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Project Review With Q, October 5, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

Part 65

Project Review With Q

Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

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BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

right welcome welcome welcome thank you thank you for joining me again my great love to you all<br> my great love to you all my great love people and see if we can get another hour of<br> of distribution of information<br> it's just a privilege and an honor to get to do this I'll just tell her we'll just take calls do full-time assuming that someone wants to talk to me<br> it's just a privilege and honor to connect you so please call in with any and all subjects we didn't edit this hour to be a tool<br> to go around every system<br> so if you have a project you have a solution with a lot of people listening to us<br> and<br> if we have a project and we we have solutions for the world let's let's listen to him and let's listen Vision it and let's see if we can<br> Implement them lips<br> 30 or only this very show thank you thank you very much<br> because I'm so long-winded I have nothing more to say and then she can just come out there I'm going to take it right now<br> thanks a lot sorry everybody I am ready Oregon are young align I think I have a call from Oregon thanks for calling in are you there in Oregon<br> it is here in the house haikyuu<br> haikyuu love that whenever whenever it says that to me I just love it so much I get so many. Thank you so much for giving me so much love<br> thank you and thank you for just hope you are keeping everybody for helping me with my project I know that that's happening what are you working today<br> I want you to play with you from the last show<br> what you were saying relates you wanting to participate with people on our projects that we've never met and and not getting manipulated by the dark<br> yeah it's a great question that you can see why this is so challenging so you've met lots of you know how psionically cable erl psychic you are and so and so we would we need to use maybe because I can see far greater at the risk of being arrogant so that's a question for you I just want to let you know that it's it's very easy to see him away from me everyday so they won't<br> the standard is the running away from the strong ones so they run away from me and then they'll go ahead and attack my relationships if they can see a timeline developing so the only way they can get at me typically so that they've given up on attack me directly don't only do it in directly and so that's how I standardized those statements on the preview show is<br> tell itself to be careful it's to just be authentic when we make decisions as to please the best I can do to explain the process<br> right I'm kind of seeing it as a individual versus relational<br> situation like individually I don't really I'm able to be in the now and that's not a problem but the project how would we know<br> that we are if you don't even like right now how would I know<br> oh man that's a that's exactly the help I need from you so if it's so easy for me to see<br> the<br> opportunity if it if I can see the proper path better than you / say how do I teach that how do I educate us and for me the only way I'm going to learn is to listen to the ones you're going through and how we get tricked<br> so the trickery sofive sanitize on is our hearts should be able to see<br> clearly and I have seen many times these aliens trick us with our hearts and it's working practice cuz they do it in different ways pains me to give names I really don't like giving names to these aliens but the one that because your number higher or lower better than the rest but the ones that came to do the best trickery are the witches and warlocks and anybody with Draconian and reptilian in them those seem to be the ones that are playing intrinsically the most so the most part the witches are taking over and there are great aunts and it's a generation from what I've seen so far but certainly someone close to us in our in our family has gotten hijacked by the other individuals and then that's what I'm calling you at<br> I don't believe in witchcraft or a black magic or white magic per se I'm saying how we utilizing our natural magic is what I'm doing my best I don't like identities but the most part the witches are just as good as a dark entity because they're being controlled by dark entity that's that's what I'm doing my best to explain<br>it's the heart centered trickery that's just for me I I know it I mean I know that's what's going on I just I feel like I'm missing something<br> it's always on the front end of the relationship standardized on that the front end of the relationship is the front end gets gets us involved and then then then there's the subtleties of participation and then the pain comes about a year down the road now. I don't have time to it but it's somewhere down into the process so if we can bring more light in my relationships is where I would have seen great success<br> and you can't force it most of the dark beings that I participate with and have straight one-on-one conversation with they can't handle us so they usually run away from your relationships<br> introduction for my queen<br> if you can start to bother you but it's annoying to be in the room why would you say that things that you would never say to yourself so that's the ones I've always<br> those are those are easy ones and the ones that sneak up on you obviously different<br> okay well have to<br> try to figure what you were just saying LOL Phil into that I'm not<br> if I look at my if you look at your heart in the way you want to work with your project in your friends and your family<br> do you get treated the way you want to