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Project Review With Q, July 27, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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with Q

Project Review With Q

Part 55

Project Review With Q

Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

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BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
298 Following
Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

no they
hello hello hello I got to start up someplace that's resident to a hard time I ain't going to kill the rooster oh no
sorry I missed last week
had a couple had a couple issues thanks so much for being with me love doing this love doing this that's why I do prq every week because it means so much to give everybody a perfect peace and Enlightenment in an absolute happiness and joy are taking calls today so I'll be read the lines please make a quality pretty please the topics were going to talk about today is the two new shows come up as you can tell maybe it's radio is incredible tool for a conferencing Center in Communications and you get to see when we have problems that means if these are these are hot shots of BBS Raiders having trouble that means everybody's having trouble trying to time it so the more horsepower we put behind our desires and inspiration
to deliver Improvement measures on the planet that makes these communications far more powerful so thank you so much for all your submittals it's incredible
the two new shows BBs for sending me the time slots but I'm requesting Tuesday Wednesdays and Thursdays and the next show
will be it will do for four shows a week now and we can go to midweek
and the first one we're going to add a contingent on its fits good with their schedule on Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday will be the homesteading process how that one will work and I know you don't seem like make a sincere about how it's going to work is you'll have already signed a of subscription or prescription to trq that creates the submittals that you sent for us to review
and we will not resume unless you have a subscription and or prescription to BBS radio because that's there there's an currently our Administration process we're just getting you identify this you can save
in what we'll do is we'll take
each of your homesteading applications and send you out the packets so that you can follow through or you'll have the option to use one of the paralegals that have already identified themselves that they want to be solved course we will help you to do Shari's for administration resource
the first priority is you must of all this middles the first priority is going to eat you must have possession of property whether you're renting leasing or have a mortgage with in that subset the the primary focus would like to start on this this week or next week whichever time slot they give us a few BS that is we want to get the people who are in foreclosure right now we feel that's the fastest those are those are bleed or not those are the easiest home steps did I do the banks are very weak this topic because they don't represent a lot of title so I expect DBS Radio war will get me going really quick here this week make sure you have all your home State Seminoles to me
through through the portal that you've been using send far and wide if you don't if you're not in a priority of those two don't worry either just call in and see how you will be able to wait how many foreclosures
and so forth there are versus people that just possessed so where you have those numbers so if you if you have a mortgage in your health in your mortgage don't let that discourage you so I will do it you'll call in now and you'll say I was I was Debbie from Tecumseh and I have Homestead XYZ in so I can reference that point and then we can send you the packages
depend on your style of Pandora
is you're going to call in and you'll treat me just like a counselor consulted on the radio and that subset of experiences that we're going to the witness will help others probably won't need to call in because you're going to see the commonality commonality of
approve what we were successful who was it in then I'll be able to expose the weaknesses and the prq team can to fix their their steadfast in hell now we go for and then we can coach in advance you going on so we spent this much time making sure we understand how to defend you so there is a there is communication packages that show you how to defend yourself within your land patent it and sell them deviate from country country and state-to-state United States
so has example we have is Super moss Trail yet
who's called me while I'm here in America and said this is where I'm at it's a little different so we don't want to muddy the water as you could imagine from country to country but I think we listen to each other a lot on these shows see what time lines are being put in front of us that are reacting destructive and proactive to get a nice pattern here
and it's a mess to go out that I that I see we can achieve together is just my witnessing how how we had successes how how we might improve
the next show hope that helps everybody
cover that
biggest radius other personal cell phones out so I don't get sick. Just kidding it's just going to be alright next show
timelines so
timelines are really do near and dear to me cuz they're very unique to planet Earth the reason they're unique planet Earth is because you are living with a lot of aliens I'm sorry to inform you that does example would look like sleep paralysis and the demon would come in tonight I'm able to defend myself no problem now would come in and say if you don't do if you don't stop doing that I'm going to send
