Project Review With Q, November 2, 2024
Project Review With Q
Reviewing listener projects and answering listener calls
Part 69
Project Review With Q

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alright welcome welcome welcome to<br> go over some projects today thanks for showing me again it's such a privilege and an honor to see all the submittals keep them coming keep them coming sure you they will be lets say energized keep them coming<br> I'll take calls for the most part of this show and again the number is 18 excuse me +888-627-700-8886 to 77008 I forgot all my notes last year Michigan I am working hard for you give me a little more time we'll go put some things together all right let me let me give you a little bit of feedback I rarely give you feedback what's going to happen<br> but I'm behind the scene and I know that's not always what you may want but I like to keep everybody what you say and now I must not create timelines that are other people but you hear me flirt with advances here in there and my my goal is always to make those Advanced independent certainly I want to quit wind in your sails I'll show you an example of how we've done it and show boat in a bit last few weeks goes a bit like this this is not independent to this one person there's a larger group and so forth and this person goes by conscious Cowboy y'all be careful not to give out his contact information<br> hi Frederick Hughes team Hodges I did the blank land that you set aside for the Ballard group it's absolutely amazing I can feel the light and I can hardly contain my excitement I can feel my legacy connection to the land and I want to live there there's a perfect energetic match for me<br> my wife could feel it to my heart my excitement my inspiration is Full Speed Ahead I'm already a part of that land and can't wait to move there and expand our energetic I know I'm going up there again on Friday<br> I was my friend she's super excited to let me see if the original homesteads and I'm playing a full them if they haven't already been pulled out also want to pull the land patent for the gun club a few miles where the forest and trees are very promise I didn't ask me for help yes they're not used to being abused are they I'm going to help the gun club may need some encouragement relocated are dissolved I'm inspired to build a strong connection that rebuilds my legacy connection to the land and to that area I'm inspired to be part of the transition team to do the work needed to transform the whole entire area including the greater area into what we all want I'm moving forward in any way I can but I'm also waiting on next steps and recommendations from the pr team example of<br> the Ballard group has a succession plan of stealing they do acoustic award they do collaborative Work Connection with a lot of different things and one of the values of having very powerful people in cities<br> is that they can come and go come and go and still sustain their power it's very amazing that when you live in a mesh Network so let's say an area that has a lot of 5G or a lot of Wireless a lot of dirty power it's amazing that were able to sustain life and<br> and sharing our life yet when we get out into areas that are our Legacy relationships so in this case the grid work there that we lay there thousands and thousands of years ago is still there it doesn't go anywhere I'm comfortable with the Lord to see model<br> but I would really encourage us to look at our Legacy relationship with the planet and ourselves like and then that's what makes the horse he so it's not a thing we are creating more texts with the plan to wear on and certainly were using portal technology to get in here at the same time so it's it's it's quite a quite incredible another<br> another project I'll list real quick while I wait for the phone to populate<br> hello cutie and passionate very much into this and another dream project and hope it will fit criteria and I will hear from you back soon sincerely yours and this one is called trq God is love<br> hello gorgeous. You team I'm very passionate about our community health this morning a woman from Lithuania Raza<br> Slavic cartel crew suffered financially can't contact me it's not suffering for me but according to the way she told me her story it touched me deeply I know I should not react react immediately I keep trying to learn slow down but I feel that she really needed my help the woman since told me that it could have happened fourteen years ago now it's catching her<br> into proper financial collapse<br> I always I always wonder<br> if Financial collapse is healthy or traumatic how do we how do we measure Finance is always find a definitions that explain<br> Financial collapse when energetics if we advance our next<br> desire then that's just too energetic and you know you know where I'm going with that I'm not sure<br> how do you can actually finish the claps<br> anyways<br> I thought of using wise baking for the purpose and I hope to collect some money from my group of 100 members to help this woman but Governor official agent froze her bank account well she asked for help and gave me an idea and I must be too warm feeling organization you welcome everybody who walks into this building in me that feeling grows and turns and passion another new project of my dreams God is love with this name I would like to name a charity fund place like very friendly and supportive organization which I could have a few persons passionate same as me to help others or me after RV in them will be much easier I would like to learn to help a Preston to see people I'm a passionate man of China work for that has reliable time just a person and I feel that we will succeed sweetly sincerely yours<br> skip several words are yes so this is a project of being a manager or is it still utilizing