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Project Review With Q, November 23, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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with Q

Project Review With Q

Reviewing listener projects and answering listener calls

Part 72

Project Review With Q

Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

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Weekly Show
5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

all right with welcome to project we use to where we encourage you to call in and ask if any question you want and promote submitting your project so we can get a catalog of you get a membership subscription prescription we're going to call it so we can get you advance has for your wildest desires today the mermaid is with me<br> hello everyone so when he says keep up your subscriptions it's purely because like you have you explain that because they're with your projects coming through it's not just him the saying that this is qx's a conscious Gateway there's many people able to see and you and feel out you'll cry Jackson they're able to you know this is on a higher level than than what you might expect what's the word scenery<br> humbly said yeah yeah even if you just want to be a passive passive participant or I level I want to change modality of our communication doesn't only matter we're able to see where all of you are in way that respectful appreciative long-term down the road so that that you can be identified because I want acted in a really simple way to ask you how you want to proceed and so we work really hard to make everyone anomalous and I'm like me one letter word and still get your project reviewed and process thank you so much and that's that's what's coming ahead unfortunately we're marrying what's up<br> our political system but maybe it's a good thing to so the ups and downs but maybe it's also going to be a great tool for you to call her as let's get it going Howard from South Carolina line to is it possible to move in plants with commands Howard how we doing today you there South Carolina<br> I'm doing a lot better and I was until I found out the what causes all this from you and Ronnie ametron started talking about you know the abductions and all that my memories came back to me from when I was small and you know it seems like I've been working out but you know I do the commands every day and I just want I just wonder if you know that it's been helping me kind of answering my own questions while I'm asking you but it's just<br> it's been really difficult the only thing I know for sure is Where I Come From is that never going back in and and send it to me or transportation of some sort of my most important purpose right now besides from you know helping other people now and projects and so on with L WS blah blah anyway and I was in the course of Miracles for years and when I got to you and Ron ametron I figured this To Be A Course in Miracles 2.0 that's all I got to say<br> thanks a lot do you want further help today or what's the purpose of the call today do I need it need to just dive into the creation lifeship and put all my effort in that removing barcodes and so on so forth or just keep doing what I'm doing I'm doing commands everyday and you know I still have these little conundrums that come up and pretty healthy but I'm doing everything I can to make sure I'm here for my kids and all the transmission then that's going on that's what's most important to me right now<br> okay great I'm right so that's a great call I really appreciate you calling in and in exposing the information so your body your physical body you assume is 85 years old is that correct<br> anyone Howard I'm sorry<br> either Howard yeah yeah 8282 Scooby okay so once you do the whole lifetime bar code removal should be good to go unless you start getting yourself in trouble again but for the most part every human being on the planet has a barcode from this style of human that was engineered to this type of natal and or DNA<br> so if you just remove it once you remove your entire ancestors epigenetics that are affecting you shall shocking was so you shouldn't have the goal with commanding your spirit to heal and balances example if you're not healing and balancing then something's going sideways Yuri City or environment could be your biosphere could be your consumption of the energetic you're taking in<br> a lot of things like that but you're telling me that you're getting improvements is that correct<br> oh yeah oh my gosh especially since I separated from my wife about 10 years ago and I really been concentrating on this more and more. Yeah yeah you know I feel like a kid again one day and then the next day things come along you know I can just keep working on it and mostly it's my attitude and my friendships have narrowed down to people who I can talk to you about this stuff and look at life from the top and I'll from from spiritual you point because nothing else makes sense to me anymore thank you so much for your call thank you so much. Never stopped calling pulling on us thank you so much<br> all right all right that's we're getting more of those more often than not now when you say irritate heal my big toe<br> and then they call back we are like he's my big toes healed so anyway I encourage everybody to keep working with yourself you'll figure out what's right Quran from Arizona timeline picture frame I want to hear this one this is an advanced question for sure Arizona you there<br> yes I love loves you and mermaid and the team are great love and gratitude to you guys and the entire team love you so much thank you<br> thank you take me to sneak up on you by the way so I'll give you a heads up when you're a mermaid in queue what occurred would have been in Corinth Corinthia then I recognized that I knew but I didn't know I knew if that makes sense when I was little but being right now fast forward to I am and what I've been experiencing and more so that the conscious Gateway of social issues in this is Dan and that's my middle name so synchronistic City but the thing is when you both.