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Project Review With Q, October 19, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

Part 67

Project Review With Q

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5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

alright alright welcome back everyone thank you for receiving me it's a privilege and just so much gratitude to you for joining me today we will have Mermaid penis dry off before she comes in anything and everything love all of the dialogue with<br> I'm just so thrilled they have you advancing so much and I asked everyone how will we change education how will we Advanced education the individuals from Lithuania thank you so much and all the other people submitting vrq suggestions projects and so forth this week brilliant brilliant I'd spend the entire hour responding just know that you're in my heart and I'm very fond of all your submittals please keep them coming mermaid did you dry up enough to sit in my conference<br> how are you today can you stop<br> all right we have to we have to stay close to the technology here because yeah the<br> this summer, is 18886 to 76008 probably don't need an incredible y a n g used I got I received a lot of yours submittals today on the advances and success have you had this let's keep it going there<br> it's just awesome just know that your experience is going to help others going for and and obviously it's a bliss and you see when we can organize things start happening opposing us and we're practically to Amanda and increase our activity at the Moore<br> momentum we have more momentum incredible thank you thank you Jennifer from Arizona I would like to chat chat regarding parents helping children heal and of course I ask who will change the education system is my topic today but I'd like you guys tell me what the topic is Jennifer you there from Arizona<br> yes hello I am here<br> hi Jennifer how are we are we are thank you. Sorry I'm a little bit<br> bedtime it's been my church that you had with you it's been in my heart to chat with you about this so I'm kind of wanting a little bit of explanation about some things that I've been observing and about children improving Health Wise Behavior lies as a line and I'll make it for sending us their energetic aligning with oars and who they are and just amazing things happening with a case of such a tough case has three books Halsey epilepsy stuff like that so can you explain a little bit about working with parents and aligning<br> labor energy what stores and how that flows through family<br> standing truly truly obvious that I would stay to how will we change the education system for the next generation and year of the first color to Rose Red Carpet out for us thank you even though it doesn't look like it's directly related to the topic it is and Brilliance pre lien on you that you would obviously see that worldly 12 Generations from cleaning everything up here when you say<br> oh yes exciting<br> yes very exciting now can you break your question down a little bit this is a very big topic for the mermaid she's very passionate about children and the Next Generation where do you where are you positioning your question did you could you to get maybe break it down a little bit<br> I think you know as I have served their new situation and maybe just kind of agent that's doing this on my own really seeing a situation I had an environment where I'm handicapped disabled children I hate using those terms but I watch and<br> just interact with parents if it's just like you start connecting for me and TT are receptive maybe and to cleaning up their energies it just seems like I and I have seen amazing results come just from that alone and so I guess maybe when we come here we are Mom and Dad are and where they are emotionally energeticos is it cost analysis of that and clean that up<br> is that something that can be helpful in the future and educating parents to have healthy children<br> outstanding thank you yes is the answer oh okay so let's just take one compartment you can use several palsy Down syndrome in um okay what does Spirit observes coming into a body that's already got restrictions<br> is it still has its is unlimited capability and so the engineering on on our biosphere and are in our our bodies can be overcome and what I heard you say is once the doctor gives his diagnosis the parents believe the diagnosis they feel that that is also the root cause analysis that because the guy wears a white coat as in so my kid has cancer and then the parents believe they have cancer so then the cancer get stronger that's more or less where you started from<br> yes exactly and I see a really amazing opportunity in the mail future to help educate of spirits and help them expedited timeline that you don't even know what doctors saying that with all respect to education and experience that they have is that a timeline you want to be on this kind of like a timeline question to ask what time are you going to do you want to be on that timeline where you have to be going there and spend all this money on treatments or can you know is it possible that you can maybe start<br> jumping on the time I don't start his journey toward the timeline that you're wanting to see happen in your reality with your family<br> LOL