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Project Review With Q, September 28, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

Part 64

Project Review With Q

Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

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BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

I'm Live Again live and Kickin I'm alive and kicking K project have used to everybody call bury me bury me sorry BBS Thank you Bebe es ready to go okay so let me tell you where we're at with public view with q and internal support team so we're ready to go looks like the next to the van and we're going to do is healers and Farmers gardeners are we have for the help guys we have found a hemp farm that we are looking at that will probably want some support and assistance and or delegate to you the healers please call in bvsd could go if I can publish that number again so I can blast out I don't ask me why I don't write it down don't ask me why but the number is 888-627-6008 please call in<br> Inspire any and all your questions doesn't have to be projects to see if they can just want to get you a chance to chit chat with me sometimes I have the mermaid sometimes have prq came with me thanks again the phone number is 888-627-6008<br> anyway it looks like our when I look at all the attrition project you turned in<br> so we have the modular food<br> some of that works for me some of the pr Q team<br> the Mobile Food growing and so forth is is a great idea but it would seem that we don't have very many that want to do this and then we have to look at how we want to use our resources and energy I'm telling anybody that really wants to let's say<br> use the resources in a dramatic it's a very very intense project management proposition and<br> so some of you may know those people saying heard you to keep that dream alive if it is your drink that's the most part I definitely want it look forward to talking to the gentleman out of Tennessee I think we're ready to get you funding and other Resources Commission say your name on the radio but you know you are so we want to get that going and then the healers group I feel I have a l for you to standardize some healing that maybe more comprehensive to what true healing is going forward and so look forward to both of those being independent conference rooms and or what we're calling radio show so thank you so much for your patience and I'll take calls<br> let's start with<br> be nice or Denison Texas online to question curious to know Q's numerology and nice be nice is that what it is that how you say at work<br> Denny's<br> Denise I'm sorry. BBS is spelling in a feeling pick up every time because they go so fast they had four buttons at once and I love it love please what is your question<br> well I'm curious because I found over the years and I'm old is that the actual logical signs really are very Diversified even if you get people in the same astrological symbol numerology is more accurate and people are more in tune with each other and the number aspect of it so I'm sort of curious to know what your idea is regarding numerology<br> yeah and so we played with mine as we come into existence<br> the natal chart is designed and engineered to get you great it's a fantastic question so I'm going to go but the way the engineers made this type of human<br> they needed to not only an email it to your type of Planet so you're out of water Planet so your body is going to have to have predominately all water whereas if you're under a rock or sand Planet the movie Dune is quite interesting book they had to wear Hydra dating suits that's a true story because they were on a desert Planet but they were aquatic being so if you want to go live on a desert planet is example you would wear a jacket system that kept you hydrated and stay hydrated etcetera okay when you put numerology with it you have to scale it to the needle and the DNA DNA is like a clock and you and that's why we age so fast in relationship to our environment so not only are these Engineers who made her genetics<br> engineered<br> the horoscope system we might call it time system with the NATO and your DNA they now can contradict it whenever they want so when you're born on a certain day and month<br> in my case I I guarantee you most people who study this technology<br> numerics with geometry complete Black Magic and I and I know it hurts for a lot of people who practice it but geometry is the only true mass in the universe is it doesn't have numerology with it it just has space shape and no time so once you see calendar systems throughout the Universe regardless of what you'll know that there's some engineering attached to the evolution of that Society so you should be able to feel what month I was this body was born into when you listen to me what do you what do you feel it is<br> you so you should be able to figure it out<br> well so I can do that with people I know but yeah what is it you sounds to me you sound like a side to carry on but children if I would almost always have children in in the natal system I would have children Space six months apart from that if you're if it's the show we have good these guys are the next 6 months if I was to procreate now in most cases I would have a baby in June or July we somewhere right in there<br> and that proves how