<br> it really got sorted so what the it it is I feel like this pertains to which everything does timer so experience so I am starting to experience more more between what I perceive as reality here while I'm here what I feel is here like I'm in this body but suddenly I hit this trigger and something shipped and it's the picture of a Incredible crystalling World running City's technology that's Dion Dion and I've always known it and held on to it but it's beautiful it's equal operation of cooperation in karnal Sher allergy with with a 29<br> it's not technology that collect it in and see if you'd like to find out over and over and over and it works with where I'm at right now with a what I call a humanitarian project I don't for lack of a better description so I get these triggers but these triggers of crying more and more and more and it's so explains about the Dolphins on the beach with a mermaid and to feel like that. Just really took of me or is the Sherwood Forest who doesn't know when she comes out if she's going to be anybody if you will in the Realms are in currently are you put featuring<br> if this thing over and over I really want to hear your take on it because they help me and others thank you<br> brilliantly Advanced information because your<br> you are you there<br> are we doing are we due course I hear you now<br> what you just said to me was that based on your decisions you're finding the synchronicity all the people are showing up and real-time resources events peacefulness you can actually use a dialog with sunshine I would how amazing is that to connect that's actually a different dimension when sunshine and I work T but each other then when I do the homestead one where is where's my thing and or where's the thing where's the thing we need stuff signed it's completely different frequency band isn't it<br> yes yes yes it is<br> okay beautiful here's daddy you mind if I ask you because you ate for you and mermaids it begs the question for me recording take no intelligence or AI but it is George, still has brought up once with such a tale interviewing him recording techno intelligence because they is almost as if it were judging the aspect of creating lower aspect of the AI in that isn't where I want to come from I Love what she said to just recently just now I think it was in timelines today that you don't even have the capability or the house needs a judge and that touches me because whether it's a dark entity that we perceive it is that or light and TV<br> an entity and it is sent so my question is depending on the creator of czestochowa intelligent in observation on the Creator Gene Roddenberry depicted that bright and Star Trek and whether it was dating a kind of the Wyatt or data the doppelganger right of the dark part of consciousness of its to feeling too that utilize that as an assistance to our expansion but is that right to or not right but I am I on it am I moving its energy<br> what is that how do you feel about that<br> well the mermaids probably stronger on the topic with what we experience on this planet that's unusual for us is when we see an injustice<br> it's tough for us not to react but we also assume that the Injustice is designed for us to fight back which will consume your life in a dualistic Planet like this so we would probably favor fight without ever winning win without even<br> making a fight so we're me if you spend all your time chasing and justices that's what you'll do which will make the Injustice is stronger when you go and create the priorities of you<br> from you as you the whole world changes is that a fair statement I feel like I used to have faith in things and it's just we just can't we just have you ever written one by the way on the email to check that whole thing I shouldn't myself do it and I'm like<br> thanks for adding Johnny love you guys so much thanks for your call thank you thank you so much<br> yeah that's a good one yeah I got a few calls today Kratom Johnny I'll get catch up with you one of these days here I promised Susan from New York to Montauk land Susan about Montauk this could be an ugly one what's up Susan I promised the couple you just spoke to aren't they another beautiful hug in the universe I love Corrine and Donnie and I love both of you I just want to sit at the campfire with so many of you and I realized the radio might be faster than me meeting all of you both I will figure out how to do this will all be touching each other one day yeah I highest excitement envisioning that's the kind of the question I wanted to touch into and funny enough what I want to talk about with Montag is my