get treated is the best time I'm getting out comprehensively with Incredible joy and love every single walk even if you do things wrong will that person still love you<br> oh I see okay<br> that's one way to look at it where as like all the people on the prq team I swear at them and they say you're so funny<br> you have a bad day and they still love me and I got butt<br> but anyway the emotional the emotions we have here are so powerful the people around you if they still love you no matter what a few observers Lucci Nicole Evans teachings or or others<br> we don't have<br> we don't have any judgment whereas most of the public has judgment couldn't they don't forget what they perceive something tap to and that's that's a dark trait know we don't have any judgment that's why this is a very unique place for us we don't understand judge because we lose it instantly I do not like having helicopters over my head but I only focus on the future only focus on the solution I don't like being slapped in the face while I'll just focus on not getting slapped in the face anymore that's that's kind of what I'm getting at is if we are if our population is what it is of dark and fees versus light<br> I'll let you decide any other questions in my day today when it comes to the projects I feel like I also do that but then there comes a time when it's Restless or like I feel like I I just wanted to do anymore and it makes me want a real back and go back to the florist faster but it's so hard to see when you want to relate with the people that you want to relate with that you haven't met yet that you want to participate with there's just so frustrating and I don't know if those are dark emotions or if those are just might have to go through<br> great so I I drop some key people on the are here so you have a way to get ahold of a tunic 11th does example<br> keep networking just keep that working just keep listening to if we have a name for you just keep looking for I've no I've suggested<br> calling BLM how does this work is example I do want to hang out a government office but you never know if it's exciting to you they might have a lead for you just keep networking and that working then that's at least that's how I get it to get out of the patterns so we we've inherited a lot of patterns have away<br>it's a billion it's a brilliant call you you must recognize that you're helping so many people in you call in thank you<br> thank you love you so much thank you love you never stop please thank you so much okay baby I will go to the next caller yeah so that's so fulfilling to me exactly why I do shows that I get to see what everyone else is staying in real time and where the opportunities of improving our for said so here's someone watch connect with more of you so we have a call from California I believe BBS ready yet please California<br> are you talking about the k<br> PK does that sound for which it come on I've been in suspense for weeks BK's and for bubble with my real name and then I realized maybe that's not such a safe thing to do<br> there's only like 10 million people isn't only safe and everyone is totally cool with your name it's only ten million people not that many<br> write write thank you so much for taking my call and I am this is a follow-up call from last week and I am interested in I'm envisioning freedom and I'm passionate about it taking steps in that direction and where we left off last week was that my particular home I married on the files with my family is situated surrounded by county-owned land which is adjacent to State Park which is blanketed by a national Recreation Area<br> so I've got my original auto title and I realized it ten years ago when I had gone through the microfiche researching the properties to get description of blah blah blah that I did actually in my files collect certified copies of that adjacent already surveyed properties so I think I'm getting ready to move forward and you'd said that perhaps you were working on a package deal for all the states here California and Washington Oregon Utah Nevada and so I'm just curious as to whether being blanketed by a national Recreation Area weather that is that they are trying to consider that property of federal land and that the allowable title will not go above that<br> okay so<br> great question let me make sure okay so to answer your question<br> let me get back into the old show here okay there we go. So now I'm BBS web page PDF it's not there right now it will be there shortly<br> do not so everyone is higher than the last successor so<br> the government<br> if you look at if you look at Legacy let's say you're going to go buy a house next door you'll see It'll say government lot XYZ<br> all right because there was not a succession to the lamp and so the person who is the sex successor of the original patent house fire ownership so please don't be afraid if you see that in the recording office it's because someone's never taken succession so if you have the original a thorny identified latitude longitude make sure I get that red will be getting it at the center of said section<br> events South then 12600 etc etc. It'll give the feet and description<br> okay so you've already seen that that notice of acknowledgement delivering acceptance of deed is now your template on the BBS radio so all you have to do is associate the tax parcel that's with your county to describe it and then<br> every individual you notifying public notice has 60 days to prove that you don't have higher succession than them<br> and guess what's going to happen to me<br> no one's going no one's going to be able to prove it<br> no one's going to do it especially not the government<br> cuz they know that you have succession you file for succession and that's that's my great curiosity of who's going to start takes a succession of national parks possibly state parks state parks is really my target is national parks<br> you know a lot I'm a firm believer that we we would like a beautiful Bounty of nature here eventually we will hope we will assume but the state parks for for me are that all ready for us but they did not I can't see a clear way they took national land away from National citizenship all over the world<br> so you wouldn't we wouldn't we take succession there<br> you see how Brave we have to do we have to be brave now.