the needle is engineered to the Next Generation and or epigenetically controlled by numerology system and it goes all the way to all the way almost to the merkabah it is basically how big of space the merkaba is going to take up in the body and how much time is going to take to grow out of the numerology Nails DNA system<br> yes it does I've got some more work to do to look this up but that was perfect<br> okay is is there any significant 93 I'm just have one more question is there any great significance to the double digits in numerology<br> say it one more time you broke up with a B<br> I'm sorry yeah I'm just wondering if you have any significant stores there like the 11 22 33 in numerology<br> yeah it's all alien technology for abduction so the reason time-bound visualization is cuz now you can't tell actually what time it is but now you'll start praying at certain times it's my church starts turn times on certain Bells frequency they ring in church that's the reason everyone's meditating and 11 11 11 it I mean that what I just said is is poisoning everybody right now so when I that's why you shipped these magical dates to 22 is the mermaid was able to do some amazing things with two two two but it's only because who she wants it was really a on that day was enough to abduct many many people<br> and is so you have to be careful with these because we keep looking for Solutions and answers outside herself because of numerology so I'll just remind everybody again in the past you did not use new numerology in the Mayan system you did not use numerology at least to the degree you are now in the Egyptian time Atlantean times I'll go all day long. Use numerology I hope that helps<br> that's perfect okay well I appreciate that thank you so much<br> that is great call the fun for me because<br> our medical industry is is not addressing sound frequency for they sure do like numbers don't they sure do Kelly from Oregon line for question homesteading with people on two different timelines Kelly Kelly<br> hello Kelly is this a divorce you talking about<br> no it's actually my folks<br> they have a right and I've been working towards and wanting to Homestead it but they know they have a reverse mortgage they're in their 80s and their fearful of running out of money so they're super fearful of of needing to sell it wanting to let you know I'm not sure what to do if we really want you we've been waiting for this call this was a great now we get the perspective of your parents can you email me through bbst I talked to you last week on the radio so I can give me a good phone number to call you in the team's going to call you but basically what I'm hearing is your your your your your ready to go I want to do this and the folks they're not ready to go to you know what you can do this without affecting their life so they were<br> paying your mortgage they can and you still homestead it so when they when you're automatically the successor and you can get a lawyer to prove it to you what do you want to do what do you want to do<br> oh I I wanted Homestead it but so it's a reverse mortgage which adds a little more you know working as to it but you know they're talking about needing to sell it so what they require somebody get a loan until am I going to screw somebody up I wanted to just go forward and moving like as if you know that everything's going to be fine you guys are going to live out the rest of your days here<br> know if you don't have a house payment why would you need another mortgage<br> no I'm saying that they so they're living a on fixed-income Social Security and be drawing down the funds from the reverse mortgage which is running out and they're not going to be able to live on Social Security yeah moving forward of course they have a reverse mortgage<br> not mine<br> okay now we need a reverse mortgage because it pays our bills correct<br> that's what they've been doing yes okay now once you don't have any bills why do you need to work in this is this not a situation question this is a question about why we need to do this<br> if we don't have any bills<br> oh I told you I agree with you it's not to spend Healthcare<br> All right so this is this is really fun I'll talk to you offline about this but in my opinion this is an education opportunity and you can do it both ways and I'll teach you about it when I get online with you off the air is that all right<br> yeah absolutely not be great<br> it's a really quick when it's probably more just to verify what I already know but I had a pretty prominent biologist tell me that virus there's absolutely no evidence that virus exist<br> and I know that to be true I just wanted to verify it<br> so what is a virus<br> I think it's on our computers<br> yeah so so in this case this doctor says there such thing as bacterial or something your head burst to allergic that might be a favorite word but is that is that what this doctor stating there's there's bacteria but there's no such thing as a thing that jumps in you like a sea Viper something right<br> no viruses have ever been found never been never been email me make sure your phone numbers are so we can chat thank you so much love to Oregon ones cuz they've there they're going to be quick and easy<br> all right thanks for the call thing to call BBS thank you Jackie from Montana online five questions