Project Review With Q, August 24, 2024
Project Review With Q
Part 59
Project Review With Q

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hello hello no welcome back to you too might have a guest with me today or do I do my rear guest appearance so glad you're
be careful. Thank you again for joining us so much fun today it is just so rewarding to see if make projects come forward and get some advances and and then we'll do real life SWAT hopefully I make sense and man animation is little flip right now
freeing freeing us from the systems that I just never get tired of helping and I know you do you feel the same way and so to really look at the collusion of banking into our real estate Industries rules and regulations for title the timelines Associated look at all the people that are real estate agents title and Escrow in the whole thing's a big timeline game that the day we can resolve very very very excited by any topics today and just keep the ball rolling here
I'm favoring starting shows from your inputs all those emails all those subscription prescriptions all the correspondence you give me creates more Avenue for these conference room so I appreciate it very much
call we're all observing the planet and any any updates any improvements I don't mind politics online any subject I want to be a sport and health and healing mermaid does to thank you so much for listening to you and we are going to start from Singapore I wonder what time will it be in Singapore mermaids at some place you've been mailed and it from Singapore to Gus's his project please Melvin welcome welcome welcome trq
or or anyone anyone Singapore you there maybe it's Melvin Melvin
you're telepathic called today
alright that's alright
sounds good sounds good we catch you next time if nothing else thank you BBS yes that's really really fun for me to see the PRT team test out things so you don't get in trouble and so we do we do to stretch the limit and we want to be you know your Crash Test Dummies Mmm any response in minion
I'm here
Jimmy K yes thank you for coming into prq today how can I help you today you have the mermaid
thank you for accepting my calls
always please how can I help oh you think that last time you asked me to start all over again so I talked about my 59 project you should do from the heart
instead of releasing so what I do because he cannot be delivered at the same time, I will call and get the top level, then I will give them a visit and tell them
said that we should start weed and then you know who is the best best project to contribute
then we call a patient of this then we discuss how to project with your phone
in the meantime we get a free BB cream and Brady
so you consummate then we have two people talk meeting with all the official
non-disclosure agreement I have attached 72 fictional Campo so I will go to the lease and get the people involved
yes they are present when we look at leaders of our planet our country what are we sure that we want to keep adopting hierarchical leadership and I were just chatting before the show here and we will get a lot of our propaganda teaches us that don't vote does your vote doesn't count at cetera at the same time the hierarchical system are counting on us not turning out and they can obviously rigged elections things of that nature in and propaganda size that things are actually happening when they're not
that would be a summary that I see Consulate in Australia when I was there there is tremendous amount of propaganda saying we're going to go do something and nobody's doing anything and so you can actually trust the leadership is doing anything because propaganda is telling you one thing or another do you have a solution for us getting an organization alignment that allows us to do what would it be what would it look like for us all get organized in a line I chose prq what what is what's a way where we could all agree that we need to change the system or process and Dory as you say use your heart what what do you think that we should look like
because the company's AOG when does when does stop is why they will have to contribute to the society in The Art of Living if you don't absolutely how do we implement this in your region what would be the change that needs to happen what is the implementation process
is my grandma Nation it because I know all these 17 professional I actually talk to them then just say so, I want to call biometric be mr. Bean really have the people of what is the necessary implementation that what what's change do we need with the how are we going to make it
that's my question. What it what needs to happen remove resources what is the action items we have to do to make it happen let's not talk about money or resources are this guy or that guy what is the activity that we have to execute now and Implement scuse me
you have to first of all I have talked to them for quite some time just putting on hold so when I finish I will call those important professional that I know to come to a boat to them and asking them several a simple question I'd like to do you have time you have to do these are you able to talk now if you can come through then we will see what you guys up here today but what I heard from you today is we need to get organized and regardless of the internet so ugly
nail salon show based on what I'm hearing from Eldon and everybody the slowest thing here is so too but it's when you get a big volume of people that are aligned thank you so much for your call and not all of them are Heart Center in Singapore at the risk of standardizing and judging and
putting out the lack of organization alignment in that area they to survive they have to stay in the system and so as you can see the only real way you saw the lot of these problems is getting organized in your community and the end you're starting your you're starting to see it with her now more and more you're giving up some of the system didn't say they're all bad picture allow you to have individuality and collaboration and a lot of these systems you don't you're going to find you're not going to need your future as we get get through the next 10 years there. I can serve you as I point out with County taxes and state state laws in Greene County rules and Regulation and not really serving you if they're not getting back to you so that's that's my observation and the world so far is our local governments have been served us very well but so we can make our local governments far more robust