I'll start the questions thank you so much for your submittals never stop letting Kevin from Florida going to Wild Kevin things about Asher has to you<br> I'm glad you're doing something other than talking to me probably something very productive thank you<br> hey. I was hoping to hear from her mate today also and if she happened to be swimming with the dolphins and the whales will be around next week<br> okay so you know I'm part of carries group and on behalf of the questions for Houston's room I was wondering have you seen the 13 best of questions we submit it to you through the perq contact form have you have you seen those lately<br> always wondering what's the best way to communicate with you all if I have thousands of people do we just do a one-off conference call with the frequency to it or what do you suppose is easiest way you're you're going to March I'm getting us to respond electronically but we certainly I like the idea of communicating verbally or renting out a football stadium I don't know something like that I'm not certain but maybe if you looked over the festive questions that we have and and select maybe some of the most more asked most asked questions and then present them a show that might be one solution we could think of others but<br> all of you out in so many ways so when I have a bunch of Kerry's groups you can imagine the volume as is fairly interesting and so will one idea was to do conference calls so we can we can get a little more work done so far with the timing of events, I'm dragging my feet a little bit but I think the best way to do it is go ahead and set a conference call where everybody can just<br> yes please so as we get organized not everyone's really excited about us getting organized that's what I'm getting on and I want to keep you guys safe<br> okay thank you so you've mentioned numerous times but we're on a water pill and you miss and also that we were mermaids and mermen are more people at least we have it in our epigenetics I was wondering our our consoles remnants of gills and and does tonsil removal affect us in any way<br> a good question so the glands the your glands are underneath your throat are your legacy gills<br> so when you get sick you notice they get swollen and so forth<br> you if a coincidence a funny story is if you look at the front cover of a band called Nirvana the baby is chasing dollar underwater and the band's album is called nevermind we talked about<br> so if we would stay underwater your gills would readapt or you would get used to fill in your lungs up and transferring the volume of water and oxygen through it so right now you're actually more of her purse and then I didn't say you don't have a lion genes reptilian gingival hodge-podge of genetic I'll call Construction<br> be careful with that but you're capable of breathing underwater right now and you're proving it by talking right now because the volume of water on a water planet<br> in the atmosphere is NASA a year your science has lied to you so you're actually underwater right now we could argue the volume of water in geographies is different so the desert versus Atlanta Georgia we're going to be we're going to be transferring more water through our body then in the dryer High Plains example but certainly all of us are underwater right now<br> okay wow all right you can go weeks and weeks without food but you can't go weeks weeks that water<br> that's correct so all you really are is a water continuously your cells multiply your new person every day<br> so the way you're doing it that's why I'm understanding water is memory so important is because if you keep holding on to stress the not the cells are going to remember it epigenetics and then you're going to be more of that stress so that that's this your your proof that you are water water has memory all you are there's really I'd say twenty<br> under 25% of your body is minerals the rest is all water<br> okay<br> so you were basically all murky ball in some respect it depends on how much we're going to favor those jeans over you no other genetics certainly why do you have hair on the back of your neck<br> why do you have hair underneath your underarms so you can see the blending of this mammal and has been quite diverse hasn't it<br> yes it has very much though<br> well thank you it does leave me into a second and final question is that you know we've talked about the Cenote I think that's one of her favorite subjects we like to talk and ask questions to you about is our Cenote and perhaps the Dome this over it that's just fascinating stuff so my question is is the space above the Dome the same density as the water on the planet surface<br> no but density is not the correct term<br> what to use a different word what is is It's Tricky<br> what if what if I put you in a box<br> and every 12 hours a little white a little white Planet came in called the moon and tried to get into your box and stay there and stay there and stay there and get closer to you or either way and what if in that same box I worked really hard to get more light into that box<br> and get more of source light into your box is maybe another way to look at it so density is a bit of a trick that word cuz your frequency from the light is always going to be there so the volume in which you utilize is really well we might want to use the word density so most planets don't have night in the higher frequencies and or more let's say established universe's most of the Stars you see at night that will fit all of them I'd say 50% of the Stars finneon G or geography are ships that can't get in here<br> so when you hear the mystical Tales of true are are are butts they are nursery rhymes Twinkle Twinkle Little Star I wonder what you are so these are light ships in most cases that can't get into the jello that's around us and or