languages of the heart and symbol Jackie this is Jackie are you there<br> I am<br> Jackie I am here<br> Jackie<br> where is here I am here<br> hello<br> hello hello hello are you there and symbols please tell us more about this<br> my Easter high heels<br> Caillou<br> cool yeah yeah<br> what is that<br> Ally Ally it aside sake<br> Yahoo<br> beautiful<br> play I thank you most most babies 12 summer in there they start forgetting it but I usually work with the babies with the mothers in the mother's inevitably if they can get the baby stimulated to<br> to remember I forgot I said nobody's talking that way anymore so<br> if I can get the moms to talk to their babies then the mom learns from the baby in most cases is that kind of what you've been saying to<br> actually<br> all the sudden this language started coming through and<br> I don't quite understand it from my mind but my heart does<br> what are reasons so that's a legacy language for most of us and the reason you cannot I want I hate to use the word cannot but our ability to translate a word from our Legacy languages<br> would take like a year<br> and that's why I doesn't because the heart based symbolism that we transmit<br> it's just so rich so so looking forward to a way for us all to remember the language cuz we get so much more communication done with Miss A<br> oh yes which brings me to my second question symbols<br> is the symbol be here when he was doing a conference and its Spire it's horizontal and it spiralled one way and then hers inspired the other way and it's been trying not to Tiny and then I made art out of that symbol and it went<br> turn into other things but basically around that symbol do you know which symbol I'm talking about<br> I know very well because that is a very very very very individual to me that is our Legacy Linguistics basically we use it for ambassadorship. Particular symbol so when we come to a planetary system work we're going to present ourselves as ambassadors of Truth knowledge can you do me a favor and send me an email saying I talked to you on the show last week can you do that and give me your phone number if you're inspired<br> absolutely inspired I need to know more and just spend my whole life so I'm happy to have you interview me and Dad's too so it's really prominent for me I really excited about this topic but so I can get some more colors and if you don't if you don't mind me calling into you I really like to talk with you okay thank you so much love love love you very much thank you so much all right that is great great stuff there so it should sound familiar to all of you you don't really have a choice in it because you're so ancient you're going to remember at least a portion of it<br> and in the constants of your language consonants are foreign to you so you just use your heart transmit is really what you just observed and the difference is you would be able to absorb that communication through your heart and so that's what you observed right there we can both understand language we were speaking and it doesn't have Absolution has no limitation and that's why I do that like that form of communication is so bad out where I'm moving on I'm moving on to Tony from New Zealand online question universal language I think we just did it again what's up Tony are you there<br> Tricare how are you<br> all my very good what a property we accent to thank you so much the last one I just a while back he told me about a universal language and I got very excited about it but I'm wanting to create them for seasonal Christians are in what way<br> I think I stood on his cousin<br> I think the question of golf he is just really in a universal language is that is that something that's what John would it be at Legacy language and and I'm sorry you know how you know they owe you know I feel like Bell when we sang bounds and connecting to<br> I wanted a better way that you can chat cuz in the body able to write any ideas on what that might look like<br> yeah and so we we were curious when we strategize about the next conference rooms and so forth wheel wheel we are under the opinion that this might end up in the healing section and it may be more prominent than the physical healing sections but what's your opinion that it seems to me if we would communicate more authentically we quit putting spells on each other when we make demands of each other seems to me like a very prominent healing opportunity what what's your opinion<br> is it that I'm not giving sound through sound are feeling the way he is a good evening awareness is how do we bring that a wenis to PECO that they are creating Spanish to English language<br> our own radio station and then you guys can take up the time where you think it fits in and where I can participate so we might get 24 hours a day here going I'm just playing with the demand and and where we got to wait a minute when I can do better I'm just playing with the demand and where we're going to land<br> that was good pancakes yeah we can make fun of everything except maybe the healers will have all you do but it's very prominent for me to what where where would we start in the understanding of getting larger and so you know I play with music as you can see just proved that are our True Heart comes through when we're just kind of humming even the cargo you can tell there's more