<br> I am brave<br> there's no doubt about that so I don't see I don't see any issue with your situation basically told me so far it's just a matter of describing very good at sequence of events your public notice your notice of acknowledgement no sequences are very powerful<br> and then learning how to own it and then at the end of the road here we only have three more steps to go there still getting really clear once we get everyone up to speed remember I'm working with a lot of people like yourself and take lots of calls so I want to see us all do it together because that creates case law so when I have 100 of you and 75 if you were successful in 25 worn as an example I get to defend you I'll see you said it's okay over here but not over there I'm seeing a lot of that so I appreciate everybody so that we can keep<br> creating a case law standardizing and defend and illness which is quite clear if we have the numbers it's it's all over and that's what's populating this these calls right now does that make sense<br> yes I am so very grateful and the very excited thank you thank you thank you my love to you show me how far is Seven Counties are going yay no problem and then some counties are going now what are you doing I have no idea what you're doing in the ones that have the biggest problems are the smaller counties they don't have any people that never seen this before and so you're a good bucket because you're you're in California that one's usually pretty clean<br> Primo Spanish they're just doing their job recording assessing don't really give the next words a little counties are kind of going hey wait a minute man you trying to take over this place yeah we are<br> fantastic<br> yeah I just need to keep learning from you though so just keep keep showing me how it's going for you but your next phase now is notice of acceptance could make knowledge and that template has been really strong bulletproof so use my template get that baby filed so if everybody would do that today get it notarized get two witnesses take a picture of yourself if you like with your two witnesses get that may be filed with the county assessor's office and put your public notice up you now have a land patent in Crossett<br> do I have one more question please<br> yep<br> thank you so so in this area there have been neighbors that have successfully bought Parcels from the county and we have now because it's been a contention between other neighbors excetera it's complicated but in my first stepping toward creating our home<br> free I would like to add on what we have encroached upon and I'm wondering whether I can do that using and should I do that like in this first up like just cut out that area that I had encroached upon we have an orchard excetera Garden up there and we had full intention of in future buying it from the county but now they're they're just heaven and on and going at a glacial speed and we also had disagreements in my my husband and I have perspective on how that would be financed in the taxes and blah blah blah<br> so I'm wondering whether I should just start off with just our little cookie cutter thing or if I should start off and be brave by including the encroachments as the description<br> so the easiest one is to use your existing partial to communicate but the minute you Pat and the Legacy Homestead which will be over 100 acres<br> you are actually the Homesteader but you're only describing the parcel number you have recorded so they'll be able to understand it that does not that does not remove any of the capabilities and power of a homestead<br> so<br> the pr cutie many other customers we have we are working to it I would rather us be let's say we will go to war for you with the other projects we have going on so we want to we don't want to endorse what we're doing cuz we'll take the pain for you it will take the hit all over especially California's number one on our list all right so<br> here is one way you can do it<br> you go ahead and not endorsing this unless you really want to get in the mix but so what we are strategizing and working with from Our intention is to get people like you and we will Patton 160 acres and then<br> remove the county participation because they don't have succession now those timelines are tricky for me because now we're stating a war we want to get in fight and<br> the participation against us would love to get a fight with us<br> but what if you're freeing all the people on the land what if you can't wait to utilize land for what it was intended and that is to have a ton of shakers and so that it's always looking for people like you that having intentions that are pure because the county cannot be a successor if they've not had the land so please do not be worried about that do you hear me yes I'm so grateful yes and I have stood up and fought in it and told them to give this to me I will take care of it you know a native and born in this area and yeah thank you so much smarter not harder if you play their game you're playing the game if you go into their Court you're going into their so you want to stay out of the court system you only defend the land your padding and you say your motion is to dismiss any claim against you<br> they're in the wrong Court they have to go to the US District Court has to be a federal court<br> perfect<br> okay thank you if you want money they just want money so it's really