the black<br> call yarn got a lot of holes in it now but most of those ships can't get through and or replace ship with light light vessel so you're just being very tiny portion of a Lightship that can't quite get down in here and your son is doing the same thing but it's more powerful<br> so think of your son as<br> maybe a highway to source<br> it's come down to a lower and or compartmentalize area this planet used to used to be like planet and now it's a dark planet but changing all the time did that answer your question<br> did yes and what was the what's the fate of the Starships to get stuck in there what's their fate will they eventually unstuck and leave the system or they're going to write so part of it if you do go on for the people must face the story's pretty well told there were so when we bring in a multi-dimensional ships in the area 51 and Russia and many other places because they were the pilot ship so the bigger ships live at a higher frequency band for like a better definition they're going to struggle to get into a very low density as you called it lower frequency<br> the light doesn't do very good down here I'm living proof they were adapting and then bringing light in here and or growing us out of here so hopefully that helps<br> cool thank you so much for for your time with you I had much appreciate it. Course I've got hundreds and hundreds of more questions but I'm going to I'm going to go ahead and buy that leave and then let them other folks have some Quality Inn lot of information is going to come in to you naturally outside of me I assure you<br> alright thank you I love you too and you have a wonderful day I love you too and mermaid us as well thank you so much<br> Susan from New York questions about the vertical light that goes into us and Susan are you there in New York online 3<br> hi Q yes I'm here thank you for taking my call I love you dearly<br> speaking of the light on the image for the perq timeline show that the vertical light, and two weeks ago I experienced a vertical energetic field come in through me episode pretty well feeling and can you explain what that is and how it's different possibly from feeling Source in the center of my heart question for the most part all of us are going to receive more of us continuously from now on then you don't really have a choice in it unless you work really hard not to reseed the volume of your capability so when it comes through your heart center they can come through the top of your head in your heart center most people get to the heart center and then experienced it to the head I'm not comfortable with the term down<br> I would encourage everybody to observe information from the heart and then assess where the information came from how we want to utilize it observant observant not participate with it is an example of the light coming into you vertically because you're able to extrapolate information that you don't know why you know all of a sudden is that fair to say so that should get be getting more normal the with the lid it's is tricky with this type of human because we look at things literally so we've been brainwashed look at things literally doesn't work that way with the life. Does that help a little bit<br> yes yes thank you it's beautiful keep calling I love these kind of questions a lot<br> if I could put if we can do a quick one just you said earlier will let me out is that okay<br> I'm begging you okay good I have list papers of them earlier on at Homestead show and we talked about synchronicities are you spoke about synchronicity you mentioned something about your group your gear containing yourself being anonymous in the many ways that you interact with us so my question is how do you all come into our faces is it true Dolphins Birds people Hawk can you speak a little bit about that<br> it's endless you'll never I'll never be able to answer we're able to transfer our Energies<br> concurrent with desire so time<br> is not relevant to us<br> so when we know that we would expect us to be the primary<br> force participating with the primary force here so you all are holding space here we're participating with you and however you want participation we participate with you tricky<br> but we know we're going to give you more horsepower when you all make a real pull one way or the other<br> yet at the risk of being arrogant we know we're the ones putting the wind in the sales as I stay all the time we don't work just supporting you and the way it typically Works depending on what systems you're in and what planet you're in once we all aligned together is the true horsepower<br> so when the light comes in on the Ascension cycle we all get stronger does that make sense<br> yes yes and just because we're in initiating me just because we're initiating the Ascension cycle because it's the end of the cycle isn't relevant to a place that doesn't have really important because it could be you two just as easily but that's pretty much how we work<br> well beautiful it's so exciting it is a really exciting to see you at all because I know we all yell on your horse to the lady Kelly mentioned going to the Sun so I went back down to the beach and and sat with the fun in wow that was that was also another incredible experience that you would add that to your explanation as well be able to pull in more light use the sun is a tool everyday it can get bigger you can shrink it you can make you dance it is of you for you it is one in the same as you and certainly that's your way back to stores mini the sun has an endless tools as the<br> but the honor really thank you really and mermaid as well it's probably moving and love you dearly all right Susan another boring call from Susan Lowe<br> BBS let's see if I can get organized here yes so when we when we do the Calle Sol Willie calibrate and