okay<br> yes no doubt about it is in the courage to adopt courage his is incredibly aroused and that's why I have been watching a lot of riders coming through prq creating children's books otherwise that if your Unlimited in your dream state things you can heal instantly on my watch and conduct healings on a regular basis and realize that all of us have the same abilities as I do I feel the education opportunity in the medical industry is extremely profound<br> opportunity not to let's say subjugate or hold somebody on the stage that they've done something wrong or we can argue all day how affected the medical industry is full of beautiful people we may assume but it's just not working is it<br>at least in the Western World there are moments of opportunities but at some point we're going to have to recognize that parents are probably the best modality because they start from the root cause of love<br> so if we could love healing maybe is not Community that's what we're used to we we've never lived in bodies with this much adversarial issues<br> engineering construction and biosphere is in on top of it all but it's easily overcome is is you answered your own question for me is that positive frequency has to come from of the parents doesn't it<br> yeah and could be maintained I think it's very important that nothing cuz you don't want to slip back into dad or Let It Go and I just got it the education part of it by the feeling it more and more if we visit here at that. You know I see some of your parents feel when they get a diagnosis they start identifying that and then years and years go by and they don't know how to let go of that and to hold on to what it what is the true identity of my suggestion to everyone we are children are having more of the frequency to them so they're going to have a lot more memories when they come through got a lot of arguments with my tears on this but I assure you the age group from zero<br> the five right now on a time delineation and frequency band that we are assuming our day-to-day life all of those beings are going to want to express themselves more authentically so that child that can play Mozart at 3 they're going to use you to see more and more of that so you going to want to enhance that and give it Courage and talk to your children as if they're adults they are spiritual being so if we would establish that on the front end and that's why I think education is is so important about let allowing them in they let them run the roost in your house I said endorsing that they can steal all of their knowledge<br> and in enhancing and learning from them and write things down when your kids start speaking you're going to find the nucleus for the advancements that they are there they're going to start which will keep them healthier and healthier and not get these diseases so that would be mine pretty but I'm all ears if you if you feel you could make a manual for this and all of us would like to hear about it and I'm always looking for suggestions<br> okay I will see what we can put together a few fix this exciting I don't know what's going to come out but I feel the excitement though I appreciate that thank you for connecting with us or made you have a beautiful day<br> thank you today<br> all right she almost industrial and that was a great call yes so I will share with you on most planets your children don't get sick<br> pick a form and stay with it is there such thing as juveniles in other planets yes we know juvenile that wants to stay the same age and never wants to deviate because they would have so much noise they know when they get older they get deviation so we we're getting children telling us I want to stay this age forever why is that will cuz Mommy nurtures this individual and it's perfect is bliss being a child is awesome oh is that<br> that as they grow older like some of the children you save a lot more spiritually align align to Some Nights Cheyenne Dollar Tree sells and we knew we weren't quite as bad.<br> Elementals and ladies night<br> I think the children now and I'm heading to the blues childhood and yeah it is tricky become seishin the medical industry is geared up to<br> so you have this you have that you can't instantly heal it is just Ricky stopping and but we know we've seen so much as she isn't healing it's hard it's really nice Having the courage to slow things down and reserve it how does it work how does the continent that's the real teaching then I'll assume all of you will do now is the 6th generation you can explain to your child you're not an identity you're not a you're not jamming you're not Susie your light is coming through you animating the Susie cetera and I think that will work extremely efficiently where that used to be normal things would be normal when you're born another spot so I can't wait to see what comes out of our education system we're going to work on it which will instantly be<br> all right moving on moving on thank U vs radio if you so much for listening to the show and thank you for joining me today. It is a privilege and we get so much joy out of this thank you and Tatiana from California your patient follow up call about her son Tatiana how we doing today talk to you<br> yes my loving greetings to both of you to you and mermaids<br> can you give me a call<br> I'm calling