of you coming through then when you have to think about the next word that you're going to say it's<br> it's quite obvious where do you think we need to start if we were going to do I have all your project project thanks I just not sure where to start without you all leaving me<br> but I'm not sure I mean when you talk about you know how many time I used it to know if I'm not going to come unless it's my heart I have a little bit of a change when I stop staying the night guard dies trying but I sound sounds sounds and then you stopped your I'm at just so you don't think about what's coming next week getting it seems to me that<br> maybe instruments are good place for us to start<br> so<br> I jumped on piano of the other day<br> and just started playing and the expression of the songs I was going to put out really for me work making a song it was just that how I spell and those tones and frequencies for me were telling a story<br> it's a starting point for me it's a suggestion that however were feeling in the soap we used to name ourselves based on so I would name you so to speak on the expression of yourself today now I realize that there's a lot of programming in our in our culture and in our types of bodies but you really never had a name<br> in in your legacy lives you have an expression of yourself in a given time and people would assume that your Melancholy you're happy you're saying you want it because you wanted to be those that you wanted to experience emotion you wanted to be in that place and that's what's normal for yourself if it if I had one suggestion is us to remember why would I want to play with emotions if in peace energy will desk.<br> did I say yes we can associate a frequency to it so if there was one idea we might carry is what is what is the tone of your<br> what it what is what kind of pitch in tone and sound does it make when your affectionate as an example so when we're truly affectionate with we look at our domestic animals and you see the cats arch up when you pet them things like that that has a frequency in a tone to it does that<br> the elephant is angry and it starts at you and it blows its its horns on its you know exactly where the elephant stands Dona musical instruments in animals we observe animals and that would probably be the easiest teaching advised we have monkeys are great birds or grey of the whales underwater without a bowl I would say nature is got a school house for us right now<br> DSi 3D grading system<br> and animals<br> any other questions<br> is well with you I was nobody Christian it's just with the gods to wanting to set up businesses around the education system which when you pulled up to my sister's dumb and otherwise of exchange and their friends because I seen that coming on was removed out of it but anyway you have with what he was going to look like in between times and I'm thinking of a wine is going to share it off where we can have like a whole foods help with people that they have a lot going on<br> and get there getting a shopping through what they have phone calls or what their creation to the crime studies nice Financial exchange money exchange business checks on that is just too tight tried and I've been a little bit like a paper like in my area<br> why sure works hard on getting we are working with so many resources in and Queensland and New Zealand and I felt that if I went door-to-door<br> Princeton group you got over there I don't know which one was Chopper California Queensland I'm not sure but I'll gave me all I wanted I would say<br> I'd say I'd like to knock out a few hindrances you have their first and then I'll really don't want to take Dan to pick what I do and many others have a very good solution for you all look forward to me talk to me is correct about this so forgive me for being a little elusive<br> it sounds fine and I'm staying the night I unfortunately LOL yeah I'm so sorry if you people down under and it's and I'm still working through it and Line stop at so I can tell you that right now<br> I'm sorry to hear that you will take care and I'll take the next call please do not stop calling in I love love you and I love your energetic and your your direction it's amazing thank you<br> alright next call or thank U vs radio moving on from Colorado line three question money timelines versus Homestead of DD DD<br>Yeah clean my spirit guide yeah I can hear you it's mine and my spare.<br> Can't believe these calls today like everyone was<br> what I'm thinking but I called you earlier and I have a question<br> when you once there that if you Homestead and then it becomes Federal and you cannot get a loan so if I have a loan<br> is there a trust<br> all right and I'm trying to Homestead and vulnerability in Homestead but then I might but that's the timeline I don't want to be on so how do I not be on that time line when you have a mortgage and Homestead you know what I'm saying it's all over later to write great questions and we we had to go to tasks with this okay so if you believe you're going to get let's just call it an attack because you quit paying your mortgage or otherwise I want to get a second mortgage and now I'm home sick so I'm not going to get one we had to work really hard on what is the secret to invest that would be perfect which one's going to win<br> is the bank going to attack me cuz I'd