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Project Review With Q, November 16, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

Reviewing listener projects and answering listener calls

Part 71

Project Review With Q

Project Review With Q
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5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

alright welcome welcome welcome to Prague reviews you like to take calls entire hour we can and chat about anything and everything we did quite a few calls on the homestead one today so maybe to some current events or things that is not yet keep your thank everyone for keeping your prq subscription going lots of projects coming in thank you thank you lots of ideas suggestions helps Otherworld tremendously Distributing this information to our Consciousness Collective Consciousness advances these projects as well as the coming events in your reality<br> so with that see if I can get to the chat room<br> see if I have any callers it's always a thrill<br> to hear everyone's perspective point of view in their lives and look how much we've all changed and and recognize ourselves more and more just by collaborate<br> yeah I use with you so I'm just waiting for the phone lines to populate here but one thing I wanted to share with you before we get going here and there was a legacy construction process<br> that is a very Innovative that could help a lot of people may be more smarter than they do projects outside or on their homes or otherwise and so a very long time ago you used to do measurement with string Plumbing Bob's levels and their creativity of it<br> the creativity of it came from what we would probably call are sick but because we used our heart when we we did use these ancient tools to build whether it's a nursery boxer or poor furniture<br> the wind is created with what we might call in Perfections I actually become stronger cuz of the incentive the the the<br> the inspiration to build the item and so that's why great encouragement is is looking<br> means of measurement and control systems when we do construction just because we use rulers doesn't mean we have to continue using a lot of different ways to get up there I'll take a call thank you bonita from Australia conceiving magnificent Souls conceiving visits her mother Bonita<br> Bonita Bonita<br> all right I was thinking of a Cheech and Chong song I don't like to go to work cuz his bosses and assholes Benita how can I feel you today listen to you today what are you what are you working on today thank you for calling you questions I guess but how do I even say it<br> I feel like I'm sorry I'm just playing and I feel like there's Just Energy around me that is calling me in some way staying on this health journey and Consciousness Jernigan<br> I feel like these soldiers are coming in our Consciousness so you know about it and I require my conscious vessels to come in is this house is this<br> the same is what's going to happen coming forward and must be happening now is the same as what Lawton said was he's a guy<br> that is outstanding observation all right you know<br> root cause analysis what's what's our hiccup what do you suppose our hiccup is<br> mini mini he conquered native clothes<br> the primary one<br> Ron I would agree on is that we are looks I'll be careful with words I suppose but spiritually immature picking our mates<br> so because we use Lust For decision-making as a standard as a generic and so we don't necessarily understand procreation from a spiritual point of view so as example if we all found our 20s and or higher Consciousness partner and then procreated this would go very fast<br> so that is primarily how we develop society's environments everywhere from animal life to mammal in life so if we would understand our heart center first before we took a meat that would solve a tremendous amount of of that would increase our opportunities for sure that make sense what is happening with<br> cuz had you say before in The Reincarnation of picking the best of a bad bunch<br> is that what is what's happening when was saying people that I would can save but do not have healthy Los Charros do not tighten all of us things episodes vibrating at the same level of those parents and that's what's coming in and sorry if we've got high conscious parents instead of picking each other<br> cheap Yule Log this is lost to having a lot of dough that is more aware of a different frequencies that come into these different parents<br> can't can happen that way<br> a lot of the way in which we are Contracting with each other is another way to to disregard that the relationship with the light so if you're in a contract with someone<br> and you it's not easy to get out of that contract if you're married and by the way you got to share everything you can you develop with each other animosity in is installed<br> but look at how many people in their Middle Ages will call it do find Enlightenment and realize they're not with their highest excitement<br> yes and so that is 11 tool that I feel it is very valuable is one parent goes one way the other parent has no rights and one usually understand why the other one doesn't because you're supposed to stay married forever and ever Well turns out that we picked our partner under the premise of karmic relationships in most cases<br> there was something Sparky about this person and I went to school with them and I just always think about them all the time most of karmic relationships are one of the tools to a slow down the Consciousness Collective finding their true partners<br> okay makes sense.