on behalf of my son he was the one who really to call today call so we talked a while ago about him having that blue shelter in his eyes and we continued with our man thing. I know you are. You mentioned that I could reach out again if I am still here I am<br> okay. Can you tell me more about your geography and how you guys live tell me a little bit more about your life. All right if you want for me to be a continued to explain where do you live what kind of Lifestyle do you have so far is that alright just really in summary<br> yeah we're in California looks like on Valley we are sitting here a lot of farms around our house that we're renting is right next to the hills around basically he's saying the account you parked at this point before that we're not far away from the same spot for a few years my phone has a little brother my my smallest okay so we need can you teach me how you're doing the healings with your son<br> usually before when I when I put them to bed before going to sleep. I was just saying to come in and sometimes they just hired for all of us and that's pretty much it sometimes of commands<br> can you give me an example<br> yeah I would do it without command hours. I have to take and drop them into a heart make us feel welcome in our bodies to accept the healing energy is now I would say that three times and then Colin 10 and wine and the next time I would use it<br> sometimes she does sometimes she just doesn't feel like it and overall I have to be honest I would say that he doesn't really<br> he wasn't full up a lot on that I understand that she's having her vision for the same time it didn't feel funny like that he is really<br> don't worry if he doesn't always as as you probably already chosen a very much as yours one when they when they young start anything you're doing for him he's going to receive yes thanks for the information okay so let's let's change it up a little bit<br> insects<br> okay so and I know it's not fun having a little kid a little brother taking so the little guy is really powerful okay<br> baby we could make this little fun for all of us<br> and have the little guy help out too and it looks like you've already had him in the room when you're doing healing<br> yeah for the most part and yeah he he does actually he would say come on.<br> okay so let's why don't we make a little hung out of him using the connection with the planets putting your hand on top of his head and in the palm of his hand at the same time<br> I think I need to zip of clarity I've been trying to understand exactly how I do that and it's right that sometimes if you wouldn't even do thrust even family members<br> yeah it is so everyone so I'm not a huge fan of touching people when you do healing but because his family and loved one<br> some of the success you can get more power out of the other loved ones with it would be a song like this<br> we command our Spirits healing balance is now we command our spirit healing balance is now we command our Spirits healing about to make a little song out of it and then five four three two one now one hand is on top of the head one hand goes in the Palm for one thousandth of a second cancel you're going to Envision the light coming through the planet up your leg out your hand through the top of the head out his hand into your hand back in America continent<br> but make it fun for everyone makes joints explain a lot when your lights on the planet comes through you Oughta play this is how we balanced he'll etcetera but don't make it too Technical and that's what gives you your heart center the light in you more horsepower I command my spirit to heal and bounce you don't need a bunch of work you don't need a man refers to heal and bounce<br> thank you and I don't need to say the name a solid Energy's now if you have your little guy there because he's younger and he's not the first born he's actually going to have more horsepower so the succession of humans hear the later humans being born in your family lineage usually get more like in them just say that they're better or grand or it's just they don't have as many restrictions because you have more than one child one or more people usually works in our favor if we get more down the bloodline of our family they usually will work out that where you're living is a really tough spot as you know as far as mesh networks go so I do not want<br> Absolution for you but living in the nest mesh Network you're you're in is very tricky for children so I hope you understand that<br> yeah and that what I'm sticking to his wife by all that all this is 30 times larger than power in nature so do a camping trip and then doodling see how that works I hope that helps you<br> yes thank you so much<br> I do have one more question can I ask you<br> but I really do not want to get what I really want you to be the only so I can not going to give you a root cause analysis already in space environment so I won't tell you any more intrinsic snap but if you would just focus on on true intentions of healing found things up something<br> attitude personality anything to do with the ailment is that fair to say<br> it was a little bit hard to hear cuz I don't know if it's on my end or its overall for me you were breaking up so I didn't really get much from the lot or unfortunately<br> okay<br> so<br> work