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Project Review With Q, November 9, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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with Q

Project Review With Q

Reviewing listener projects and answering listener calls

Part 70

Project Review With Q

Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

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BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
302 Following
Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

all right here we are again I'll give you the key to your queue call Pierre cute a call in and we'll talk about projects we will might want to put to Tony other dialogue you want to talk about I'm here was so fun to have a mermaid last couple hours with us again the phone number is 323-744-4831 PBS radio and<br> who played in bludgeon that he be a straight as been so good to me any calls you want to take on in the shower I'm here for you<br> the only time to populate their their calls here so in the meantime<br> meantime what if we go through some<br> interesting information let me know when you have a caller for me assuming somebody wants to talk to me<br> you can start save your Solutions on this planet pretty quickly<br> when you look at your history<br> over the course of 100 years<br> so your projects that you're submitting to us<br> should be pretty simple in the lot of has his freedom and you know opportunities that you're inspired to execute and you don't need you don't need me you need you obviously so why do we why do we not let our projects get facilitated<br> because of our<br> okay Donna on the call here John Ariana<br> sorry Donny thank you Johnny are you there<br> Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie<br> is it are we on Q it's Johnny and Corrine<br> we are exposed experiencing interesting in interference today thank you so much for your patience<br> Indian cigarettes to this Johnny and Corrine from Arizona<br> Beyblades and honor to hear you guys again<br> no no no no it's our on Earth so yeah this is beautiful so Sunshine mermaid and you two were discussing its slept with happened connectivity and the aspect of it to synchronicity and the beauty of how it flows so where are we going with this is that Johnny and I and repeatedly run into this over and over and over in my what you called rain but we're we're now it's an aspect of our Continuum timeline if you are so we exist<br> once I don't like you once a day but now calling you from what we comprehend the light to check the light and the more we grow it the whole day with start in Black nice evening I dream I personally and recognizing that there are there it's an aspect of me that live in that reality if you will from what I'm planning and recognize that so in essence, this aspect is deserting whether there is an aspect of an individual that you sold my father his name was Seymour what he saw more right I love his name no more well and Johnny's mother beautiful aspect of life similar to mermaid<br> our brother-in-law my brother-in-law Jack so as they transition to the difference between the dark as we follow you right and are you still there to sorry<br> please keep going so as we continue the story I heard a weird clicking noise but didn't know you were there but as we continue we can count when I wake in my drink day it's a fascinating aspect Sunshine Branagh and mermaids is the concept of discerning who is in our reality even ignore dream state of reality which is it a dream if that makes sense I love it because I was so excited didn't even expect to call in but the excitement and me of knowing what you think you today peace and Hershey with Keith and she is a chi Q I want him are Croatian time right now<br> it's so beautiful whenever I knew went down he's loved it would show up on my father just suppose that kind of what we call shape-shifting I need for lack of a better word as my father or Donnie's mother or Jeff my brother-in-law would come out of a Dreamscape which was it has described reality energy time if you will with sunshine and mermaid<br> does that make sense<br> well it looks like I have at least one song one follower I got one follower is great I can't wait to see you<br> I can't I can't wait to see how you do you know all the people that are going to go out and do the work we going to get anymore but billion billion<br> thank you for endorsing me<br> now I just need your signature on a book Q<br> I'm just stupid can I get a courtesy if I did get a if I was going to sign my signature<br> one day I decide to practice and I was like what was my never mind even that's awful I have to baby cute<br> it's really valuable information your point forward<br> what do you want to do with the information I'll start asking questions if it is that okay<br> complete<br> so<br> with great respect and great appreciation I've known you for a while now<br> in reality and you have changed dramatically<br> your knowledge has increased and so is Johnny's<br> absolutely what what what is can you tell me what has changed in your life that has been increased your knowledge so I can answer actual cost<br> trenches gateways comes to mind so when zosia for example Suzanne and Johnny honey I'll get you that because I'm speaking for me to do you think so damn okay we're conscious gateways to your vibration it's it's your resident is what kicked us off a gross or life and don't get me wrong many moments as you don't care that we don't hold it and we dropped in frequency if you will for the lack of a better description however the breach person they shouldn't burn it so graciously explain and she said to us a while back I don't know<br> don't breath let the time-space know what it is<br> it's knowing how the the white nose like the white ignite within each other but the dark reading in the dark until they show the felt so light and chessboard if anybody's ever played the game of chess Q I feel like that when they show themselves and it's up to me to choose Que in English that do I contract do I shake my hand with him once I recognized it well it depends on how do I give up on myself but you're not going to get my king and queen which is my heart so I'm just sharing with you that will be recognized or light week holding the torch man through-and-through clear<br> this is what I wrote in us but you the answer you when you think you you have no idea what you do you have no idea on how we raise our like to a flame and that we hold that way present and future including yourself to the Past<br> okay let's get back to your crush now what do we what do we do<br> so what are we going to work with this<br> new information while we're going to work with it how do we<br> yeah but if we're all Disciples of each other what are we going to do with it how do we move forward is my question