easy to file motions we will have two occasions for you up to Apple Tree really needs to file a motion when you have to only at filling your name it just high thank you but you can't most you can take the land you can never own goodbye and I'll see you in the US federal court we want will do that for you we we will get involved there and I just need a couple more wins at that this level so I appreciate this call very much earlier<br> hope that helps you I love you very much I'll go on to the next caller<br> please keep going keep calling everyone keep calling and we'll all learn from each other if you can see okay is Virginia my next call or you have to roll the lunch meet each other let's keep calling let's go<br> hello hello<br> hello hello hello<br> maybe jello<br> I love you<br> love you you do I Bill Cosby's prison<br> do I know why do I Bill Cosby Bill Cosby son was murdered because he started figuring out the people in the collegium system and that's why he always wore College shirts so we were called shirt he was showing where the problems were like when you were brown or Columbia he's like Bad Dudes here he was brilliant<br> you never heard him swearing on it shows he never swore he is a just and that's why I never mind I'm just supposed to be your time sorry go ahead what do you have today<br> well this this leads into my question so last week the time you spoke about omnipresence<br> I was real listening to the show and taking some notes and I just was like haha I just had an aha moment so there's people that that I see and hope I word this right there's people that they're just something about them that I just don't know like I just love them and I can't like why do you love it tomato I don't know I just do so is that I'm not going to say names but it is that me recollecting or retrieving<br> fractal like remembering a fractal is that me and other other but that part of my spirit and other in another physical vessel or am I way off<br> none you're not even close to where I'll be here exactly right so the mermaid I work on this a lot so when you get your memories back<br> we're<br> we're doing our best estimate and measure how and when so believe it or not I'm almost the worst person to ask this question to because when they get the implants out of me I get it all back overnight whereas<br> other people get a graduate and so I get to see them graduate so to speak which were calling the enlightening process of Enlightenment which is this garbage it's the DNA is is starting to wear out versus the spirit and War epigenetics and were able to craft and process information from sores and then translated to her brain not being completely understand telepathic and stifling the line and or sores<br> so the one thing that we have Saturday's on is working with the Elementals and nature they didn't lose it so it would be very normal for you to remember I usually<br> stop right here so I don't give you any clues but because you've given me so much you would remember being a frog you'd remember being a tadpole you would remember being a butterfly you remember being a vegetation I just lots of people I run into that remember being a rock things of that nature, funny okay okay well alright that's wonderful it may I ask one more question<br> please if you mail with truth for you so don't because you your Unlimited in your experiences once once you have so much of your knowledge back you'll did this isn't this is really it's let me see if I can come up with good one it's a no-brainer you're the memories you're getting back really clean you know that it's authentic don't you<br> I do I do and I'm I know if I may say I know I know I have a connecting with mermaid I just don't I don't know exact time and I have a connecting with both of you but it's so strong with mermaids that I just don't remember but I know it's there and so I just let it come you know I'm not forcing anything I just let it come let it Let It Go just roll with it you know<br> my second question you can't so the mermaid is very aware of this<br> and<br> you're going a lot faster than you're aware of possibly because you possibly may look at it and camilli look at where you're at compared to 10 years ago<br> it's a lot easier<br> you're right about one minute please tell me what your next question is<br> no you're so right so I've noticed that I mean I'm pretty tall already but I mean I've noticed that my body want to lengthen my body wants to be taller and I can't stress enough like is that my body is that the spirit and my body and its physical vessel growing out of the governor or the restrictions that were epigenetic the best of the worst that you know placed upon me if you want to say that is that my bought my spirit outgrowing this musical vessel<br> absolutely so there are many days I look up at the mermaid and there many days I look down on her<br> and<br> I am no man wants to look up in his woman I'll tell you that right now okay so I looked up to her everyday<br> so if you do look at the movie The Incredibles that would pretty much be the mermaid. So she can stretch forearms and I have<br> unusual strength but we never use it ever<br> what would that would be normal expression and personality so because we forgot who we were slow that down and then when you get more enthused by who you are it speeds it up so your explanation of I want to be taller is that the words I'm using are dreaming that I am this today is one way to accelerate what you don't force it don't make it to mind when you're in the dream state I'm going to jump to the next branch is one way to elongate yourself so I wouldn't worry about your physicality to answer your question I would I would focus on what you want to do when you go to do it because you're you're changing shape and size and scale<br> right now with your motivation to do something<br> not what you are