one of my guys jumping a body and then stab you in your back while you're going down the ball they can actually do that and so I know their triggers I know why they do it but I just want to show you how versatile timelines are
and why they work the way they do in and manipulating our lives and it looks like a normal life to most of us yet I can see the entity attachments or programs or entire Dark Being jumping in the body and the resolution for that is living a very high vibrational life it's really easy that's why it so hard
so the next the next show I'm going to propose to BBS we're going to try and put them concurrently and that is focus the focus will be on time lines that are negative and how to solve them sell these would-be timeline crashes example timer rule
the spirit doesn't really understand what it's like to be humid
it loves expensive what it's like being in the modern world but the spirit doesn't deliver it doesn't have doubt or fear but here's an example that sign Line This is what the shows will be it will be almost a spiritual lawful system that's what this show will be about cuz I get hundreds and hundreds of emails and communication say this happen to me so here's what a speaker's here's an example of what the spirit doesn't understand and gets caught and trapped if you're a sovereign Spirit you're just you're just knew Joe your piece you're just a perfect piece when you jump in a body
and then all the sudden you're a thing you Jim Jones and Jim Jones
Is Now identified as a human being it was this footprint and Jim Jones goes to buy a vehicle
and he has to identify himself and the vehicle identification and it doesn't Parks it in the downtown Municipal Street and he doesn't have any change in Tempe for Park goes to the game comes back his car get stuck
message in the spirit Jim Jones does wayment I'm on planet first I worked hard and got transportation and now some municipality said hey it's not yours you didn't have to change
right so those timelines are actually constructed because you see them as as a lawyer you've endorsed
with those laws started before you were even born. I can't I can't park my car on planet Earth not hear it over there when you see where I'm going here so I'll just kind of timeline you can't prove we're not constructed to create chaos in your life today I can't and I know how to find it but buggers and I know how to situate us and we will educate ourselves on the problems that we experience and how to solve them finish work if you would like this kind of work there are people in your queue team loves using a u.s. marshal using a county sheriff he's a really strong tool as we go into
Spirit again
sovereignty again
true taking back to our sovereignty in a way that comes to my heart and in is with great grace so that's just a minor example this happened to me is what I really want to prove in X really look at the rules that we live with it and who by the way when do I get to on the internet who who's the guy that owns that one cable comes in every one of our houses
did you already pay for the phone lines by the way
why do we why do we plug a rivers with Dan when there's tremendous natural power here we're going to destroy our planet with Dan Zoe
there's no water in California
anybody look at the Sacramento River recently
what are you doing pretty good
Joe Rogan just went by yesterday
so a lot of this not only is their propaganda issues with timelines that things have happened to you in your life I want to see them I want to I want to work through them I don't want to talk talk all day about one individual cell has made stablished where it was not proactive and let's let's stop that let's make them proactive is this many many examples of gas and you've done a great job of submitting them to me
customer complaint is my specialty I love it I love it I mean customer service the third one the third show me I'm not quite ready to go to see how I do growing prq team is going to feel we do with these first two shows
mixed emotions is to grow the third one
Spirit Communications within spirit communication the third show we'd like to start will be educated have subsets of Education healing and transition children into this next world
the spirits point of view prq Spirits point of view is most likely what will call it so there's such a draw when you get submit to me I want to get art out as a weight of communication I want to start that and standardizing with our collaborations are all of that will go in that that section of that show is our desire
you have some strong strong individuals here in the pr cutie we can see a lot
when did we can discern much much brand or information than all of us could 50 years ago this is a great opportunity and I can't wait to keep working with you thank you so much so please keep rolling through the dashboard there and see where we lay on CBS is sending me to the proposals shortly on the date but I'm aiming for Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Pacific Standard time and I will do my best to get him concurrently and convenient time for you all. Thank you so much and I know where the people got space for the spirit. Space please keep
keep educating yourself it's a lot information
I think you're cute
can't do without you and Ronnie thank you so much for your hard work over there at least it's shocking how much riyal to do and thank you for all the support
alrighty now
roosters still talking here
and here we go let's do
Kevin from Florida questions about Divine masculine energy divine
yeah doesn't sound like Bob McKenzie today though