represent our needs is my assessment many many people I get to talk to you thank you so much beautiful beautiful lady you
hello thank you for taking my call so I do I do have 5 325 land patents for the area that I live in one is like 30 Acres 50 acres 60 Acres I got several of them because I was hoping to be able to be like a protector or guardian of a lot of state land that surrounds me because the state seems to be selling off Parcels when they like to and it's the real nice nature area so I was hoping I would be able to protect that for nature
so when I do the the homestead land patent and I might actually just happening a 1-acre I'm on or will I kind of be there Stewart for the full number of acres in the land patent
great question okay so when you record you're going to record what you desire to take possession of but it doesn't need the reason you do it that way is to protect yourself from being embarrassed
yep when you land patents the original Homestead
you are going to have a lot of title for the entire area of the only reason you have a parcel at the county is because somebody sold it as a subset of that a lot of title and then as you mention all the other property potentially were given away not having succession or sold so it's it's it's somewhat Samantha called that you wouldn't actually be the patent holder for the hundred and sixty Acres how you recorded in the county is up to you but I'm trying to make here is Parcels are County terms they're not they're not allowed title terms so we don't use those terms the county has made it that way so that they can text you so that they can get Revenue off you that's why the people the government the government ship of states and counties you'll notice that's why you have
you have all these fancy names in your county and State offices and and they're the ones who are taking revenue from us and making registry and that's why you you have state capitals and rules and regulations around perceived laws that have gone around federal laws so my suggestion is you record the possession of land 15 you want but you can't use you hold section on the entire acreage correct and so now what that allows you to do is we'll say there's a hundred sixty Acres of people on it you can now free them to and teach them how to do it and all it is now is they just record County and they will not feeling text anymore defending it is what I want to move on to now and teach everybody how to defend it cuz it's really easy to do the concession
Hornet but when the taxman come you need to really be able to walk to talk to those that make sense
all right all right I want to make sure everybody's doing okay and you're the whole package will be public information and if you do go to Nar Lowe's webpage it's pretty much all of the model were following I'm just showing Lessons Learned and make sure I can get you out of trouble if you do get a couple thank you and how long do you think would take for us to see that package arrived so I just sent the first head out and so I'm going to get their responses so let's get it let's get about three more weeks
and see how everybody does and then I'll just do a mask Blitz just mail everybody the package is probably what we're going to do and then I might as well make sure you guys have resources you don't have to rely on me but I definitely could use a few more paralegals cuz it's a granular work make sure everything's process work but I probably need I'd say probably two or three pair of the first date I'm not there yet so that's what I'm working on right now getting new resources so you can hang out with someone more organized than me thank you so much thank you for the recommendation with Luchia spend a week with her in the ladies in Costa Rica
wow that's so cool yeah she is she's the winner everyone thank you so much you're so we'll move on to Jonah the next with specialty is just unlimited so she has the way I owe her phone call but she has a way of allowing you to be safe in her presence while coaching you if the relationships with yourself and chips with your partners your friends your family she's truly engineering designed to be a heart centered individual that shows you how to get as powerful as us Pandora like being if there is such a definition exact layout
get you right at neutrality peace and move forward through anything working on the most cases and some but I'm telling you Justin just a consultation with her will you at least find someone who could benefit from her if nothing else
come on down and I believe she has a new web page she's she's working all right thank you for your patience Jonah so glad to hear from you again and I want to hear this one questions Atlas Shrugged what's going on Jonah
what time are you done with your question but thank you for getting taking my call and thank you for a mermaid for being there
I know that what that one is the present a real quick if somebody like yourself who has advanced knowledge of something is slowly taking all of the the people that are tired of the system but all the smart people and then talk to people and recreating a whole new world tomorrow while the rest of the world crumbles and now we're sort of with because to be honest the really do our collaboration centers in all of our humanitarian projects we need to be Sovereign and being on our on our own land is the first step in what we're doing
so I just as soon as I just wanted a
show dimensional realities that there are interdimensional reality is quite a long time because you can imagine but when when your intentions have no limitations is where I would suggest we work on sorry out so we're so strong now are our dimensional reality if it if it is through our true heart and intention is to be free then the the planet will change with you because of where you're at in such a title so I do see the information you're working with their