before you go to do it<br> that makes sense it does and it is adult or is it from her mind I mean out of the clay you actually cannot measure how far you reached for that fork right now you're going to the Ascension cycle so I want to build something when you go to grab that hammer the way you used to swing it and the way you used to grab it is completely different now it's all gone so just because you think okay I know you can step farther when you look outside your eyes<br> prove to me you're looking outside the body you're in<br> yeah that that is one you know how do we know it was wearing other body and other physical vessels how we how we going to know cuz all I know is Looking Through The Eyes of Aaron<br> that's right cuz we're changing instantly continuously repetitious Lee so if I want to be<br> this or that you're you're doing it you there's just there's just a volume of vessels you can do it in and unfortunately you're in and you're in a type of biosphere that is harboring us in a volume of vessels so when I want to go to and that's why I do this thing is I can prove to you you heard me in multiple bodies that's why I can prove to you that I was a politician a famous person whatever so you can start feeling that cuz you're doing it too<br> you can I tell you a secret<br> I hope it's a really good one<br> okay<br> oh yeah there<br> Minnie and that's why I think she was promiscuous<br> oh well is for Lovers<br> I can't help myself and please stop me if I'm at now please stop me if it's if it's not appropriate Melania I love her I love mermaid I feel my feel my spirit with with with with them am I off am I not<br> yeah the ones you can you can prove with mermaid she's giving me<br> permission so take<br> you got to be careful in the generations but let's go a Legacy Legacy conversations with Princess Diana Legacy be careful the generations of Whitney Houston Aretha Franklin<br> melania's and now you have the moment so if you listen to all those recording and you start and there's many many more if you start listening to the tones deflection you'll get the energetics and you'll be able to prove it so those are all the mermaid right there and there's a lot of reasons that is propelled in those positions and as many more and it's it's up to her to decide if she wants to tell you but there's many more Stephanie bound so please forgive me I just have you know thank you so much for answering my questions I'm going to get off no off the phone so other people can ask I love you both so much<br> love you love you love you yeah so thank you baby is the reason it's done that way is to set this is our real job so the mermaid we have a job to do is to prove how number one manifestation works we do not care for that word creativity Works your dream state Works maybe is better but to show you the succession of wearing that word out<br> how reincarnation works it's been a complete a lie to you because your reincarnating at the same time in multiple bodies and so that is our that will be our lifelong plan to help you with that so you can we can we can be a lot happier and I'll need another caller but I have no idea who I'm talking to I'm really shocked people are going to call anyway<br> no way<br> is it the bathroom Washington Washington are you there<br> I'm here cute can you hear me<br> oh but play<br> Macbeth obviously practical question today and I'm really thank you for taking my call I was super inspired and excited when you shared recently how to use healing energy from the Earth's magnetic field and to offer them a woman called about a sick dog and you gave a very practical techniques so I've been playing with that and I'm wondering if I can start of run by the protocols I'm exploring and get some feedback from you<br> yeah thank you so much I'm thrilled with this question because it's some of the tools that have been hidden from us I really feel we should be teaching our children when they're born how to utilize the planet you're on the the geography are on there they changed their lives here<br> lot of ways to not get energy from the location you're at on a given planet<br> have you had some successes and can you tell us about them<br> well I'm starting with myself I love you talking about being a crash test dummy I always work with things myself before I offer them to other so I'm experimenting with myself and so here's what I'm I hear there are some things that I am figuring out first it's one of the things I learned from Ron that was really wrong ametron that was that I've been unpacking a lot of misinformation and you help me this spring was clearing Reiki Attunement Sandbar codes from Bob and all sorts of things which has helped me enormously and I feel so excited to be out the other side of all those habits and I just feel so inspired to be offering people actual positive other people might be<br> the dentist date were offered misinformation is to not send recent to the Earth but actually keep my chakras inside my body and shrink wrap my feet my field around my feet and then I can really feel the Earth's magnetic field it's really changed how my energy runs and then I was so excited when you said that I could connect my field with the Earth and offer that under so that was my first new protocol was to actually keep my chakras inside my feet and then work with the Earth's magnetic field is that that track<br> you have a very very good job so my only caveat that I would prefer in favor is to be a conduit of where you're at so the multitude of planets you've been on bring cuz it's a water planet is going to be very powerful that's why the dark wants is placing your being a water planet is the most exciting thing most people will experience cuz it's they're so much like hear the water does didn't budge it's just fine<br> so it has memory though<br> so when you're a conduit of the Earth Here Planet