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Project Review With Q, October 12, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

Part 66

Project Review With Q

Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

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Weekly Show
5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

will do it for you I know how do you say water how do you make it sounds forever watch whatever you do okay well I know anyway I'm still a video shows thank you so much for the first few hours I will check it out last show<br> thank you so much for being patient information and yeah I think I'm going to get interviewed this week I might go for that one that sounds fun please call +886-276-008-8886 to 76008 we get the mermaid here chat with us but before we start and see you cuz you remember when I was able to play a song called Caravans nobody remember that one<br> we're alive we assume<br> the fun rabbit your way trq<br> is here by me but when we get the attention on is it it's usually just over the computers so bear with us but it is just a luxury to have the mermaid here with us and all of us blabbering chicken, please call in the number again is a<br>he has a chad rubinetti<br> what what do you what would you do when we put this together what did you ever what did you want to get out of it so you can eat it too many interviews I mean hundreds of people with your coupon preview cute please call in everyone and anyone what was<br> are all of them for different reasons<br> can a dancer like radio<br> you think they heard our song I sang for that 3 minutes long time yeah it's we're here for calls anybody want to call and chat with mermaid not go ahead we have no other agenda today other than when I go to the lyrics with Caravan Rush whip what we did is we got a great song that says talks about in the world lit only by fire who cares<br> I can't stop thinking big and so the more projects we have the more we can Network and and do it in an organic fashion<br> educates the people who want to help us too so we're being laundered and and looked at as a short if you get any calls BBS I'll take a call anyway as yours it is it is a great responsibility to keep thinking big is is my Assessments in that I feel you all<br> you always feel the same way<br> it's an interesting song cuz the to the distant dream of the city we all want to go to the big game and maybe the big the game is smoking<br> but in that song Carrie to the night in the city where there is that sneaky little passage in there then you'll / wrote and it goes like this the Caravan Saunders on work Stars winking through the canvas fit the Caravan ThunderZone work on my way it lasts LOL. Now what is when you look up in the sky<br> that those were just pulls in hip<br> would anybody buy that one<br> LOL I don't know I don't know we have a bunch of we have a special individual we work with who when they ran outside<br> look those are all the broken ships up there look at all the broken ships and everybody thinks Our Stars<br> and that special individual reminded me of you know how it works and yep that individuals right<br> trying to get in there trying to get in unless you want to come in and some of us are from the Federation Council has so much presents are no problem for the you're my world Judy from Pennsylvania will we live forever with no physical death Judy are you there<br> I am hello<br> hi I love love love both of you so much thank you for taking my call<br> you betcha<br> okay well since I've been kind of awake you know that that term everybody is using and I found out that we've been lied to our whole lives and nothing is what it seems to be I've been reading from several several Cruisers that there is a shift happening and like this Ascension this 2000 years tension that this will be it and then they'll be no more physical death and then with our loved ones coming back as they were and you know what we were taught that's kind of what we were taught you know being Catholics and being into the religion so is it true that it will happen and we will see our loved ones again<br> right so thank you for the question great question do you want answered first you want me to sing a white beat physical death after the Ascension like everyone will stay in their physical bodies eternally or what what is the question yes yes that's what I've been reading that's what I'm understanding from what I've read<br> okay so then come back<br> yes yes<br> that will recognize them they'll kind of feet as they were<br> fun really fun question so for me I recognize all of you in bodies so I see you as an identity in a physical body so much of what you're saying contradicts<br> are the statement because you live forever anyway do you live in this body forever is a choice<br> and most likely you would not choose that because of your spontaneity cuz you're going to be so excited you just go I got the magic<br> the most cases what you're going to find I do not want to create absolute and I say it a lot but you only live 8085.3 years in this body probably don't want to stay in this fight now can I make my body live forever and I want to stay this identity you probably would like a different identity you might you might