<br> Okay you have another question<br> just to let you know I'm a project going well with biker a while ago now but the letting Hobson Community stop is going really well coming along thank you thank you the people that are helping me today will want to know more about that in the future and I thank you so much for your call thank you so much for your call all right Kelly from Florida I believe is on line five questions about reaching the Christians Kelly from Florida please<br> hey q that is not the name of the game IQ<br> what do you what do you want to play with today Kelly you know I haven't talked to you for 2 years<br> and I didn't want to talk to you again until I had more of me in me and I feel like I do have that now because I think I was a total when I talk to you before<br> I have been working on myself quite a bit and I had a lot of classes with Lucia lot of a lot of learning I know who I am and<br> when you were talking to Sunshine last week towards the end of it was at like a very end of the conversation with me or how do we how do we reach a Christian and that made my heart plate and I guess I've known it all along that I feel like that's what I'm here for and you know you picked your parents and so I think I knew that what I was getting into with this the Catholicism you know to the have this whole<br> do what do you call it<br> conditioning and institutionalization and let you know going through that whole system to fight my way out just so that I can be there for them and so I feel like that is my past internet that I would like to do not sure how that plays out exactly but I know that I thought I bought my way out<br> and I just want to be able to help them find themselves so<br> I'm not<br> I hope it all goes down though you know I don't know exactly how that's going to play out<br> you have a desire your inspiration is is in regarding<br> two collaboration with traditional Christians is that is that what I'm hearing<br> well yeah I want them you taught need I know who I am I know I'm God and yeah I want I want to be able to do that for them I want to be able to help teach them you know I know that yours is coming down<br> you know I know what I went through with leukemia and it was and it was hard because when you're a Christian or at least the Catholic do you live in a bubble and even the terminology of a being in one of those tears classes like you know come into my face and you know opening up yourself going with this stuff it was pretty hard and I feel like I just feel like we're I would Excel and helping would be I do have a gift of<br> simplifying in a little bit for people that don't have that background to be able to bring them along and help them do not know who they are<br> what would be the solution<br> what would be the solution well I think one way at least the way I wanted it to go down because when I first when I first started to waking up and I knew about the Catholic church and I knew about the children and all the money that they had I did confront a priest and I locked it in the sanctuary in there also and confront them and he did tell me he did know and that was back in 2020 he knew he knew some of the truth anyway he knew about all the money being under the view and so is it seems like me I don't know what your big cousin is but it just seems like you know that does need to come out<br> and it seems like they need to be the ones to tell the spirit to tell the church I mean they have a perfect system that enslaved us<br> and so it seems like that would be okay so there's several militaries around the world government agencies etcetera they have what you've heard me say many times has Gateway so as you heard me say my apologies for everybody who's hearing a lot of repeat information today I got a lot a lot of new people coming in and it's very exciting and so and I'll never get tired of being some sort of support anyway when you have a conscience Gateway and they've had it for a long time and you can see all of it<br> you can't bust them for a lot of different reasons you can't because you become<br> you become a professional propagandist and that's their best defense have a very fancy house they have a very fancy book they have people in robes and so it's a it let's just use let's just use the military's again what if the military shows up in a recipe<br> how's it going to go over<br> so everything's being done behind the scenes for that's one example because first of all you have to approve who's doing what and who's accountable and so when you have organized crime like this at this level the collusion is so well sliced into pieces you can't attach each other to prove the collusion the it and you have unbelievable propaganda machines that were all holding our hands right now<br> and so this takes this is taking a very long time in fact two thousand years for thousand years six thousand years of these are all the same individuals here they just got different outfits on them<br> and so I said I ask again<br> is everybody got blinders on<br> is this is my ass because every person when you go into a church it it's just too much for the stomach isn't it<br> it is they can't I can't hear the the bad because I did try to wake them up and they just they can't even I can't even see it I can't see the thing is that tremendous they