reconfigure to our physical body is starting to see some people are moving a different Ray do you know you listen to Kevin they're very Advanced questions you listen to Susan do they talk like that 10 years ago or when anybody teach that I would say we're ready for a new education system folks<br> we're going to work we're figuring this out<br> I don't care if you listen to the Corbett report Simon parkes Stewart swerdlow a cell Catherine Austin Fitts<br> Mr Skidmore USAWatchdog if you just start putting all of it in one bucket and every newspaper you ever read you're going to figure it out none of these things that have happened to instill what what we're dreaming about my thank you for being so honest yourself thank you so much moving on VBS thanks for your patience Lisa from Australia online for would like to hear your thoughts on occupy the Getty museum Lisa are you there<br> you're high<br> show me Australian<br> you a while back you referred us to steal and if we could track down any recordings of Matt Gleason could be highly regarded him with a gentleman called even date Kelly needed to put Max Steel to I believe that can the earliest what what I think was a little while back and then he's also Johnston recording who is Jordan Maxwell now come across him again on a podcast called the truth radio<br> is he one of those people that you would regard as being someone with good information to listen to<br> which name would you prefer<br> which name are you referring to<br> probably will not endorse any individuals ever I have to be very careful<br> but<br> I just know that<br> great care is taken great care that my other question was referring back to the gentleman that called him sorry I forgot his 90's back and you were talking about the nerve people is that why we got 6 months to go buy you and me and my dad were talking about a benefits of kelp<br> is that why we love killed so much and that's why I said good cuz we are knows we've apartment people enough<br> yeah absolutely. Thank you very much for that question if you if your study of let's say let's pick a tree that make totem poles and or symbolization as you've heard me say if he do look at Vancouver Island one of the reasons they tore down that museum is so you wouldn't learn the Legacy that they left for us the totem poles for the most part we're a family progression from us coming from water to land so it'd be the reason most whales Beach themselves is the technology that's on the ship sonar person so bad they'll come to the beach and they're not they're not trying to kill themselves they're doing their best to transition to the beach to educate the population and or become a human bit so when you see all those<br> Wales yes and it's very negative maybe it's pollution maybe it's harmonics from seminar it could be a lot of different reasons if you do look in the early 2000s the u.s. Navy killed a lot of more people and they all went to shore to get away from the Craftmatic Sandstone are that was crippling them we just the way it goes through your body is you can't you can't survive if it's off so they would come for sure but it really to Incarnate as a mammal a short so if you look at a total you'll see an otter became 0<br> he came in Elk and Elk Attorneys at 1007 taught the lineage of progression of merpeople and the recycling back to her people so most natives in the Vancouver British Columbia area those totem poles and their language would be synonymous for thousands and thousands of years and they all become Eagles all become otters all become sealed against the understood that the way we would come and go come and go coming up is the best I can do hopefully that answer your question<br> we got some wonderful people here in Australia<br> doing a lot of campaigning what to do with the wind turbine to you and the other bring up a very good spot and some wonderful people in the Forefront of the oceans and Wiles and the Dolphins and older Moraine Lots B<br> what's the region you're in is highly coveted and you probably need to be able to go to the TV Islands an up-and-down Australia<br> Australia's doing outstanding job of hiding the truth from the people the outstanding job so you'll never ever get in your politics not to standardize on the truth for you but that's a tough place to the lobby and prove it as your sister<br> yep me up inside of a geograph by and credible people standing up and make sure I'm going to make sure you get done going to make sure you get help and obviously the mermaids great Passion about it too<br> yeah I'm sure the men will be very passionate about that one thank you please keep calling in yesterday<br> when you observe Australia unfortunately I would consider that the healthiest alien geography because they're hiding right in front of you and I can assure you that the the work we did there is unfinished<br> and much of Australia has been compromised in a way that is very difficult to explain you can see the pyramids all throughout the place she can see the cut down trees all out of the freezer quarter-mile why you can see the Legacy there<br> it's an it's the great debate and what we would do to re-educate the masses there as they compete with each other they love competition they are quite convinced that<br> inflationary systems work the queen did a very good job in Australia not to be negative potential are the energetic they're very sought-after call her thank you yes radio Mary from California to shifting Dimensions while typing can credit card companies seize property Mary from coffee this is interesting Dimensions while typing Mary's in California. Are you there<br> hello Q thank you for taking my call so happy I love you so much and everybody on the cute teen and whoever else is listening I'm with lwf my love to them as well and everybody that's making this possible for