and bracket the right people to your location and you all have vibrators a certain intention you and Essence are creating a different dimension is there would you not absolutely done deal every and it works really fast now and that's why when I am working with people that have doubt and fear they get a lot of that they're really good at and that's why they do you think the censored stains sickness now my question to you if you don't mind how do we explain it to you know Grandma Grandpa at neighbors so that they can actually touch it and say you know if you would if you would look and how do you know the scale of anything is where I loved it to chat with people we're playing I love educating I'm pretty sure we can explain sell that the moons of machine I'm pretty sure people
you're comfortable with that eventually the Normie ignore me feel pretty sure that we could explain that because it doesn't Spin and it's scale is changing all the time it's coming in and out quite a bit you said some nights is bigger than others in and obviously the light Define the ways the light is projected from it is pretty easy to sell well what I really want us to go is or suggesting we go is how can you prove measurement that all
in in a dimension reality but your heart in your intentions when you blink
you can see the frames stopping and starting now blink and exaggerated time so what you should be able to see the Delta between the vision the frame of information you're seeing when you open your eyes and that little Gap where the dimensional reality belief
comes in you ever tried it I know you just said how do we how do we how do we teach his way to the first thing I would do is just basically say even if you don't like country music and you walk in the room is country music playing you're not going to want to feel comfortable in that space so that the dimensional reality
So eventually people aren't going to go to that Valley because they don't like what's in there so they don't really real they don't really matter faster than their reality their world so that's an easy way to sort of step into that idea where that realization
proof that that thing is we're out is my real question to how do how do we explain that they actually did it
well because the things that they reflect back on it
that is so great you got to know that you experienced it for sure
yeah so that's so that's how you usually that's whenever I talk to people about these different types of things and I try to introduce ideas that are out there I always just try to find something in their in their reality at that moment that they can relay it to that's what I do
right on right on I like that you know how many people you just helped
okay all right I like that I like that
thank you I love you
all right good call we're getting smarter all the time all right Joanna thank you very much to be see you guys are coming through.
Are a bunch a and I think Kevin from Florida question about the upper atmosphere Kevin just was going to be heavy. You got a copy thank you how you doing I love you man awesome
you bet I burned my love to you you too you betcha so I've got a question you shared the information with us about Al in that is in our upper atmosphere that can magnify the Sun's rays and can cause sunburn remember that will my question is will that Lynn's ever be removed or dissolved and and if so how will it help with the removal affect our Cenote and our bodies
okay so I just did a seminar was coming to your keychain let's go from source to hear if you look at the city of Joy on Eve's featherstone's Eva's one block I think that's pretty close to what Ascension looks like on the planet the transition between your choices from you if you look out the whole her paintings from the past
call Sam joy in the 1990s a great beautiful I'm painting of the Ascension I'd really hoped that one of the few times I probably will give the Galactic Federation council's some credit too disturbing another reality that's that's why I'm if we can't we shouldn't we shouldn't be wishing it propaganda a planet that's why Star Trek was so why are yellow with the other groups outside of our universe coming in and trying to help and support
it's the same time it looks like we probably need it so it's a tough one but anyway when you look at that little layer the layer of time really looks like a Groundswell so time is really just the actions we take on about the delay I spoke of an hour at work from your question if I made a piece of paper let's just say I made a piece of paper and I put it into a waveform so it have several several undulation like a ground swell and then put another one another one with space in between it and the other one another that might be a good way to model dimensional reality and so so when you look at the sun is example light coming from Source it's going to go through each and every one of those players so let's just make it you know a chess board that has 10 layers
is eggs a chess board on top of each other is in waveform and each and then the whole through that that wave sign so to speak is a sun the sun gets out there all the way down to the lower Dimensions like this one on on the planet not necessarily lower than not healthy to look at it as layers just different location here at one point there was a very very dramatic War here and one of those tools to have War and the war still going on was to attack what you are perceiving is the ozone layer and it is not it is a way to
the frequency band and because those Wars are are still we're still hungover from them the attacks here's what the effects of a war lately and I laid all the trees in Australia just whack wall out and when you attack a weapon that's coming into your dimension it made that lives almost on purpose so imagine if I shot something I'll give a technology that you're familiar with that would be a nuclear bomb that's enough technology to you but if I can send a hyperbolic and or radio wave weapon right into your atmosphere and then you attack it and it explode that's basically what that land is there for that's without that's the results of that attacked so it's not that someone put the lens there it's the result of all those ancient words there so I would say the mermaid I'll speak to her for a second the worst sunburns he's ever gotten from Tasmania Australia