on my suggestion is let's let's just keep being steady as you go but maybe change things up a little bit I E maybe do the healings in the morning<br> maybe do the healings and nature can do the healings in the morning okay I love you thank you so much<br> thank you so much BS I'll move on to the next call mermaid slithering out for the beach<br> set lights to where I'm going to do that's right I forgot I know the transition it is we had some oh my God I want to talk about that next week but it's a great story and they totally understand you know where we're coming from now it says connection again thank you Louisiana has a gardening project would like to know what to do with weeds and other plants how to treat that is Louisiana in the house<br> IQ High mermaid at the Statue I have a garden projects and we're learning how to find the vegetables and herbs and the but I have a theory about the weed you know we need label them herbs vegetables wheat and I will always try to pull them out or spray something kill them ever since I'm on the spiritual journey I still not my heart still not easy to pull them out so I killed them and stole my garden started have more weed and sometimes in the weed grow faster than my vegetables<br> I don't know how can I deal with them and my heart also fell piece<br> call Greg question so when we when we Garden<br> do we garden with intentions or do we Garden because I really love tomatoes so if I want to plant tomatoes in my making the Tomato grow in the place I want it where is the weed they didn't even ask him to grow and they grow really easily don't they<br> yes yes okay yeah I know people when they get weeds in their Garden they eat them like<br> Nettles Dandy Lions which we assume our our our weed so I would have I would leave it up to you are these natural items growing rather neat your nose while you're training other plans not from your environment to grow there is there nutrition you know there's energetic is there nutrition in the week is there potential lyrics we stood on the property we're at currently there's wild sweet pea<br> and we didn't plan it and we all know how it they propagate we're not utilizing them because whether we we we have abundance or we we're not sure when we want to eat peas everyday but we we should pay attention to the weed should weigh<br> yeah<br> like I started learning to utilize a daddy now and I can't like them<br> yes in most cases you can talk to the plans anyway so if you ever so if we would use are or one you know if you want to use energy ones you can use your hand to direct you where you should go and plant assume this is never done and I'm pretty sure it should be able to set your garden up where the weeds will not grow or be a invasive so I command my spirit out loud and you have your one in my yard where is the best place to start my car in the ones who give you a yes or no obviously if you've already calibrator yes or no munchers what shape should my garden be would be the next way you would Commander spirit and introduce I commend my spirit<br> to show me where I would plan where we come in and or be evasive too many words but you got you got the gist of it and that's how you can also work directly with the the weed Kingdom show in each kingdom of weeds there is going to be something similar to pissed off I argue but they can communicate through the ground so the trees I would you can assume we'll have the most knowledge to distribute information so if you have a tree in your yard it doesn't have to be in New York trees please coach the weeds not to invade what you're growing so the trees are usually your best Communicator does that help<br> yeah I thought about you while I was listening to the previous card to how to heal her down I was thinking maybe I can just come in for somebody I forgot to use that way to him thank you so much that's very helpful on this planet that is that route water system that they're pulling from is like a highway of communication janover and 4536 East heathcote way she's having trouble with the weeds the trees will actually say hey let's move over they'll be a lot of things like that are just like you damn tremendous amount of knowledge and they will communicate through the highways of the water hope to hell<br> yes that's the way I have truly in my you know I'm in my backyard in the front yard I will talk to my trees<br> yeah you can do some fun things to trees can you make fruit and may instead of April things like that and they'll talk to their their own personal you can't tell how much do but they're very very nice thank you for your call it's amazing that I would get a call this Advanced thank you so much<br> alright Louisiana is people louziana<br> wow Pennsylvania's next I don't know what's going to happen if Aloha shows up with the mermaid here here we go aloha aloha aloha from PA will thank you for making a difference and brightening the way a recent call was such a touching healing when we are not specific and commanding healing healing occurs in ways we really need it so during the last our recent call everything slowed way down to such a peaceful place<br> and since then I can stop thinking and having conversations in my head and I'm sure I'm beginning to I'm sure I'm observing thought instead and many things are much less in