want to be a giraffe you might want not a great analogy might want to be a show me Choice might want to have lunch here so would that be the same body<br> good question I think once in a much higher frequency I think definitely everyone's going to start living longer please let me tell test of time and life spans and all that sort of stuff I'm at a genetics of changing as we become more enlightened soul will live longer for me it feels like a bit of misdirection the saying that's physical died with Ray Foreman come back if that's like putting too much emphasis on the physical when none of this is about the physical that's the trick here to make a success without body wearing a weed grow up thinking this body is so we are we didn't actually realize somebody's just<br> the conduit the spirit sounds like a transfusion still focusing on the physical body is it that has more white in the spirit when he looks individual Spirit signature so we're going to recognize each other hundred percent and<br> normal manlands around the universe live about a thousand years ago that was fun let's do something else but tonight I can I'll do a popular in the Pleiades is an example the palladians of this is quite common that half that's why they should would eat this type of human and they would create redundancies in their physical body they have two hard they would be able to shut their heart down when they sleep and that would enable them to stay at our dimensional reality or frequency they can be dense like us and they can live many hundreds of years and rebuild their bodies again and jump back in the same way so don't don't negate the fact that to recreate your body no problem and repopulate your bike you can't do that but would you choose that if you could do anything and everything<br> okay yeah I get it I will leave it up to you okay well I thank you so much for your time and I just got I'm so glad I found you all thank you I love you<br> we're always here that's so exciting that you that sounds like you're finding your way and just such an exciting time we're all growing so fast and it's beautiful thank you thank you thank you thank you love you have a great day. All right next door in Hawaii<br> Jewel what's the highest experience Jewel the musician<br> Aloha I'm not a musician but I love music running this highest excitement because I like it's like a two-part question I have my highest excitement has been on my organic farm I'm creating this I have a vision for my farm<br> of 23 years now as a healing Lighthouse just a nature place to be a sustainable place and I didn't build it now, I have a lot of houses homes and fruits and vegetables and a lot of work and a lot of weed and right now I have empty homes and buildings but I'm feeling like I can no longer sustain this it's been you know my login for my twin flame to show up and others that is it that see this vision and love the land and home is there as their own but it's been really challenging so it's like my highest excitement is also my worst nightmare at times because I'm feeling like I'm not<br> you know really manifesting at her or allowing it or however that works so I have a fear of giving it up because I've just worked so hard and I also don't want to do that I don't want to give it up I feel like like I'm almost there and every time to get these people here it's like oh yeah it's going to be great and then it just doesn't happen so would it be something you could consider to be able to not give it up that story showing my life I love it yeah<br> find a balance like you could have someone come help you on the farm and maybe they can you trade that for you mentioned you had a combination that was empty or something I've been doing that for 15 years how do you do spiritual jungle<br> planes are in the statement is it so where does that come from that's her request by I know my helpers out there so how do I get my hide if I don't really want to talk where's the Twin Flame number one and number two option of love compassion and an affection and get the true richness in my life have I walked my day what is it what is the dump I would do differently as an example with what might be a suggestion<br> let's do you color start jolt<br> that is a good question I don't know where I'd be doing if it's not working<br> okay so are you sure you're in love with where you're at or are you in love with the idea of where you're at<br> not easy. Easy to be honest with yourself I know so I just I just can't wait to get back home cuz I got to get back home I don't know play yeah really take you over don't they<br> yeah and I'm in South Kona which is like t-shirts root chakra survival over here so and we've got the you know I mean it's amazing but I just run into so many like flaky people you know that the guy that actually turns me on to you with my partner love her and when I left for a couple weeks to go to the mainland he just completely ghosted left like I'm like what is going on like so that's my other question about the highest excitement it's like he said this is his house that change like I mean if your highest excitement has to have children and like you wake up one day and I don't feel like feeding them that's not really my highest excitement today but