Ford Explorer the fastest people say that seems to New Zealand climate in places like that in the middle school called Becky just tried again but I'm telling you is because the melatonin in your skin will not will not register that area
ocean to get something on your sorry this solution is is understanding of these these definitions little better and rebuilding I'd say the harmonics of the Regent so the reason there's not very many people in Australia is because it's a controlled population area so you only have 25 million people in Orange County so if you could get a bigger population of heart centered people and or creating an outcome that would seal it it would it would heal if that's okay so it would or would not be beneficial to remove the lens
it's not going to work without you got you have to shrink it that's what I'm doing I bet it has to get rid of virus needs to get smaller and smaller House of shrimp that's alright I ask you one final question please okay that's why we're doing all these shows cuz I can't get all of your so this a good way to do it please
okay once we obtain 160 acres for our personal use will we still have to work with the current laws about getting water rights mineral rights easement rights the zoning laws Federer I mean especially through this transitional period will still have to go through those laws right
keku is the authority is my question so if it comes in the county zilcho
no way that's the whole point we're not we don't listen to them they don't have authority over Fayetteville and you don't even know nobody
you all right you don't stand up and start yelling at me now that you do not use their court system you don't please tell me why you're never going to be embarrassed on your land again is what I'm doing my best to address and teach
utility bills and stuff sometime my understanding that when you purchase land you also seem to have to get permission to sink a well to get water do to have the right to any minerals that are under that ground under the surface you have to have permission to build a driveway into the into the property and their zoning laws so if it don't industrial I can't actually make make it active cultural and or made a driveway or behind your land and someone from the federal government said you can't do it
no one from the federal government is going to stop you on your own self because they that's why it's there it'll only be state or County and they are not allowed on Federal Land and they're not allowed to tell you what you can and cannot do on your way
perfect alright awesome awesome office
thank you love you too both of you so much have a great day thank you
spiritual you still using rules and regs of your Constitution and if you're in the system anyway you might as well will reduce the volume of the system and by the way maybe you can sleep in and not get trashed in my mailbox key so your mail so good luck, Florida thanks for calling in it's always a privilege to get to talk to you timelines and about her project please Annette and Tom
Florida Florida Florida
okay perfect thank you couple things so we have a big Community project we talk to you about and it's going to take a lot of people but we're concerned of the ethics of some people and we don't want them to have breeds put into it but rlws says we're going to go through some light wave and that's going to transform our bodies into crystalline and that you won't have those unethical people around anymore
so what's your take on that one
I love it I love it we can go all day on this one right so there is there said there's a bit of Truth there but in in in what you basically said as you go to this sentence I told you lose greed Gill you lose a lot of becoming more of spirit and what you're calling Crystal I'm so if will there be a day where these individuals do not exist with you 100% correct will will it but it's going to be dictated by you
wow it's not waiting I mean it's not waiting for an event of this way it fits you guys and your choices but I'm pulling out of your reality I think if you guys just keep on keeping your right direction and your of us a really hot send it to me plenty neither Direction you're going and you put a lot of good people I think they not showing 30 drop the way as long as you guys stay like in complete Integrity in your mission like I would I know it's a tough play intentions clear when y'all are y'all going to be raised to high frequencies in those decisions in the decision
obviously I participate in a lot of groups on the world and observe a lot of judgment and a lot of the so-called individuals who talk about it now we're starting to judge them that's their goal so that will not advance in this case of project and sober so my suggestion for everybody as we move forward into this more advanced smile of mammal that is engineered from source and manufactured unfortunately to have a lot of emotions is a very emotional if you can turn all your statements when you're in these groups and collaboration if you can turn all your statements into questions
things get cleaned up real quick so when I say you're a jerk
you say why do you feel that way
and every time every time you see the statements and that's typically wear these groups are getting out of alignment I know there's a new we have to do it this way okay why do we have to do it that way it doesn't really feel. How does it feel good to you so if we could start start using our deliverables as learning and love it and let you know about standing on why do you feel that way what do you mean by that all of our statements now is our new language will be coming understand each other more loving base so that's where you're going if we would start paying attention don't you think so if we could only do like you and the Queen of Hearts will be all set that was such a beautiful and sunny thank you so much we would you have one more question so I was listening to some old videos and it talks about extraterrestrial biological and it was first three