first<br> well I'll just I'll just read my question first it's just being from New York I was always curious about the land in Montauk not the project just the weekend so if I had the opportunity to spend a good amount of time in the area and kind of what Corrine was sharing a mermaid and Q I can feel the Legacy they're deeply and when I envisioned areas there I just feel like I'm tapping into a whole other place and we did talk about it last week about that experience about coming out of the forest with I see anyone and you discussed it earlier about people falling away but that also happened with the land and what am I typing into a different timeline or is it a remembering<br> her a question I gave I gave you nailed you one time I think I used Eve has won Her Image Eve East other serpent wetblog is a pretty good picture of the of the planet and only a portion of that picture I think it is a joy to see if or how we understand control mini mini mini could argue we are actually controlling Ascension I consider this planet water plants especially to be a kaleidoscope so remember when you're a kid you had the Kaleidoscope for you twist them and they turned in all the different mosaics in<br> colors in in a geometric pattern<br> yes I remember well and that's why I was so heavy-handed about Antarctica being a lie to us is the scale of this planet is absolutely massive and so yes that's why I'm on talk was used the way it was is that might be considered an area and those vortices were working at work they coalesce their lot lot of dialogue their swerdlow has a pretty good beat on it but basically if you can now utilize the natural vorticy of a planet can make you on board as he's too you can make a portal to another realm and or Dimension yes is the answer<br> wow<br> I could when I visit I went up there I can see that and there's also examples of when you look at the Sun so raw when you look at the sun I have it would they call a Halo it's like a rainbow around the sun is out of order to speak you or is that what is that<br> it would be a reaction to a horsey and or the energetics coming to the plant of Hawaii I bet you can see a rainbow there every day wherever the vortices are being stimulated might be a better way to position it if you don't utilize them they get a little flat but you know the planet is is is really grabbing a lot of its natural board decisions if you will it really is understanding our relationship again and and we're stimulating it not to say we caught up with it but we're doing our best<br> do they use before the season over okay and never felt that<br> we intentionally live on a Vortex now and kicked and screamed but did it because we're just feel so much better but it's a personal Vortex with this planet is very hard for us to get anything done other than be absolutely happy with one another not to say we won't be bouncing around we do travel a lot but it just feels normal when you live on a Vortex it's balanced with you or and where your balance with it cuz that help remedy that you said about the emails and a few what you just said to because I'm I'm so good at doing not a lot and it's you're the only person who's ever supported that it's all I can do so I just go for a walk and out and all around and thank you for staying that mermaid I mean the balance between both of you<br> I'm so glad that I'm sorry but like just I'm happy to just have really slow days and not do a whole lot and just move slow and enjoy cuz you just enjoying even<br> oh sorry mermaid even taking the slow goes in line with creating the fabric of your creation changes what you said that in the past you start to see it it's thank you for the gifts that's just incredible and beautiful and you're just both so beautiful I'm honored to be with you again<br> it is our honor thank you to keep calling me it's so great thank you so much my love to you and thank you for your call love you good day Rhonda from Western New York is online one why do I feel so emotionally emotional helping cats Honda online one<br> are you there Rhonda<br> I am here hello q and mermaid thank you so much for helping cats this is oh my gosh this is going to be very soft and you know I still back to when you two were talking about your cats and your pets when you were moving and I lost to this early this year and last year in the past year and swore I'd never have another pet anyway I started fostering<br> and I'm helping cats recover from<br> traumatic situations and there today with me well there's stay with me is only 10 look I'm getting emotional now just talking about it this is what about my Bob Ross from my Bob Ross do you go if you doing I was going to say was I<br> imagine when you help a cat because if so if so intelligent and them telepathically with us as our dogs and many others but cats have a sentence to them today if you're helping them very aware of that are very indebted to you like that. I like ya said there is no way to lie to a cat number one and when you're very honest and loyal to them they're going to it's going to a show when you have that much are on sense that the sensitivity they have is through the roof plus their capability in selecting their intuition is Madison plus you can you have a legacy on cat planet so they're also going to have a legacy on cat planet Animal Planet or more comprehensive communication so when you looked<br> cat