all of us I'm so grateful my question I was typing out the forms or you know homesteading but noticed a big knowledge mint and when I got to the form of a little bit here it is the Declaration of the grantees noticed there's a little bit of information there about the Constitution and when I started typing that I shifted I felt like I was right there with<br> the whole Constitution group<br> call Randy but why is mr. why is that<br> probably because I was there<br> right maybe I feel that you have more to say but let's hold that one there so I can keep up with you soak in that apartment how do you come across knowledge like that if In-N-Out answer in a way that will either validator this mess but if we created everything in the universe<br> then I should be able to remember treating Constitution<br> yeah I would hope so that's why you hear me do so many songs when I sing why it why is that catchy songs the route you old songs for me are by Prince new songs by Mozart<br> well the reason I saved flip statements like that is because our knowledge of all music and harmonics is already been created we're just now read<br> instituting on the engineering and producing I'm creating nothing new here<br> you're now you're going to remember a I should probably give myself a place that's a little steady we need to write a constitution would be pretty normal make sure we're safe when we get there kind of whip it would be a normal model when it<br> yes<br> a little basketball and super were going and he's a very very very ancient systems used Constitution is it's very old it it did its best to take Linguistics in Mary Spirit into a course you're going to you're going to remember that aren't you<br> well I was and yet I was the one trying to keep these documents all myself to completely go with the whole drifting of another dimension but it would come and go and I felt really empowered by that I felt like this is so important not just for me but for everyone to do the do the host at it for what ever reason they need to<br> yeah I think it is very tricky from our point of view where to start advancing opportunities without reading our minds and our art necessarily Proactive or reactive we would stand right is on it is I'm on the planet and if I was free on my planet and I don't know I don't have any white noise everyday<br> then my happiness my peacefulness increase would be the our assessment is that fair to say<br> yes<br> if I can get you established for you so you can see the difference so many people 12 / survival don't they<br> oh yeah it's like ingrained in us I believe haven't even growing up the way I did with a single mom and you know she used I grew up with channel to use this as a formal counseling so you know when I was younger it was normal for me to seek out somebody to help me through a situation and you know I've had some issues with that I am. I I do the command all the time so I can be really careful and I are not able to do the creation Lightship just yet but I will and you know I just try to make sure I'm not being a jealous type of doctors because I have been<br> yeah just do could you thank you so much for offering what is it okay to ask you some questions about it<br> yeah<br> so when so when your family would Channel individuals outside yourself some of the information felt correct in it<br> well yeah of course it did I not a lot of this happened when I was really young and my mom is to take me to these quote-unquote Faith healers and clairvoyants and mediums because I was born with a congenital hip issues and so she was trying to kill me<br> you know I know they touched me and I feel like I carried some of that with me throughout most of my childhood and young adult life<br> I just also have two going up to Mount Shasta and the channeling is like a way of life up there at least it was but I don't do that and I understand why<br> where is because we're so stop alarming we we can absorb<br> Oh yeah and when it comes in and it is so like you have described warm and fuzzy I had a voice continually not all of the time but throw in a little comment here one of my young dogs is very sick and if she was having a seizure in the voice came in and said you're going to have to put her down and I'm like you know but no and then 20 seconds later they started again and when I did go to the veterinarian that's exactly what I needed to do so at some point in time in my life I did kind of feel like I was being guided but I wasn't real<br> abduction it is tricky and it is proof that we are going to the Ascension process because the generations prior to your mother must not not all Bloodlines would have that capacity and if they did most cases they would have been in the family of bloodline maybe you would use some of the the elite families of Europe in summer they would make sure you didn't get out and start talking about since it's pretty pretty obvious that we would expect if we're able to do this now that means there's a lot of people have been doing a long time<br> well I agree they have been and you know for whatever it's worth some of those people were probably innocent and then there are those there aren't as my captain saying that<br> yeah look how easy it would be to okay go to<br> meet me at the Smithsonian and I'll give you a box full of a billion dollars as long as you keep listening to the voices in your head and do exactly as I say and I'll give you another billion dollars next month etc etc that was that's pretty common practice Rooms To Go ahead and put the thoughts in your head in as long as you obey and you play Black Magic game you get rewarded reward reward as you're seeing the end of that game and that's than that one of those people would probably be at George Bush Senior and look look what they got they got the keys to the farm all the rewards because