and are we all going to go into that plasma fourth state of matter matter story The Magic telepathy human when we're done all of this like you or you just a half a billion years in advance of Austin's we're never going to catch up
tell your all you all be it'll be again it's up to you
it's unlimited options but for the most part that's where you would prefer to be if you wanted as much association with higher round so to speak I don't like of levels but for the most part mermaid you would say something summer so when we come here we learn what it's like here so this is so that's more of what you're probably get a favor on your home planet or home region at home Universe remember this is there's many many universe so fit jump don't look at it too literally just what you're going to prefer and it's going to be real easy to know what you prefer when you're not in these bodies and that helped a little bit about there but we're going to work on that thank you
Usher I just felt so funny she came in so I clearly she's walking a beautiful beautiful we love you so much and thank you for all your guidance
my love to you have a beautiful day
alright let's see if we can get one more in your wake them up to need to be there except the answer 6000 emails from you guys thank you so much for all of your communication to me it means the world to us we we learned so much and I will do our best to provide resources and services to you but it just helps us once you stimulate everybody in the world needs to happen here and there and we can prove a lot of information to when we get your input so thank you very much questions about her project again TBS radio has is expanding all the time so watch watch watch Tony from New Zealand
is there a New Zealand accent I want to see the difference what's what is it what is it
hello boo little bit louder little bit louder
near me
yeah very nice very nice but I had how can I help you
Jaime May I expect you to the last year about my card I just downed just reminding you about it and something thinking of setting up a business and the project is surrounded by business as cuz I helped plan around it was tracheitis Bridge katian system full of people in them and I thinking of going to sit in the areas during high school and finding a location for them than sitting out the business I'm telling you that but I just wanted to say I drink my question is will I see on the trick they coming to me because I really would love to.
tell tell her the truth about our
all right I'm going to I'm going to be okay so when your queue and you're in the greater lie down on De sauce cocktail. It was very difficult to make friends in political positions so
having people trying to kill you is not very fun and I just have to say it out loud and if I had my way I would have done all the distribution right out of right out of Australia for you and so I've just been a little more patient to round up these bad guys a little bit more so part of my talents my arse my job is to find bad guys and because of the global issue these bad guys is very valuable that Mike my compartment so to speak and now educate the other departments around the world with these bad guys so it pains me to say this out loud because it gives them fuel to cuz they know that but that's their big mistake cuz now they're exposed do need a little more time to clean her my goal was to going right out of
photos of East Coast of Australia all of you and you know I just have to lick my wounds to you know to get to work another day is the way we perceive it so I'm sorry for me that's but it's extremely important part of the world because there's a lot of bad guys hiding there and I guarantee you is getting cleaned up really quick so please stay tuned you have any comments can I ask you another question can I ask question.
Yes I'm just I'm just curious behind the Orange Bowl I'll be pretty start memo
are there mammals with aging and dating things because of where you're at the Ascension cycle do you
feel there's nice wall in South in the south
okay now are we is are we creating it that dimensional reality or because we know it's there or if we believe it's there does it exist
tricky huh so okay so because you're so evolve now and you're past the delineation will say the delineation of where Spirit comes into body affected more and more all the time now you can actually when you when you dream now you could actually make that reality come true if it was from Spirits or your light so that's why all of this propaganda is a gas because
if I can sell you a story that's why I made that timer I can sell you that story
the bad guys and good guys know it's going to exist that's why televisions
in reality that's why iPhones really I can sell you that this dimensional reality is out there then it will be so my great goal here is to tell you that there are no limitations here now and someone's trying to create limitations with these machines so I think that was someone else we're all she has she's in her own Dimension now she's in her own universe that's what we're going to have to start getting expect so what's on the other side of Planet anything and everything
that's why you're not with it that's why you're not with them because you believe you can't be with them or whatever the story is you're not sure it's down there it exist or does so if it's tricky to to get used to but it will be more and more common now as everyone is explaining that that crystalline definition to you're explaining to yourself as if I can dream that means I can actually go there but I'm not in my body really take care
thank you thank you thank you so much and keep Jerry I love you
thank you I love you all right well thanks for the call everyone this is a marathon Race I'll stay with it so it is just
one hour feels like 5 minutes to get get get get used to watching time now is my suggestion to win the saying goes time flies when having fun well now quit looking at clocks because of the digital clock was designed to trick you look at mechanical clocks and you'll see that you a lot more activity out of your day now and I hope that helps thank you BBS radio thank you for the people. Space thank you for the spirit that space team
you next week everyone