the children still need fed so I wondering I'm curious what restore what the commitment<br> or what is like responsibilities you know like or just like I don't feel like it it's not my highest excitement in the smallest using contraceptives would work<br> they work for me don't have that<br> is 60 David Wright on the okay now it's really, certainly I played with it a lot I'm quite convinced have a level of nostalgia for the f b careful because it's it's like a company's you still fits and by the way it comes to relationships are like that you know you got the born in what you know so if you can leave it is always been my suggestion and look back at it and it's okay to let Things Fall Apart and rebuild it really is and or leave entirely in and give somebody else another shot and give it it it's it sounds left but what if what if you left for a month and let Things Fall Apart maybe somebody has been re-energized your inspiration<br> because what you said is you're not really that expired but you're convincing yourself you're inspired as what I felt so far is that a fair statement without being too heavy<br> yeah you're you're you're probably right because I'm just sort of right now actually were broken and it's just hard for me to to to do so if you really start.<br> You got to start really work howling I like I'm not a fan of people making a list of the past but if you start looking and everything you want in the future<br> and you you make a passenger in a column of things you want to occur in the future how you can actually start focusing more and more of those and you say why did that and didn't work is proof that you're not inspired<br> so I hope that up a little bit cuz you keep doing the same things potentially so if your list is not growing on the right side that's your clue you're probably using your ideas instead of your your heart and it's not that you're not an individual it's just easy to get distracted by what you think needs to stop instead of what you know is that it's real tricky business don't don't think I'm exclusive to this I know<br> instead of I sent it<br> you're strong and you're really strong you're going to know the answer after today so if it's interacting with mermaid<br> yeah I always wanted<br> cool Casio men's bright pink hair<br>play let me know example of you still need to feed your children right<br> how do you clarify that I can use just a tiny bit about<br> responsibility versus highest excitement<br> shoot I can't hear you at all<br> and I had to look at myself<br> I don't know if it's just me but you're fading in and out and can't really hear you<br> at least I can't believe we're having some fun today<br> could you repeat that<br> yeah how am I now you've great perfect am I taking care of here of this idea especially when you got properties has been around quite a while and you have a lot of memories I just my suggestion for me was I'm just going to get on fine let it fall apart and then come back to it and look around the rest of the beat the realities I want to pursue and sure enough it told me a great story and I have no problem leaving one side was honest with myself<br> beautiful all right thank you thank you thank you both appreciate and love you love you a little ha<br> beautiful day mermaids<br> all right we're sorry about all the disconnection to guys it's dinner<br> much better now don't have any callers though there are BBS I guess that's a start dancing again<br> all right he's on the ball way better than gone to this is going to work out is LA from Nevada and countering wildlife in the fourth Zoe you got Zoe like from The Cosby Show<br> darn it. I Know Who You Are<br> so I'm having first of all I'm so thrilled that you took my call today and I get both of you so this is this is pretty cool but I'm having one of the most enlightening days ever I still am listening to all your shows today and I started off with the homestead show and only thing I'm thinking about it this large chunk of property in the Sierra Nevadas cuz I live in South Reno and so that's my backyard and you know thinking about it thinking about it thinking about you were talking about Consciousness and how all of our Consciousness kind of pulling together in a property is totally the forest but it was just like one thing after another is kind of building to this big Crescendo but it made me think cuz for three and a half years I've been out<br> walking in the forest everyday I mean pretty much every day today I'm not well I'm probably going to go out after the show but I'm out in the wild life out in the trees and you when I get out there I've learned to ask permission before I go in there and if you're right it's completely different experience when I do that and I get out there and you don't think of anything I mean it's complete peace and it's just wonderful and sometimes I just want to come back I just start hiking up and I just go in till maybe my knees or ankles or something or just kind of starting to bother me then I'll turn around and I'll walk back and check like 20,000 set kind of fun but my question is I've encountered a couple of beers before and I'm sure I'm going to be encountering them again cuz I'm out there an airspace and every time I do a kind of there so big