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Planetary MakeOver Show, April 22, 2024

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Planetary MakeOver Show
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Sharing the Most Enlightening Energy from Mount Kailash ~ Join Buddha and Christ in a Full Moon Meditation

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

Title: Sharing the Most Enlightening Energy from Mount Kailash ~ Join Buddha and Christ in a Full Moon Meditation

Description: The full moon in Taurus (on April 23 in 2024) celebrates the birth and death of the Buddha. Since ancient times, a festival has taken place yearly at this time in the Wesak valley at the foot of Mount Kailash in Tibet. Legend has it that the Christ and the Buddha meet with a group of highly evolved Masters of Wisdom, and through meditation and ritual, transmit higher energies into the world that can transform the current crisis. We can be part of this celebration through Transmission Meditation. Diana Gold Holland interviews Josephine Harrison in this audio podcast with added graphics.

Planetary MakeOver Show

Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II
David Mynott II

Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II

In the midst of this global crisis, the voices for justice are revealing what really matters. It is time for Planetary MakeOver. Here we feature solutions and modern miracles in documentary videos that offer hope for our future and remind us all of our spiritual source. Long ago it was forecast that at this time in history, extraordinary teachers including the World Teacher, would emerge to help us as we build a world that works for everyone.

Tune in for the next Planetary MakeOver show, as we watch and discuss another video by Frances Oman in light of the timely and non-denominational Ageless Wisdom teachings that will fill your spirit and inspire you with hope for our future … a world that works for everyone. So be prepared to call in and share your views and questions, in another uplifting episode of Planetary MakeOver!

BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -o-
7:00 pm CT
7:55 pm CT
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