and I missed
like I missed you guys both of you well I as you're probably aware I am a member of Carrie Lane Place room questions for kuester and I got a couple of questions for you may I ask them while I'm here I love them love them
all right we hear a lot about divine feminine and divine masculine energy can you please tell us the characteristics of a Divine masculine individual one who is spiritually mature
it's about four questions and not let me see if I can break it out apart a little bit for you if you don't mind some from sources point of view the definitions you gave our defining the transition of spirit coming into
Divinity creation so when we look at maybe some of the the Legacy Asian models yin and yang that's supposed to spirit Spirit doesn't and and the one of my favorite things people to argue with about this cuz I don't argue is Billy from Holly worth I recognize myself more than well you're still neutral before you came into Divine creativity so as you start creating is when you start shoes once you here's where the delineation is from sources point of view and that is once you get into create creation and divinity
and you stay here the most of you stay here unlike lightning we keep bouncing around and we're no better than you you're just dedicated you're going to favor in This Is Where I Leave off where Billy is a favor
masculine or feminine now how much will you be okay to it isn't up to you isn't it
yes I can you do and I was just thinking about that and yes of course so the masculine and feminine energies for a construct of the human nature is it is because neither one of those human nature but the spirit in a male or female elephant is no different how much did you favor as you went out into the creation and creativity in the domain of the universe you're creating so this demesne have got no limitations and you started neutrality and then favor a dedication of masculine or feminine and to change it
I I have some of the red so I can tell you that I have been a female and I did not win in the Domaine I did not have I did not care one way or the other but I did I have experienced was like to be a female so because I wanted to savor the feminine side I went into the the feminine side of a bee
well that sucks. It's just not it's not it's really when you're in TC energy you would now pick one and not by no means am I from George saying the 9 but Harry position I'm just saying that it is possible but typically I have always favored the masculine the mermaid is always favoured us a minute because we were always understanding how do I already work in this universe by no means would I give gender Association here
only this the way you express yourself when you do go into another body
to make sense of measure my best person using their heart more than their mind
may I ask you a second and final question please thank you
all right what is the significance of our pineal gland and how does it help us with the Ascension process
okay so if we if we look at the perfect you've heard me talk a lot about mammal and here I have a lot of have a lot of opportunities
but they were also engineered to take their to hide their best qualities from our spirit and one of those incredible tools is the crystal in your in your head because you can transmit and receive Universal knowledge to your head but it really is inverted
if it comes to your heart and then it's a Transit here you are so powerful at receiving information just like a radio that you're doing it backwards so you have to learn to
take your heart and grow it like the return of the Consciousness through the heart center and make it more powerful so many times and I just got hit by something or many clients that I say will you need two traps you need to you need to go forward out the pineal gland and press to look
and the pineal gland instead of judging the words I'm sorry but we're so we're we're way better receive what I'm trying to tell you is we're way better receiver than transmitters in the transmitting if you were perfect Mammoth you see everything so when I sing that song I can see in infrared I can see through walls with and I'm using when I was blind I could drive things like that so we're doing it backwards in a perfect mandolin you be able to control it like wiggling your fingers you be able to go I'm receiving in France. Seating sensor so that's significant
thank you so much you for answering my questions I love you love you love you so much and say hello to mermaid it for me I love her too as well thank you so much thank you very much okay go by alrighty sometimes I stay like the store is clean and the BBS look like buried simile gets around everybody loved it. Angela from Australia online something question about chakra systems and removing them
I don't want to let people know that I'd like to skip around cuz it's like entertaining so I thought I'd give the line number out then you'll know I'm I'm cheating sometimes how can I help you
now now I know what a good day makes to you
makes it what is there a feminine version in to say that I want to be respectful
I think I just fell aside you should you should see the mermaid enunciate in Native Native American terms
please is that I say right yep I just had somebody and sort of listened to her so she doesn't even know I can't wait to hear that I cannot wait to this question if it's what I think it is why would I know it is a kite
like I started a chakra systems and programs for about 10 years and then I can just hold on, system is completely nefarious and the chakra system was not helpful at all about what the men might be like she was just surprised when I went down.