they are sold Hook Line & Sinker aren't they just be a good person and be a good person<br> yeah yeah<br> and it just works better and better every year because it's just such a good do. It just is very good suggestion is the more were around<br> people in collaboration Associated churches they get your light where they wanted up just you breathing next to them they'll get something from you how come you don't go to church with us neighbor well because I found my own inner peace and it's a really cool real religion about me or low things you could do there<br> okay I got you I got you the lighthouse I do understand that thank you for the call thank you for the<br> I got one that's really interesting let's see let's do a line 3 play PBS radio arrest in regards to signing at home test for Florida this is Robin from Michigan robbery there<br> yes I am hello hello hello I had<br> okay I had someone reach out to me and I get to help another being and I'm I'm I'm going to be speaking on behalf of their situation I'm 2 years ago this person find a witness for homesteading and I think they were part of the the Davis Strait you know the 70 program at that time this person was arrested and had to spend the night in jail and she was charged with four charges of fraud or no three charges of Fraud and obstruction and the question for you is that they want to pick up where they left off when this is all over with because they're not allowed to talk to anyone until after January of 2025 and this is in Okaloosa County Florida<br> and when they do when they do when and when they are able to come forth are they going to have to go through some more problems with would be the authorities that are in charge there a program or are<br> sure hopefully I can answer remind me who wrote up the charges<br> I'm looking at it on the website and it looks like it looks like the the article is by Bank off and Joseph 1017 of 2022<br> and let me go back to the article<br> it looks like<br> I'm not seeing it says Oka Oka Louisa County mugshot sorry last minute but let's be careful with news articles first of all and attempts to get a scared so right so being a witness to the posting of a sign is not fraud<br> well then the person went through quite a bit and it cost this person a lot of money in<br> I'm sorry somebody's playing some games here now okay so the sheriff is the only one that swears an oath to United States Constitution most cases in Most states most counties piece of crap so there is is there a bigger story here or are we having some games being played with us<br> well well be this person will soon be able to come forward and start the project through the the homesteading program and I do believe they're a little concerned about when they do it are they going to go through the same repercussions repo Prussian I'm trying to say the word yes I'm just trying to help<br> yes thank you for your call at some that's amazing information thank you for your call BBS radio going to line for Aisha from Australia questions about problems in Australia I please tell me I said it right Asia<br> you have said it right it's a show<br> thank you so much for calling in and giving me updates on our little our little island down there<br> yeah I'm sorry to me in the last few weeks about some pretty heavy-handed police action on her to someone being put in jail for trays then what can we do as individuals what can we do to help the situation to turn around into something positive<br> well the first thing<br> the first thing that really concern me about educating Australia was all the airports are privately owned and the same owners<br> are the are the airline company but you can't tell because they make Boards of directors lot of do you know the game so corporations can hide them from party so it if it is tough and<br> leave the mechanical system to control you guys is working very well which is propaganda there's nothing's all that bad everybody's making money everyone's doing pretty well down there there's no homeless and take your shots getting organized as my suggested I work very hard<br> or years physically there and I feel the number 12 against the Australian people is you just barely get organized and they split up so whether it's a Homeschool Group or a spiritual Gathering they are keeping you pockets and that's why you only have 25 million people there are not letting people out it's a it's a<br> the individuals that listen to this show are very aware of it<br> It's tricky to the interior of Australia is very very well organized and aligned and that's why nobody lives out there because the bad guys do live out there<br> and control the coast because they make it very difficult for you to move and Isabella land areas and housing and so forth and you have to stay close to the job etc etc so my suggestion based on my experience and the past experience is there is no right or wrong getting organized off these machines and physicality<br> at the beach wherever you need to go but it's a splitting up windshield guys get organized this is my opinion right now<br> but that's what I'm saying in the last couple of weeks actually exactly their heavy-handed tactics unnecessary tactics and come out of long way in Brisbane regarding<br> covid being a constructed disease and that was two years ago and I mean it was giving address<br> I said that before and is very well they've done a very good cleaning system their installs from birth a mind control