you right now if and I love that will thank you and of course we are your friends Andrea and Karen who love you so much and Karen's over at her place and I'm sitting here talking to you but we both wanted to to say hi and tell you we love you all the time what are you what are you working on today what are you working on well I am choosing a new beautiful place to live and feel free and if I don't have possession of that place now how do I proceed in homesteading differently than if I were to homestead land that I am in possession up
okay great question so we are working real hard at it so I could okay so I'll give you a summary if I was has homeless I lived in a in a van down by the river which has happened if I went and told Al and Pat Mahomes dad of a geography I wanted and I filed it with your county and then went on the land
even if the people live their claimed they had title to the land you have a hell of a time getting me off that land and that's what I do not suggest we do so that we do with Grace because you have federal law backing you up so your Homestead laws are far more powerful than any County laws and somehow we made our County's super powerful so could I so we're we're watching how the counties react to us
right now I will have a straight answer for you very soon but if you read if you're the successor of a homestead whether you're in possession of it or not I prefer that you be in possession of it cuz it's so far all of those been very clean but if you do not have possession of the land and you Homestead it
looks really good that you could displace the individuals on there now to these people toil for years and decades to own that property and build their home would that feel good
well I wasn't thinking of homesteading an occupied place I was kind of thinking of maybe there's something somewhere that was has been unoccupied or has been unoccupied for a really long time I don't want her a hundred percent go nuts with that so that's that's what we're studying should we just favor the vacant lands were studying national parks one of the prq team members let me make sure I get the term right there are areas that have County Parcels on them in America
identify the chain of title through mortgage companies or Insurance Title Insurance Company never defined as national monuments and so there is the potential to make an entire County a national monuments example and then everyone has lost title not to but they have to retitle Real by themselves as a pet deer Homestead for the United States United States a lot of countries are like to see if we just have to reprocess our understanding of title is is basically what I believe they're not what you just said so if you want to go out in the woods and nobody owns that property per se yet somebody owns that property they don't live on it I go nuts with it don't even
I am and you call it yours and you put the 60-day notice it's you go you go that's what is a 60-day what is a 60-day notice
again will be publishing this stuff but I'm sneaking up on this cuz I have a way to mass-produce the information so I want to see who's who's who's everybody's like your Lake you know I'm actually watching the guys that don't like us and are trying to slow us down so forgive me for that I have to get to take great care because some of you guys got documents sent me a dip so I'll get them when I get to watch The Ding Dongs at once you put once you probably should have the post office or in the newspaper in Intercourse should you pick up a newspaper know. That's why I keep putting any place you put a sign I have the sign in the packages for you to to put up the bay see what that says if you if you think you have higher title to me for severely have the patent documents
no one's been a successor and Federal Federal title a lot of time in that 60 days that's the time in which someone's got to say give you a notice saying this isn't your land because I have a lot of title so have you gotten that far you can guarantee you no one has a lot of title and or federal gotten can abilities
so that's what we're practicing out how people react at the county level when we do that with the bank's do when we do that and so we're getting a lot of lot of patterns down and they only have they only have one tool
I have title insurance to the count in a processor to the county the county doesn't matter, has nothing to do with it so you probably the wrong way and it's so getting practice we don't want to defend ourselves so anyway. That's that's what they look like and yeah we we have template already made for you and we can mass-produce them just want to make sure we take care of here so that I don't get bludgeon in your eyes and I've done this the right way so that you are truly truly our intentions are truly manifested because you have faith in you doing
yes yes and is it best to go there in person
like I don't mind getting in my car and driving to the office and getting it in person I'm everywhere but right now I'm on the east coast and I can drive there at D is it is it doesn't matter whether we do it online I don't mind driving there and going in person to doing this anything on this computer directly to a human is then you can get moles will coffee
so don't just get one get an entire territory because you'll be helping your neighbor too and we can all start start educating people what it's like to actually get our land back so when you said get a ton of them you mean like
maybe I might do five acres that includes my name state of Idaho you could do that
ask for the land patent identifiers