and The Rock sounded like thunder and it was still frightened me almost because I
an airplane above it wouldn't go away so I don't know what it was and I just followed them and it was about four or five years going to have anyone talking about it so I had to experience what is a distance to Italy
wanted to rid the Shockers all I want to do octopus and
turn on talks about it do I have to do it except when there's something definitely happened
what hold me there or I'll lose the information so sorry
I guess you make Apartments I get a list of all right so the two throughout the Universe there were Legacy process factories that engineer Galactic council's Galactic Federation are a subset of of of that for our primary reason for this problem per se and what what's the Federation Council were able to do is a tremendous genetic capabilities many different races of beings said hey if I want to take a shortcut I can look like
Lansing times brief splicing lot of jeans and a spear comes in a I get to be a unicorn viewed as a very creative Force I'd love to be a unicorn I love to be a narwhal that's left over Avalanche in time to do them where it starts Trang is when you started taking the genetics and putting them on other planets
and then downgrading which the downgrade became a control mechanism as well as control mechanisms is separating the spirits potential for receiving all of it in One specs so that the chakra system is spread out across your body for me saying I'm sure and it's not supposed to be so what you experienced is the chakras coming together as one and so a mammal in that were organically expanded to the universe so as the as example as you either bald or skirt evolved into a man that that you would not have a chakra system you have your spirit able to be authentic throughout your body so over time these geneticists who engineered bodies Maryland
eons of time and they started learning that I can separate the chakras I can make these people more controllable emotions the natal chart let them use more of their pineal gland as you will I can make no more brains instead of spirit happy so what you're experiencing so right now mermaid and I we have the universe knowledge we can just go into a library to our hearts and we can pull the information and we'll know it's accurate doesn't that that's one minor opportunity if you bring your chakras all the way into one
disappointing when you've trusted all these people who are clearing
chakras for living having a chakra and that's not the way it works are all supposed to be together so I can select it many many ancient teachings in the mind-body control systems and it's it's all garbage I'm so sorry cuz he's a great people they just been to we're supposed to have one Central system and be able to be able to spread out through the body however we want I hope that helps
like I sorry what I did thing is I just want them all into a lawn in that moment and there's a real it there's a real question how do we sustain it when you're in you're in the middle of of a situation how do you sustain that when you're when you're on time lens with people who can't sustain your interaction with people who are a 5in you're a chance and and you love them they might be family members friends associate now trying to stain it and MSY when I talk to all the Buddhist two months ago a good luck being a worn-out that joke but that's that's really what we're we're going to that's where we're going we're going to get there you don't have any choice but that's what you experienced in the Beautiful
just incredible job now how do we teach you this work and that's where I want to get that
that's why I want to get that spirit communication show going is now how to all of our experiences that we're all while doing a little different way but we're all getting a taste of it how do we teach how do we explain what we did and the Mermaid has her way and you have your way Luciana call the Evans has her way there are all working so that's that's what I thought that's why I want that third shift show and so that we can communicate it more more clearly and Shirley to my best explain why we need to like get it like articulated somehow or we can go up this is the way to do it yet
did I answer your question yes
yes you did I didn't fully comprehend cuz no one to talk about
thank you so much you betcha
alright let's move on that was good one
all right don't let these guys go but this this is pretty cool this is so cool I can check my timing and secondhand all right I'm doing good I'm doing pretty good other people here we got some good questions about the Homestead Act give me something give me something I just love it
I'm just I'm just seeing if she's got his boss mute can you hear me
beautifully go ahead
okay now I can't now I can't hear you
now I can't now I can't I know it sounds like a dead all right
yeah I was doing the Nana Nana but anyways okay so thank you for taking our call thank you for being such an amazing amazing a large group of people that are counting on me giving them an answer they're all doing a beautiful job trying to do their allodial title there now. I've never been dissolved and and then he says that land patent stand forever we're doing all this but I have sent you in so many in the people are asking me where do they stand with that and I said I don't know I don't know I haven't heard anything back