and it kind of takes your breath away a little bit and I always hike with my Jack Russell and I'm hopeful that she's not going to start something with this bear<br> he hasn't so far but there may be some in town at some point in the future if if I'm walking through the forest and I'm asking permission to go out there and being part of the forest that they're understand that too and do I have to really worry about being charged by the bear too much because everybody tells me you take bear spray or you should pack a gun but I don't want to see the bear and I don't want to spray the bear what's your what are your thoughts on that<br> getting. And it seems that would be scared of what animals are out there but we at least know exactly what you just said that you're completely right and how you feel that there are aware they're aware of your intentions and yellow like yeah how many years have been you been walking the forest<br> about three and a half<br> and in the how many bear attacks have you encountered<br> what happened had I have been attacked but I've encountered two bears<br> and it's not a lot but<br> and then they just started content foraging or doing whatever they're doing<br> well I don't know if I assume that they just looked at me and saw that I wasn't a threat so they just kept on you know looking for grubs or whatever they were doing but<br> they're reading the reading reading just like a dogwood the other hand I don't know<br> I know like it worked the first time with the bear I was you know the bear was behind me up behind me and I were just walking down the trail the other way and all the sudden green branch that just if it's not an old grandpa just fell off as an animal that ran across it something broke it off and it fell behind behind me and it had that were heavy and it almost hit me but it made me turn around and I first thing I did was look up and I didn't I thought there might be an animal out there that knocks it down but I couldn't see anything but it made me turn around to see the bear cuz I wouldn't have seen it and it was maybe twenty feet behind me it was pretty close<br> and I looked at it and get it looked at me and I just turned around quietly and just assured the Jack Russell Road and yeah that was that encounter another encounter I've walked up and it was fair with coming down the hill towards me and it was like I was in tears and I don't suppose those are cool stores I'll give you a call quick thank you baby I swear you forgive me I have to get to a few people here so the short version is you talked to the your dog. Thank you for your call talk to the dog and and show videos and you know what you know what the bear chasing the dog back she is so the Bears do like protecting her cub in the first place when the dog watch the head where is it going to go to go right back to you and then now you got a problem but you can talk to obviously all animals in the English language if your intentions are pure so<br> it's not wise to be Reckless though when you're using your celebrities that's my GPS I'm going to skip one and do I'm just going to come back to the Line 6 I want to go to line one first if you don't mind BBS Susan from New York question for the mermaid what was her Awakening process like go ahead Susan<br> IQ and mermaid I'm so happy to be with you both<br> I'm so good I'm so good thank you for taking my call and I and I still hope it's okay to ask it's been on my heart for such a while and my head was telling me don't call don't call so I had to call to I'll just put it out there I was just really curious about your Awakening when did you know you were wrong when did you know who you were with it after your assumption or did your your expression here was it a series of connecting the dots<br> or table one day and like oh my gosh<br> I could go on and on with tons of stories so how do I answer it in a nutshell I think we have like many Awakenings and then take us to Grant Westover following like society's Norms of all the things we do as we grow up to do in it and so you might have many Awakening throughout that time a little bit as a free spirit and I am very easy and stuff like that but I wasn't by any means a White 2<br> it's always Sterling everyday. But I do have to be I feel like I feel like 2020 is a really strong year even though I started years before that. You was really explosive cuz it was exploited for the whole planet so in my opinion International 2020 major explosion on expanding Consciousness and so I had some major things happen. You are his changes within it just was this Blissful you're far as just selling credible and then of course the few months.