so it's not that the person born has mind control its they can flip the barcode on the clones and get them to march in the order they want them to notice there's a very large race of people that are not originally from Australia in Brisbane<br> yes there is<br> yep it's a one of the Clone factories is in that country so I'll keep that charger here but so they can that's why their population that that this was a constructed program to get more clones in Civilization the way they want them to and by the way they passed every test at college is I got all the barcodes installed thank you for your call is amazing call please keep calling me thank you so much<br> thank you so much but fantastic<br> thank you thank you thank you all right I'm going to believe all you do Kelly and Susan from New York Line 6 difference between a personal Ascension and a collective Ascension Susan are you there<br> Susan Susan Susan oh Suzanne<br> is there a New York Suzanne Line 6<br> okay try it again Susan from New York online six how we doing today she's working hard since working hard to talk to us love the New York stories cuz it's is like one of the best best places to see diversity I would say and Legacy attempt at bringing this down Susan are you there<br> keep moving on keep moving on<br> going once all right sorry Susan we're going to go to another caller thank you so much sharing from Texas line one questions about the omnipresent as a tool used to he is this sharing my flight instructor<br>okay I'm doing a lot of work in the omnipresent realm and I'm finding my voice in people and I actually have a wonderful question to ask you about that but you have my interest perked up with the current events because when I leave the country and I don't have a TV I follow for the people. They seen you so but it's too quiet and<br> so is there would you like to share with us something that could help us prepare or know some truth<br> yes so I do my best thank you very much that question I do my best to not get belief systems installed into this large of basic people listening to everyone's eager to know the future get ahead of its prepare Etc and I feel we're already have the capability to be perfectly in peace as you heard the previous callers who work with the Cheetahs you have and so forth so we were endlessly the problem reacting to the situations but I will give you what this looks like down the road<br> I will give you the dates and I never will give you dates but eventually knowledge that we all get collectively catches up so fast that you won't have a choice you'll get sick so you can't hang out with with your legacy buddies anymore because they they don't understand the word omnipresent little on that there's nothing behind that would make before they turned around so that knowledge will come in to you as a collective so much grander and you then you can actually measure in it and that's why you're seeing so much drama on your receipts because if you like you're practicing what if you just<br> pretend it doesn't exist put your head in the sand isn't a bad idea<br> because we're the ones creating the drama and our lives were the ones making these realities with horsepower installing these belief systems in a population were talking trash about the last politician we didn't agree with and I can Capital if I'm a bad guy in the Ascension cycle cuz I can get you dancing and looking at other things we need to save the planet we all spent a lot of time arguing about not arguing for say but where is our best fit creating time I marry with that knowledge and that's why the homesteading is starting to grow so exponentially because now I can get you in peace if I can get you a loan on your property<br> I say in that example forgive me if I didn't answer your question<br> oh no that's beautiful I mean you mentioned current events at the beginning and you know I wouldn't and I don't like to put my head in the stand kind of but I mean I really resonated with Aloha last weekend so beautiful and I'm totally in love with you and you know when you're really in love like nothing else matters<br> yeah Richard holding that that space for yourself and then going out and examining is to examine and just delete it which you don't prefer what you don't believe in what isn't true knowledge to you so that's my opinion about your omnipresence because you're you're able to see so much more knowledge now and that's why the propaganda increases at the end of the Ascension cycle<br> it is because you can smell when something stinks now<br> I'm finding my voice and as a musician I'm finding my voice in another people and actually when I sing with you cuz you asked us to to record you I mean it's just one voice and anything with my granddaughter so it works my family I can see that leaves just the lineup and a couple weeks ago actually in May I'm the present is a wonderful tool to steal what we call love<br> but can you explain a little bit<br> well we leave utilized we run the course of the English language it would be but I'm doing my best to explain is that state of being when you're in perfect peace where there's no emotions there's no thoughts is what I'm doing my best to explain that has no word for it so are we able to so if I'm asked a question I don't necessarily have an opinion but I can go into my heart center and retrieve the information from all of us and we all have this ability that's what I'm doing my best to explain our new president<br> okay