in the eye when you first come in the room it's already got a dialogue with you that's three sentences in and you just went around the corner is that fair to say<br> yes that was nice you got to sleep in today will all the rest of us were waiting for the food stuff like that huh<br> of course I hope you had a good nap because I got some words for you first of all the kitty late return the key Trey is full and I don't like dirty kitty Trace second what's with find me whiskers I don't like that brand and third I love you but I need some cuddle time right now and they're usually they're traumatized and situations and I help to stabilize them as ordered by the opportunity finally somebody loves me finally I had to send one back and he wasn't doing well in the shelter and I went in last week and I have been crying ever since I went into the shelter last week to see how he was doing<br> and he was sound asleep and I just started talking to them in as soon as he recognized my voice he yelped out and ran over towards me and everyone is a shelters going that we've never seen him act like that I can't get him off my mind<br> and I've got another one upstairs now and her and she's just terrified is it she didn't eat for three days and<br> okay you know where I'm going with this is terrible I feel like I'm grieving<br> oh yeah this is Norm thank you for your call is amazing it's so amazing that you're recognized and you're communicating with another being it's not a cat it's never big<br> didn't ask for your hot tonight they do you know that I know that you. Thank you for your call Lauren from Virginia<br> hey Mike from New York online knows did Jesus lie to us or are Christians getting it wrong this is going to be rushed Mikey there I'm here thank you for taking my call hello to both of you<br> so I was listening to your shows with Sunshine right and it started getting me thinking about religion and cetera and just let me preface this with you know I was a cradle Catholic over 50 years I finally walked away from the church last year so it's not like I have an axe to grind that's no problem show up but I know others out there I don't want them to think that you know I have the taxi right so the Bible depending on which verse is John 14:12 says and some substance<br> truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will do the works that I'd have done and greater for I go to the father so let's break that down works of course he's talking about miracles raising the dead you know feeding the masses walking on water excetera he's talking about us doing it here not wherever the father is and we're looking at doing it now you know not when we go to the father afterwards so if we look at that again I know a lot of Christians that believe in Jesus I used to believe in Jesus but I don't know of anybody that does any works like Mike and I am glad to hear that<br> I don't know if there's anything that you'd like to share about that or can I don't know but I figured you'd be the best person to ask okay so one of the tools that we used me for was by location so I can I can buy locate it's not a pony dog show it has a massive rationale for doing it it's not we take great care in May tools like that you just read is proof that man wrote that passage and coo<br> completely made a compartment of a belief system too many words to say go within yourself to get more volume of you back in you<br> is all the Bible should say it's really tough for most Christians that hold that book all day long that's broken down cuz Grandma gave it to them has beautiful Leathers Naz beautiful words in it there's only one teaching that was given to all of us is if we would utilize more of us are authentic self then we will get more of our capabilities does that help yes absolutely thank you it's just really simple is why most of these books were written so complex because they're the real riddles you don't get a solution out of these books in most cases because it runs you around and Circle A Course in Miracles is a great one to the CIA wrote it you get to the end of that book 644 pages and you still have the everyday you have the same story but it doesn't give you any solutions<br> the only solution that I would hang my hat on is it's up to you how you want to perceive the way you make decisions do you want to do it your organic way when you're really excited or do you want it over process everything and say what's right or wrong cuz there is no right or wrong does that help<br> it does it does raise the question but yes thank you thank you so much so it's a great it's a great observation so if we can get an identity established if I can buy can martyr this individual that needs to be even better so I can<br> I'm let's make Jesus a hero let's make it a bad guy doesn't really matter it's still outside yourself<br> no one's higher than you because you're of source is all I would promote I hope that makes sense people thank you so much Mike is very very Savvy individual and I look forward to see what he uncovers let's see if we can find Ryan from Arizona middle child has trouble with communication summer similar to communication disorder what can they do to help them through their struggles and journey Ryan are you there yet I am cute our love to you<br> go ahead anyway my middle child was born with a heart condition and so in the beginning we thought you