time and much more at a time I feel more present and not too concerned about what next my boys stop fighter and slower cuz I can hear it on the archive and when the phone rings the one calling has a big smile and the conversations are very pleasant I told the Florida story to you and another and the word you always used a Delta so the Delta between the two responses has been most eye-opening<br> also I'm not very hungry I eat less when I am not with others I am especially moved about so many of the beautiful things you said during the call and I found myself wanting to see how do you spontaneously engage with you I find that I can communicate that I'm communicating with you and and I feel like you're communicating to and all of these things and more happened from the last call and I didn't ask you for anything and I wanted to tell you that everything is shifted in different and this is really fun and I feel so much better that I have more of a sense of raw and Lucha<br> and your picture on the creation Lightship sometimes moves when I'm looking at it and talking to you so how about that<br> oh wow wow wow thank you<br> it's it's it's it's what we are is not where we're all connecting our way<br> it's just wonderful thank you mahalo<br> thank you that is amazing how about how much wind chills going to you we get to feel so much do you have any other questions today that's really and I knew that you call today and it's just a stun the people listening will get your your light two and it's brilliant way way to wait wait to show us a shark<br> yes thank you thank you and I do have a question for raw and you if it's my first time speaking to both of you Aloha I will ask you to do<br> does a person need their memories to be fully back to recognize a twin flame and does the other twin flame need their Memories Back to know the other<br> I would say that I don't need that Memories Back Then they'll know<br> they all know each other<br> they will be to some point they will be United in fans for lack of better words for sure that Johnny of expansion if they're able like they will be a Raffaele vibrations they're able to find each other I will say that but memories not necessarily but sometimes that goes hand-in-hand with the memories find each other, unbreakable unconditional love for each other really from the very first time in my life at that time that they want to deny it on the inside and it'll only be able to run<br> there's a lot of people I'm talking to Ross<br> I just kidding I'm just kidding I have a question for you don't worry I have a question for you thank you thank you yes yes continue<br> I mean that was it in a nutshell that that they'll be able to find each other regardless of memories that I will say I think they need to be at a rather high frequency if you need to recognize each other if one is<br> then sadly only the one of the higher frequency table will not arrive and the other one will be really fun of that that might not have quite enough knowing to trust it and really go with it so that's another variation but then later in life spell probably<br> that's my two cents, I have a question I lost my voice<br> is she grows up really answer so I learned from her in so many ways. Please what is your question<br> all right I have a question for you this is an easy one please reveal something that you have never told us something you have been wanting to tell us<br> do you know do you know do you know it's better if she knows I have secrets<br> I know what what do I know everything<br> okay well I'll tell I'll share something for you or something I've never said<br> that we will appreciate each and everyone of us that is true for me too<br> I have walked a few miles in these shoes and I always wondered if I was going to feel<br> nurtured by<br> my relationships always wondered if it was out there and I and at times I would give up knowing that I have to walk I want to walk just like you so I can be of help and support and to have so little love in my life to grout tremendous amount relationships I always wondered if I was ever going to find through heart-based<br> something that truly nurtured me from where we come from just like they're here was I ever going to find it<br> and I have on this very very cool<br> jealous of Wonderful<br> that was wonderful thank you so much for doing this for saying what you say I love what you say<br> daisy just admire your your loving tenacity it's just amazing it just never fails I thank you so much I love when you travel around this world please please have so much fun the way you're going it's so amazing to watch you<br> I will thank you for watching me and watching over me<br> beautiful beautiful Nest to you<br> beautiful thank you thank you can't wait for the next call all right out of respect for the other callers will move on CBS Radio thank you so much aloha<br> see see what we do now we're going to do Sandra from Ohio line two young children having difficult<br> Mermaid scene like this Sandra thank you for waiting sorry you had to wait so long and are you there oh my pleasure<br> Sean grates me a wonderful blessed opportunity to play with a youngster after school every once in awhile and pays a child who struggles to to know how to read and this is this is a topic that's close to my heart reading came easy