okay it's fun and it is healing and it is just feels like I'm loved when I hear music that I may have participated in so it makes sense to me but I couldn't quite verbalize it so thank you the harmonics in the frequencies are okay words to so if we're all living at the same time for the last two thousand years in the odds of you not being a musician are slim to none and now you're at recognizing and understanding it and and it is really fulfilling isn't it<br> yes yes it's beautiful I would love for you to teach us to him that we staying with you like 2,000 years ago<br> maybe some other time yeah I do have a lot of them and one of the reasons that our machines are designed this way is so that our frequency bands won't be as strong as when we have the folder so if we would get old stereos again the Ascension cycle would increase<br> wonderful just wonderful you call Susan from New York to Ascension<br> no problem so the last caller is really fun for me because she is mentioned on the air so I'll I'll give you a hint that she works for a very large college and so the first call her today and how do I take on the church<br> anyway I've always felt I won't say it again was a propaganda out of I believe it's in New York state New York<br> I believe he was laid off for teaching that forgive me for not remembering the name but<br> that's proof that the colleges are there for Revenue not heart center in that example ways to bend the education belt a little bit harder is my opinion there and so on<br> all right now Suzanne from New York are you online 6 I'm here can you hear me to say how are you tonight super awesomeness and you also get to be so happy to be with you I start to feel funny I'm keep getting cut off so I'm happy to connect with you<br> kinlaw's<br> are we still there are we still connected<br> always always always connected can you hear me can you<br> I wonder how you're feeling with everything happening are you and mermaid so excited listening to everyone today and last week it's I just feel you must be so happy seeing a well-developed<br> it's it's a beautiful course of course you would say that we've come a long way since I started this<br> in 2015 I'd say and<br> really was asked where are you going to start when there's so much to work on and now look at us look at look at how<br> Brave we've been to look inside ourselves a haters got to be something a little more to me than just a nine-to-five and paying the mortgage Etc<br> so it's just the level of knowledge and questions are coming through is truth the Ascension Cycles here we are duplicating two thousand years ago right now all over again<br> this is such an awesome this to that like an all it's a what people have described as well as such and such love how can we ever love you both as much as you have loved us<br> looks like I'm sticking around awhile huh please please stay with us it's just so fun it is so fun<br> what is it when your question is Carrie a very curious about Ascension and a collective Ascension what's a shared my experience on the beach with a dolphin and I have tied to the same stage of neutrality and peace and joy distantly except for maybe 2 hours and it feels like a personal pension for myself but at the same time I remember you sharing that there may be fireworks around the extension so if I had to spend like we're waiting for some moment so is there also a moment when we are all do it together<br> yes great question so you being an individual with the collective is what's making the Ascension Side Golf half horsepower so to speak<br> now try this one on for this one on what is we could measure personal Ascension on the entire planet if you could if you could measure personal Ascension on the entire planet you would see that 75% of the people that are not reaching your level don't exist anymore<br> try that one.<br> I feel I felt that you said on the day of the election I went for a long walk in the woods in the piece was so deep it felt almost eerie and I wondered am I going to see anyone when I come out of the woods is that what you're referencing in a sense because you won't go down to that level you won't open the mailbox whatever it is that is conceived to you as a a darker or lower frequency or lower Dimension whatever you like you know I'm I'm sick about a driver's license I actually do have a driver's license has expired so I want to play this game anymore about lower frequencies choices that don't feel good when you make them is what I'm doing my best to explain on personal attention as a collective Ascension that individual<br> you now for Tissa pay with you all grow faster and faster and faster and faster because you are making choices that are in lineman like calling me because you prefer to speak with someone who walks your talk and or is similar to you is that make sense with how well we're going<br> I'd love it if we're going to do it we're doing it we're doing and thank you for your other questions current event story curious with Donald Trump you you know the whole election happening publicly and the Republic being reset or attached. Eliminate all the fraud that was set up prior is it almost like a wiping off the table and we're starting over how does that work into<br> what is that look like I guess is what I'm asking<br> so the short version is when we sit in these these meeting long time ago that was part of the dialogue is how are we going to get<br> this volume of people this caught