quit paying my payment yes no you have to decide if you think that's a reality so when Miss someday when you give them notice that you're now a federally haunted some just throw in the towel and sell the debt to a creditor by the Company collection agency which of course has no way whatsoever in a federal court because you're a federal signal infant when you have doubt and fear that makes them stronger so<br> and a n n in Compton in<br> here's a contradiction to my statement if you homesteaded the property<br> and kept your mortgage that's completely fine you can keep making your payments if you want it's not going to change the mortgage whatsoever it's going to change the status that your parcel is now described as a succession of Federal Way and so all the people we're watching with success they don't go to court<br> in their County<br> or they file a motion for dismissal because you filed in the wrong forces<br> you filed in federal court system attacked by my bank know<br> no and that was the other thing if it is I just learned about<br> two months ago that they did already give this to a credit collection kind of company yeah they sell the debt over and over again and that's why we put one property in foreclosure seven times in one each time because they've they've learned most of learned to go ahead. We've lost don't take a loss up don't let the court don't let the judge say you win mr. Homesteader instead right at the last moment they go ahead and change that hold it so they'll they'll find it which in most cases they own two separate company so as example Key Bank has a debt collection service that would be a consolidator for Dad and or cell to another bag it works US Bank does I mean the whole gang does it but it is<br> I'm in agreement timelines are tricky but when your heart is quite white invested<br> in knowing you deserve to be unplanned or free a lottle title then you have to say I own this or I am a slave to the financial system<br> I guess I'm I guess that's okay thank you so much<br> I love the question about<br> grandchildren are that small and I can tell they have a language but I don't know how to talk to him<br> okay cool thank you $6 became California question passions to be free BK are you there I am here thank you so much you and your team have given us so much knowledge and information this is not an exciting question but I do have a passion to be I do a passing to be free here now and I'm taking steps to be free and I'm recently learning that the re inhabited Republic via a declaration of sovereign intent has stated that once the corporation's fall that the<br> Civil Authority is needs to be in place and then the military takes over and to the point of the homesteading they they mentioned first in time first in right and first in law and they have already established an international notification their of their Declaration of sovereign tent under the proclamation of claim an interest which says we are taking back all the land that has been confiscated it illegally and unlawfully by the federal Corporation<br> on behalf of the people holding it in Trust<br> some might my question in relation to that is whether us having a lot of title will then just simply be erased TV this<br> reclaiming back of all federally stolen our Orlando was like sort of Taken illegally and unlawfully by the federal Corporation<br> yeah great crash now standing in some parts of the question thank you for your intelligence really study studying and checking both sides of the fence okay so there's many you can see now the work I do and how it's in its own Silo compared to the other let's just say<br> individuals you may know so we all persons and little silos to make the biggest impact for the same outcome all right. I'll give you an example so the goal is to be free until all work in my area and other groups are working area whether it's the military or politics globally and locally the end results is your personal shopper so we want to make sure we don't get civil unrest<br> and we don't go Harry Carey when we all get the truth at once and we're dancing with them at all the time and we study it all the time with a collective Consciousness game so I can see we can all see the health of of a country or a continent<br> what are biggest concern<br> is that the people that are not have not done their due diligence like yourself especially the older group when they learn that your birth certificate has been trading Bartered with the Catholic Church thousands and hundreds of cases under the thousands time<br> knock knock jokes while is it<br> so no what so those bonds that have been traded you're so now everyone's going to learn their slave and they thought they made a couple million dollars and went in driving there when they go around to last year's is our retirement they realize they were just asleep that one's going to sting quite a bit for the older community once they learn that maybe this technology engineer just so you stay on the treadmill so that's why were favoring of this modality for our next Generations if you will we need to get everyone their own place to live so the succession process works and then sovereignty can start sliding in all the time that is that's not necessary my opinion but that's been the favoured model so far is that make sense<br> yes it does and the reason