for everybody do we do we play it forward do we play it forward like music plays it but I will pick it up when you say it when you speak to us when we're holding the light and know that and uniting others just by being ourselves is love and life non-judgment<br> how does that work how does that work for the everyday man what what do what do we do to translate that information about who's our Translator by the way do we need a translator or two are we able to translate that information on her own regardless of a level of awareness<br> it is from the heart on our old with by giving them love because we do it I told myself hummingbird but Johnny is right here with me as the email. I'm just an aspect of you wears them worth more, I love that word when you play with mermaid it's not working at all Johnny I know that this is more, but yet he said tomorrow to work too hard leading from the heart is what you always said<br> that's the quantum inspiration how do you feel about that<br> I feel three years so it looks like you got a ripe from your point of view<br> I love you too and people for lack of a better word downtown now I would say one day you told me no good so I won't give it to someone else we honor and love you are greatest Lefty you and Bernie and the teaching love you guys<br> love you too darling I love you as well. It's<br> it doesn't feel like work<br> it says it's just the drive for us so you know that<br> we just want more input as much input as you can give up so what I'd like how this called if you don't mind it is in your community where you experience live where do you think there's gaps and or opportunities to improve it<br> and wanting by the way why<br> do you get to measure Improvement measures at the same time so we're so not only are we going to question the Improvement measures we're going to question is what is people need and why are weeds to shoemakers cuz because we are that powerful now<br> could you explain that to me where you live<br> 90s Crush really not easy so I think I'm ride they think their ride we can do this all day long but if we really get the root cause analysis of why people are struggling<br> it would appear to me<br> in their interpretation of Consciousness is there never free to be free but I I need to learn just like you do<br> please explain to me what's going on your community<br> taken from the list there what's the first one<br> to Robin please<br> hello Hugh<br> I didn't hear what you said but I think I hear you now so yes I just wanted to stay before I ask my questions the shows were absolutely wonderful today and when you were talking to Mahalo I literally felt your love and care just came to my eyes. It was over just so Overjoyed with such a beautiful emotion so thank you for sharing that the two of you I just felt it was amazing<br> and I'm listening to Sunshine today talking about the election and it's been it's been an interesting week this week where I'm at and I felt<br> I felt something very different kind of<br> feeling throughout the week and it kind of seemed like I was in a different timeline because it was like there were no people around and everything just went quiet from my phone going off all the time where I just wanted to throw it out the window cuz it was so annoying to just peace and quiet but yet I felt a negative type of vibration and my one of my questions is is once was I feeling the collective and I'm because I kind of went into a little slump and I wasn't sure what it was all about because I had just had a great weekend and then Sunday is it started raining and I could just feel this negative vibe around me and I did my commands and I did what I could to you know stay in my highest frequency I couldn't get outside cuz the weather was bad<br> and during your show today while you guys were talking with sunshine I was actually out in the backyard and when you guys talk about being in nature I got to tell you it was so wonderful being out there and just raking leaves and just being in the the moment of nln nature so amazing show<br> I have been experiencing Vision a vision in the shower again now this is been going on for the last two years it's on and off and I after having a one-on-one with saskia she just told me to observe it so it came back again this time only it was a little bit different and it wasn't anything scary or nefarious but I started seeing my commands as I saw it and I kept saying that I am the Divine doors and you know whatever command it was coming to me at the time and I just observed it and it seemed like a dark spot in the middle and then it just grew into this beautiful white light<br> and it had like electrical some kind of electrical around the outside of it but it was just in it got big like it normally does and then the more I said my commands that dissipated and I guess my question is do am I creating that when I'm doing my commands in the shower or is that just something that that is different I am very confused about it<br> yeah great question and it's it's exactly what I would expect and appreciate that I really appreciate this question<br> Okay so<br> if I believed in a symptom if I believe in disease as example<br> am I reinforcing it is what you just asked me is that correct<br> well I don't refer to it as a disease or symptom I mean that's not what I was I mean it just come it just appear<br> okay I want the lady that I want to hear about that<br> okay yeah alright<br> I either do something that I don't prefer I want to remove is that is that fair<br> yes<br> okay so so we will talk about the shower in a second in a second your butt<br> I'm not feeling great I have fought for not mine we can do lots of this dialogue<br> if we need something outside of ourselves to solve the problem then why did we get the problem first place is my question to you<br> laser biosphere The Snug judgment statement did that I go into a city dude I go to work with her unbelievable volumes of people<br> you have a genda's and so forth and so why do I need to heal why do I need to remove and strip that is is actually a tool to show you how sensitive you are now<br> why why do I feel so much more than I used to<br> is that really the question<br> possibly possibly I'd I do know that I did feel some sickness because I was actually<br> I'm finding there's things that I don't really really really prefer anymore and I think I'm getting sick from doing them<br> I do not see no as I know that's exactly what I would want to hear FaceTime I put this thing of the questions so I'm mailing a letter at the post office is that a fair statement<br> yes it is why would I spend my time going to the post office to send that the IRS I'll respond when no one wants to do that correct<br> right and I do believe there is some finding out that there's things in my life that<br> you're not my husband safe and anymore and<br> I