for me but it was awful for my kid brother and I see children just getting so discouraged if they can't breed is such a fundamental part of our education system so this is kind of a two-part thing I want to hear from you what your visions of our education system in the future are in and in this particular case is child is still in touch with her<br> I'm going to call him super powers cuz that's the word he uses her to work with that in this case<br> Channel<br> what are you in town<br> sorry to say again<br> no I said say again<br> yes I I hear you but it's breaking up a bit<br> how about now<br> it sounds better and you hear me okay let me know if it sucks. But I quickly so you can so we can get it out but how old is the child<br> he's going to be 9 in a few days<br> okay yes sorry I'm yeah you've come to the right past summer that question so I'm really passionate about some people cool unschooling or it's basically just not doing school in the way that's just the institutionalized way of school that we've only nine will how long now honey so I don't believe this should be grades or ages with with learning at all I think kids just should be free so really you followed a interest in the passion in a lot of players really important this is my personal belief is not right and wrong and I didn't really find that they really need to be part of a program to stop them being child life and so I can send<br> quality young child wanting to learn more about today or are they ready and curriculum of any kind they released free free slowing the children learn to read a little later than school for showing in school that's really normal and I do have experience with kids that exact size that you're speaking about that old sorry I just kind of getting really nervous but I guarantee when he's ready to even if he's charging it obviously cuz he really well if everyone believes in him yeah I think I think they just interested in other things and they might not find that interesting or as necessary to<br> prioritize. But it will come it will come I just think we should we put so much pressure on a liko my child has decided they should have this small Stein and wait we shouldn't really be a man is so different from the next<br> go ahead<br> my apologies you please this is for you<br> okay<br> we're headed with that was there such a societal Mark or that if a child can't learn to read by the time they're in the third grade that they are pretty much destined for incarceration the percentages are really hot that's very disturbing and I like to see what we can do about that hole so I have Nom servation just yesterday with this child he was to do some reading while he's with me and and part of that is writing down things and he supposed to print and when he prints he just grabbed the cancel so tight and there is so much tension in his arm that it just pains me to watch and this is a child that likes to draw and write and and not right but draw and do<br> artwork and things like that so I thought the idea to have him do some cursive and and teach him his name so he could hold the pencil more like lie and you know this just kind of goes back to what you were talking about a couple hours ago with cursive and and calligraphy and so forth once he started writing his name in cursive teaches relaxed<br> remember how you like it or do you like to do what you like to do<br> exactly<br> when we start playing with the deliverables that we enjoy some drawing in this case or cursive just scribbling<br> I watch when you introduce music with words so if you had a songs your child likes as an example and you create a melody and this is why we keep the hymns hymns have been taken over in my opinion by the Bible but if you had songs that were fun to play while we're drawing or writing or playing outside with the interest level of humans grows because they want to know what they saying they heard and then they want to introduce themselves to me<br> definition of songs are really powerful and it's how we distributed knowledge in the past so we used to sing him so I could transfer the history of state of Great Plains and how the native I moved from land to land to go hunt because it was more flourishing North instead of South. So our natural communication will come back and I suggest introducing music without telling somebody to listen to it just kind of keep the music around for something fun for kids is an idea I hope that helps online audible set of programs here if that's what you want to use the audio books for kids specially the ones<br> spell the word the person whose voice is reading the book<br> it'll come when he wants to<br> play the parents again<br> outstanding call thank you for your call look look what we got who will change education wonder wonder will the captain explained to them thank you to everyone thank you thank you thank you I know your tricks PBS you're awesome couldn't do this without you all please see you next week please please be with me see what happens when you're in your heart<br> hey if you got 2 minutes I think we just didn't have any expectations of where I can take the light off<br> relax<br> my love to you all stay with me keep the subscription supposed to<br> we need you we need all of you and I love you and thank you vs beautiful beautiful day to all of you<br>