so you all you're going to call you all were saying is can I have all the townships that were originally homesteaded in the state of Idaho County you can do whatever you want they don't like a parcel of Land Management does not speak County they only speak to her towards so you have to get used to look at latitude longitude territories Willamette range etc etc cuz they're just going to look at a geographies differently than the county is now the bank's love when they can give you a square area whereas the Bureau of Land Management's going to give you a territory pull a bunch, they'll give you some when you go in there microfiche is
are there computers in there they're going to show you the geographies they have because some and Idaho still want to install that one but there's places and I know that have never been patented
okay home soon as I should say so you can't you got the you're going to talk it's up there Montana most of that spend homesteaded all of Washington's really strong but but just look at the microfiche by map in which Turtle has been home since you're going to see grits be tons of grain and 160 Acres every one of those grid has a homestead and a document that says Joe Blow homesteaded and here's the Declaration you can pull them all I'll be there for you and now it's just a matter if there is a successive so if Joe Blow and his grandson was smart enough to be a successor and we homesteaded you don't want that one right to somebody knows how to do it so you were here just looking for 6 session which piece of property you want and if it's not occupied it makes your life a lot easier and you'll have little or no problems is r a
right now yes
well you're wonderful answering all my questions thank you so much for being so detailed and thorough cuz I'm going there in person or just make friends and be really cool to be cool with them they're understaffed by Design and unfortunately but you know if I don't know where my geography is can you help me with that and you'll make friends pretty quick and as long as you make friends and just be good good good person we've experienced will accommodate they want to be educated as we've told people like why are you doing this beautiful I meant because it's public information okay
anyway have fun with that and please report. Anything else you want me to know because I'm going in person this week
who I want you to know what you know about that by now I know you just I know everything do you want to do that have fun with it I'm sewing Mahalo Mahalo dreams come true here and end in your we are free and it's just right here right here it's right here now so
yes thank you for the call I'm going to get off the phone pretty soon I'll let you know I'll let you know I'll let you know
thank you so much thanks for the call alright then keep moving on I might have time for another call here let's see let me know BBs how I'm doing cuz I'm not very good with time so that's a cool yeah so basically if you do want to Homestead and you don't have possession
you got to get really what I'm doing my best but you got to get really Savvy defending yourself in possession cuz you have all the right but the most of the counties were coming across a really aggressive saying you don't have any rides because they don't speak them so deputies are really good in evicting you Sheriff's are really bad because they do understand the deputies in the county clerk's assessor's office all these folks aren't trained federal law where is the sheriff you show up so I have a documents to arrest a sheriff unfortunate and once they receive that and normal hasn't up on their web page to get it there once they receive that they're on notice and so you want to we want to do this class and care
I thought you guys gave us this land so we can live on okay so why can't I be here proved it to me that's what I'm doing my best to in the pr cutie how are we supposed to send ourselves if we don't end in why do I have to defend myself why do I have to be to work my ass off to live on planet Earth so I'm doing my best to make it super simple for you so you don't have any problems and it's bulletproof and we don't we don't have to screw around with people who don't understand are the Integrity of spirit of being on this planet
all right Sabrina from Hawaii are you still there sorry to take so long questions about homesteading Sabina from Hawaii are you still there
I can get it all out
thank you
how is going to be affected if it's not legally a state of the United States with homesteading
oh my God who I is going to educate me there pretty quick
so meetings with the King and we're royal family are going to start changing because they're going to actually ask you what you want
and we don't need to rely on the United States government for possessing land now do we but in America to America and Shruti so when Hawaii was abducted we will we will change that has been abducted abducted we can just do all the islands. So you all have a better opportunity than we do because you can erase the Slate say we're not Americans We Are Hawaiians
but it does not negate the fact that why am I paying taxes why am I paying rent if I'm Hawaiian
45. I don't care I'm in White I'm on planet Earth kind of why am I why am I paying rent when I live on planet Earth is the salutation so anybody that has texting you and telling you I want real straight answer why cannot I not live in Hawaii without being bludgeoned by Commerce
I really wanted to never it was never like that
Tahiti Cook Islands Samoa
we should be no America Samoa you should be Samoan I have to keep I have to keep going here I can't wait to take on The Styling though trust me I will tell you salad
you have a question better better be quick she's going to kick me out and please report it back okay that that helps me to we got pretty good guy we have a we have a guy on the ground there right now pull both of them though please
okay I will
beautiful day I'll be the one to take me to call thank you for the call thank you for the call thank you thank you thank you BBS or the people does space have a beautiful day everyone see you next week