y'all can't hold me there I'm right there okay so I start the show with a Q Homestead show will start Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday this week and you only call in if you have a homestead project reduced and so will dedicate all your questions to that so prq will be dedicated to CR2 shows are now going to have subset show that make sense
amazing I mean because
I want people who are really desire to talk to me and are organized and aligned with their passion so if you call in to BBS radio next week on on Wednesday if that's where we land up and you have a homestead file already created you're going to get priority cuz I can see your passion and we're going to talk about it on the air what do you need what do you need what do you need a conference room for just home sitting on that show is hope your need to so I had to evaluate the volume of needs this last 10 months who wants what and everybody was one thing and that is to be free on their own land so they can have collaboration centers Healing Center and by the way don't text me or I'll kill you okay this is pretty
it's okay anyway look for that show coming up
second question from you
I'm sorry I don't follow that information if you don't mind
sorry okay I'll let it go thank you
just talking to you as a beautiful helps thank you I love you I love you and the beautifulest you guys are killing it I love it if your cue show is his called what do we have here is going to be called homes homesteading in Homestead so we'll only talk about and he will only talk about the issues were having so one guy in New York is going to have a different problem in then the individual in Florida and so far so the homesteading process of super simple you just file it is really good and you got to do the steps correctly but once once the county doesn't get taxed get their tax money seven years down the road they're going to start
freak out so the forms that I have to defend you that freaks you out too cuz you don't trust it either so I'm I want to make you strong and say this is locked and so everyone I've helped so far they don't trust that their more powerful than the county and and the taxation process the county and state process is very weak do not be scared of the state of of any country or the county of any state but you must be good at this you have to get smarter at you know it's just it's taking me some practice to see a few of these fumble little bit and the NFL very confident that I can I can be of support defending your little title thank you so much for that Quest and thank you for letting me be so long-winded and let's go Jackie from Mt online you don't know can the 150 acres be anywhere
go ahead
Jackie Jackie
and you are all right up different song Jackie you there from Auntie Jackie muted music pop let me just answer I believe Jackie's gone forget my 150 acres to be put anywhere of the Legacy Homestead Act yes if not the government has done some pretty things so you can't get at National Park
okay well how about this I got to do a valley girl Andrea at my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I don't know how I aloha aloha cuz you have a question about recalibrate and reconfigure and Ascend please explain you want to you want to summarize more
I have been listening to the archives and I know I can recalibrate reconfigure to the light Ascend it anytime I want even now please tell how please say as much as you can do tell okay so recalibration so if if I was given a title
from the Lightship they would call me a transition specialist so they killed a bunch of times and all these different bodies and all the sudden I'm still kicking in this body is example that we're making the transition all those there's this big wave of light coming to all of us can currently so because there's more light coming to all of us could be explained as recalibrating and reconfiguring through the Ascension process and now it's up to each individual because you got you have a great volume of why didn't you know all of us do and that affects the planet and so what would will occur now is your choices are the only thing that stops you from recalibrating reconfiguring and ascending to your spirit in situational decision-making from your mind or your heart you're going to use your mind or your heart
here's an example
nothing would ever bother me in this world if I went to the Mountaintop and just play with my goats
nothing's your urine Perfect You're the highest Dimension to be on this planet nothing would ever bother you because they do laundry once in awhile but that you see that level of choice I'm in nature and feeding my goats the goats give me love I give them water and give me milk separate sets of there's a nice little circular
that's possible right now. Do you like people more than goes sure you do and you like affection in the goats don't give me that so now we're going to interact with each other so you can see the difference there is I'm interacting with
more situations that may have more potential to be participated with the Mind versus the heart that make sense