up this fast<br> are we going to do it so we all have to start in silent so the political Silo my Silo you know you can look all over the world now people broadcasting what they feel Consciousness is<br> all of it<br> catches up and what's being catches up in one degree or another<br> positive negative etcetera that value that we can measure with their<br> is on these machines important so you can see what people are able to digest your able to see when you have conscious gateways you can see what's what's mirroring from their actual Consciousness compared to what they're doing when they read and think so very short version to you is to take him take a very long time to explain it but we're now seeing the results play out now they'll to what degree we could argue globally but you can see now who's fighting back to you can see who's obstructing us look at us trillion we can see how much of their Consciousness is being governed and then pick the next decision on how to help the support and assist<br> incredible<br> is it is and it does when when starting this it did appear to be overwhelming too many people and a lot of individuals and very interesting places around the world said just follow the rules and get on board and my position has been I want to take the tablecloth off and I won't participate with any agenda whatsoever until the tablecloth is off and I'm not taking not taking any paychecks I'm not going to be aligned with any organization that has organization alignment I want no way I can file that's example of what and where we all play in silence is that make sense<br> just don't let the model you have been for us and how you have put this in the universe for us to to pick up is just it's it's just wow it's it's<br> thank you it's just been searching for this my whole life and it's just a thrill to witness and be a part of this we can do a lot now a lot of fun I love you so much my love I'll move on to the next call BBS thank you so much<br> the<br> the opportunity that Susan is is explaining that she's she's got she got to see it happen for yourself and goes well this really working this is really working<br> alright let's move around here a little bit I might have connection problems are BBS but all I've got a line for Kristen from Las Vegas online for question about the verbiage used on a declaration of land patent go ahead from Nevada<br> that's it and I can hear you happy belated birthday q and Declaration of land grant Patton such a description of the paragraph underneath says the above land exception is expecting spelled with an e x the following sentence says the same thing however if you go to the second page<br> it's accepting with the ACC<br> it keeps the ing. Was a little confusing<br> yellow this is your your step to take<br> okay let me get up to speed a real quick I have to get to get that file open one more time one more time<br> declaration<br> okay so are the example of the Declaration of the first-ever benefits acceptance on page one the nice the land description it says the above land description is accepting any public contracts but the accepting is spelled e x c e p t i n g said the same thing on the next Homestead show that how about that thank you for your questions you have any other questions<br> no we don't have a whole lot of time but I do want to share just a few website maybe that could help you because I was watching I was listening to the homestead and people has some you know they didn't know where to find their description and I just wanted to share that typically is on the deed on the grant deed or on the title prelim of their properties that all they have to do is just kind of looked through their title prelim on on exhibit B and then I wanted to share a website to if they have to find their<br> please go ahead<br> that's how I was able to find a town section ranges in a quart how many years has cool because you know you can you know I started calling it a local land surveyors and they helped me navigate in fine cuz I was looking at in Parke County in California cuz that's where I really want to go but in Clarke County that you can kind of click on your plat map there's a hyperlink and it'll share with you the land description however like in California they don't have the description it's kind of weird but you know they just have a lot of basically but that's why I wanted to share this website that could help people find their description<br> yeah end in it it's a little<br> I always thought that was<br> redundant information but maybe you're right maybe people would have ever really look at the title report and understand chain of title so maybe maybe we should do a separate education seminar and I'll let you have it right for me<br> and one more thing I found is I don't know if this was suffice but I found a website for patched that calm and you can post for free in the classifieds announcement page so I in addition just to be safe I just posted a picture of I took a picture of my public notice when I posted it on there and it does date the day that you posted it online I just found my statement posted on there<br> just wanted to share very cool thank you thank you for your call thank you so much for call BBS I'm going to I'm going to go take a run here thanks a lot for listening everyone cut a little short today I'm I my love to all of you my love to all of you my love to all of you and will see you again next week you have a beautiful beautiful day<br>