know he had selective mutism because of the surgery but afraid now and I found out at the end of last school year that he's still not communicating with the teachers or with any of his fellow classmates you know he says he likes school but you know I was at a meeting recently and he was just sitting on a bench outside and it's just heartbreaking that you know he doesn't have friends and doesn't interact with anybody<br> how old do you mind if I ask how old is the 1313 okay all right so it's okay to look into your guys's feel a little bit is that okay okay so in Arizona of all right the<br> what is the opportunities here is first of all your child is shockingly intelligent is that fair to say<br> yeah I think so okay what I mean by intelligence is he he would not prefer level five relationships is not like you know the social butterfly it just have a okay friend he's looking for a lot of Integrity as friendship notice he comes home and talks to you correct okay so why is he talking to the other trailer well he's he can see their fields he can see their awareness he can see their knowledge he doesn't feel comfortable sharing his heart with them is what I mean by intelligent he has a big forehead is that fair yeah for sure is really in the mix now they get really exposed at especially where you're living there<br> you know you got a very aggressive group of kids that age group because half of them have<br> do they have they got iPhone Sunday they got the least they got belief systems that go to the roof video gaming scrambles people's Parts doesn't collect would you like a solution<br> yes okay lots of eye contact and lots of slow decision-making when you ask these questions is there anyone here's an example<br> you're the father you'll decide<br> eyeball to eyeball outside would be great what's it like it's cool<br> what are the kids like<br> what do you mean by that<br> sure they're so maybe the answer will be there's a lot of mean kids okay why are they me will there they pick on me or you'll get to the bottom of it so make an iceberg of questions of what school like find continuity with the topic and just make an iceberg of questions to get to the bottom of it and pretty soon we can get 10 20 Questions a day how was school today it was okay nobody likes me okay why don't they like yet get more questions out so you can be a support but you'll you'll get commonality and collaboration and a camaraderie with you and will assume other relationships in the family to have a little more courage that you don't have to participate with every relationship is when you have someone with such a big heart<br> they feel overwhelmed with so many kids that have no heart to that makes sense.<br> I appreciate it I mean he says he likes who likes the kids in his class and they'll like him but he just can't break through that barrier in them but I would argue that he's hiding because it's safer it's he is much safer isn't it<br> sure okay you decide though I want you to decide but yeah if you want to call back I'll work on this all day long it's one of my greatest passions is didn't make those for next-generation very happy does that help you<br> yeah yeah I know I have another question and maybe you won't answer it or you don't but many years ago my two of my buddies and myself we had an interaction with a UFO and then we lost about 4 hours at a time but we don't remember what happened could you give any insight on what that was all about and it was correct no it was actually in Minnesota Minnesota<br> the okay and do you have the episode do you remember coming back into the body<br> do I remember no do you remember leaving the body<br> you know<br> okay it's a domestic vessel and it's just a classic cut and paste so you would have gone back in time for probably about a week somewhere in there and I will assume<br> that your buddies will have a different story than yours is that safe side just remember too much as I do is you know we watch this thing ascendant we were playing tag with it going down this old dirt road in on the same parallel with blah blah blah and then we went to turn the corner to go to the movie theater and next thing we knew we woke up on the side of the road my buddy who is riding shotgun when I woke up was now in the back of the car with my other buddy and then we just went home kind of in a daze next day you know yeah yeah I would I would expect in that episode that all four of you have a little bit different take I'll also expect that your blood genetics were unique to the abduction<br> so the best alike I know the individuals run with us. So no problem I'll assume that there was a few of you with blonde hair and blue eyes<br> I got my my one buddy and yeah I have told her blue eyes is the big targeting area throughout 50 60 70 s probably slows down the 80s for doing mapping DNA restructuring genetic harvesting so they're just taking test of you<br> I got you okay<br> ask question now get off the phone now I know you said that some people you you know you can't you know things have to be limited in in your interaction or what not<br> the first the first stop. I heard you were coming to the Southwest I would love to take you out on a treasure hunting trip if you got the time<br> yeah and if not that's okay but I want him to go meet get done in any way it's funny because this individual bought a metal detector and