I hadn't gone ahead years ago with the homesteading was because the first requirement was to become a sovereign like US State national or something like that and and I knew that would put a Target on me so I just decided to wait so I'm so grateful for your work thank you so what would we have worked hard on is go ahead and use the title of your identity to go ahead and do the homestanding land patent angry succession and it actually has a lot of tools to protect you because you can't be taxed you said I get this land I'm the successor to the to the dead person it's my land that's white was in that's what is created so that as Generations went on and on and on someone's going to have to be a successor so we would always have land if we would just remember how to do it<br> that's that's the short version but certainly you should be able to see now we're we're all in Pockets where we favor the other sure I get to be free to talk about the alien agenda where is politicians in the military they're not ready to do that because they want to keep their rank-and-file so you don't lose faith and or civil unrest that make sense<br> I can say whatever I want hope that helps a little bit and I love your language of flight to so beautiful and may I ask one more question please I love him thank you so much I'm so this particular homesteading thing that I got I finally got it doesn't state that it belongs to the business family of whom I know of their being survivors in the family and so but they they no longer live in this land area<br> so so took it to be a successor on this property wouldn't they have first right to come in and claim if they learned about that okay and look at it relates to that new patient with us I'm going to show you how it was done I just want like a real slow and steady here so if you get time to read through this so I can get a bigger pocket people this first batch and then we'll get and then I'll get really fast will be able to do it over and over again so the successor is the successor your public notice is public notice<br> we're not going if we're not going to call everybody on the in the country and say hey I'm sorry but I was wondering if you minded if I lived here that's not what's going to happen<br> you just walk that way by the end and then I get that and in relation to that there's a county-owned allegedly parcel behind us. It's islanding these Parcels that people are hoping to buy from County also to build on but I'm more interested in the preservation of that area so I would think that I need to buy them out or something rather than I mean I I I don't want to<br> California<br> okay so California I think I got California pretty well covered so we got several in process there when are very slim early years<br> why don't we why don't we let's see how many I got no list today or no<br>can you call in again next week whatever okay happy to thank you so much I feel really close to sanitize in California Oregon Washington Nevada New Mexico on one flat rate system so thank you for my coat and thank you for your call<br> take care bye bye my love to you all right that was good we came from California<br> all right let's see let's see if we can get a check my time thank you everyone I'm okay in the show goes on we did<br> thank you baby us nice time I'm not sure I got that but Rhonda can we did Michigan Norton Robin from Michigan online to question P-Diddy article on for the people. Space go ahead Robinson Michigan<br> hi cutie yeah I have up just based on your last show I have a question in regards to the information in there and how it correlates how it correlates with timelines and towards the middle of the page it says there will be no November 2024 us elections due to near-death civilization events and then recently there's been an audio going around in the gentleman that is in it is Jared Rand who is the founder of the knowledge round table and he is putting out some information about a sense and it's actually pretty interesting information but he's telling us that there is going to be that America is going to be shut down and he did put a time kind of a timeline on it he said 5 days you have 5 days so my question is is the information that I'm reading<br> for the people that space kind of correlates with what he says a little bit so am I misreading what I'm saying at for the people that space in regard to what he's saying<br> yeah the words are so very good question the words are really tricky okay so let's go ahead and that's why I'm getting everyone I'm courage and everyone to look at everything on a 30,000 ft level so if you get to granular you'll chase down what is the story of the day but the store. So if you could see what's happening outside of here is what I'm encouraging you to do and that is how do I get you to be an absolute chaos so as example yeah we know Hollywood has been eating children have to wing it over that one but it's not just holler if it's a Higher One More Level above that politician at our line and there's aliens running government now go one layer ahead of that go took out don't think they have more weight than anyone but there's that next level of puppeteers are making every<br> they're doing their best to make a big huge bucket of chaos so that you'll get rid of this to your next God your next follower your next day beer you and I