they don't see the grander scheme and or the greater good of of Love and War<br> I never liked him I never heard of interesting how you just to know you don't like someone and yet sometimes when I was like are you a good person or what I'm trying to help you with your dog that's a real heart don't lie enough time we know what slime do you mind if I go<br> not at all but we can't I just want what's house one thing can this Bank of America who's doing me with a credit card can they try to mess with my home I'm not quite completed with the homestead process and they serve me a summons to go to court<br> do credit card companies will go take you to go get sent to collections but not they can't touch an ass especially not one that's what is it a company who is representing them so I really didn't think much of it I didn't want to play in that timeline but it did make me kind of wondering whether you can process now I'm not going to communicate I'm not going to deal with them eventually<br> it's all going to go away anyway<br> it it's your your RV that you're calling your RV is going to solve a lot of problem I'm not going to give you hope p.m. on this topic but once you realize it's the u.s. dollar is worthless<br> there is no debit at the dead delivery system will beat us off so I wouldn't worry about it<br> so much I love you so much thank you for taking my call lovely day and one question about Jordan Maxwell Jordan very dear friend of mine please what do you have a 98 minutes what are you and Jordan working on<br> what oh listen to use the information has been coming my way quite a bit and I was listening to one of his audios and he was talking about a group of people that are here on Earth are already controlling Earth and that there's going to be another group of beings coming back and there will be a battle over who's going to control weeds a human being so is is he talkin from another timeline or is that something in the near future our future in regards to that well I wonder I wonder who's coming back<br> well<br> 1 oz or 1 it's you it's you it's you it's okay though because it kind of confused me quite a bit and you know as I was driving yesterday listening to him there's all these ship clouds above me and they're all over the place of my okay what's up with a ship clouds they were like everywhere<br> so I was told that there was full of there right now so I can be most of the ships that they're all going to be flat-bottomed clouds what was the ship's what they're doing is their cloaking themselves to hide from your awareness they're here so why are they hiding because you can actually destroy them if you want to so many projects I get involved in it is destroying huge bandwidth of these the ship<br> what happens if the Tracer they'll leave will dissolve so you can command your spirit to destroy any ship above my habits find the army so you can do that right now if you would just be out loud but most the most standard reason why they're here is they're taking the energy and lose off of you because you're alive it so you have more light in use if they don't have so they're going to try and hang out with us to stay in our Dimension reality so they can advance to higher Dimension Ascension cycle and need us to do that so they'll be around river systems Water Systems where there's lots of a Onyx lot of people vibration people say they're going to stay or people like you because you're going to carry more light in your day in and day out I could have just went to the mailbox is attracted to them<br> so don't don't consider it negative considerate that because you're bringing so much light all of us are they're going to want to do something with it somehow someway timelines lot lot of different ways<br> anyway those ships are positive negative that situation is what I'm doing my best to say that make sense<br> yes it does very much so and I didn't notice that I did save might destroy commands while I was driving and I noticed that they were around me and above me was all blue sky but it was it was just fascinating I might look at all these ships it was crazy just crazy what other questions do you have about Jordan Maxwell<br> Jordan is amazing all I can say is there's all I'm not I'm going to you know if we ever get together and we have that so one on one interview I'm going to have some questions lined up for your house that yeah you betcha Jordan Jordan for me is the hardest-working individual who's ever walked the planet to study absolutely every Bible on the plant<br> and he did not stop it no stop and world leaders call Dan in his capabilities or endless his knowledge is endless<br> very very dear to me as you may know study resulted in somebody is steering us so if you read<br> the Quran you read every single but it doesn't matter what viable he read them all and an associate them with cultural all around the world and he could standardized one thing and one topic or somebody is steering us and that right away and he will not be so I don't I'm not I don't care if steering is good or bad but someone wants us to go in a certain direction and that's when I pick up the ball this is an alien planet and we are going to take it back that's that's where I'm at<br> I love it. Awesome thank you so much once again for your time love you<br> I love you my love to you abbs I think we can call it a day I think we work hard I don't know what I would do without BBS radio the people behind their please keep keep reading for the people that space and we're working hard to get you a quality information making some advances in life looks like we got a fun couple weeks coming our way.<br> remember we're all in silos we all have our own plans put them all together and you'll get the straight story and I thank you so much do you couldn't do this without you beautiful day but why<br>