know that I need to make changes and I will make those changes but I'm the type of person that has the process for a little bit and then once I figure it out and move forward<br> so what do you want to Compass today you already you already solved your own problem with you<br> yes I did and I just I just got to roll with my heart and I know<br> you know this this whole Homestead I want to spend more time doing it and I'm finding that other things in my life are taking up my time and I don't like that and I want to be able to do the things that I prefer to do the changes are coming in the whatever I'm saying in the shower that I guess that was my main thing<br> I don't feel that it's nefaria I did reach out to the crease and light ship at one point in time and they thought it might have been a Vortex or porthole but I don't believe it's that it doesn't look like that<br> yeah you can play with a lot of different way it so just just just keep playing with it<br> it's just really fine thank you so much for<br> your submittals to us are beautifully helping so many others so when you submit to us so many people learn from you<br> just never stop<br> nope we're good thank you so much great show today thank you thank you Steve yes radio I will need your help I did not I did not I did not write<br> Mary's in California are you there yes you can you hear me this time leave New York New York couldn't get through so<br> well pleased if I can let you know I'm not real good at asking for things I'm sorry if I sound like a doofus sometimes but I'm more of a door and a giver is a little asking for help is kind of hard for me but I would really love some paralegal help<br> and I'd like to get these Homestead documents completed<br> and I just have a really great quick claim kind of experience from doing my commands and asking for help because I got rejected from my phone calls from a couple of different like a group a document company that was referred to me by a title company and then a man who asks like way too many questions are you I'm very nice about it but I just went well one of my going to do I just have to can I do this by myself but not without a second set of eyes I'm not a woman called me that I had phone<br> and she was so nice and she wrote out all the instructions that an email and sent them to me because she was too expensive she just came right out and said we are on fixed income I want to help you and she was the help I was asking for and I was like thank you you know for me I felt like you know my commands were really things are really turning forward more quickly and kind of inverse more than little gentle waves like they had been in the past<br> and it's strangely like when I was typing about the Constitution and 1787 and I had that big blast of energy I really wasn't sure what was happening because it was so strong and I thought maybe I'd forgotten and I ate a cookie or something but I didn't and I knew what was happening and I said to you when you asked me how did it make me feel and I said powerful and I didn't mean that in an arrogant ego kind of way I just meant it was like we're really doing this this is really happening it's empowering made in my choice of words were<br> I hopefully not you know confusing and arrogant and anyway<br> but one of my information strangely come to me knowledge when I'm washing dishes<br> Alan I don't know if it's the warm water or just I get into that state of like peace<br> I'm doing something for a mundane like that like outside doing yard work of the dishes<br> Sarah brings information and what came in last week for me was strangely as b k was on the phone Topanga Canyon and Malibu for me to home because I've been asking my spirit<br> and then you talk about that today on you know that I'm on program I think it was and I was really grateful that you did because I kept wondering why and I was looking at moving back to the area that I moved to when I first came to California when I was 21 which is about 45 minutes or so north of that<br> and so I guess that's on the table for me<br> and I just felt really like the state of bliss in my heart when that knowledge came through<br> and<br> thank you thank you thank you thank you<br> or guiding is small and helping us<br> this homesteading<br> is very important I know it is for me<br> are you dumb<br> I'm a bit of a witness dilemma but other than that I don't know anybody that could be answered by a paralegal I think you said there was one in California for us is there<br> yes we have several<br> so dear to hear this<br> be we used to call that whole area different<br> to the word so it's<br> now we have to adopt the words that you would identify with so incredible<br> no one's going to understand them so<br> would be our Legacy words<br> oh yeah how are you you know you use constant<br> a thousand years of thousands and thousands and thousands<br> I'm talking ten thousand years of identifying a regen on a planet So when you say to pangga or chapungu it doesn't really<br> the Legacy definition of that area is example of its it's obvious why you're calling today and why the other individual called say<br> would be what we would be that's that's what we would be used to<br> frequency<br> 20 area we wouldn't have to define geography to<br> you know where we're going to live we need to find where we're going to live based on a preconceived very tricky is not because that area because of our heart center that is not where I want to live<br> what about the definition of title or Identity or ownership ownership buying things is very new to us<br> we don't we don't understand buying things this is very bizarre to us to buy something is very bizarre<br> what temperature should you be a participant in the land it's very ancient press your engine<br> and being back by the ocean for me is like something I'm up on the bag up in the north part of the bay and this is like gangster City hear weird area but there's a lot of work to be done here especially for the animal and I'm with lwf<br> and I was saving my home from foreclosure and making it my first coz Center so that I can do that work here because honestly I could not leave and feel my heart would be breaking for the animals if I left and didn't do something for them<br> it helped them because it was not I don't want to stay this done I don't want to talk to saying negative things but somehow the people here they don't get it<br> and maybe they will eventually but over the last few years that I've been here in a crisis<br> well we'll get that taken care of no problem love you so much thank you so much. Is Radio BBS radio I'm going to call today today<br> it's been a privilege and an honor to be to call you today<br> and today I'll and right now I love you so much I love you too much BB ask radio<br> go ahead Play the song I love you have a beautiful day<br>