Shamans Keep, November 16, 2012
This week, Caroline shares a special message from Mother Earth. It is told like a campfire storyteller would tell it, and has a beautiful message. She also shares some amazing facts about ancient trees that have been alive on earth for thousands of years, since before the Pharoahs ruled Egypt, and Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, and Genghis Kahn built the huge Mongolian Empire,(the largest the world has ever known); before the Romans conquered most of Europe and the Mediterranean, before Jesus was born, lived, and was crucified. Yes, these trees are still living.. You'll also learn more about the World Tree of Nordic beliefs, and the Tree of Life, including a tree species, the Gingko Biloba, which has been in existence on the planet for 160 Million years. For thousands of years, our ancestors believed the Great Mother Goddess lived in the trees and gave us the breath of Life. In Shamanic cultures, trees are still venerated and held in high esteem as sacred wisdom teachers.
Shamans Keep

Shaman's Keep offers a glimpse into the mysterious world of the Shaman. What do they really do and how do they do it? What are Power Animals? Why do people need Soul Retrievals? And what in the world is a Psychopomp? Each week Caroline will discuss some of these topics and interview famous people in the world of Shamanism. You'll hear exciting stories about journeys out of body and into the Spirit Worlds, and amazing healings of body, mind, and spirit.
Shamanism is the oldest belief system in the world dating back more than 40,000 years, and it is just as viable today as it was in ancient times.
Tune in to learn about the compassionate Spirit Beings who want to help us, and who can bring about positive changes in our lives by removing obstacles, and healing karmic patterns and trauma.