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Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Corin Grillo, Angel Wealth Magic, A mind-blowing miracle from the angels

Our Ancestors and Angels Helping to Heal
On the award-winning Dare To Dream podcast!

This week, Caroline shares a special message from Mother Earth. It is told like a campfire storyteller would tell it, and has a beautiful message. She also shares some amazing facts about ancient trees that have been alive on earth for thousands of years, since before the Pharoahs ruled Egypt, and Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, and Genghis Kahn built the huge Mongolian Empire,(the largest the world has ever known); before the Romans conquered most of Europe and the Mediterranean, before Jesus was born, lived, and was crucified. Yes, these trees are still living..

My guest this week is MALIDOMA SOME, a West African Elder, author, teacher, diviner, and healer. His life path has been difficult to say the least; from being born in an obscure village in West Africa; kidnapped at age 4 by a Jesuit Priest and sent away to be schooled in Christianity; escaping at age 20 to return to his homeland; having to learn his native language again; being trained to be a shaman; then on to higher education to earn three Masters Degrees and two doctorates at the Sorbonne and Brandeis University; and finally to teach at the University of Michigan.