The Beauty Files, April 25, 2014
The Beauty Files with Juanita talks to Mike Starks CEO of Personal Trainer Food and Kelly Sullivan from Nivika Medical Spa
Guest, Aaron Baum
Dr. Aaron Wolf Baum graduated summa cum laude in Physics from Harvard and received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University. He worked in Silicon Valley as a scientist for several years, while also creating interactive electronic art installations, before switching to algae research in 2006. While working on the NASA OMEGA algae biofuel-bioremediation project, he founded the Shipyard algae teaching lab in Berkeley, CA, and developed mobile, educational algae installations with the Chlorophyll Collective. He is the founder of AlgaeLab LLC, providing kits, culture, and workshops to the public since 2008, and has co-founded two new algae companies -- GreenSpring, an innovative algae farm in the San Francisco Bay Area, and SpiraLife, a developer of consumer-oriented, turnkey algae superfood photobioreactors. Aaron is author of the recently-published book, "Grow Your Own Spirulina Superfood: A Simple How-To Guide."
The Beauty Files
THE BEAUTY FILES WITH JUANITA DILLARD HAS GAINED A TREMENDOUS FOLLOWING DELIVERING GREAT INFORMATION ON BEAUTY, FASHION, HEALTH, FITNESS AND CELEB CHAT. Want the juice on the latest diet trends in Hollywood? What do the top magazines say about new trends on the horizon? Need information on what restaurants you should be eating at? What about the latest in fashion for men and women? The Beauty Files covers all that and much more!