<br> I guess I don't know if I should be connecting app we like each other all my flight going to help one will help the others in the voice was an awesome my auntie memories to come into it wasn't a matter of him telling me anything that was a matter of me hearing his voice you could just be singing or talking about any and that's like was bringing back old<br> yeah I take it for granted because I'm doing that with Susan right now so I know who she is and that's probably one of my achilles feels like to be waking process like I remember you is all so stimulating us and so the more the more you were around more people stimulating the more kids after you have for the last 10 years when you're doing your groups things like that is pretty much the pattern on the scene as well<br> I feel like the pain is the 10 years and probably a lot of money is at least the early twenties I think when people aside lost because it's in my opinion the system so I put in some trouble and then you been seeing a lot of people will start waking up. Now what how do I spray myself with all the One is the Loneliest look up but it doesn't it doesn't the starting point and then point so it's not that easy and works for you<br> on making a road map and we realize there is a one<br> and the advancements that the mermaid made we we know our exclusive to her just like they are to you so we're quite comfortable and stating that there is no rule book to getting more of you Indian that's where it is that a fair statement<br> once I was triggered in that year specifically I would meditate every day for like 2 hours and felt like 2 minutes every single day is really funny because you just feel like hearing this euphoric blast and then it does if Alice is out of it and then it gets quite sure where we're at the things I say I would prefer not to say I like unicorns and fairies why I will stay for the mermaid there were a lot of bread crumbs she left herself here with other people so yeah and so that it's not fair it's not fair to say that that would we<br> for everybody but now that we're here and got the bread crumbs we're we would expect ourselves to be the help<br> in this life in these bodies<br> I'm still here is amazing so many times that I would recognize her and she dumped me for the football star or whatever and there's a time she recognized me and cheerleader we have a lot of those stories we couldn't believe that we didn't recognize each other vice versa and the commitment past relationships friendship geo geography the country like this young love each other oh my God is that you<br> that's why you left my step kids there they're my kids that you have to love you doesn't mean you don't love them to you that was funny<br> like if I don't like them okay I love questions like that please keep them coming thank you so much<br> here I love you so much thank you baby S4 working with Eddie Cathy are all there's a Kentucky called the guy gets Sabrina from Hawaii yet how to acquire beachfront ocean front property Sabrina Sabrina Sabrina what we got what you got<br> oh my god I've been prepping for this all of my life I was born in front here and I love all this excitement and I've been inquiring asking you to it I would love love love to have a dolphin Beach House Oceanfront Makena Maui want to know low a wahoo mega mega black pants the Entertainer way over-the-top what we need it's not the simple wooden it's all been crazy out but I still would love to Anchor a place where I could share with the Farmland homesteaders I've done all that I'm 76 my joints are just placed I've been living living living for this moment but it's like I'm really isolated I don't even know how to find the people on my damn whip that I couldn't even with my own hands<br> Stewart's the place but I got the energy the passion Division I would love to have some assistance on how to ask him to this further than capable of at the moment okay I'm going to go ahead and send you that information immediately this is not to be disingenuous it's just I got a couple other callers I want to help us with so we have a team of individuals working on exactly your request and I want to give it respect appreciation I can't speak for them yet but your location is going to change very quickly very quickly and organically and you'll get the good things will start to happen in the future<br> which what happened in Hawaii Robin from Michigan questions on channeling so sorry I just want to get you a couple more today if you don't mind Robin questions on Channel please you got something quick if you don't mind you guys talked about books recently and then mermaid it also talks about how she thinks that they are helpful to us also and you know I have mentioned on my on my shoulder<br> April 30th fight<br> sorry about that but I have been reading the 64 Gene Keys which I know are the DNA I get that but I recently had an issue with somebody didn't want me because I was reading that book and I looked up the the the author to see you know who he was and it says that he was a spiritual Channeler but the books are only in 534 page is okay which I think you you said if it's over 600 that's way too many words but isn't it how we proceed the information in the book I mean we're smart enough to know when information is isn't correct or or two to the heart vs. stuff that we can learn from correct<br> yeah yeah yeah 12 words is still the best one to teach yourself about messaging like that would probably be the weather in it whatsoever but it basically babbles the same thing over and over again you can't sniff it out it's almost like most the Bible great awesomeness<br> Fisher figuring out things looking for tricks<br> it's helping you in a feels good in your true call with your able to your able to feel the difference then it's good for you handling as a rule is doing something outside