you mean when you're with people I'm not saying exclusively people I'm just saying there's more options versus just feeding goat now I'm going to get my car and I'm going to go hang out with Betty at the coffee station and so was that from the heart or was that from a necessary urgency because Betty said I'm late and by the way my cell phone just said I owe more money on Netflix
so for those who had gone I'm late for the bill and Betty's pissed at those things don't happen when you're feeding your ghost today
but I like Betty sometimes right
Sioux Valley Girl Valley Girl
I'm doing to make sure I'm doing everything I can to do and make decisions for my heart and do what I want but anyways how am I doing am I doing real strong the spontaneity is great horsepower
but you don't have to make a lot of choices to be happy you're going to fight because you get stronger now you're going to find that I don't have to make that many I can just sit here and be in the end that's really where us like all of us included where nothing really makes that much sense as far as the rules go this unnecessary urgency and I didn't feel like picking up the phone and talk. I'm not going to for a week and I was supposed to be 3 days ago you know the all those things I've done this a lot of time letting things collapse and you won't have to worry about it
say I am
and I am too and that's going to be the value of the spirit communication to the spirit does says you get more of the volume in you doesn't care about any of these thinks it's because why don't you just go play and have fun that's all it it's like you're here you have the luxury of being in the individuality that this is very unique to be in such individuality and be able to play at the same time so we're not all supposed to have freckles but it's still a lot of potential are so that's my great encouragement
and I'd like to ask a follow-up
I'd like to stay so so I don't I want to be able to not come back here or not be pulled into the recycling center I want I want it to happen in this time that you're here this time
so that I don't come back and not remember anything and have to do it for another two thousand years very good okay so when you leave the body this time
assure you your space forces is one of their jobs right now there is a there is a space Sports outside of this this bubble you're in and there's a space force inside you're trapped in here whether you like it or not and what we can do now is when you do leave the body
you do have choices so what are you leave your body and meditation or you leave you but I am not a fan of that because it's so easy to get another thing back in your body that's why I'm not a fan of meditation because I have Jeff see anybody that can stop another being jumping in so I can one-way door and so but when you do decide to leave your body
you just stay neutral because the fabric do what they what they had done is put a big ball of yarn of Darkness around this planet and hit it hit it so it was invisible almost and that fabric it looks like a yarn ball it has massive pockets in it now so you just stay neutral when you lose the leader but my goal is to get us all to about 130 to 150 years old and then you'll be able to control at your age your health better if you'll be able to do anything if I can just get us all about 120 to 130 you said somewhere right in there depending on which species we are pretty sure we can control The Reincarnation process perfectly we just need to live a little bit longers where I'm at and so if you don't my suggestions you just stay neutral and don't go
mister Disney's going to the lights ain't just stay neutral and wait it out so your spirit will sit there although the reincarnate excuse me the Ascension process will give you incredible opportunities at the same time
yes yes it does yes a lot lot lot of opportunities
thank you for your question do you have a beautiful time never stop calling me I love it I love your questions are amazing it's exactly what we need
okay have a great wonderful day my beautiful
I forgot it's just like kicking myself in the face every time I start talking so we usually most most of your lives on other planets and other universes you didn't you didn't necessarily use articulation used song and and so these languages for me or just the bizarre and do my best to get into a war with she'll get its information so instantly from our hearts we wouldn't even be so slow compared it would be talking as such so lethargic Lee isolated in the Parma lies it's not it's like we're not even communicating like we do to our hearts I hope that made sense we lost nine 6 it says and then we'll get you next week thank you so much
alright Lola from Maryland what do I what do memories look like and how do I identify with them Lola from Maryland are you there
yes I'm here how are you too love you love you Lola Lola Lola
I bet you don't look like I'm having memories come through I speak their memories that we have identified them as memories cuz I'm seeing memories are we seeing I'm seeing them like to play or is it like a visual I know it's me and I'm supposed to make a Snapchat so different different areas and I'll show you a couple things that happens on on my team side so there are subsets of me in other bodies on planet Earth is what I'm explaining to you so one of me is in a body that's on the prq team and got in the car crash and I knew it is immediately