talked about that earlier today it's all masterfully done by a puppeteer that is not here anymore actually so they've stepped away but the system just makes itself happen because we're getting stabbed your it and learning was here we're going to wait a minute we've been doing all this ISM religion all of it is the same game plant that we're executing that's what I'm doing my best to explain<br> okay so that the information we're seeing them for the people. Spaces is just them repeating the chaos that we're seeing on wherever else they're putting it at TV internet whatever it says write rights of the game is really about getting you focused on the next drama Story the politics the president got shot the whole thing is repeating itself over and over go go look at both Pony stuff I think it's funny I think it's polny so you can actually the Bible is a script and now you're just playing up<br> yep I got you and I have one other question if I may<br> okay so back to the projects I submitted the futuristic gym health and wellness and sent several documents I've never heard anything back or are we to that Arena yet or is there is that still on the back burner<br> so we feel that you're going to end up in the healers club and your model is very promise Everyone likes it it's not our decision I just want to get a good population for you to be stimulated I think it's going to need to land in the healers group what do you think<br> yeah because I actually managed the gym right now and I'm seeing a lot of changes happening things are kind of slowing down and I'm wondering if it's because people are getting sick with what they're spraying In the Airs and they're just not coming out anymore or people are just leaving the earth I don't know what it is but it's definitely changing for sure<br> yeah stay tuned I think that's where we should we should work on or maybe we should just walk a hundred set of stairs a day I don't know could be sounds good alright well thank you very much I appreciate your next call the next radio show Londa see which one we got got run over to see I'm going to find a good one I only have a few minutes left<br> so save some for my question cleaning rivers in the planet moving the rivers to hire Oklahoma Oklahoma to see if I can get Ronda from New York online for question about identity please run know what you got I've got you though it isn't this is Rhonda hello hello hello<br> so nice to hear you thank you this might sound redundant and it's come up a couple of conversations recently why do my question is why do individuals and groups have a need to identify themselves as if<br> what they represented something bigger or better and more collaborative than others so they truly speaking for each and every person why did they seem to insist their way is the better way or more most important<br> can't we just see and do without expecting recognition<br> that's a beautiful question so it is<br> one of the tools engineered in this type of human is as many people are you know the the way the ego works in the personalities that's all engineered so the convinced I'm convinced that right what do you want to get a title of<br> you look how people have OCD that's again ego it has to be this way this way this way I have to mow the lawn every Tuesday most of that narcissism is engineer is the short version so the only way to release it is to remove idayan that's why I make fun of not having identity<br> I just asked you what help you need and then we produce a show and then they start growing and growing whereas as you point out lot of people want to be Jim's greatest tow truck company and by the way where the best at it and we're the biggest and best and so forth is if that's pretty much what you're telling me the solution is to lose it all as you pointed out why don't you why don't why don't you start a fan club cuz you don't need what kind of pan<br> yeah and so now if you can come up the way to teach that losing ego I would love to hear about it<br> I would love to be able to teach something like that I try to in conversations with bugs and in a lot of times it seems to revert back to what people have to understand that's that were special eyewear unique and and my defense on that is well aren't we all and why can't we just be who we are without having them make ourselves seem like or show<br> can screaming for attention if you will like they kind of like being on her and recognized in and I say we don't need an identity to do that we can just be ourselves and through and we will attract the people that will recognize each other and get that personal acknowledgement but all in all it isn't an inside job wait a minute. Wait a minute isn't that egotistical as well<br> I'm I'm telling everybody what I mean by saying an inside job is to come from the heart center radio here beautiful call thank you so much love you very much beautiful day to you that was great everyone big day today daddy Kathy's going to leave for a few days now please keep pulling on us keep holding on as it means means everything to have us aligned with our Pure light and love for each other<br> everybody in the future keep seeing the mermaid thank you so much I'll see you and everyone else beautiful beautiful day and we'll see you next week my love my great love to you have a beautiful day thank you baby Ice Radio<br>