themselves okay can I talk to you I'm always going to air on<br> don't eat it but when I when there's someone is robbing she could probably sort the information though I'm talking to a demon pretending to be a fairy godmother probably it's pretty rare but sometimes the channel is really on point<br> have a great book buy someone a channel information but it's all the information anywhere is where I'm going to say the why aren't you receiving your true knowledge why would you rely on somebody else I'm going to beat this one to death outside the store information is where I would hear<br> yeah exactly I agree with you one hundred percent and yeah I know I love this one is really tough for me<br> bration from anywhere if it's bringing memories back to you and expanding your knowledge and remembering it small in that case it's probably wrong if you're if you're gaining information from it could even be excitement into inclination towards that and if it's just a bit confusing the mermaid channel to another being and then read the book in this life so we wouldn't have a hard time tonight because if it did work it's at some point<br> on the other side and then we test it out for the council and pains me to say that it did work<br> NFL team it was a team effort but how can you fault exploring anyway<br> BFF Forever is not a spirit of the you know just the endless exploration is where I would dare to just come on absolutely no thank you I appreciate that clearing up and hate did you clear your schedule for me yet<br> absolutely I don't know I'm not starting my schedule I'm trying I'm working on doing it. Just want to get that one thank you thank you thank you so much I'm going to get kicked off here I got to hurry up cuz there's a cool in here<br> thank you Kentucky be calling in<br> keeler's I'll get to you and the next shows Heelers Lola from Baltimore Maryland in between worlds are the clearing out lines for Place BBS in between worlds are the Siri please explain why he got about 5 minutes<br> between the worlds. So I might clear it out because I try not to interfere or try not to obliterate too many or liquefied too many but there's something here clearing them out is this happening or do you know of this there's like keeping her clearing them out like getting rid of them<br> thank you for thank you for the call I'm all explained that on the other shows thank you baby I'm going to try and get that last one if you don't mind okay so it's not to be disrespectful to you that's the very valuable call I'm going to do a whole show on it yes there's tremendous support team run from Kentucky if we are at the end of the sentence like a what is the purpose of dealers Line2<br> haikyuu height mermaid<br> hello in German<br> well the reason why I'm asking if we are moving into such light and more Enlightenment and people are feeling better and is there I guess our frequency is changing I was just wondering then what I mean is there like a cleanup team or would we just move in Warrenton more Enlightenment living our life expressions and then wouldn't it actually heal our body in a feeling better and I'm a little bit confused on that I would think so but can you explain like what is like I'm not doing things like that anymore but like what<br> and in back in 2019 and 20th of this whole project on a Healing Center and now I don't believe that is even necessary anymore<br> absolutely you're a breath of fresh air I'm in love with all the healers yet the more we endorse that you need healing sustains that he is so went when I start working with all the Reiki Masters I realize they were the the biggest problem because they they took their day's events installed another people with Reiki and upset everyone was doing it that way it was supposed to run up there and was like oh my gosh by the Healer so in most cases in the Ascension cycle this type of mammal and can do its own self healing if it would be more attuned to what capability and that is to bring more light into your experience each and every day and you should be able to self-heal I don't think the mermaids everything sick of example not to say I'm special I'm just saying around<br> really sick and they are healing from me and I always do it I can't help myself but why why would I be able to sustain healing when I'm around six people in the world so I have to study. And recognize this really okay we're happy and eating good food and having good clean birth and then we'd all starve abrasion right let me know what the Earth or wherever we're going<br> now that's great I'll squeeze back<br> yeah I'll do my best to give cat years to a great called I'm going to move on thank you so much okay so that is really important call for everybody to recognize that we we are we are the ones to self feel as you can tell and you just got to prove it to yourself over and over again you for many people kill themselves on the way to the hospital on this show and so forth and I think mermaids are joining me today and BBs radio for helping us all the colors<br> call Ian scuze me<br> you guys are incredible to me thank you for following us and please keep keep coming in. It's a privilege thank you so much to be with you calling in with me so much tonight as 70 people out there<br>