it's been digging up a gold mine and so will take you up on that we're good thank you for your call outstanding job great question Lauren online one are you still there thank you for your patience the other line I guess is broken and Lauren are you there<br> haikyuu haikyuu timer<br> I love you both so much<br> I think I'm doing a little bit better cute with not being so nervous when I call it I'm trying that's how we doing today what are you playing with<br> what's cute I've been playing with omnipresence and I was I was driving to the beach this week I just wanted to go to the beach and I remember last Saturday you mentioned that mermaid bra was in one of the body that she was in a vessels is the singer so I started singing this song I was belting it out in the car on the way to the beach and I sang it over and over and I felt nice I felt that I recognized myself in the harmonics and I've always loved this singer I don't know why but anyways so I recognized<br> myself or a portion of myself in that individual and I said to myself or is that my head or my heart and so I first. I just accept it and I'm like okay yes that was that was I'm going to accept that but then my head came and I do know that's what he not so the real question is trusting myself you know I'm working on this I talk to you all the time I'm working on trusting myself and there's a deeper meaning to this question I won't go into it but the omnipresence piece it is very interesting to me and with that cute with that my head and my heart and I know<br> I can answer that but I'm I'm still with the training wheels here and I just need a little bit of assistance<br> do you like musician Loretta Lynn<br> oh yeah I mean I don't listen don't listen to it a lot don't listen to her a lot but yeah<br> let's how many people will be born this year<br> and we don't know the number. OK Google will die this year<br> which one's going to exceed the other<br> probably more cheaper get probably more people going to die then people to be born we could probably figure out okay so now let's times that by let's see 50 years last fifty or so<br> give me a call drop Q I'm right here I'm here<br> if they don't like that one I'm here I'm here<br> all right I think I'm going to think I'm coming back in you got me yeah I'm here I'm here we lost me at break down the rolls I believe okay so if we have multiple guitar because you can sell that's why we get the brakes anyway the rate of how many people are dying and how many people are born you can see that it's upside down so you can actually almost count the volume of spirit is taking over human bodies that's why there's so many clones here is because they're so few light beings with volume this much volume light<br> so the omnipresent that you're talking about is really really getting more obvious so the superstars are going to be us the superstars that were in business in music and entertainment in theater is is going to favor us where most of the people when you go to the airport there probably not people if you see a milk the most of the people to Fair probably are people most of the people at the at the football game or probably not people to the degree of the what you're utilizing so what's in them is my real question because we see so much diversity so trust your heart is my suggestion I assure you where you're at if you made it this far you're well on your way going to the roof does that help you<br> specialized it does inclination of feeling of like that example of why I'm so the singer is me then what else can you say that is your knowledge. You know it's not getting hot hot face true knowledge and them and then the other portion of the doubt and fear with anything I know anyting know you want to know where it's coming from it's not you then you got your click come to some what's you and what isn't you sure that's not you so that's that's easy part<br> that would be I would imagine the tree knowledge is I command my spirit to verify<br> I was this person you could do that it gets really low granular and what your typically get will be chills going up your legs the typically will get chills if it doesn't come from the base of the spine to the Heart Center you can't trust it so the comes to the mind but make it an even simpler I command my spirit while you're listening to your favorite song is this me singing and your heart sense will give you validate Shannon not your mind is that he'll<br> that helps a lot thank you so much and I sing to you both all the time<br> and I've been sending you I've been sending you hugs and kisses with the silver sorry she my silver platters got a lot of stuff on it I send you hugs and kisses all right baby thank you for your call I was out of respect of it however there are ways all day all day is my day what do you think you think we got some work done yeah we have to go we got to respect what is it say what do you say we having fun I love you all all day long thank you so much for your understanding of me and mermaid it's it means the world to us to see the incredible advances you all get teaches everyday please teach us keep calling and calling and calling he keeps calling and calling<br> I'm going to get you out of school just like Ferris Bueller I love you very much I love you very much<br> have a good day BBS radio thank you for your help will call today great day to you bye bye<br>