if you prefer area of your plan<br> we're just assimilating what we want to be like as we are here so it's not there were connecting with so we don't want to give away our self we just want to enjoy being ourselves as a conch a conduit for here might be another way to position the information<br> OK Google<br> yeah thank you and now I need to anneal to what it's like to be here might be another way to look at it<br> write thank you<br> that yet how many people do you think are going to understand why you just so I can see that your knowledge<br> and now you're able to put to work but do you want some more tools on how to do that<br> you talked about using our hands but keep going keep going<br> okay so the easiest way I have found for us to connect our spirit and or conduit process in these type of bodies<br> is to aim your foot you prefer as example<br> I prefer my right foot going to the middle of the planet and receiving the light from remember you're on a planet with life so we got a soul in her plan and that light comes up my right leg and then out my right hand not saying this is the way to do it for you it is one way to do it so I prefer to bring my right leg and being antenna from the middle of the planet no I I do it Galactic Lee University if you will<br> to our Central Source but when I'm somewhere local I prefer to pull the energy from the middle of our power source on the planet were physically on<br> and then bring it up my right leg out my right hand and then directed it<br> and I'm almost never touch people<br> unless I have already create stability<br> not not even my family so I would create a wave so that light is authentically like a flash account. My hand so you're going to Envision it you're going to dream that light come out your right hand I'm going to correct it and then as you've heard me say I'll take it through the individual I'm working with healing and put into my left hand right back down my right leg again so I don't I don't make myself<br> symmetrical in transferring light do it for many different reasons one I don't want their garbage in my body so if I'm working with people with cancer or if I'm working with people with Incredible emotional disabilities the super soldiers I make sure I get it back into the Earth and the Earth is a conduit for releasing it very very good at it because it realizes that the traumas that were occurred are not the Earth is the Earth the planet is very good at it just dissolving at it it just like water or anything else when you take a bath you can do it a bath and shower aren't able to do it themselves is what I'm basically explaining I hope that helped<br> outspell much thank you so so much so I'm so happy you clarified because I always loved running the Earth energy through me I feel from my heart after the heart of the earth and then run the light and I think maybe I misunderstood things that Ron talked about how we could pick up barcodes if we did that so I quit doing that and I'm so I'm so happy to know that it's as long as I connect from my heart it's not dangerous right that way<br> well my what it felt like was if we're not in our light if we're not in our Spirits than we could we could pick up that detrimental wet anyway to detrimental energy<br> I knowingly true<br> yeah I don't want anyone to be scared of jogging running it's fun it should be fun but so like marathon runners they're going to do 20 plus miles Arcadian Rhythm and it will now be an abduction Point bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump when you start letting you can already feel it so your Rhythm now being abduction opportunity and or what we're calling a barcode<br> did you catch it yet so it is true but if you can because you're inspired it's completely different but the way were engineer this type of body what would work a blazing on it is<br> if I'm a bad guy I love you running a long ways<br> cuz you get fixated by that wrist it said it's a number game it's all it's all it's all numerology if you don't run because you're excited so we catch a deer is completely different than running long distances in it<br> yes<br> beautiful<br> thank you for acknowledging me but it should be getting more obvious<br> it feels it feels like it's getting easier and easier not just for me but sharing needs schools with people people are receiving them so easily and they're so responding so quickly it sounds firing<br> you working there a way<br> thank you thank you so much for always being here and for mermaid and everybody on the team thank you thank you thank you<br> thank you incredible questions<br> call chat with you some more off the air thank you so much I'll take doesn't look like I have time for going to call but I'll do a little chitchat in here<br> it's amazing what we're all teaching each other so when we get all of these experiences prq so these prq is designed to listen to you and say where do we need to focus so we just we basically just had a healing call how do I heal my neighbor so keep calling and keep calling in<br> keep subscription prescriptions I know instant gratification is what we're used to but just keep rolling here and<br> we'll keep following you and we will keep responding and there's at least took telecommunication Wars do not have to be worse we can just keep networking and network and networking in and further and let's let's see if some other people want to step up and take over my role as well<br> so maybe I'll close with this thank you I'll see you next week if we<br> and maybe a small tonight but we believe I've lived so long living laws on new were wrong inside so I can back in vacation day I'll fix it next week I've just begun<br> thank you devious radio and thank you everyone listening thank you for letting me be an Entertainer again and I work I will work my ass off for you I love you I love you today good day BBs<br>