what happened okay it was a really bad car crash almost terminal okay I'm calling it real time instead of overtime so can you prove me how much of use in one body
can you prove to me when you had those memories so if there's no such thing as and you've been a hundred versions of you in different bodies then you should be able to access that what you're calling memory information because there's no such thing as to your living that's why I'm doing my best to explain to your traps here because your your your delineating the fact that your existing
and you know your existing
I think he isn't it is very tricky because you can because you can be a another person instantly yet you're calling it in the past remember it that's not a sound out Works in not going to do list it doesn't that's not how the Domaine works that's not how the universe works it is now
and you can go eat that now we should find them whenever you want now it's been it's been delineating because the type of human you're it we could argue
you can't jump as fast as you used to maybe we could argue because you're unaware of what you're calling a memory but I guarantee you you're creating all of these realities and all these other bodies that you're calling the past and the future
it's quite a story isn't it
yes it is can you see it all at once cuz I remember seeing myself as Denison and then when I looked I was dancing but it was a different times a different one just like it so everybody says will kill you can see everything no no I don't have any delineation of my memory doesn't exist for me I can go to that point in space and time that what you're calling space that insta for the event so what will be like in Egyptian time I'm there right now and it's that simple that's what you're calling Mary I'm saying we're going to that space
and you are too and you are too you're just not as you call it remembering you're doing it at your knowledge than the fact that you can do it tells me that you are way down there it's just going to grow now now when you do get those memories go go look it up go really study it so so there's one poq person other a different person who actually we have them on us on assignment for getting real estate for all the collaboration of the Ballard girls etcetera and and he'll go I've definitely been here before and I'll go where is it and then
cuz you we already created it or you already had had been there because of their we were inspired in this case to help the Ballard girls so we already know where we've created is now we're going to go participate with the creativity that's what I'm doing my best to coach everybody if I can see it that's your horsepower then we're going to make it happen we don't have any doubt if I can see it I know we're going to get it so that makes sense
yes that makes perfect sense cuz I can my visualization is very strong I can be myself and in a situation where I want to be and I'm like there and I'm sick of Peyton in whatever it is that I'm doing right there and so yeah I am totally understand. Thank you thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you okay give me from seeing her perfect human okay before I answer DD I got to answer this when I see him George from UK online for I'm not going to I don't want to pick up that line BBS I just want to stay with DD but I want to answer this real quick how do we know we're not living in a video game you don't DD from Co and line 2 is there perfect human
yeah you were just talking about if I was a perfect human you said until that was my question my one question though
will there ever be or are their perfect human and that have a
yes sir will do
yep so I'm going to I'll be running out of time so I'm going to be fairly quick here okay so it's it's not that the spirit doesn't know this topic is the spirit of the light does not it's that how much light can I absorb any human is what I'm doing my best to explain is the definition of a sperm human I should be able to grow this body in any shape form I want right now you could turn yourself into an eagle right now would be a perfect human eye could be seven feet tall I could be 3 ft tall I could I could be a fairy would be a perfect Cube that's what Spirit can do so it's not the the genetic referring to I'm saying you should be so Nimble you could be anything you want any second the day and you would you would actually prefer what you want to be so that's the real trap here is in most cases you throughout the perfect with your coloring perfect mammal in is your spear
can be sober so you can be anything you want and yes it's possible in my goal is to get you to live longer without using machines and stuff outside your yourself and that will be the solution I hope that helps
I do understand that and really quick
we're going to have to get I'm sorry so sorry to cut you off I'm in love with BBs and I got to go my love to you my love to you all right everybody Grace show Grace show her and give her a hug and tell her you all love her thank you thank you for joining me see you soon bye bye